Reminder that Christianity is Zionism

Reminder that Christianity is Zionism.

Dont be a christian, jew or muslim.

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Thanks Varg.

No it isn't you shill.

Give it up already, the truth is known and on the Internet for everyone to see, you delude yourself and no one believes your lies.

Hail Christ the King!

Christianity was the greatest thing to happen to Britain since La Tene.

Fuck off Varg.

Maybe your Christianity is. Mine most certainly is not

It is.

Stop listening to Varg, start listening to Me.


Odin is the way

Heil Odin

I'm a Levayian Satanist.

falling for the (((satanist))) jew Anton Levi who changed his name to Anton LeVey

This meme gets tiresome, but it still gives me a tickle to see that people believe it. Have you ever read the Satanic Bible? Where is the source for that quote from LeVay? The main point that LeVay makes is that the constant guilt-induced self-sacrifice that the Christians feel compelled to preform plays into their hypocritical nature. He advocated self-sacrifice for those who deserve it, like ones family and community. If you're unconvinced, read his work and really think about what he is saying, I'm sure you can find it online for free.

It is injustice to compare Christianity to Judaism and Islam.

Because when Christianity came to be - the church fathers had to defend their faith against the ancient pagan philosophy (immensely superior to Nordic pagan shit). They had to use their brains to justify and at the same time systematize the faith. But Muslims never needed that: they started with a powerful state and never even needed to have a dialogue with other ideas, philosophy. Early Christians were strongly influenced by Neoplatonism and St. Augustine systematized the faith in such a beautiful way it never became despotic like the other two. In his Confessions this brilliant man even added to the antiquity: inner self, which leads to self reflection. Later it was not Renaissance but Scholasticism of the church that rediscovered Aristotle and this time with St. Thomas the great ancient philosopher was incorporated into Christianity. Additionally, the scholastic Occam with his extreme nominalism introduced terms and signs - which lead to possibility of mathematical explanation of nature - and gave birth to modern natural sciences.

When I see people bashing Christianity it rattles me, Nordic paganism didn't create any knowledge, didn't contribute in anyway except in popular fiction. But Jesus Christ, gave new shape to the western civilization.

The full quote, with context.
"Self-sacrifice is not encouraged by the Satanic religion. Therefore, unless death comes as an indulgence because of extreme circumstances which make the termination of life a welcome relief from the unendurable earthly existence, suicide is frowned upon by the Satanic religion."- The Satanic Bible (1969)

The context is that unless it is your will, and your agency, which determines that self sacrifice is acceptable, it should not be undertaken. I would never take a bullet for a stranger, but for my brother, or sister, or mother or father, of course. This seems like common sense, but ask a christian this and they would have to sit and think and ask their god for an answer. LeVay proposed that one live the way that feels natural. Its a very simple ideology that is misrepresented by ((them)) and spread by over paranoid useful idiots.

After Judaism and Islam is fully exterminated from the planet, we need to get rid of Christianity as well, and return to our true European roots.

We won't gas or drop christians from helicopters, but we must stop promoting the religion itself.

Christianity is "better" than Judaism and Islam, yes, but it's still unhealthy for us mentally and spiritually. It's like eating the wrong food. Christianity is like veganism - it causes malnutriton and mental problems.

It's a foreign belief system. Christianity has nothing to do with the European (and Slavic) peoples.

We european peoples - we had our own original culture and belief systems, for many many hundreds of years (perhaps thousands) before Christianity came (from the middle east) and took over by force.

People need to begin admitting that ALL of the Abrahamic religions are bad (judaism, christianity, islam)

Sure - Christianity is the "best" of the 3 Abrahamic religions. But they are NOT OUR religions. Christianity is just as foreign to us as Judaism and Islam. That we've lived under Christian rule for over a thousand years doesn't change this fact.

Christianity is a foregin belief system which came from the Middle East - it was desgined to be used as a weapon of conquest.

The three Abrahamic religions together, they are a weaponized system of Divide & Conquer.

Why do so few people understand this?

Don't forget, Christianity GENOCIDED the European people both physically and in other ways.

The Christian Church and early Christian monarchies, they DESTROYED the European people's way of life and all our original cultural identity and took our freedoms away from us. It was war against the very soul of Europe. And a war against European women. So many women were murdered, because it was primarily the women who were keeping our traditions alive through teaching our children, and because they were the healers in society.

Do you ignorant Christianity-pushing morons and apologists understand how much suffering and destruction this religion caused to the European people?????

