This man was one of the best U.S presidents in history and certainly better than Trump or Bush...

This man was one of the best U.S presidents in history and certainly better than Trump or Bush. Why do you people hate him?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not him.

Not my president, but still a nigger

>sage goes in the options field

not an argument

If you like your plan you can keep your plan

Literal Bush clan house nigger

how can you say that when ronald reagan exists

Remind me of what he accomplished?
I remember him winning a prize for not closing Guantanamo, something about a debt ceiling, bombing a load of countries and an excessively socialist health tax.
Maybe he did some good things too but aside from being a damn fine statesman (except for when he says "if") I wasn't aware of what they were.
Ready to be enlightened.

HE A BLACK MAN(from a rich jew family) OVERCOMIN THE ODDS(through deep government familial connections) OF WHITE RACISM(from his white family) IN AMERICA

well he did let us move from no 8 in economic freedom to no 1.

Wtf I love Obama now

>pulled out of the middle east too early sending everything into a fucking shitstorm
no thanks

Liberal here. Obama sucked overall. I mean he did SOME things that were good, but he still a massive disappointment.
>escalated middle eastern wars
>passed shitty health care insurance bill instead of single payer
>did nothing about the war on drugs
>did nothing about nsa spying
>cracked down on whistle blowers
>did not even attempt to fight back against the rabid republicans in congress
>did nothing about climate change other than admit it was real
>never went after wall street greed
Most of my complaints are that he was a pushover.

He was more focused on his public image than actually leading the country.

His foreign policy was fucking HILARIOUS.

> muh "red line" policy

Even democrats are clamoring for intervention in Syria and he fucking said "Don't cross this line or else!" Like a fucking child.

Then he circumvented Congress to drone countries in to the ground to prevent African nations aiding themselves and stopping their dependence on Western aid and intervention.

He tried to tax make young, healthy individuals pay for out-of-shape, old people. If you didn't want to pay, you were going to pay a fee anyways, something most young folks can't manage with their paltry amount of savings they can maintain after each month.

He was awarded a fucking NOBEL PIECE PRIZE by parroting "Hope and Change" for an entire year. And then he fucking bombed countries. What a useless fucking award.

For the first black president you'd think race relations would improve wouldn't you....instead they became worse if not even more than the 50s

- National debt skyrocketed
- Supported TPP
- Supported NAFTA
- Supported amnesty for illegals
- Supported BLM
- Supported common core
- encouraged riots and violence against police officers
- wanted to import "refugees" from countries we've been shelling for the past 15 years
- Supported the traitorous Hillary Clinton
- used tax payer funding to campaig for Hillary
- opposed Brexit and actually campaigned against it within the U.K.
- etc etc etc

> Best president in history

It's more like he's the first black president in history, and that's all he'll ever be known for despite doing such a shitty job and almost single handily destroying our country. Just lol @ you

>This man was one of the best U.S presidents in history

No he wasn't.

as a Punk rocker, Regan was a fuckhead.

under this token nigger americans went from crazy to completely insane

He only let certain people get "close" to him, if you know what I mean

>better than Trump or Bush
Better for whom? Certainly not Americans.

>as a punk rocker
You can just come out and say "as a cum-slurping pozzed-up faggot". We all know what you mean.

Because his mother was a whore. Sad!

Obama was the first black president.

Trump is the first nigger president.

The Trump catastrophe will make Bush's wars and near total economic collapse look like a walk in the park. And still the rubes will vote Republican next time around, after the dems pull their asses out of the fire yet again.

You seem upset.

he was a nerd

Well at least he was sane and diplomatically correct. Professional.

Banned guns I like, Banned ammo I used, tried to enact an assault weapons ban, imported violent niggers from Africa, his wife is a major bitch and yelled at military and USSS guards. Fuck him.

He is the best president in U.S. history. Trump is the worst.

He pretty much encouraged a generation to live on entitlements all their life, not to mention the whole identity politics shit put your country's culture in a warped timeline
Aside from muh social issues there wasn't much he really did

Ended his presidency with a lower approval rating than Bush and Nixon

They hate him because he isn't the same skin color as them

for me I think it was Bush and Trump, but Trump is about to fall into the bad presidents side if he doesnt act like he promised and literally drain the swamp

Are you retarded? His approval rating fucking skyrocketed in the end.

>Ended his presidency with a lower approval rating than Bush and Nixon

he definitely didn't


>Moose fucker's stance on politics

Keep it real Raheem. At least you can still put maple syrup on your falafel.

>Average approval rating

Classic, OP. I have to hand it to you leaves. You know how to waste everyone's time with the absolute least amount of brain activity observed in the animal kingdom.

