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Trying to drive away would only prolong my death. I would have one last fap before I die.

My old high school is a bomb shelter, I'm all good. It has tunnels and shit specifically for nukes

I just have to gun down niggers who try to come in, and hang up a "white protestants only" sign

>From North Korea
I'll take my chances

if i see you at the school waving a gun in a fucking NUCLEAR BOMB SHELTER i'm taking out a knife and cutting off your bodyparts one by one


why do you care if they're religious

I'm good


>any bomb shelters

You can't knife me if I shot you to death

Because I don't allow degenerates in my bomb shelter.

Sewers. You could at least avoid the main blast in there. You would have 2 days to live before radiation poisoning. Make the best of them.

>You can't knife me if I shot you to death

Posters like you tend to actually be retarded in real life

Here's how the scenario would play out

"in shelter"
"you have gun"
*i see you shoot a black guy dead*
"Hey, nice shot. Can I try?"
*takes gun and shoots you in face*

it'll work because people like you are retarded and throw away your defense at the slightest hint or validation or acceptance.

Is.. is that a NIGGER in your bomb shelter!?

That's not very Christian of you

Already sent him into the wasteland without med packs. Problem solved

Why was it there in the first place!?

We have British ABM systems. I'm not worried about it.

Pray and find solitude with God and death.

You know how sly they can be, if I wasn't keeping an eye on my bloodline, I would have missed him

Why wouldn't you let a white Catholic in?

>turn 360°
>walk away

Your a fucking retard. If theres a nuclear bomb about to hit, I'm not going to casually give my gun to some non-gun owning liberal. You gotta bring your own gun if you want to battle me


Grab a chair, climb out the window, onto the roof, and watch the fireworks.

Walk outside. Wait 5 minutes. Die instantly

>implying an abm system can stop a hunk of metal travelling at mach 15 in leo

Leaf education everyone.

Gotta be more careful man, he was 3 feet away from that woman, he almost raped her.

I don't really have anywhere to go.
i'd just wait for it to go off, it would be an instantaneous and painless death if it's right over my house


> newfag larper not even getting technical and using reddit spacing
> multiple questions
why do you care what I think right now when there are nukes headed our way? aren't you going to seek shelter and stock up on iodine gum? faggots this week holy shit what to do with you

Fall to my knees and pray to god for forgiveness


climb onto roof quickly spraypaint a target, go back inside and shitpost for another 3 minutes.

>Here's how the scenario would play out
>even more absurd scenario

>call gf, tell her I love her
>confess my sins one last time
>open bottle of champagne i've been saving
>put on this: youtu.be/6vr0amOKCHo
>have a drink and wait for the flash

Why the fuck are they nuking east washington

The only proper thing to do is kick back and relax.

Let the flames consume me.

Ayoo my nigga where you at southeast here

I'm about 200 miles from my house working. Puppers will be missed, press f to pay respect.


If it's really going for my house directly then yeah I am fucked. Best to stay right under the blast and get fried quickly.

I'd put on a movie, if there's power, in that scenario.

Five minutes from ground zero won’t save you no matter what.
If you meant ”near your house”, then i’m ok since i’m already in a nuclear bomb-proof location ( no strategic value, low population, valley surrounded by mountains ).
The only thing i'd have to worry about is fallout, which is one big overblown meme anyway.

I'm on the east coast so I would give 0 fucks. Hopefully Best Korea hits Portland, Seattle or San Francisco.


Pick one.

I'll make sure I save my progress in xp farming in Nioh, to I don't lose any.

Find someone outside and start strangling them. If I'm gonna get vaporized into a shadow I'm damn well gonna commit murder right before.

The roof, to watch.

Who Arizona here?
Im about 15~ miles from central phoenix Id just head up northeast to Kingsman. I heard the elevation is high enough that we might get much of the fallout.

I'm English. Family came here a long time ago.

From North Korea? Nope maybe Hawaii if the wind is right but, nope, can't even larp that due to ridiculousness.
>lvl67 Druid

I really hope this is bait.

crack open a beer and let er rip


Death is not the end. It is just a doorway to the next life. Some will live, or exist, or dwell, whatever you want to call it, with Jesus Christ. Others will be reminded constantly, and eternally, of their earthly failures. I know where I'm going and I want as many souls to be with me as possible.

you're literally retarded if you think a situation like that would ever happen

1/10 responded but didnt laugh

gonna go into my cellar like a good littel boy

probably gonna kill me but whatevs