How will (((they))) subdue the Far East once they've topped the West?

Take China, for example. It is incredibly racially and culturally homogenous with conservative values, relatively speaking. To date, it hasn't shown a big willingness to accept many immigrants/refugees. The government has also done work to keep Western (((entertainment))), media, and liberalism out of the country. At the same time, the country will continue to become a global superpower over the next century, possibly coming to yield more power than (((they))) have in the West as well as Israel.
How does the Jew corrupt or control it? How do you chip away at the Chinese racial, cultural, or social identity and homogeneity? That, for me at least, is their long term means towards for gaining (((control)))?
First of all, unlike with Ashkenazi Jews who can blend in with European peoples to subvert their host populations, there's no analogous group of Asian Jews currently in the country. Even if China allowed Jews to immigrate there, they would stick out like a sore thumb if they tried subversion. Pushing China to have open borders or allow non-Chinese (((entertainment))) into the country seem like difficult goals from outside of a system that is very authoritarian.

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Also please hurry, as I have to get it to my Yeshiva by noon.


I'm not sure though. It'll be even harder to subvert non-white countries after the destruction of the west. I don't think that (((they))) planned that far into the future.
Maybe (((they))) are ok with the way the asian countries are now. They could probably use them as cheap labor like we do now.

(((Communist))) China is already jewed
Rockefeller and Rothschild have infiltrated china along time ago

very hard I would say, China is able to do anything to stop (((their))) influence, kikebook? Blocked. Google? Blocked. Pic related is China even has its own special version of Windows10

Remember how in America your life was over if you had any Communist ties, even if it was just a claim someone threw at you? Now notice people openly call for a Communist takeover in America? Things change and anyone weak can be subverted. Israel and China are already best buds and China is already a (((Commie))) country.
What's much more likely is that they flood Europe (and America to a lesser extent) with even more (((refugees))), start the fire and immediately run to the East to get out of harms way. This way when the war is over no one is going to be looking at the fact it's Jews who are responsible and they exist for another day. It's what they do and always have done.
Think of it like when they seal files on (((assassinations))) and things for 50-100 year. Once the files are unsealed who the fuck cares who was involved in the murder of some President you never lived under and who cares how many -bergs and -steins were involved? It's old news. They could come out tomorrow and absolve Lee Harvey Oswald of any wrongdoing and it would be forgotten about within 24 hours and no one would care. To make people care you need to remind them of past events almost daily so it feels like it's only just stopped or is still going on just in a more clandestine way. You know like they do with the Holocaust?

The kikes already control the east. Chinamen are like subservient insects - there's no need to subvert them when they don't question or fight your authority

No, we need them to take siberia, south east, korean peninsula, and south east asia. And...keep it that way for a while.

East Asians, to a much larger extent than Germanic people, ONLY care about financial success. That's why Jews will find it extremely easy to control East Asians. East Asians will probably treat them as gods.

Thanks for the link.

That's one of their nightmares. The other one is whites waking up.

>culturally homogenous

Yes in a bad sense. Traditional chinese culture is almost totally destroyed nowadays. Nothing left, absolutely nothing.

Perhaps something in Taiwan, but that is.

>culturally homogenous

You stupid fucking ignorant cunt.

Are you trying to imply that china - worlds number one cucked country, that litteraly sells their citizens for a bowl of rice soup to western companies owned by jews - is the country that could resist anything that comes from jew influence? Wew dude, take a look how modern chuna looks. They do anything to live the lifestyle of white western man. Their elites will suck the last drop of jewish cum if only ((they)) decide to order them so

You overestimate human life in societies of more than 500 mln people.

the chinese cp will never allow anything that would result in them losing the reign over the country

My analysis was based on the idea that complete control by them requires in part that the host country essentially open their borders up. Destroying the actual identity/culture through "diversity" and "multiculturalism" always seemed (at least in my mind) like it would be part of the endgame for more than just the west. My question was, how can you get that kind of thing done with China?

