What's the Red Pill on SSRIs?

What's the Red Pill on SSRIs?

Had a manic episode and been really depressed and anxious for years, Doctor diagnosed me with moderate to severe depression and anxiety and put me on Zoloft, feeling pretty great on it, clarity etc. but am I just getting Jewed MKULTRA style?

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It literally recodes your brain, i'd never resort to using them myself but if you need em and feel better using them then just deal with it.

>It literally recodes your brain,
dude what

>He doesn't know about the jew pills

>Being one of the fucking way too few lucky people that SSRI's work for

>Questioning the effects because if it works you longer feel like you're special/a victim of a disease

Fucking tell the doctor who perscribed you this shit how you feel

I'd bet you're left kidney you're bipolar like me

Stay away from the anti depressives. They damage your brain permanently.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD dont just stop taking zoloft. I tried to wean myself off it and it still took around 3 months to get back to normal. Couldnt move your head without your eyes twitching, kinda seeing shadows everywhere. Its fucking painful. Be careful user. Its not like its a benzo where there should be withdrawls...But still it was horrible.


Have you considered getting exercise and taking a look at what behaviors you repeat on loop that make you feel horrible?

Just askin

Recodes your brain? What a fucking larper.
They're pretty safe just sort your self out and get off em, cool it with benzos or neuroleptics long term use of sedatives may mess with cognitive functions.


They help a lot of people. Some people wean off them when they feel better, others stay on. It's important to have stimulation in your life or your serotonin levels will dip back to critically low. I think they helped me cope with imperfection, then I discontinued slowly. It was okay.

Not trying to scare you but this recent study is noteworthy:

Antidepressant treatment and risk of dementia

It takes the edge off extreme positive and negative feelings.

Breaks your dick.

use them if you feel they improve your quality of life, whats the problem?

>Stay away from the anti depressives yes
>They damage your brain permanently
Fuck off

Stay away from that shit if you can mate they're fucking hell to come off of.

Make you feel far worse in the long run.

>4-8 weeks of dysthymia "before they kick in hurr"
>frequent diarrhoea
>heart burn
>thought disturbances
>mild hallucinations
>can't remember what you did 2 hours ago
>can't focus
>become extremely passive

It gave me hallucinations that there were twinkling crystals spinning in the atmosphere sucking the colour out of the world.

Don't take them OP.

I was on Fluoxetine and Sertraline for around 5-6 years and they literally are brainwiping pills

You will receive permanent damange on your presynaptic terminal OP

serotonin is real bad, raising estrogen among other things. the serotonin hypothesis has been disproven

if you really need to take something for your shit situation look into tianeptine

I'm trying to sort myself out desperately

I've identified the things I have to change immediately and I lift heavy 3 times a week and run for 2

I've tried everything man but shit just got bad

Only been on these things for 2 days so far, don't want to be for longer but they really do work like magic, fuckin scary

also zoloft can cause manic episodes and bipolar disorder

you're getting majorely kiked

>zoloft can cause manic episodes

I want on hour long rants during these episodes, about anything and everything.

>Only been on these things for 2 days so far, don't want to be for longer but they really do work like magic, fuckin scary

The effects shouldn't have kicked in yet. It takes AT LEAST 2-4 weeks.

Placebo, maybe?

>Citing a geratric study not related to SSRIs

Fuck off

Similar question, redpill me on benzo's.

Been diagnosed with ptsd + general anxiety disorder, got xanax from what I'm sure is a pill mill and that helped for a little. But I haven't been prescribed any benzo's for my issues from my current treatment. All this other random shit like BuSpar and gabapentin that don't do shit.

Currently I get benzo's illegally and just use as needed.

I was prescribed anti depressents and after a few weeks nothing interested me any more. I didn't get enjoyment out of anything, but on the opposite side nothing bothered me much either. Then once the enjoyment of everything I do was sucked out the depression got worse and I stopped taking them .

they do kick in instantly but the bigger effects can come later

Anxiety isn't normal, you have something wrong with your diet or you are sedentary. Excersize, stop eating shit food, stop smoking dope and drinking coffee.

You are just masking your mental illness instead of curing it.

I found that weed was fucking me up bad, don't smoke that shit unless you want to turn retarded and gay.

