There’s literary no reason to be pagan

There’s literary no reason to be pagan.

>but muh ancestors
You are ignoring the more civilizied and more closer to you ancestors that accomplished way more than some savage tree worshippers.
Also modern day paganism is not the same as practiced in the past by your ancestors. It’s altered.

>but muh traditional white religion
Paganism is not traditional.
Tradition is cultural contiunity.
Christianity by defintion is the traditional religion of Europeans for 1000+ years.

>but muh based teachings
Just because you agree with the teachings of modern day paganism is not a reason to be pagan.

>but muh evidence
This argument is never used for a good reason.

Prove me wrong.
>pro tip: you can’t

Other urls found in this thread:

European Christianity is heavily merged and influenced by paganism anyway.

>he wants to follow a religion that says the jew is yhe chosen one
>not cuck
Chose one

There is literally no reason to be a kike. Kys shill.

You can't since you're not Germanic anyway.

>There’s literary no reason to be pagan.
is there a reason to be christian then?

now kys faggot

Chosen in past tense is right.
God chose them and they proceeded to fail and disapoint him multiple times.
Today they are no different from non-Jews.
I’m pretty sure it’s debatable if Jews today are related to Biblical Jews. Even if they are related to them there are millenniums between modern and Biblical Jews.
Quality argument.
Tradition, community and evidence.

AHAHAHAHA tradition means fucking nothing

what evidence? are you retarded?

Maybe to retards like you tradition means nothing.
Plenty of evidence supporting the divinity of Jesus, Biblical prophecies that came true and verses that are consistent with modern science.

you are a troll or a fucking retarded.
go living in amish communities if you like retarded tradition and jesus


Christianity was a semitic faith that was Europeanised. The best of European paganism was retained in European Christianity.

>best of European paganism was retained in European Christianity

Okay, let's repeat history of Christianity in Europe, shall we?
>Come in masses
>Okay, let us kill you in masses then.
>Mass murder millions of Europeans in the name of (((Christ)))
>Destroy societies, cultures
>burn places such as libraries
>Still fail to convert people because people keep celebrating their pagan holidays
You're literally the same as your brother Islam is. Christianity is non-white, non-European.

Winter Solstice is one prominent example, but aesthetics, cultural norms, and traditions carried over to Christianity.

Less than a thousand years here, and it was clearly brought by force. The Finns that turned to Christianity are the ones that didn't fight back.

I would literally have to be a cuckold to be Christian.

>Legend also attributes Eric with the initial spread of the Christian faith into Finland, "which at this time was pagan and did Sweden great harm".[11] In an effort to conquer and convert the Finns, he allegedly led the First Swedish Crusade east of the Baltic Sea. "Then Eric the Saint asked the people of Finland to accept Christianity and make peace with him. But when they refused to accept it, he fought against them and conquered them by the sword, avenging the blood of the Christian men which they had spilled often and for a long time. And when he had scored such an honourable victory he prayed to God, falling on his knees with tears in his eyes. Then one of his good men asked why he cried, since he should rejoice over the honourable victory which he had won over the enemies of Jesus Christ and the holy faith. He then replied: I am happy and praise God since he gave us victory. But I greatly regret that so many souls were lost today, who could have gained eternal life if they had accepted Christianity."[12] Eric persuaded an English Bishop Henry of Uppsala to remain in Finland to evangelize the Finns, later becoming a martyr.[13]


also pic related

Catholicism is the answer.

>abandoning the holy fight to worship trees and animals
paganism is the ultimate cuckery

Majority of Europeans converted willfully and not like pagans who were forced in to it were good boys who dindu nuffin.

>"Christianity is non-white, non-European."
Traditional European religion for 1000+ years.

Not an arugment.

what if there are some retards on Sup Forums thinking this is actually a christcuck board and it's not all a meme? what if they find out neckbeards here don't give a single fuck of tradition?

What holy fight? I don't give a fuck what happens in the Shittle East.
Wrong on both accounts. Yahweh cult is nothing but a foreign mafia in Finland's history.

>Not an arugment
yes you sub-kike. wake up and get over the fact that religion is for subhumans like sandniggers

I’m not talking about Finland I’m talking about the whole Europe.

Saying you're a Pagan doesn't even make sense. There's was never such thing as being a Pagan. It's just a term used to refer to thousands of local religions all of which were based on the climates, geography and already established cultures of the area.

That is way you faggots need to go back to Mongolia as soon as possible


You are such a loser.

fuck off you kike cock sucking alcoholic slav subhuman.

Mongolians didn't come this far, retard. Read some history and not eat whatever people spout here.

You are at the same level as sandniggers

Balts were forcibly converted equally late. You don't get to apply the same history for the whole continent.
When are you going back to Arabia?

>Christianity by defintion is the traditional religion of Europeans for 1000+ years.

you're a fucking moron.

Stay mad

Modern men just want an excuse to keep living like a degenerate and fapping to porn. The Christian life is a difficult ideal to live up to.

Who cares? Both your physical appearance and behaviour makes it clear that you have no place in the civilized Ayran world

I said that majority of Europeans converted willfully not all.

we are the last uncucked european country, say mad kangaroo faggot


First of all, you're anglo filth. Second of all, my genes were good enough to Hitler to name us honorary Aryans. You are a dumbass. Kill yourself.