China will figure it out. They are the oldest country in the world that still exists. They aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

>Every rich jew man is already getting yellowed and can't pass on their matriarchal jewness

The yellow peril will go down as the jew killers

this. Mao worked for ((them))

nice thread OP. I will drop a redpill for you. This has been considered. Both China and Japan will be brought down in the next financial crisis. They are paper tigers

Mass African migration via "trade" being set up now. Once Europe is Africanized, China will be next.


My God we need to do all of humanity a favor and sterilize that entire continent.

Do you have a highly condensed synopsis of how that would play out? So maybe their economies go to shit - but how do you ever get around the problem of them being homogenous and racially conscious? It actually seems like it's when a civilization is thriving and has surplus that it can most easily be convinced to take in outsiders (and outsiders can most easily be convinced to come).

>It is incredibly racially and culturally homogenous with conservative values
This is ridiculously wrong. While the Han are the main ethnicity, the others are nothing to be sniffed at, and as an ethnonationalist, I cannot allow for the lordship of one ethnicity over another. As for culture, there is barely any such thing as Chinese culture. The 20th and 21st centuries and Maoism have taken a terrible toll on it. Any respect for history is Disneyland window-dressing for tourists, and the day-to-day culture is incredibly materialistic and obsessed with pop-culture, much more so than even American 'culture', the closest comparable case.


China is collapsing.
China is on the verge of imPLOsion!
Let me tell you something about China.
China has had 83 dynasties. That is 83 different governments. That is 83 different revolutions. That is 83 times when the people overthrew a government and established a new one.
Let me tell you something else about China. The history of China is violent AS FUCK. Every single time a new dynasty was established, TENS OF MILLIONS of Chinese people got slaughtered or starved to death.
Every single time a Chinese dynasty collapsed, A QUARTER OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION DIED, because the Chinese population was always the biggest in the world.
In the history of mankind, more Chinese people died than all the other peoples of the world COMBINED.
Only an idiot who has never studied Chinese history thinks that China has 5,000 years of uninterrupted history.
Those thousands of years were chaotic and fragmented. China has always been a chaotic dog-eat-dog Battle Royale clusterfuck. Listen to what I have to say!
China is on its last legs.
China is so damn close to collapsing.
But you wanna know what's stopping it from collapsing?
Chinese people know better than anyone the nature of China. The nature of China is to collapse and be reborn, again and again and again.
But the process is extremely painful. Every single dynasty in China's history follows the same pattern. Let me use a 90 year dynasty as an example.
The first 30 years is spent suppressing its rivals. The next 30 is a golden age where people thrive.
The last 30 years is spent preventing its inevitable collapse, and the entire population suffering and revolting.

The PRC's golden age has already passed. China's collapse is inevitable.
But Chinese people are so afraid of the inevitable chaos and suffering that they're willing to prop up the dying beast that is the PRC and are willing
to tolerate all the bullshit that their government feeds them in order to prevent China's destiny of collapsing from coming to fruition.
Chinese nationalism is like the duct tape that's preventing the shitty broken-down PRC machine from falling apart. China is desperate, but fortunately (for them), the Chinese people are blinded by nationalism.
But it's futile...
Everyone whose specialty lies in China knows that China's time is up. Every political scientist knows that China's time is up. Trump knows it. Putin knows it.
Every single foreigner that works or makes money in China knows it. Trust me, I know China, and I know that China's time is up. I know that Chinese people are in for a world of suffering.
China is the most predictable country in the entire world. China has one of the longest histories in the world, but its entire history is a repeating cycle,
going through the same things, making the same mistakes, again.. and again.. and again.
Those who KNOW, already KNOW.
Who do you think China is being so aggressive in the SCS? Desperation.
Why do you think Japan is militarizing again after more than 70 years? Preparation.
Why do you think the US is installing a missile defense system on the Korean peninsula?
Why do you think Trump is slowly creating a rift between the Russo-Chinese alliance?
Why do you think Trump is targeting China's economy?
China is RIP.
The Chinese people are in for a hundred years of suffering. It's their fate.


They probably can't right now, but if China ends up winning then you would only have to wait a generation for it to be possible to subvert them.

