Where are the Auschwitz mass graves?

If 1.1 million people died in this camp the mass graves would need to be immense.

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Hence why they burnt them. And dug massive Graves.

if you burn a body that means you don't have to bury it

kek i mean yeah probably not really tho

They burned them all to ashes you bigot!

Oy Vey!

Okay I understand that they would try and burn them but still there would be a mountain of bone and ash somewhere near by.


what I don't get is the sheer volume
if they were all incinerated, that's around 700 a day

The Bergen Belsen mass graves are very clearly marked.

ignore portugal poster

There would need to be mass graves of several hundred thousand dead bodies somewhere near the camp.


Auschwitz was a normal concentration camp.

The Germans set up some euthanasia stations to get rid of the most decrepit individuals who could not work, but no mass extermination took place there.

If massing gassing or mass killing of Jews did occur then it was during Operation Reinhard in the Polish Bug River camps.

Is nobody willing to debate me?

Holocaust denial is illegal here. I reported you to the FBI.

conspiracy goy must be blackout drunk tonight


Second: If they Cremated them you would have ashes. Millions of dead bodies worth of ashes. That would make a literal fucking mountain of ash. The ash pile would be the size of a Salt Mine or a quarry or a fucking landfill.

Wheres the ashes maple leaf? And I haven't even disputed the mathematical impossibility of cremating that many bodies with the small number of ovens they had.

they burnt them despite being at war on both fronts and having insane fuel shortages

makes sense

A cremated human body produces on average 5 pounds of ash, even if you bring that down to 2 or 3 since people in prison camps would be emaciated that's 1400 to 2100 pounds of ash a day and yet there is no ash in the soil samples. I'm actually jewish myself but when you actually look into it so little makes sense, even the physical evidence that does exist like the blue stains from the use of zyklon b, which while present in sufficient quantities to kill humans, is also still constant with levels used for the stated purpose of the gas for delousing and therfore proves absolutely nothing. Even if they took the ash out by trains there would be an ash layer in the soil at the work areas where it was loaded and unloaded but none exists, the whole cremation thing and numbers cited makes zero sense when there is no physical evidence of such a massive undertaking to be found anywhere.

youd think

No bone fragments anywhere to be found. Then there's the fact that their crematoriums would had to have been burning bodies hand over fist for the entirety of the Reich in order to make the "death count" accurate.

But silly me goy, youve had a bit too much to think

Welcome to Sup Forums.

Now get out.

I really want to believe that they were just horrible work camps and not death camps
it would make much more sense, why would they waste time killing prisoners when they were loosing a war and were short on labor

Fellate me.

how immense?

>Auschwitz max capacity 120k
>Auschwitz camp guards 7000
>Auschwitz death toll 1.2 million

Really makes me think.

>Asking where dead bodies are makes me a conspiracy theorist


>Ash disposal
Deniers ask what happened to the ashes of the cremated corpses; the volume corresponds to a full shoebox for each body. The officers at Auschwitz and other camps had many opportunities to dump it — in rivers, on farm fields (as a good fertilizer, yummy.) and in marshes, so ash disposal was not a problem. Much of it rained from the smokestacks. It was also used to grit icy road and paths around Auschwitz II (Birkenau), recalled Yehuda Bacon at the 1961 Adolf Eichmann trial, who had been 14 years old when he was sent to Auschwitz in December 1943.[84]


Because our prisons are not overfilled?
The cattle cars were.

starting from a false primes just like all holocaust denial material, there were mass graves all around it


I have to call bullshit on all of it because they revised the claim of all labor camps being death camps to just the eastern European camps liberated by the soviet army. So every single camp American/British troops come across is just a normal labor camp and the fucking Communist just so happen to get lucky and find ALL of the death camps? nigger please!

Also you have several proven instances of Soviets commuting Genocides and massacres (Holodomor) and you even have instances of the Soviets getting caught Massacring Polish officers and then lying and saying the Nazis killed them. There were even reports of Soviets wearing Uniforms they stripped from dead Germans and running into villages and slaughtering everyone leaving a few survivors to run off in order to turn the local populations against the Germans.

Just because you are too ignorant to comprehend it does not mean it didn't happen.

Pls list primary sources

where are the other 1199 of those?

What do you mean?

This. You would have a topsoil layer of ash half a foot deep running from the ovens to the staging area to the trains they loaded the ash on to the sides of the tracks as ash spills off.

Ash would literally be fucking everywhere and they could not find ash ANYWHERE.

Been there.

No way 120k were ever there.

yes you stupid goyim thee ebil Nazis put two millions on the cars with automated gassing and cremations systems which kilned the five millions and then cremated them and them pushed them through a pressurized tube on the top into the air where the ten millions were carried away by the trade winds into other continents. How dare these racist Nazi lovers question the 16 million.

