Why aren't millennials getting good jobs?

Why aren't millennials getting good jobs?

Because Israel.
Next question: Is OP a cartoon watching, facebook posting, twitter slinging normie faggot?

boomers aren't dead and getting buried with thier gardeners and mechanics

Only idiots work. I live off my capital investments at the age of 30. 0 debt, my own home. Fuck plebs who need to work.

Why is malia an intern at Weinstein?

i have a shitty job but i can pay my bills, i have no incentive to seek higher income.

they aren't getting good qualifications
the "good" in good qualifications has been undermined to include dummies
American education is most likely not education at all

>my degree isn't working for me
>lets make college free!

burn leftists


How much did you start out with?

how do i into investing?

these leddit threads are getting to me... just go out and find a job.
I ain’t even fucking american and i get x5 more than mininum wage as a referee in non-profit.

You nignogs should've gone to grad school

Shit's one step above been a NEET

40k PLN

Change last name , Stein, sell stocks to dumb middle aged men

>not watching rick and morty
>claims any credence to his opinions

Normalfags pay for cartoons, I don't.

Companies abuse H1b visas

colleges are more like adult daycares that pass out useless degrees

Baby boomers have a low opinion on millennials, so they don't really go out of their way to provide opportunities for them

Most millennials are raised by single moms

Turns out that degree in Psychosexual Interpretation of Harry Potter Spells doesn't prepare you for a trade.

Too many millennials, not enough good jobs

Because they get pointless degrees, dress and act like slobs in job interviews, have an entitlement complex, throw tantrums when they don't get their own way, and expect their parents to bail them out.

You can start by reading a fucking book not related to economics and not asking for advice people who want to take your money away from you. In general everyone lies. When media start talking good about a company it's over and you should gtfo asap.

I don't know how to do anything.

Gen X parents are the worse.

How is the unemployment rate so low but still so many without jobs?

You mean refugee. You need to go back.

The economic woes of the USA, contrary to popular sentiment, don’t have much to do with its trade balance. Imports are only 15% of the US economy. Compare these 15% to Germany’s 40%, Switzerland’s 50%, the Netherlands’ 75%, Hong Kong’s 200%. In comparison to other high-developed economies, the United States import close to nothing. Due to being surrounded by oceans, the US economy is historically isolated. The trade deficit of the US stems from the overvaluation of its (petro-)dollar and contributes little to the overall economic situation.

The general perception that America is declining is false as well. “Make America great again”? It was never greater than today. Between 1980 and 2017, industrial output doubled. Private household wealth grew fivefold. The Dow Jones Index by a factor of 16. Even adjusted for the inflation, which was far lower during the 1980-2017 period than in the 1970s, these numbers are impressive: total US household wealth stands at $90.2 trillion – almost one in every third dollar in the World belongs to an American.

The distribution of this wealth is another story, though. And, arguably, the reason why the US middle class feels threatened. Half of the US has close to no wealth. The top 1% own half of it. Even China, Mexico and Indonesia perform better in this regard. And this is what actually worsened between the 1980s and today: while top 1% household incomes tripled, median wages mostly stagnated. The US hasn’t been ripped off by another country: some Americans have been ripping off other Americans since 1980.

lol makes sense.

there are more humanities degrees than humanities jobs available

why are there so many duplicate threads today?

How this became possible? Which phenomena transformed the United States from a broad middle-class society to an oligarchy with African dictatorship-tier inequality? Why are negative economic indicators, such as social mobility, debt deflation, credit defaults, actual unemployment, inequality, wage-to-capital ratio as alarming as right before the Great Depression?

Popular left-wing arguments blame the following: the decline of unionization (from 35% to below 10% today), NAFTA and the WTO membership of China, skyrocketing CEO compensation, the financialization of the housing and education markets, H-1B visa abuse, changed management culture, a minimum wage that doesn’t keep up with inflation, irregular employment schemes, reduced top income tax and capital tax brackets, capital market globalization, the increasing role of lobbies and big money in politics, be it Democrats or Republicans. These trends may be summarized as “neoliberalism”, the Reagan-Thatcher free market, state rollback revolution that happened in the 1980s, displacing the egalitarian “New Deal” and “Great Society” programs in the US. Similar market-liberal trends occurred in Germany (Agenda 2010), the United Kingdom (New Labour), France (tournant de la rigueur), Japan (Abenomics) and, obviously, on the whole Post-Soviet territory.

More sophisticated explanations, demanding economic knowledge to comprehend, include: automation, which, for the first time ever, is proven to lead to technical unemployment in certain sectors – while industrial output in keeps growing, factories employ less actual people. The financialization of the whole economy drowned private households, banks and governments in debt, leading to decline in real investment. Finally, the abandonment of the post-war Keynesianism (1949-1979) might provide “the hint of the century” to why 1979 was a breaking point for wage growth. Wage stagnation led to “secular stagnation” of the whole economy.

because they bought into the follow your dreams meme

really makes u think


Unemployment rate only count people on unemployment, unemployment only lasts so long. Then they stop counting you as part of the workforce so you don't show up in the stats. That way politicians can bullshit the numbers and say how good they did without fixing anything.