Hong Kong you start Jewish culture there. You start there and slowly spread it to the rest of china.

nothing.cause they are not evil like white people

This is an important reminder, the jews do not intend to destroy the east. The jews hate white nations because they are Christian nations. The jews hate Jesus and consider him a heretic, white men took this "self proclaimed God" and worshiped him. Thus the jews are out to destroy what they consider a perversion of their faith. The east should have no such problems with the jews.

christianity is the fastest spreading religion in china
what now?

There will be no war with China.
Here is why:
"China" has no army.
While there is an army in China, it is the CCP's army.
It's purpose is not to defend China, but to kill the dirty chinese peasants if they ever try to revolt against the party.
The PLA soldiers are literally and publicly sworn to defend the communist party, not the chinese people.
Killing god knows how many unruly chinese subjects and bullying pisspoor peasants in neighboring countries is in fact the only thing this "army" has ever done since Mao's "great leap".

For example they have tried to develop a domestic jet engine to power their fighter aircrafts.
But have a look at their shiny "stealth" fighter! In the end all of the prototypes of that Chengdu J-20 where powered by imported russian engines.

And why can't they develop shit?
The government officials and party member generals just looooooove to embezzle the R&D money.
There was that case of general Xu Caihou, in 2014. He was caught with literally truckloads of stolen money.

(pic related)

Well then they may become a threat to the jews in the future.

Pretty sure Jews have been in China longer than the US. There is a wikileak where they tried to get the Chinese to be quiet about them being around since the Han era.

Yes. China has 250% or more debt to gdp which is the worst in the world. They also peg their currency to USD by buying and selling their own currency using USD reserves obtained through trade surpluses. They have about 3 trillio left and have used 1 trillion so far. The west will collapse the Chinese economy by intentionally causing outflows which will cause runaway inflation in China and set it back 50 years from the resulting social instability. Japan is already on life support and has been for 25 years. China figured out the plan and has been accumulating gold with their trade surplus since, roughly starting in 2012, but it is too late for China to stop what is coming

Oh, and that general Xu Caihou was not caught because he took truckloads of money.
He was arrested because he is part of the faction true to that old fart Jiang Zemin within the communist party, which is embroiled in power struggle for life and death with the Xi Jinping faction.

But the west is now largely athiest/agnostic (and growing). Not many people go to church or believe in god.

China is incredibly heterogenous. China's culture and identity is even based on it. For example, the Chinese writing system was developed for different peoples all over the empire to be able to read and write and communicate to eachother this way. A Chinese character, though obviously pronounced differently, will mean the same thing to the reader even if he doesnt speak chinese. For example, the word "apple" is obviously different in Mandarin than it is in say Cantonese. However, the character for "apple" is the same. Thus if i was a Mandarin speaker i can write you, a Cantonese speaker, a letter and you would be able to understand close to all of it.

Just an example of how deeply ingrained multiculturalism is in China.

its already happening
smartphones and shit look at the chibese youth


The west is still the bastion of Christianity.

China is already an authoritarian state, the jews took it over with Mao Zedong as their puppet. That's why so much work has to be put into the west because we are still free. I think hitler was a jewish puppet as well, so much babylonian iconography like the nazi eagle being a representation of the pheonix and what not, all from the satanic hands of the jews.

they wont

we will devour them

> It is incredibly racially and culturally homogenous with conservative values, relatively speaking. To date, it hasn't shown a big willingness to accept many immigrants/refugees. The government has also done work to keep Western (((entertainment))), media, and liberalism out of the country.
It's not as clear cut as you might think. Beside the fact that China (like basically every non ethnically European country) has huge nepotism problems on her own. It's hard to Jew-trick your way to the top of an already corrupt society that has arisen to world prominence due to sheer manpower numbers as opposed to high human development.


Tell them apart, I dare you

They're already doing it now.

Hollywood films are more popular there than here. Western fast food chains are popular, and likely will inevitably demolish traditional Chinese cuisine... The new generations diets are already changing. Hell, people are getting fat.