The lies of our History

I dont believe the story of the origin of our people is right, about the start of our civilizations, and the age of our species. When you just look at how much (((they))) lie about what was 70 years ago (WW2), how much do they lie about things that are 100 years ago? 500 years? 2 millenia? 10 millenia? a million years? or 100 million?
>In June 2002, a 270 million-year-old “hidden words stone” was discovered in Guizhou, China. A crack that formed 500 years ago in a large stone revealed six clearly discernible Chinese characters; the characters represent “The Chinese Communist Party Collapses [Zhong Guo Gong Chan Dang Wang].”

There are stories from civilwar about pterosaurs and american natives talk about the thunderbird which could be such one.
This is described to look like a longneck dinosaur, and was allegedly seen africa.

There are fossilized footprints of humans and dinosaurs next to each other

There are rocks showing humans and dinosaurs together

Dinosaurs were around for longer than told, and humans were around far earlier than told

Other urls found in this thread:

Doesnt this kind of goofy bullshit belong on x?

I do believe in existence of certain Antediluvian civilizations and that the first (great) civilizations like Babylon and Egypt that rose afterwards were only mimicry and degenerated of those civilizations that existed in the Golden Age of Hesiod.

nope, nothing paranormal about it.
also it fits Sup Forums as history is deeply intervened with politics. those who dont know the past are doomed to relive it over and over again. there is a political agenda behind the lies, they dont do so just for the fun.

pretty much this. the sphynx and i believe 1 of the pyramids at least, are remnants of those civilizations. the sphynx is far older than told, and has water corosion damage like it was submerged under water for some time (the great biblical flood, a giant flood like many civilizations alike talk about?)

We live in a paradox world. A tangent universe. Every relic is a remnant of the real timeline.

The past is the future is the present.

pic related is in the shoriah mountains in russia. these are the biggest megaliths found so far. how were some caveman supposed to move these much less staple them onto each other

Check 'em!

Bump for interest.

I personally believe there are no traces of these pre-Flood civilizations for I believe they were destroyed completely either through cataclysmic event or something else.

I just listened interesting podcast on Egyptian alchemy and Babylonian astrology where the authors also argued that these sciences were probably preserved from some Pre-Flood Antediluvian civilization.

No comment on the Spinx or Pyramids. I personally have no reason to believe that someone else build them than the Egyptians.

There still might exist some submerged structures bigger than the pre-historic Göbekli Tepe

göbekli tepe is pretty interesting. if you happen to be around there in turkey some time make sure to visit it. costs a few bucks, but its worth it. will post some pics during the thread whenever i dont have anything else to post with it. however somehow they come out on top. just hit ctrl + alt + arrow down if you dont want to break your neck.
however some things will always survive. the water damage for example isnt explained anywhere in the egyptian history, at least i didnt hear of it, which makes me think that it stood there before the egyptians came around. also when i speak of a flood i dont mean literally the whole world being submerged, but big parts of it, big enough that during the flood you may never see land making you think its that way on the whole world.

>The past is the future is the present.
this is something i though about, what if time flows completely different from what we think? what if the past didnt really happen but only exist as some kind of information. like one cycle of humanity ends and a complete new one emerges, the information still exists even though there is no physical connection. the information somehow manifests itself resulting in some artefacts that dont make sense in the context of what we think is history and we get Out of place artifacts. for example what if this progress of history was done almost exactly like this already. another timeline, but instead of running parallel to each other they run after one another. the communist party of china is collapsed and some guy chose to carve that into a stone. the timeline ends and a new one starts. but the information of the stone somehow manifests itself into this timeline and we get this

>In June 2002, a 270 million-year-old “hidden words stone” was discovered in Guizhou, China. A crack that formed 500 years ago in a large stone revealed six clearly discernible Chinese characters; the characters represent “The Chinese Communist Party Collapses"

also isnt göbekli tepe pretty much proof our history is wrong? it is older than the sumerians, and yet they claim the sumerians are the oldest civilizations.
in general it seems odd that we allegedly came into existence 200k years ago, than there were 195k years of hunting, and living in caves and shit, and then suddenly BOOM civilization

This is an interesting site:

indeed pretty interesting, even though it seems to dive into the ancient alien stuff looking from first glance of which i feel is bullshit. but who knows. i didnt looked too much into that one to be honest. will browse a bit into it some time as well as through the site

ignoring the /x/ level bullshit posted by OP, this kind of indisputable shit is what really get me thinking.... really, how the fuck did they a) pull the massive fuckers out of the ground and then b) move them to where they wanted them to be...
And the real problem is, is that we know they fucking did because the stones are right there laughing at our ignorance even now.