I want to know why there are so many posts from different flags from all over the world. It's like we're being raided by people that hate free speech or something.

your liberal arts degrees are garbage and you should feel bad

Meanwhile unemployment is lowest in polish history because of Ukrainians who actually work. Kek Germany and their lazy refugees.

Underrated and checked.

Why would I work for someone else when I make 300k from running my own business? Only monkey goyim work.

I'm dropping out of college to do an electricians apprenticeship. Getting journeymans in 4 years
I was sold the college meme and realized how much of a sham it is.

>anyone who criticises me is shareblue/ctr!!!!

>IT manager
>Requires 6 years experience with Windows Server 2016
>$40,000 salary on call 24/7

interesting, user. whered u get this analysis?

Ah, so you're rich to begin with.

Only plebbit morons watch this show.

They don't want to work. I make about 150k a year deckhanding in AK. If you want it, it's there, but, everyone wants to be a millionaire comic book engineer.

Why would you want a job as a consultant anyway?

>1 post by this ID
It's another slide thread. Sage

>not even 10k euro
>somehow enough to make money

Unless you made some incredibly lucky investments, you are full of shit.

Tell me more


can confirm this.
all lucrative fields such as medical import foreign
nationals then make them work for free so they
get job experience so they can return to their country
as a more considerable candidate. the whole time
they are lied to saying they will be considered for
permanent staff and will have their immigration
papers taken care of but after their internship,
rotation, etc is over they get told they can't stay.
Even the ones that get hired for over a year get
the boot. the only ones that get the job are ones
that immigrated before college and did all classes
in the united states. This seriously limits the amount
of jobs citizens can get because why hire and pay
someone when you can import someone who will
work for nothing.

Fishing pays a lot of money because nobody clean wants to do it. I just love the ocean though.

I got a MS in physical oceanography but it's just way less fun than pounding gear.

A lot of companies used the 2008 recession to freeze wages and fire all the long term employees in favor of college kids at half the cost. Funny how they forgot to unfreeze wages.

>10k USD in savings
>after years of eating dirt

Never go full retard...

Is there anyone who actually tried in college that is complaining about being unemployable?

By trying I mean internships, networking and actually getting experience in your field, not just showing up to class and passing tests

I think a lot of folks treat college just like high school part two and end up getting fucked over when they realize no company wants to hire someone who pissed away four years partying.

>Unemployment in Canada considering every citizen 15 - 65 is 25%
>Official unemployment is 6.7%

Rick and Morty is easily the most based cartoon this century and I just say this century for lack of knowledge to cover my bases in case some Sup Forums fag comes in

Boomers can't fuck off and people keep getting meme degrees

Oh and outsourcing

>#1 Too many boomers made too many millenials.
>#2 Boomers need to work too long cuz they live too long in too much average luxury.
> Boomers control competition by rising barriers to entry. Boomers upped the stakes and (((credential))) requirements for jobs that really only require a go getting 100IQ normalfag with diploma.
>The fact that (((college))) or (((university))) is just adult daycare indoctrination center is an added bonus.

But now millenials need to work too. But tail end boomers need to run out the clock another 5-15 years though. They need insurance for new hips, diabetis, COPD meds and nicotine replacement. They they need to go to Florida, boat, drive fixed up 68 hemi cudas and listen to Zepplin vinyl on Sonos.
>millenials come into the work force needed the same training and time as normalfag 100IQ guy, but they have crazy intellectual and emotional bagage from (((college))). Fucking worthless and expect too much too soon.
>5 year from retirement boomer sees these millenial scum as thier actual children (in some cases they are) and let them get away with murder at work
>work has all the usual issues exept now made an intolerable hell hole by bommer/millenial/over credential scrap fighting. Its an extended middle school.

Samefag here!

The HR (sorry, "Talent Manegement") where I work is actually working on a new training program and manual for recent and new hire millenials called, "Work Skills" intended to try to make these people act human in the workplace. No fucking joke! There has been enough anger from all sides. Even more useful millenials notice.
>Recognizing and dealing with authority
>Gossip in the workplace
>Effective phone and email communication.
>Rising the ladder and what to expect
> Effective teamwork with workmates, superiors and subordinates.
>Social media at work and home
No fucking joke!! Boomers pay a premium for over credentialed cunts that can't even act normal at work

You said what I wanted to say in one sentence. I like u.

It's good to hear someone else gets it.

Corporations are pushing "free" (in other words, you pay for it with your taxpayer dollars) tuition because more qualified applicants means they get to pay lower salaries. How do you think Bernie paid for that expensive third house? He was paid off by major corporations. He's in their pocket, fighting for their interests while saying he's fighting for you.

Why do millennials see him as a woman

Because he has a taint cunt that he somehow hasn't died from yet

I just wanna chill, watch anime and play videogames. Fuck working.

It's the unclit you shitlord

lick mah balls you fucking leafs

They don't. They just virtue-signal for Instagram cred.

Who is bigger scum: boomers or millennials?

Is gen X master race?

