If the rest of the world died tomorrow, how long would it take Africans to reach the moon?

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That depends on the of niggers.


How long did it take first humans to move from Africa and become white? How long after that till they got to the moon?

There you got your answer

probably never


Best answer.

Going to the moon is a social construct of white supremacy. Kangs would realize there is no reason to and keep raping each other to death.

Same as it did last time. About 70,000 years at the fastest. Perhaps as much as 250,000.

there is no answer to your question
a better question is how long would it be before blacks run out of bullets and revert back to sticks again

You are making a wrong assumtion about the origins of europeans and niggers.
Today's garden variety nigger is what anthropologists refer to as a "Bantu".
Those are a quite recent development, originating about 4000 years ago around what is today's Ivory Coast.
From there they literally looted and mudered their way all over Africa.
The oldest surving branch of human subspecies are the San people, who once were to be found all over subsahara Africa - you know them for their clicking language.

Seasons, or the lack thereof.
Once you move out of Equatorial Africa, which is everything north of the Sahara and south of the Kalahari you are faced with dry seasons and further on with cold winters.
This seasonal climate excerts a very strong socio-economic pressure to develop writing, callendars, government, simple mathematics
and everything else related to long term planning.


People are gone except for the afrikangz but the technology still remains? If this is the case then that's a very good advantage, there's bound to be one who is smart enough to read and interpret what info is left behind in regards to anything relevant to travelling to the moon. I give them no longer than 150 year's to reach the moon.

The moon landing was faked by hollywood. I thought Sup Forums was red pilled on this?

tell me more

Definitely this

it's not THE moon landing there have been 9 landings in total

all the nutjob conspiracy theorists just talk about THE MOON landing like it was only 1 time thing



It is all there

Bumping and keking


The fact, the Bantu did not start expanding until 2000 BC makes it also impossible that they could have been in Egypt.
The first pyramids were built during the third dynasty around 2670 BC.

Are US niggers mande (west african) or bantu?

NASA has never been into space.

we...w-... we---.... we was kangs thooo... rite?


I'd wager that the vast majority are of Bantu origin.


know thy enemy

studying the jews also gave me an edge over them

Yes but Stanley Kubrick faked it and insisted on shooting on location.

20 minutes in their pyramid spaceships