Israël aims to send settlers in Syrian Golan heights

When do we start the ethnic cleansing?

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Now why would they do that?

That is retarded.

You think the world is just going to let that happen. Do you know how much Arabs and Muslims hate Israel? Even Obama wasn't that nice to Israel.

I'm really asking myself

Well.. I guess it's happening

See the comment on this jewish site goys

dude the golan heights is Israeli territory since 1967 no need to freak out

The comments I saw on this site are pure evil and invasion
Don't tell me you israelis aren't going to invade some other territories

What the fuck is this 'settler' shit, anyway?

Aren't they israeli territory? Why do you feel the need to settle people there?

Syrian shoudnt have attacked Israel back a in the day then end up gettin its ass kicked all over the olace.

well we could've taken all of syria if we fought more in the six day war but you know the joooos

If Assad wants to use chemical weapons, send it to Golan Heights. Do the world a favor.

Let's say Israel got west bank and gaza strip. Will your "country" want to get some more land?

Fuck off kike

And are Muslim arabs welcomed in Israel? Are they victim of racism or something like that?

Nobody wants to mingle with them.
However, they are free to work wherever they'll get accepted without any racism from the public.

There is less acceptance lets say if you want to rent your apt. to someone and an arab shows up. In all honesty they are troublemakers, or at least bring trouble.
There are bad jews like there are bad arabs, but you'd rather risk associating yourself with a bad jew, let's just put it that way.


will sieni be a part of this greater israel?

we gave back the gaza strip and sinei

Isaac and Ismail's descendants who were once called "cousins" are complete strangers to eachother now. You even almost look alike!
But eh, at least you got Israël even if there's a rise of anti-Israelism and antisemitism in the West

Wait, now Israelis are settling in syria?


Apparently, but Israelis claim that Golan heights belongs to Israel. Spread the info

>syria gives land to israel
>israel invites syria to negotiate a security agreement between our countries and the return of the golan heights
>syria angrily rejects any invites to negotiate for decades
they pretty much showed through their actions that they dont want it so israel sold land there cheap to some kibutznicks and build a couple of bases there .
i doubt these retarded 'settlers' would go there though , they seem to be obsessed with judea and vandalizing palestinian olive fields . if anything they should build more kibutzim there.

dude we have israeli cities in the golan hieghts for decades we officely made those lands israeli in 1981 i mean calling people that move to the golan height "settlers" is absurd

Isn't it dangerous for them (settlers) to go there?





Are you nervous about the massive rise in anti-Israeli sentiment in the US?
Honest question

not really cuz the Syrians don't want to mess with the strongest army in the middle east

they aren;t occupied officely scince 1981 wew we officely made them apart of our land. we didn't do the same to the west bank for example


israel literally had both and made agreements with the locals for them to have their own police and local government (see the oslo accords) .
why the fuck would we want those shitholes in the first place . no resources , no important factories\industry , shit and poorly trained workforce and a shitton of crime and terrorism .
the only people that are interested in those places are settlers which are even more retarded then the locals.

We should try and merge these threads
Syria is a power grab for Kushner, Murdoch and Rothschild in pursuit of Greater Israel.
Jared Kushner and Rupert Murdoch are close personal friends. Murdoch's ex wife got Jared and Ivanka back together in 2008 after they'd split up over her not being a Jew.


Rupert Murdoch sits on the board of Genie Energy (alongside Jacob Rothschild and Dick Cheney)



Genie Energy is an Israeli-backed corporation which has been granted access to the Golan Heights region of Syria - an area Genie Energy has found to be rich in oil.


The plan to run a gas pipe through Syria puts the Zionists in direct conflict with Russia and Iran. The only way to achieve it is to break down Syria and take control of the region. Kushner is the one in Trump's ear pushing for the removal of Assad. Trump is being a good goy and has lost control of the White House to Kushner in the process.

Why not? If it weren't for the US Israel would not exist

But why ISIS never attacked Israel?

>they aren;t occupied officely scince 1981 wew we officely made them apart of our land. we didn't do the same to the west bank for example

OH? And do the (non Jewish) residents there have full voting and civil rights just like the Jewish ones do? Are they officially residents of Israel? Do they have trials in civil courts like Israelis do instead of Military courts?

If the answer to any of these is no, then Israel is an occupying army.

This is retarded. There are numerous counties (Jordan and Israel) they could run the pipeline through. I don't buy it.

USA is the ultimate shabbos goy, so Israel is not going anywhere...

1 because there isn't
2 we have alredy the strongest millitery in the middle east
3 we latterly won the 6 day war with no us help

no, theres very few syrians in the golan and im pretty sure they dont do anything . i think they even make more money and have better quality of life because its under israeli control .
also since beheading and shooting poeple seems to be the hot new thing in syria i think they wouldnt want to be under syrian control even if they could.

Israel must be glad to have you, without you Israel is nothing.
Is there really a rise of anti-Israel in the US?

>get rekt
>get occupied
>cry about it


Nu/pol/ will defend this.


Delete this

Soon hopefully, so this shitshow would stop.