And fuck off with the meme "but duh dude christianity brought enlightenment and development!" - fucking biggest lie ever.

then who should i worship

Shiatan, The Opposer

>The Christian Church and early Christian monarchies, they DESTROYED the European people's way of life

No, the Christian Church wiped out Pagan Germanic culture and replaced it with Roman Christian ideals

Fuck off nordcuck

The thing I don't understand is why Nordcucks insist on propagating their stupidity to other people? I mean, if Nordqueers want to dance around naked in the forest and worship stones, trees, and rivers, fine - no skin off my back. But keep your pagan faggotry to yourselves.

Wow, 4cuck really shills the shit hard. Mods are all kikes, I see.

You idiots always seem to forget the fact that Roman pagans literally exterminated the priestly class in Britain. But, sure, Christians divide and conquer.

Actually, Christ does divide and conquer. He divides the wheat from the chaff and conquers all. I piss on your dead "gods".

What is Varg's religion?
Hiding in the woods playing dress up and trying really hard to not contribute anything to society while manipulating an autistic woman to use as a breeding machine for white children?

Like what? You have some pagan bibles?

By the way, that shit of woods is a bit relative has well, my country was conquered by catholic Spain, we never have pagan shit.

>writing full-on paragraphs of text
>reddit spacing

Good thing autism is a secret unlocked neanderthal gene, amiright guys?



He worships his tribe, his blood, his people. LIke his ancestors before him. His holy land is Europe. Not a Middle Eastern city controlled by the Jews.

>true European roots
Name one fully fleshed out Nordic deity which has an official theological canon. In fact, do it for any deity.
foreign? It was foreign to the Jews as much it was to the Aztecs, the best argument you can form is geographic.
>took over by force
Objectively wrong. The Christianization of Europe took place over many centuries and was spread by peace and demonstration far far more than by war. Name one convert of war and I'll name a whole tribe of converts by peace. Shall we start with the Alemmani?
Not really, the Romans destroyed everything Celtic after they bastardized everything Greek, but not really before they totally eradicated everything North African and outsted anything remotely Iberian. The Pax Romana was the first shot at globalism, it just wasn't bad because it was civilization rather than universal degeneration.
>all abrahamic religions
Nice category
Why don't we say all religion? Or all paganism? or perhaps only the cancerous """"Nordic"""" Paganism?

Christianty is far from both. Its the non-religous mans religon. Practically Infinite forgiveness for almost all sins no matter how bad we fuck up. Good advice to live by for those who can to keep us from the consequences of said sins, and something to aspire to live by to those who can't.

No it's not

So, in other words, Nazi idolatrous stupidity. This isn't religion, it's base materialism. You people are no different from Marxists.

At least he have a lot of children, things that most of us europeans don't have.

>But they are NOT OUR religions.
Actually that's exactly what they are. The Indo-European religions are rife with dying gods who gave themselves to themselves. Haven't you read any of your own literature? Judaism and any European religion stems from the same Indo-European understanding.
You might as well argue for Odin over Woden. It's pointless.
>designed as a weapon of conquest
mind proving that or explaining it beyond "it divides"
Whom did Christianity conquer? Europe became strongest under the banner of Christianity.
>why do so few people understand this
Maybe because it's totally wrong and a Marxist interpretation of religion?
>Christianity Genocided
Give me one instance where an entire race was wiped out by Christianity directly.
They actually integrated and protected the European way of life. Gallic tradition would be non-existent if not for the Catholics who preserved it when the Germanics replaced the Gauls.
>a war against the soul of Europe
by trying to save the European soul?
>women were murdered
Actually the women were the first converts, one of the reasons being you weren't allowed to be a nigger to your wife anymore under Christian rule.
They weren't the healers in society, you need to preface that by what society. Western European society had physicians not women.
You've a very Nordic-Centric view of European history, makes sense since your preaching Nordic paganism as the religion of wider Europe.
source for an increase in suffering??
Do you axe-chuckers understand you did literally nothing but kill each other for the past five thousand years?
>biggest lie ever

Jesus spoke against the Jews, that's why the Jews ordered him to get crucified. Christianity is not a Jewish religion, it is definitely European.
Don't be ridiculous. Ideas have to start somewhere and Europe was full of degenerate homosexuals and barbarians killing each other before they were baptized.

What you're writing about has absolutely nothing to do with what the European people believed and how they lived, before Christianization (aka cultural genocide).

It's like me writing "Gee early Canadians are so weird - they stuffed their asses full of maple leaves every day" when they never did that. Just totally made up nonsense.