>tfw when so jaded with society you never watched it specifically because everyone said it was so good
i stand by my decision

Boomers parents and grandparents are the ones that really screwed the country hard

Boomers suck, but Millennials are ten times worse. Gen X is better than boomers but they're also not very good. Gen Z seems like they're could be good but I dunno we'll see.

Boomers reached the top of the market and won't fuck off and retire and die

So the people behind them can't progress

and the people behind them can't progress

and the people behind them can't progress

There's people with degrees in entry level positions for longer than it took to get their degrees for no other reason than there's no job for them to be promoted into

In about 10 years people will start dying and thing will loosen up, until then I'll get by selling novelty clocks on etsy

>Reddit and Memey
Go back to the donald, heeb.

The simple answer is the land monopoly and the rentier class.

For the remedy read Henry George

>land monopoly
There is plenty of cheap land available

I have been trying with networking, using friends spread out my resume and getting a hold of HR at companies but I never get a response back. My problem is that I want to get into Oil & Gas.
I will admit I fucked up on the internship part but as a freshmen I did try to get exp. but I was told to come back as a Junior to apply for internships.. All of a sudden, too many people wanted to get degrees in Petroleum Engineering and the at the Job fairs, every fucking company wanted you to have at least 2-3 summers left for internships (aka, you had to be a sophomore and it was then too late for a lot of us.) and of course they were super limited on how many they gave out. Pretty much you had to be a girl or your parents knew people in the industry to help you out. If I had graduated in like 2012, I could've easily gotten a job without an internship, hell I didn't even need the P.E. degree. Too many fucking kids got into the STEM area and fucked up the balance.

What you are taught as "capitalism" results in inequality and inefficiency because it lacks a theory to manage common resources. It doesn't even recognize that there is such a thing as common resources. Georgism corrects this flaw by not only recognizing common resources like land, minerals, water, fish stocks as such, but adds that by managing these resources with user fees, you can get rid of all other taxation and remove impediments to economic development. So under Georgism, regular folk are mostly taxed in proportion to the value of any land they may possess. The vast majority of people would pay a lot less than they currently pay in income, payroll and consumption taxes, but absentee landlords would pay a lot more, and the mortgage business of banks would be an order of magnitude smaller, because land taxes cancel the benefits of holding land as an investment. The system also discourages the inefficient use of land, controlling sprawl and inefficient farming practices. Housing and transportation costs would be greatly reduced, thus allowing for a greater equality of opportunity. A Universal basic income (UBI) could provide for those unable to work.

This might help you understand senpai

In the USA that is not how it is calculated.
You are part of the unemployed stat if you want work and do not have any work. It does not matter how long you are out of work or if you are still collecting unemployment insurance.
If they call you and ask "are you working?"
"Are you looking for work?"
Then you are unemployed according to the statistic.
If you are working part time or you have stopped looking for work then you are no longer unemployed.
There were some fuzzy adjustments made to make the number better by guessing who is now self employed and no longer "unemployed" but it's a finge statistic (+\- .1%)

>results in inequality
>recognizing common resources like land
I would rather own my own land

I'm not that guy, but I'm also retired @ 30.
I own 2 houses, live in one, rent out the other.

I didn't start with anything, I earned every dollar. I've been investing 50% of my income since my first job when I was 14. Not everything worked out, but I consistently outperformed expectations with my returns.

I've always had a job, and also spent a large portion of my spare time gigging, and doing business side projects. Some of these have paid off immensely.

I never earned crazy wages (never more than $40/hr), but I save most of it, and put it to work for me.

It's not about how much you earn, that's pretty irrelevant. It's about how much you save.

I'm sorry but your not entitled to own things that you did not produce

I am entitled to things I control

exclusive use /= ownership

We want experienced workers. The young will have to get some shitty jobs at first, before settling down

Because millennials have not yet suffered enough to get a good paying job. You torture yourself friend...

the best job is no job

Use of land and breathing are not rights
The entire idea of human rights is completely retarded

It's always fun on these charts to find the year 1965 and watch how everything goes to shit.

I hate HR. They're a huge reason why I feel a lot of us with decent degrees can't get a job.
Example: I FINALLY found a job that I can do and I know everything that is needed for the job. However, a friend who works at the same company and is trying to help me out is telling me HR isn't gonna call me because I'm over-qualified......

So how would you define a right? Wouldn't you say everyone who is alive has a right to stay alive?

>dress like slobs
comfiness over faggotry

Some men have no right to be in this world.

So you pay a tax to the community because you are excluding others from the use of what it is common property. All we do is capture the ground rent and return it to its rightful owners; the community that gave it value in the first place.

You can still build a fence and do what ever it is you want on your parcel you just dont get to leverage community added value through elusive use. Also the LVT would replace all other taxes on production so the tax man cant up your property taxes for building that fence or what ever other improvements you make

Same, honestly 9gag loves it, if that piece of shit site loves it i'm 1000% sure it's a dumb retarded cartoon

might make right

>disregard property
Go back to lefty/pol/ you literal retard

i concur

if the fools love it, it cant be good

>community that gave it value in the first place.
Thats retarded
That is like saying shoppers give value to a store so they should be part owners