>traditional society vs advanced society

So what? The entire Middle East is ''''uncucked''''. You are already a subhuman, decadent race, so it doesn't matter

It's Aryan, and you might want to look up who those people contributed to genetically.

>It's perfectly fine that our ancestors got overrun by and forced to convert to a foreign religion from the Middle East.


Vyjebaného žida na kríži si môžeš sám uctievať. Je to ne-európske náboženstvo, ktoré sem nepatrí a je priam nepriateľské k nežidom. Viz Matúš 15:21-28

Choose one cause the other was still in trees

>barely 60% european

Like what?

Tiež má úplne iné priority - internacionalizmus, národ a rasa sú sekundárne

And which society was it that developed this technology? The Muslims? The pagans?

I support you OP. Keep spreading the word, brother.

>claiming religion had anything to do with space exploration or scientific progress

janči, go back to sleep

You said that your country is 83% subhuman and sandnigger lol
You are not right wing then are you?
Majority of Europeans converted willfully.
Galatians 3:28.
Je to tradičné európske náboženstvo už cez 1000 rokov.
Na Slovensku už Pribina v roku 828 dal postaviť prvý kostol. Keď si proti kresťanstvu a kresťanom tak si proti slovenskému národu. Nepoznám iný národ tak spätý s kresťanstvom ako Slováci.

>Le christcuck maymay
You know that Christianity was heavily influenced from Greco-Roman culture and thoughts, desu ?
Platonism was one of several views and was adopted by early Christians in terms of their reasoning and argumentation
The truth is, the Mediterranean suffered by being christianized while Celts, Slavs and Germanics had steadily process

>Christianity by defintion is the traditional religion of Europeans for 1000+ years.
Tradition to be cucked by jewish lies.

Christmas, Easter, Saints, Mass

Problém je v tom, že národ je druhoradý pre kresťana. Radšej prijme 5000 kresťanských sýrčanov, alebo nigérijcov, než 5000 bielych ateistov a pohanov.

1000 rokov tu možno je (po násilnej konverzii - väčšina "kresťanských" zvykov na Slovensku je aj tak s pohanským pôvodom, rovnako ako aj sviatky a slávnosti), ale čo je 1000 rokov pri stovkách tisícov s našimi bohmi?! Nič, iba blinknutie. Tú stonásobne dlhšiu tradíciu odignoruješ na úkor tej umelo prinesenej ne-európskej? Ja som citoval tvojho židovského proroka, nie to, čo napísali už po ňom.

Toto isté môžu hovoriť moslimskí bosniaci a albánci, môžu básniť o svojej 600 ročnej moslimskej tradícii...

Ak ti záleží na Európe a tvojej rase, tak si s kresťanským internacionalizmom v rozpore.





Edgy there romanian.How much is a fedora these days?

Accuse someone of being a cuck or a jew.
Who will Christendom ever recover!Paganism must be a TRUU religion.
B t f o faggot.

>not reviving your father

sort yourself out, bucko

Hey Swedebro what do you think of my map?

Brits are Celtic.

anglo-saxon retard

yeah i have to edit the sccots out but there are genetic findings that majority of brits are german if i remember right

i think that if you add france to it and nuke the whole thing europe's problems would be diminished by at least 85%

just butting in to say that Christianity is the pagan eligion of Europe par excellence.

>Sun is born at winter solstice
>12 disciples? !2 months
>What turns water into wine? The sun, through the medium of the grape.
>etc etc etc

You lads know this shit.

No such thing as a celtic race. It was a culture, not a breed.

Genetically we are much the same as the rest of Great White Tribe- unsurprisingly, given that we were connected to continental Europe via that land bridge until relatively recently.

Násilná konverzia na Slovensku nebola.
Pohanstvo ignorujem lebo nie je tradičné pre nás už viac než 1000 rokov. Je to zabudnuté náboženstvo o ktorom ledva niečo vieme. Moderné pohanstvo nie je to čo naši predkovia uctievali.
Ako už som povedal Kresťanstvo už je európske cez 1000 rokov.
Ja som citoval List Galaťanom, ktorý ma v Kresťanstve takú istú hodnotu ako Matúš.

Mne záleží na Slovenskom národe, v ktorom Kresťanstvo patrí a nie je škodlivé.

Evidence eliminates the need for faith. Without faith, religion is not religion. What you've done is changed religion into science... shitty science at that. This makes you the worse kind of heretic.

What protestant church did you go to when you think me listing evidence for the Bible is heresy. lol

Is that why the predominantly Christian Eastern part of Rome survived 1000 more years than the west part?

>Muh Pagan barbarians!
Take a good look at how Europe was before it adopted Jewish anti-achievement proto-Marxism as its absolute ideology. Then fast forward ONE THOUSAND YEARS where NOTHING is achieved, until people start to decide that maybe heathen Rome did something right.
The best part is that all throughout this time, the apostate Chinese are plugging right along just as well as they always have.

Worshipping dominant arab religions because of their dirty tricks, whilst whites become a smaller and smaller minoirty, and arabic/white hybrids dominate the top 1%, and hoards of brown arabs flood european lands. about a pro tip: jesus is a kike on a stick.