Yes, rationalwiki, bastion of pseudo debunking and snark ad homonim

Holodomor wasn't a genocide, it was just complete and utter fucking incompetence.

That's the difference between the nazis and the commies.
The Nazis are accused of removing 6 000 000 jews because they hated them and thought that they ruined everything for everyone, and the Commies are accused of being so shit at everything that millions die from hunger.

Not that the work camps in the gulags weren't absolutely worse than the Nazi KZs. But that's another thing. Besides, per British law, a war crime has to be comitted by a German, or it doesn't count.


1.1 million people is the current population of Urban Charlotte NC.

The Germans are simply so efficient that they suspended the laws of physics so that they could get more done.

Well, since Auschwitz had munitions factories right next door it makes no sense to keep the jews around, since they already had ammunition. Shirley you can't be serious.

For the ash statement


for general documents


Go through the sources on rationalwiki and elsewhere that are freely available.

Im not gonna continue to spoon feed you though, as I am not your teacher and not getting paid to do so, and this is Sup Forums and not an academic site so you are just as likely to be trolling as not and not actually interested in whether its true or not.

So If you are genuinely looking for answers to specific questions, then rational wiki is a good first stop for an overview.

5 000 out of 6 000 000.
You would need 1 200 mass graves of that size to house 6 000.

Next to the holocoaster, under that log flume part actually.

When you don't know, Google it.

I don't think even Sup Forums would debate that much, even here people largley accept the fact that jews and other perceived undesirables were taken to these camps in significant numbers.

Unfortunately the whole truth seems to be veiled by wartime biases and propoganda, uncertainty, the sort of historical revisionism which follows any war, and even blatant lies which have only been compounded by the passage of time further obscuring the events in question from our view. Furthermore, the misinformation spread by either side in support of the narrative which best suits their goals over the decades has only brought us further and further from the full truth.
Make no mistake, it was definitely a particularly shitty time to be jewish in Europe and lots of noncombatants did die at the hands of the Reiche but intent, method, and scale are all debatable, none of this changes my overall stance towards nazis or neonazis seeing as how I am Jewish and the groups in question likely take issue with my very existence on basic principal when it comes to this particular matter I can see where they are coming from.

good enough for holocaust deniers, and quite fitting.

The question still remains where are the bodies?

Why are you replying to me? I'm merely explaining to the leaf what the teanigger was trying to say.

1.1 million is Michigan Stadium × 11.

cremating that many bodies would of left a chemical trace, the real question is, where are the trace chemicals related to cremation

You've found your vocation.
Become a biology chemist.
Analyse every water and earth sources miles around A-B and expose the dirty joos.

>4 crematoria
>(((sources))) said there was 46 cremator heaters
>modern time cremators are burning bodies into ashes in two hours
>dehydrated and cachexic bodies are burning a bit longer
>even if we use 2 hr per body constant
>23,913 bodie per heater
> hours of pure burning time when all heaters are used
>47,826 hours of pure cremation time
>5,45 years of non-stop cremation when all heaters are used

You could always take a trip to Poland, visit, and ask the tour guide to show you...

They're all following a script.

Well some of that has already been addressed in this thread, not nearly the cited numbers and no hard evidence for the disposal of ash but a signifigant amount of bodies none the less.

There is enough physical evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that people died en mass as a result of being forcibly sent to nazi camps during world War 2 but not enough to substantiate the claims of muh six gorillan or the exact nature of said deaths. As I was saying it's a question of scale, intent, and method rather than a simple true or false. Regardless of if it was a regimented and willfull extermination, the natural result of having a large prison population under 1940s war conditions with limited resources and poor hygiene, or something in between the two it's still a horrible thing to happen to people.

Well, steal a shovel and start digging and see if you find something.

Ash of 1.1 million people will change the chemical compesition of the ground nearby immensly


Considering the facts, I'd be surprised if even 100,000 were killed by German authorities. I have no remorse for this, history has proven that wherever Jews go, eventually the population turns against them.

If the Jews weren't purposely killed in the camps can it still be called the Holocaust?

mate bones can burn at high enough temperature.

humans don't take up as much space as you think mate. especially if kept in inhospitable areas. They say all of humanity could fit on Madagascar if necessary, with some room to spare.

Even among Jews most people have no idea what the actual word means, it's become synonymous with the existence and opperation of nazi camps during WWII and for most is the only meaning of the word. Only a fraction of the population is even aware of the words greek origins as a term for the ritualistic burning of a sacrifice to the gods or the fact that it's use in the description of the events of WWII is in reference to the supposed cremation of Jews. As such in the modern context whether to rightly call these events The Holocaust has essentially become a semantic argument.

All humans could fit in belgium with room to spare.
Madagascar is fucking huge m8.

Madagascar is bigger than Germany.