I go out in the mountains pretty often and have hiked through canyons in Arizona and Colorado. It isn't uncommon for rock faces to look like this, you might want to talk to some geology nerds before convincing yourself that these rocks were "placed".

that image is upside down

And I certainly agree with you about göbleki tepe. interesting that it blows a lot of the early life civilizations theories up.

Yes a lot of /x/ stuff there but you might like this.


well, i can dive into "/x/ level bullshit" once again. ancient stories tell about lifting heavy object with the help of music and singing, or sound in general. i believe one account tells about the pyramids being build that way, and the tibetians allegedly used a similar method
>When the stone was in position the monk behind the small drum gave a signal to start the concert. The small drum had a very sharp sound, and could be heard even with the other instruments making a terrible din. All the monks were singing and chanting a prayer, slowly increasing the tempo of this unbelievable noise. During the first four minutes nothing happened, then as the speed of the drumming, and the noise, increased, the big stone block started to rock and sway, and suddenly it took off into the air with an increasing speed in the direction of the platform in front of the cave hole 250 metres high. After three minutes of ascent it landed on the platform.

now i agree this sounds pretty ridiculous, but then there is this stuff
indeed it sounds like it underlies another principle than the story of the tibetians, but there were stories about levitating stuff with sound, and now we can actually do that.

maybe trump can learn something for his wall

How do we know they pulled them out the ground? What about down a mountain?

I swear when this kali yuga shit is done imma eat me some jews.

Geological stratification dipshit.

i know, no idea why, on my laptop its normal. press ctrl + alt + arrow down, that turns your screen upside down and you dont have to break your neck.

or maybe there are just more of those build structures around than we care to admit.

looking into it

Sorry most of that is /x/ level bs after reading more.

makes it look nothing like that

You are at the beginning of a path I have been down german-bro.

Youtube Rob Skiba, and go to

they both have different views but can certainly help you explore.

Long story short: It isn't.

Much of your history has either been destroyed or altered, in an effort to control your kind.

well, it seems like he tries to combine the carvings of the structure with ancient believes of the world creation, and general occult believes. and while it may be a stretch at times, and i cant say anything about the meaning of the egyptian signs it kinda fits

too long; didnt hear pls? will eventually check it out

Certainly interesting. I am not so caught up in the earth moving (they did use slaves) but the near precise geometry of many of the stone placements.

>Humans and dinosaurs co-existing


Can't tell geological stratification + erosion from wall building...

You need to stay away from those creationist sites

Also why the heck is this photograph shooped?

the precission is indeed interesting, but at times even more interesting is the knowledge they encoded in the monuments. the pyramids for example have the speed of light and the size of the earth in relation to the moon encoded with over 99% precission.
at around 1:11:00 it starts about the pyramids, and at least covers the thing with the size of earth and moon. not sure if the speed of light was in the same one though, but i think so. how could they possibly know that unless they were far more advanced than we believe?

i thought they claim dinosaurs never existed and were just a scam to sell us the evolution theory

oh man, you are right, looks EXACTLY the same...

I understand what (((they))) gain by lying about ww2 era happenings but what gain is there to lie about ancient history?

I do think a lot of history is lied about/different than history books but why lie? How do jews/liberals benefit from keeping this knowledge down?