SSRI's are just a legal pleb way of essentially doing the same thing as microdosing LSD/shrooms

Yep, that's basically me for 6 years.

This is one of the most odious places on the surface web why you ask for advice about medicine

benzos arent as bad as ssris because they dont destroy the brain the same way, they dont ruin the heart and liver as much, dont raise estrogen etc

but its basically like alcohol in pill form except worse

if you only take it occasionally you should be ok, but it can become very addictive and when you go off them the withdrawal symptoms can rival that of a cocaine addiction

SSRIs have 0 actual noticeable effects under 2 weeks, this is 100% placebo effect

you're fucking retarded, SRIS's do the EXACT OPPOSITE

fuck reddit people, you have to go back

they just turn u into a zombie.

weed is a much better antidepressant.

at least take the legal cbd they have on the shelves now instead.

they've released studies that they think serotonin might not even be a factor with depression for a lot of people.

it's just the jews saying don't be sad about life when it's shitty or try to take better care of your health - take this. america hates illegal drugs but hands out similar pharmaceutical drugs like candy. every other commercial on tv for pharma drugs.


SSRI's and anti-psychotics are a life or death thing. If you are feeling a bit sad and gay, you should probably just be more active and try to do stuff that makes you happy. Sup Forums will not help you, reading horrible shit all day is going to make you worse.

you're retarded dunce who knows nothing

Re-read, it absolutely is about SSRIs.

you've had a manic episode and they're prescribing SSRI's wtf?

manic episode followed by a depressive phase is indicative of Bi-polar disorder. You absolutely should not be taking SSRI's, you're increasing your risk of further episodes.

quote "In people with bipolar disorder, SSRIs and other antidepressants carry a risk of inducing mania, making it essential to monitor for signs of excess energy, decreased need for sleep, or abnormal and excessive mood elevation.

if you really feel like you need medication then you should atleast be on a mood stabiliser like Lamotrigine.

Zaaap zapp zap

Stopping suddenly feel like hell

Red Pill:

You take them in order to see a proper therapist. As you are depressed and anxious I would suggest CBT if that is something that sounds interesting to you. Find a decent therapist and don't settle with the first one unless you picked him private.

Normally therapy can help to get you to the point where you might be able to reduce SSRI under supervision of the Doctor.

Therapy alone has higher recovery rates than pills on their own (they have higher success in severe clinical cases). The best success rate is monitored pills + therapy showing that often pills can be reduced after successful therapy or even stopped.

Yea he probably needs anti-psychotics or he needs to lay off the coffee.

People don't take coffee seriously, that shit will turn you into a rabid retard if you are drinking more than a pot a day. Weed will make your anxiety go through the roof.

You know nothing about neuroplasticity if you genuinely believe your brain is irreversibly changed after meds.

Not all SSRIs are Zoloft and age you shared a shit tier paper


CBT? Kinky.

the best succes rate is exercise

what dose of Zoloft are you on?
how long have you been on it?
did it break your dick?


Here's the answer my dude

Trust me read this article it helped me a lot along with a lot of his work

kys moron

Yep, I was so fucked a couple years ago, I had to go on anti-psychotics just because I thought aliens and satan was trying to suck my brains out through the bathtub drain, and some crazy shit like that. I stopped smoking weed and drinking coffee, and I didn't need to crazy pills anymore. Most of those pills turn you into a fat retard anyway.

True for depression and anxiety below the cutoff. This means they basicly recovered before exercising already...so no... BUSTED not true.

But who expected anything decent from a Swede... after all it is in the Swedes interest to keep their population depressed and anxious.

kill yourself retard, taking SSRIs is a national sport here

I became a NEET after a mental breakdown and now I am on 50mg of Zoloft a day. I am at week 4 I think. Felt kind of peppy around week 2-3, had a few days slump, now my sleep schedule is erratic and I can only jack off like 1-2 times a day. ( instead of 6-8 )

Overall I think this is working out fairly well so far. Sure I might get brain damage or something but that's not going to be any worse than where I was at already.

Taking SSRI's is the last thing I would do.

Try regular exercise and eating healthy first.

I took them for years they just made me a zombie and impulsive, not worth the side effects for me. I've had clinical depression episodes on top of dysthymia since childhood.

