How hard will the shock of becoming a minority hit White America?

I think that a lot of White people, even Gen Z youngings are still used to seeing America as a White nation. So what happens when it dawns on us that that has now changed? What happens when politics, media and culture is overwhelmingly shitskin? I feel like racial polarization will kick off and Whites will grow more racist, which is NOT a good thing.

Right now we are in danger of White people shifting hard into racism, which is the fault of the regressive left.

So I ask you Sup Forums, how can we keep Whites from sliding back into 1950s style racism?

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Go away evil dogger

White's will always be the racial and cultural majority. Even if you bundle up all the shit skins and count them together. niggers, spics and chinks will never see themselves as one "minority" group like white libs like to paint them, so even if all together they become the majority, it won't mean shit.

You get South Africa, where whites are genocided

>White's will always be the racial and cultural majority
wrong, plurality for a while, then even less than that.

stop posting this shitty pasta. sage and hide.


white organized crime and white ethno terrorists will return

the streets will run brown with shitskin blood.

There won't be an America. Successful countries do not exist without white men. Japan was the only exception, and that was kickstarted by their special relationship with the Dutch in the 1400s.

that's what im hoping, except not for terrorists, freedom fighters, never killing innocent targets.


>it's too late....that's why Trump won...shitskins have to watch their backs now.

No one is innocent.

did OP say that the 1950s were a problem

this is such amazing faggotry that it's definitely a shill

I miss when a few OPs weren't made by obvious liars

the 1950s were actually kind of hateful imo

OP is a faggot and isn't even a leaf. What are you, from Massachusetts?

OP is a faggot and isn't even a leaf

southern california, I'm a white nationalist but I'm 1/16 Jewish. I deserve respect, I'm just a polack asshole.

It's called war.

When whites are finally outnumbered, they'll FINALLY realize they need to band to together and kick out or kill the non-white pieces of shit that have been leeching off of them for the past 3 centuries.