>humans are genetically engineered

i cant take away the supernatural out of these civilizations

egypt particularly is fucking mystical, there are tales of people entering the pyramids getting lost then appearing in the middle of the desert with gold and being crazy

but seriously, lookup the Pyramid Initiation talk by Manly P. Hall, it describes how Jesus even some Philosophers were initiated in it.

if people knew humanity detroyed themselves multiple times already, than they maybe would be come more carefull and more critical. we would give more attention to old myths and legends and wouldnt handle them just as such, some old stories. assuming the old history does proof existence of god and the spiritual things they wouldnt be able to push their satanic shit unto us, their materialism, their egoism. we wouldnt be as easily controllable once we realize there is more to this world.

also maybe they actually once thought that this is true, but when the truth came out they covered it or all the credibillity and authority of their (((scientist))) which they use to support their agenda would vanish, people wouldnt think a conspiracy theory is just that just because some dude on tv tells so since some dudes on tv also told all the time that we are only 200k years old and only have civilization for around 6-10k years. we would start questioning every government narrative out there and would be a lot more criticall.

scientist also dont like to be wrong. they rather discredit a new theory and attack it, instead of admitting they were wrong. so if they find something that doesnt fit the current modell, like the continous expension of the universe even though there is gravity pulling everything together, they just come up with some new stuff to make it fit again, the dark energy that pushes everything away from each other and happens to only be indirectly detectable throught the expansion of the universe.
here is another example where they rather attacked a new find than readjusting old theories
could also mean that dinosaurs lived not as long ago as we think


watching it right now, is interesting so far, but i feel he will go into david icke theory about how reptillians or aliens genetically modified us.

by the way, when the picture in the OP came emerged, there suddenly was a campange started to talk about how that picture of the civil war with a pterosaur is fake in the newspapers. (((coincidently))) they didnt use the picture in the OP, but pic related. notice the same setting, the same posture, holes in similar locations etc.
this pic here is a the psyop to discredit the real one so that if anyone talks about it they just point to this picture and talk about how its fake, and are right since they are talking about the pictured faked especially for that purpose.

also, what to make out of this?


fucking jews man

He doesn't go into reptilians but he does ask quite a lot of legit questions. It is interesting!

orthodox jews are the good ones tho

zionist are the real problem and they arent really jews


it is. am still watching it. the missing link he talks about for example also fits into the same category as dark energy i mentioned in just made up to make the current science modell not fall apart. but im always sceptic about the alien stuff (he didnt mention that though)

well kinda. there are multiple kinds of everyone. nothing wrong with orthodox jews, but when they try to push their customs on you like in that pic its bullshit.

zionist jews are essentially also ok. unless we go the full length and genocide each and every jew, we need israel. put all jews there, and let them live how they want over there, but keep them in check so they dont pull that expensionist shit, and mainly get the jews out of our government (for the same reason hitler wanted israel, look up haavara agreement), but those zionist that want to create greater israel, murder the palestines and robb their land and at best turn the wole world into israel the great is again utter bullshit.

i think only the globalist kikes are all absolute scum though

its all lies

another theory. what if the ancient civilizations had technology like we do, but called it magic, or whatever magic is called in the specific language.
i mean we have TV which lets us see far away things, like a crystal ball. we can shoot fireballs with flamethrowers, shoot lightning with a teslacoil, even can fly around. then something happened, and barely anything of it remained. whenever someone came up with the "magic" the locals couldnt explain it and thus it became this magical, unexplainable thing. then we came to rediscover some of it, but since it wasnt unexplainable anymore it wasnt magic anymore, so we called it technology this time. and this is where we are now.

maybe those civilizations had a way to harness some energy from the magnetic field or the leylines if you want to believe in that and were actually more advanced than we are. they thus build buildings like the ruins in pic related which underlie the same or similar principle as our computer technology and thus seems like an ancient mother board or some circuits

first of that pic is fake
the thunderbird was an actual bird with a wing span of 7-9 meters

you can literly google this bs, get your shit together faggot

if you want a good book on that matter tho read
"Verbotene archäologie"

it tells you about archeologist who got fired and denounced for trieng to publish findings that contradict the mainstream narrative
like the Iron pipes in china that they found in coal but not just that they found Hamers, nails, rods and all sort of things in coal

Just fine the time to watch it

One of the best Joe Rogan podcasts

No this belOnes on /c/

Why is questioning our history /x/ related? It's fine when it's Hitler, and how he was a saint, but when it comes to old structures it's fake gay x alien shit? The fucking mental gymnastics here are baffling. Y'all could really make some ground breaking discoveries if you weren't so preoccupied with using that autism to do shit like track down some washed up child actors flag.

the pic is real, the fake one is and maybe its not what was called a thunderbird, but i didnt find anything about a bird of that size. i heard of the pipes though but dont know much about them

if i have some money to sspent i may check out the book.

