Nothing happens when you die

It's a proven fact that once you die, your body decomposes and its nutrients are ultimately reabsorbed into the Earth's crust. Your consciousness is fueled by and made up of chemical reactions happening constantly among your nerves and cells, once you die, those all stop. Nothing happens "mentally" or "spiritually" after death, why is that so hard for people to accept? Are you so pretentious and selfish that you feel like you MUST have a purpose in the universe and that death isn't really the end of the line? You, me, and anyone else who reads this is less significant than a grain of sand on the Earth when compared to the entirety of the universe, we are not special. Give it up, facts don't care about your feelings. This is the brutal truth, you can learn to accept it or live blissfully while basking in your own ignorance.

>inb4 hurr durr energy cant be destroyed, only change forms

Your "energy" is radiated in the form of heat (photons) every instant of your life, and happens after death until you have no more energy. How does this make you feel?

>inb4 *tips fedora*

Good job, you've made a failed attempt at being funny because you can't prove me wrong whatsoever.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're right.

Is that what you were looking for?

Fairly evident.

Damage the brain and you damage the person. Any notion of a soul or an essence is fictitious and writ on water.

>god creates all life and existence
>"yeah, but he didn't help me find my lost puppy so he's useless"
Christianity: 0, Atheism: Infinity

How can you possibly know that there's no component of consciousness independent of the brain? Mental function, sensations, yeah these are definitely dependent on the brain. It's a stretch to say that this means there's no part of subjective experience that doesn't require neurons, since nobody has any good explanation of how subjective experience could be caused by physical matter in the first place.

Pseudo-scientific retard detected.

Here's how it goes mate of you believe in god.

>He isnt real and its all fake
Then it doesn't mater because you no longer exist to be sad about it and you died happy thinking you are going to heaven.

>He is real
You go to heaven and are happy

For someone so smart how can you not see it is a win/win situation.

Cops do work this way. Courts have held they have no duty to protect anyone. Their job is to catch people after they commit crimes, not prevent them.

What part of what I said is pseudo-scientific? Quote one thing I said that isn't objectively true, and try actually arguing against it. I'll win anyway, but you might as well try if you're bothering to make a thread like this anyway.

No arguments detected.

Not if you believed in the wrong God, sect, or denomination. What if the Muslims were right? Will you be in heaven?

What if god is real but only let's athiests into heaven?

Can you prove that this isn't the case?

There are intellectual errors in your argument.

Dogma - "Nothing happens spiritually after death" This obviously cannot be known

And you commit an ad hominem/strawman by attacking the individual instead of the argument in the next few sentences.

There's this thing called the scientific method. By its standards, if you fail to make an observation of something, the logical assumption is to assume that the said thing does not exist until an observation is made. Therefore, until you can directly prove or present evidence that there are "components of consciousness" that act independent of the brain, the logical assumption is to assume that there are no components of consciousness that act independent of the brain. To say otherwise would be unscientific and nonsensical, sorry.

Absence of evidence /= evidence of absence

Considering the fact that there is absolutely 0 evidence that spirits even exist, it is 100% accurate to say "notning happens spiritually after death".

My argument isn't invalidated by the fact that I commited an ad hominem within it.

Lmao. The original post is rife with pseudoscience. Pot calling kettle black.

Please point out what is pseudo-scientific in the original post :-)

That's called Pascal's Wager.

While it's not a fallacy in the strictest sense, it reinforces the idea that God would let in every sort of criminal as long as they repent before he'd let in a non-believer. That's why apostasy is the only unforgivable sin.

You haven't failed to make an observation of it. You have no way to do the experiment until you actually die, so you have no data whatsoever. That isn't the same thing as conducting an experiment and not observing something in the result. lrn2science user

>Considering the fact that there is absolutely 0 evidence that spirits even exist

"herr der MUH EVIDENCE". God purposely set it up so there is zero evidence that spirits exist.

I'm still waiting for an argument for god that DOESN'T apply to the Easter Bunny.

Ill leave that to the reader.

>I'm still waiting for an argument for god that DOESN'T apply to the Easter Bunny.

You're not gonna get it. God isn't some third grade detective villain leaving clues for retards like you to find.

>using this to reinforce a superficial feeling of superiority over religious people
I think you're too stupid to comprehend what it truly means to have no meaning. You have no name, no personality, no friends, no job or age, no hometown or nationality, no thoughts or emotions. You don't speak any languages, you emit a series of sounds. You don't have a home, just a structure you believe you own.

Are you seeing how shit this all sounds? We Humans need meaning and to embrace science to the point of nihilism nullifies the persuit of science in the first place. What's the point of understanding the world around us when the world is just a fabrication, an assembly of atoms that bond with one another. Do us a favour and neck yourself, a life without meaning is no life at all.