Learning to let go, accept things and staying healthy has been the best for me.

This just in, people who don't have chronic depression less likely to not have symptoms of chronic depression

"The dementia patients were more likely to have diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and head injury. The adjusted OR for dementia was 0.24 (95% CI, 0.22–0.27) in patients using tricyclics . By contrast, the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (OR = 2.48; 95% CI, 2.27–2.71), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) (OR = 1.86; 95% CI, 1.47–2.36), heterocyclic antidepressants (OR = 1.44; 95% CI, 1.32–1.57), and other antidepressants (OR = 2.05; 95% CI, 1.85–2.27) was associated with an increased risk of dementia. "

did you just pick the first google result? Because this study is not about SSRIs

triggered. Thank god I work in Pharma so you can finance me visiting you every summer and to impreganating your women.

The healthcare redpil:
Get one opinion and get additional froms omeone else as well. I am aware that your NHS isn't layed out for that but in Germany for example: Go to GP, suggest Psychiatrist who gives you pills, go back to GP ask for therapy, find Therapist, ask Psychiatrist and Therapist to collaborate get the actual treatment you need.

This is dumb, doctors will almost never disagree with each other because they are afraid of making their buddies look bad.

Works for some people, not for others. Be careful, and only take them as a "last resort" if you feel like nothing else has worked. If you have issues, stop taking and talk to doctor and tell them you want to stop. If they work for you, use that window of clarity and motivation to get your shit together so you can stop taking them eventually.

Fuck off, kike.

SSRIs are shit. I was on Venlafaxine (Effexor) and at first i guess I got better but after a few months I lost all motivation again so I quit cold turkey without any problems except for a few brain zaps. Feeling pretty much normal now. Also studies have shown that cardio at least 3 times a week for 45 min can be just as effective as antidepressants so I'm doing that now instead. You could also try amphetamines if they don't give you anxiety.

not true. You get Doctors who aren't working together.

They literally fuck each other over more than you can imagine. Also treatment suggestions aren't any problem unless they are plainly wrong...even then Doctors hardly ever have any consequences. Same for Therapists.

Worked as a team manager in interdisciplinary teams and someone good will not be a sheep.

For a leaf even like you... you should be able to tell quite quickly if they are taking the easy way or are actually interested in your case

worst case buy them some ahorn syrup I bet they step their game

Don't take medical advice from Sup Forumstards, wtf are you doing?

kek, i bet you avoid aspirin as well

I think you're just looking for a fight, evidenced by the fact you're yelling at someone who didn't post the article.

This study is about SSRIs, even the portion you copypasted contains discussion about SSRIs.

You're going to hate this, but I found the study retweeted to Rhonda Patrick's twitter. Here's a URL to make you more upset: twitter.com/drmikehart/status/844314139459760128

This man, pills have fucking side effects. Most ssri's will fuck with your sleep and make your dick stop working, among other things. Only take them if you are on the verge of suicide or something.

Get some mental fucking discipline and force yourself to do what you want, if you are turning into a gay bitch then maybe think about it. But if your relative died or something you need to just take some time off and deal with it.

Diet, excersize, lay off Sup Forums.

I'm just saying pills are a last resort, and most doctors won't disagree with their colleagues. He can use his on discernment. If he doesn't need pills he shouldn't take them. They are only for people who are going psychotic.


ssris can cause suicidal and homicidal ideation

>Fuck off, kike.

Indeed, they can also just turn you into a crazy retard. Certainly they should be used with caution.

when it turns ppl into crazy homicidal retards thats when we get school shooters

I don't know pal, I've tried them but they give me heavy bloating and make me hallucinate geometric patterns. I prefer Selegiline, increases dopamine.

>yeah bro just exercise it will make all your problems go away
Exercising is the most degenerate shit ever, you spend hours repeating the same movement and moving heavy weights for a temporary high which lasts like 15 god damn minutes while it does absolutely fuck-all to fix your problems. You're still working your shitty job, you're still getting shit grades in college and people still don't love you. Exercise is just as degenerate as jerking off except it takes more effort and time to get your 15 minute high.