3 hours seem pretty long, but i will look into it.

>Why is questioning our history /x/ related?

It's not.

Posting shooped pics and pretending they prove alternative history is dumb, however.

Those are just pictures of rocks goyim.

>everything that doesnt fit my worldview is photoshopped
also just ignore that the picture was just one of many examples mentioned in the thread

bump with picture of the view from gobekli tepe as i dont have any pictures left of the actual sight

kek neanderthals building walls to defend themselves against niggersapiens

>geology nerds
what good would that do if they subscribe to the same lies as other scientists?

im currently at the part about the russian female bigfoot that allegedly was abused as sexslave, and where he told about her giving birth to multiple hybrids (1:03:10). i instantly had to think of this
allegedly stalin tried to create half man half ape super soldiers. maybe this story inspired him to do so. maybe this is the origin of the story. maybe stalin actually let some people fuck such bigfootfemales and tried to create as many of them as possible. who knows

maybe it was the other way around?


fish and eyes

/x/ tier bs

From Lebanon, I've seen that stone

i would say on of those can be a fish, but i have yet to identify any eye on it.

also it being /x/ doesnt automatically mean its wrong. but as i said, that was just one theory.


Thunder bird was a real animal in Present day Texas

nothing confirmed though. just some alleged sightings. no fossils or skeletons, or cadavers found. could be basically anything.
however since birds are descendents from dinosaurs maybe a distinction between pterosaur and huge bird is obsolete as it kinda is the same

Yeah, I mean the overall trend is birds we're getting smaller. A condor is a huge bird these days. The American Indians thought them real enough.

There was this interesting podcast on Alchemy I listened while ago, it was connected to a book called "Grid of the Gods" If I recall collectly

Anyway, the author put your idea forward in a sense. For example, the idea of "Universal Ether" could be compared to internet, but of a much more superior nature, a great database of sorts.

The book in question was: The Grid of the Gods: The Aftermath of the Cosmic War and the Physics of the Pyramid Peoples [Joseph P. Farrell, Scott D. de Hart]

I have not read this book, but might have stuff that you would find probably interesting

sounds indeed pretty interesting. in general the pyramids are mysterious. allegedly stalin made experiments with them where he put just a small pyramid over som oilwell, and suddenly it produced more oil than without. some people say they experienced some feel of pressure while being in the pyramids of egypt. the are if im not mistaken also aligned with other monuments, the leylines if you want so, which maybe transfer information/energy and the pyramids are a way to recieve/harvest those. the pyramids are said to bring the pharao to the stars, but they werent used as tombs. now if we assume its not about an alien spacehangar, maybe it helped with astral projection, or remote viewing like the CIA likes to call it, helping you log into the grid and access the information. lots of questions

>I don't believe in nonsense
>I believe in civilizations before our civilizations that were pristine and golden
>let's make civilization great again

Fool me once paco.

Humans were seperated from dinosaurs by hundreds of millions of years.

When dinosaurs existed, humans were some rat like lizard thing about the size of your foot. The more you know!

Or maybe they just realized it may eventually be possible and told fantasy stories about it to pass the time rather than do all the things required to make them.

They're just like you.

I lole the theory that civilizationd have collapsed and humanity starts anew, i first fell in love woth this theory when i saw it in darksouls and its predecessors. Its not that hard to believe some cataclysmal event took place and 99% of humanity died, the only survivors from remote villages in the amizon or africa.

Newearth lady thinks all races descend from an hyperborean civilization that got lost in time.