Nobody young cares for Israel, on the left or right.
It's mostly the 60+ crowd that still believes Israel is an ally.
Honestly most people just want out of the Middle East entirely. They don't care for Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq etc. The sand isn't worth American blood to 80% of the US.

ISIS,rebels and syrian army all took potshots \ stray mortar shells that fell on our side of the border . every time israel bombed the place they shot from and killed the ones who did it.
im pretty sure the vast majority of shells landing on the israeli side were genuine mistakes because of fighting close to the border.

it has
not in a major way cuz you know when you are losing bigly you dont want another front with the strongest army in the middle east

>Civilians were gassed in Syria
>America hit an airbase to send a message

Israeli logic? Oh, that means we must put 100 thousand more "settlers" into Palestinian land to hasten the takeover.

>Golan Heights
pick one

Famous Trump sponsor Sheldon Adelson is a Zionist Jew.

>>Golan Heights
>pick one

So, Palestinians DO exist. At least I got you to admit that much.

I thought the official line was "There was never a place called Palestine".

Yet some Israelis told Donald Trump that "Israel must be protected"
with american blood of course. But yeah, guess that's a good thing, they just need to be redpilled on Israel

pick one
oh so you say unicorns exist
Palestinians are only arabs that live in the region called Palestine

currently lol'ing at the kike who keeps saying Israel is the strongest army in the Middle East. Must be nice to have access to the best US weapons and equipment with literally no cost or repercussions.

I saw that Palestine was written in the Torah tho

there was never a country names palestine , the land was always called palestine .judea and israel are places inside palestine.
arabs who settled in palestine never had their own country, they were ruled by ottomans and brits and others.
and as he said
>golan heights
its syrian territory that was given to israel

its pleshtim not palestinian

There are still un-ironic Trump supporters on Sup Forums after Donnie has sided with the Jews again and again. Let this sink in.

Israel already has settlements in the Golan Heights.

Fuck off, Pakistan.

Could they make it anymore obvious?

what settlers?
what tha fuck

go away jew boy


>unironically trying to have a discussion with Jews
Son, I have some bad news for you.

>fear of losing its nuclear monopoly
Nukes they're not supposed to have.

i know arabic and it acotully says plestin not palestine


just a friendly reminder Sup Forums Israel needs your help . please take the time to watch this video and understand our plight

Israelis are fucking genius.

>Send settlers to flood areas of land that they temporarily place under their umbrella of control
>This effectively makes it impossible for Israel to fully demilitarize said land (to 'protect' Israeli citizens)
>The only options are permanent occupation of said land (effectively defacto land of Israel) or officially integrate said land into Israel

Why are the Jews the only ones getting nationalism done right? philistins not palestine in hebrew its phlestim but ok

its mostly commie kibutznicks there tho, they're nothing like those retarded settlers that throw rocks at soldiers and vandalize arab stuff.
wtf are those moon runes senpai , is that terroristspeak ?. im pretty sure the circled thing is allahu ackbar

we have that land for 50 years


I know arabic too and it's actually the arabic translation of Palestine, the thing is that there isn't an alif but when you translate this arabic word from arabic to english it gives you : "palestine"
>it actually says plestine not palestine
Please boy...

>French cucks fighting on behalf of Palestine

Why are Europeans such cuckolds? Mind your own house you stupid surrender monkey.

Let the Mudslimes fight their own wars, they're more than happy to do so they don't need you leaping to their defense you fucking idiot. plistine the ancient people

Jesus Christ, all these fucking faggoty israeli flags in the thread.

>semitic insulting another semitic language
hebrew and arabic is almost the same israelisto
Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: פלשתינה Palestina)

The reason Europe is being flooded with Syrian migrants is because Israel wants to stir up animosity and resentment towards syrians as Israel is planning on taking their land.

When you're ready die, racist.

I know the drill. Same shit happend with Hitler and Poland. And there are christians in Palestine too
I'm not pro-Palestine but I'd like them to create a palestinian-israeli state

>massive rise in anti-Israeli sentiment in the US
Not a problem if you own both parties.

>You think the world is just going to let that happen

What world? Is the US going to stop them? Europe? Europe is about to be in shambles and here in the US things aren't much better. Does China care? Absolutely not.

That must be the.jpg of truth.
A must admit it now.
The joos want to rule the world.
To form an empire that would require hundred of millions of people to fill.
How could have I been so blind.

We have an easy 10% of muslims here.
That and a ton of Mélancuck communists.
They are the most present online. 83 it says here its Philistia

>t.Khazarian fuckboy

Europe is the territory of Europeans for thousands of years, but that hasn't stopped kikes from flooding the west with niggers and arabs.

>Israeli NGO Helping Migrant Boats Reach Europe's Shores, Instructs Them Where to Go

they're baseed on aramic which is objectively great ,hebrew structure and syntax is vastly supirior to arabic tho.
also i know what palestine is why the fuck you linking wiki


hello nigger

you might consider that pepople that were in a genocide see in the news something that seems to them as a genocide and then will support them

Because the arabic word for it is literally the one found in the arabic bible

By sending them to other peoples' countries.

>implying the holocaust happend

Nice try Shlomo. The only genocide is that of white Europeans.


They already illegally occupy it so yeah

Meh, in any cases Muslims win something