Exactly, notice how almost everyone of those fuckers was on ssri's. Scary shit man. Even if you are willing to take that gamble, they are still going to make you put on 60 lbs and become a gaylord.

they literally make some people change sexual orientation


No shit, because it takes away inhibitions just like alcohol. And dumb retards think because their dick doesn't work then maybe they should try blowing dudes or fucking horses.

What a fucking nightmare.

The best pills are anti-psychotics imo because it's like taking a sledgehammer to the head. You don't care about anything. SSRI's are different, they make you motivated and if your inclined to kill puppies or something then they are going to make you do it.

The key to life and drugs is moderation.

if you were getting MKULTRA, you wouldn't be thinking "Am I getting Jewed MKULTRA style?".

>Manic episode
>Diagnosed as severely depressd

Bud, that's bipolar disorder

Stay weak you limp wristed faggot.

its not just that, they really fuck up your brain deeply and change things

people have gone from hetero to homo, but there also those who have gone from homo to hetero on ssris

anti-psychotics literally shrink brains btw

>they just turn u into a zombie
That would be anti-psychotics...not SSRIs. Some people, however, have such severe mental problems that they NEED anti-psychotics.

>weed is a much better antidepressant
No. It can trigger anxiety and panic attacks.

I have personal experience with all of this. Also, SSRIs aren't just used for anxiety. There are a plethora of mental illnesses that they can be used to treat.

>No. It can trigger anxiety and panic attacks.
so can SSRI's you dumb motherfucker

I'm probably stronger than you.

>yeah bro I just started exercising this January this totally fixed all my issues my bench is 90lbs btw

Just wait until the fucking novelty wears off and you realize you've wasted 3 years of your goddamn life trying to get a 4 plate squat.

I'm just saying, if you losing your shit and you can't "handle it" anti-psychotics are what you need. SSRI's are not meant to make less crazy, they are meant to make you get out of bed and do stuff. I'd rather pop adderall and anti-psychotics than use anti-depressants.

I don't take any pills currently, and I never will unless I'm fucking losing it hardcore. And the only way that happens is stress and too much drugs anyway.

People are retarded fuck.

No, they can't actually. Try again sweetie.

he is just circumcised good goy



>It literally recodes your brain

It does codes your brain, that is how SSRIs work, benzos are an almost harmless alternative but dont work in the long run (SSRIs also have problems in pure longterm).

regarding neuroplasticit, yes, on a mature brain it can revert, but its mor ecomplicated when you use them before brains maturation - that is almost as far as 28y.o.

If you need them use them, but be aware of how they work. I hihgly advise for using anxio pills situational pills like benzos, avoid beta blockers if you can, but dont sweat about it if you use beta blockers (you probably arent sweating if you use them anyway), they are also mroe agressive than benzo but nowhere as clsoe as SSRI.

t. expert opinion


you wanna try again ?

I've not been able to think as clearly or feel anything as strongly as I used to before taking them.

If I could go back I would not take them.




Ultimate Pills Kill.
And play video games.

why dont u stop

I did stop user, but my brain hasn't returned to the way it was before.

>The best pills are anti-psychotics imo because it's like taking a sledgehammer to the head

lol wat? I guess its better than lobotomy, Im not sure doe.

I use low dose Celexa and it keeps my anxiety from getting to an uncomfortable or physical level. Helps make me feel a bit content too i guess but more driven

Don't go to Sup Forums for medical advice. They are prescribed because they work, I took them for 4 years to dig myself out of a hole. Stopped when I felt better, overall they helped me.

They kill the sensation in your dick a bit but nothing too catastrophic, and it goes away when you stop.

Take them if you need them.

You aren't supposed to take them forever retard. If anybody in this thread has been on pills for more than 2 years they are dumb as fuck.

>"Weed cures everything bro!"

How about you copy/paste exactly wtf you're looking at moron. A known and COMMON side effect of marijuana is paranoia, panic, and anxiety. Giving that to a person with a panic disorder is usually a BAD idea. You are fucking retarded.

ssri withdrawal can be shitty, i went through effexor withdrawal, but you must have been on a huge dose to get fucked this bad. youre supposed to taper down each week until its low enough to jump off

They take like 2 weeks to fully kick in, youre placeboing yourself a bit user