The tracs of this civilization can be found all around the globe in isolated cultures that by the understanding of modern science never had a contact between them, but the current narrative was made to fit the political needs of the time it was made.

Same with natives not having souls or african not having ruins.

Studying civilization disconnected means that you will never understand the big picture.

Fuck i hate typing with my phone, so much typos.

It's not the typos that make you look retarded, it's believing in ancient alien bullshit.

It has nothing to do with aliens dumbass. Day of the RAKE when?

>Studying civilization disconnected means that you will never understand the big picture.
a lot of civilizations that never came in contact talk about similar things. many talk of a flood. many talk about blonde haired blue eyed people with white skin, coming around and tgiving them technology to build a civilization etc. how come its so often almost exactly the same even if they never were in contact?

This whole thread is ancient aliens garbage. Primitive man was more than capable of building large structures with fuckloads of slaves. That doesn't mean they had our level of technology or even close to it. The reason you see pyramids and dragons all over the world is because it's kind of like convergent evolution. Pyramids or as they are properly known as "ziggurauts" were easy and simple to build, people built them to defend themselves, perform rituals or just avoid flooding. Dragons are not as easily explained, this could be evidence for a long extinct species but probably not, probably just stoned cavemen encountering crocodiles / alligators and thinking they are cool as fuck.

Stop being retarded.

You're a retard

Are you honestly so dense that the possibility that geological stratification will look the exact same all over the world, regardless of the level of erosion or the composition of the ground itself seem implausible to you?

Go read about the subject you talk of seriously before talking like you were wiser than other, it will help your cause.

noone mentioned aliens, except me saying that some of the stuff mentioned by other anons comes close to that stuff. even with a fuckload of slaves a few of those megaliths are just too big. even with modern equipment we probably wouldnt be able to lift them. look at the "bricks" in the shoria mountains i posted. the zygguraths more probably come from the myth that gods live on the mountains like the olymp, and as men wanted to become equals they build their own mountains like the tower of babylon. while its true the pyramids probably derive from zygguraths they still are different and are pretty much garbage for defence.
stop acting like you know everything

He was making fun of someone else..

stratification doesnt explain the verticle lines, also you see those are solid blocks, and not layers upon layers. you see that those rocks are pretty much all from the same kind of rock, while during stratification you see diffirent kind of stones being layered upon each other

I certainly don't know everything, but I went through my ancient aliens / david ike phase. Clearly you need to balance out what you are reading.

There ain't no magic lizard people or giants retard. How about you sum up all this evidence with a clear and defined explanation.

You are just going "HEY LOOK AT THIS, IT'S WEIRD RIGHT?" yea sure, so explain it.

Egyptian pyramids would be shit as a defensive structure.

Civilization have many aspects besides large stone buildings.

There's no doubt that civilizations share with each other, and it's easy to explain in mainland Eurasia, but isolated examples like the Inca civilization or Easter island.

Where everything got invented independently aren't as easy to explain.

bad posts

Some sort of acoustic levitation movement technique I believe.
There are stories from Peru of their huge stones being moved by the power of song and the will of the stone its self to be moved.

No one mentioned lizard people fag

nice strawman once again. i never claimed it were aliens or lizard. whats so hard to understand about previous advanced civilizations that lived before us?
and im trying to find an explenation for it, other than you who just wants to disrupt the discussion with low effort strawmen

Easter island is the most intriguing thing posted in this thread. Some of those statues are 50,000 years old. That pre-dates all known civilizations.

This one is easy to explain. Is is rather accepted people from SE Asia came across pacific in the 'third migration' after land bridge was destroyed.

Aryans civilized the entire ancient world, from the Americas to Africa, China to Egypt. Without Aryans bring civilization, law, medicine and science to ALL the world powers, they wouldn't have survived to this very day.

Non-Aryans have also been doing the same thing since day one: try to conquer Aryan nations because they believe the height of knowledge had been reached and the non-white no longer needs the innovation of the white/aryan.


I've seen anediluvians playing instruments in the streets. So some of those fuckers are somehow still kicking it. Not joking but I might be insane.