Extraordinarily impressive.


Obama is just a dumb nigger

pic related

Worst ever. Even worse than Jimmy carter. So glad he's gone.

>60% approval rating
>lower than Nixon and Bush


Thin amy schumer

literally nigger

how was he different than bush exactly?

Did you get that number from Huffintonpost or Mother Jones?
His average approval rating was 47%


Here's a chart tracking his approval rating. It didn't go over 50% until his last few months in office

If Obama was so great why is he currently in hiding in Tahiti after saying he was ready to get back into Politics?

No, he wasn't.

It was disheartening. I was one of the most talented politicians in Chicago

nobody considered me for president until I darkened my skin.

I had to run upon a corrupt and grimy DNC platform. Though I love this nation i am kept up at night thinking of how they forced me- like they force all Americans, to play their evil games.

Once in office I knew there was little I could do to save this broken and divided nation. I worked my hardest soften our inevitable demise.

I will take these truths to my grave. Nobody will ever know my true story


No educated man hates him, inly rural savages with no days in the classrome.

>lowered the deficit
>created milions of work positions
>made the first step towards universal healthcare.

And what Bush did for 8 years?

gonna shove this flag so far up my butt crack.

I dont understand why americans get mad when people burn their flag and then shove it up their butt crack the next minute.

>Ronald Reagan

>Shitty trickle down economics concept.
>Supported people who later became Al-Qaeda because "muh commies"
>Supported Saddam Hussein

Reagan should've been hanged for treason along with Bush senior the moment second Twin Tower collapsed, desu.

Teddy Roosevelt was the best of them all.

He was an un-American socialist. That's why.

Until Palfrey's list is released, it's quite not smart in hindsight to go full moralfag on nudity.

>Saddam Hussein
not as bad as you think he was.

he was just supporting the empire as intended.
maybe you should do some digging into the early history of iraq.


this is you op

Everyone knows pic related was the best president ever anyways


For the same reason people hated Bush and some has started to hate Trump. He just had to get involved in the ME conflicts. Or actually he actively created them.

Yeah, that's why US hanged him afterwards, kek.

Fact remains a fact though, since Reagan (or, maybe, since Nixon even) the presidents were... well, less about America and more about money of the elites of America.

The last fucker that could be more or less redeemable was FDR, and even then it's barely only because American participance in WW2 boosted it's economy and global status.

name one thing wrong that he did that a president before him did not already do

(you can't)

not unlike gaddafi he chose not to participate anymore and was neutralized.


So is Iran next?

>replaced the bowling alley with a niggerball court

>2 posts by this ID
Fuck off pretender
I want the real Obamaleaf

>name one thing wrong that he did that a president before him did not already do

He let the (((banks))) continue to operate.


stop recording all your cuck films vertically


I'd also point out that trickle down does have its merits. Americans generally have a high standard of living, everything is dirt cheap and disposable because of the empire.

I'm not saying its good or right, but it is factual.

A fucking leaf. His second term was an unmitigated disaster.

If the mods weren't cucked OP would be banned for this post.

Obama smoked crack and got sucked off by a faggot while in a limo with Sinclair

Fuck you retard


Iran is a russian proxy, as saudi arabia is a US proxy. They are mostly out of play, and beat down our attempt at revolution during the arab spring because it had the buffer state of syria (also a russian proxy) between them and the sunni majority states.

not for the first time (iran-contra) since the overthrow of the shaw (the empire's guy), and if trump fails to withstand the neocon pull, not for the last time.

Well Obama was absolute garbage but I am really starting to wonder. How long was it before it became apparent that Obama was not going to keep any of his promises?

What is happening to Trump. Is there really a deep state shadow government that has more power than the president of the USA or is it just lizard people that get their clutches into presidents a few months in?

damn I wish that were true, it make him more american than you're sheltered soon to feel disenfranchised and always striving just to reach a middle cl(((ass)))



He didn't build a beaner wall

Nigger tier president.

Somewhere between Carter (disastrous foreign policy) and Nixon (spy scandal)

>referencing one of the most infamously racist american presidents to justify yourself

>actually thinking it would make him look like a racist

>ironically believing you are are the victim of something you have no control over

kill yourself

>bulgarian intellectuals


God damn it people quit replying to leaf bait threads

>referencing one of the most infamously racist american presidents to justify yourself

Killed the (((first national bank)))


Sure, guy.

>Oy Vey, he won't let us kill all of the goyim, what a racist!

nazis and racist hate him just because he is black and well wall street hates him for limiting there power, the juden hate him for showing them there limits.


Obama is literally a dumb nigger who illegally became president and attempted to destroy the country.