And regardless whether or not you truly believe that "idea" or "image" you have in your mind of pre-christian Europeans, it's still just nonsense.


When you instant fail so quickly, the rest of your comment doesn't have any hope at all.

You're extremely bluepilled on these topics.

The classic :
>reply to one line in a vague way and cover the dismissal of two entire posts





You don't know what you're talking about, as usual, OP. You seem to be able to read and write, try reading a book and learn something.

He's saying no one gives a shit about your """"paganism"""" and you should keep it to yourself.

All I can say is I've had multiple epiphanies and experiences that lead me to believe the New Testament is the truth.
Never had any such experiences that lead me to believe Thor, or Zeus, or any other pagan God is a true God.

Yeshua is my one true God for personal reasons.

Daily reminder that Norway will be brown in less than 40 years.

Heh heh, yes, good goy.

>grows up in christian country in the 20th/21th century, wonders why he never had much to do with Zeus

>an epiphany is now apparently an argument

just fucking stop dude.

When someone like me (meaning anyone having the knowledge/understanding which I happen to have) reads comments such as the comment you wrote about these issues, it's like when You (assuming you're redpilled on the following) read comments from someone adamantly defending the "official story" of for example the Holocaust, feminism, or defending Marxism/Communism and USSR -- you know what you're reading is absolutely ridiculous and false and retarded on so many levels, so you don't even wanna bother wasting your time on someone like that. You know, those comments which are so asinine they don't deserve a respectful proper reply.

If you wanna stay ignorant, that's your choice. If you actually seek knowledge and wanna get redpilled, then go get redpilled. Whatever man.

Actually I was taught about Zeus in school. I wasn't taught about Jesus in school growing. The Christian nation thing is a huge myth. It is damn near outlawed in the united states because it offends everyone so much.

Since my birth this has always been a hedonist nation.

Christianity is a Greco-Roman religion, and therefore European. If you cannot understand that, you're either a ignorant retard or a jewish troll.

I'll say this though, although not for your sake but rather for anyone else reading who might be interested:

>"You've a very Nordic-Centric view of European history"

There he assume shit, he just make shit up. He has absolutely no idea what "view" I have of history at all.

>"makes sense since your preaching Nordic paganism as the religion of wider Europe."

Never done that. Never promoted what he calls "paganism" - and even if we pretend that "paganism" is what I referred to in my 2 earlier long texts (which I wasn't) -- even if we for the moment use that highly loaded and grossly inaccurate term (it's as retarded as the modern concept of "Ninjas" or "Berserkers"); I've never claimed - nor have I ever thought - that all of Europe had the same beliefs and same cultures. Far from it. Various regions of Europe (including Russia) did of course share certain similarities, for example the slavic and germanic deities have many similarities.

Be a good go-... I mean Samaritan!

>You're wrong but I won't tell you why because everything I say correct defacto

Be more specific.

The amount of cucked Christians itt is sad. Keep worshipping a kike and be used, as you always have been.

>There he assume shit, he just make shit up. He has absolutely no idea what "view" I have of history at all.
You keep talking about "The Pagan Roots Of Europe" but you are only doing so in reference to Nordic or broader Germanic paganism. You've referenced nothing of the Gauls, Iberians, Latins, Hellenes, Britons, Gaels, Slavs, or Balkans.
You talk of Genocide but give no evidence, you talk of suffering but give no evidence, and the only evidence I can think of culminating in the Baltic crusades deals only in a vague sense of Nord-Slavic pagan mashup that was more political than religious.
>never promoted what he calls "paganism"
Denying like a Jew. I never defined "paganism" with my own terms, I have referenced the colloquially understood term. If you've a different understanding then please share it with us.
I never said you claimed Europe had the same beliefs. But you can't deny that Europe was once pagan. No one is denying that, except you seem to be dancing with idea. Slavic and Germanic deities are almost the same. Not to mention the Roman pantheon was directly taken from the Hellenic or Greek. The Romans also listed numerous similarities between Celtic and Germanic deities with their own Hellenic deities.
You haven't given any coherent explanation of anything you've said, you're just throwing out unsubstantiated terms.

>le ded kike on a stick
>lets worship the stick instead
pagan """"religion""""

The western world is very forgiving and tolerant through it's Christian culture and thus can easily be taken advantage of.

"Base Materialism"? Tribe/Blood/People - this is the essence of identity, not the rational man's definition of materialism, it is in fact, completely the opposite. I think perhaps you need to do a bit more study on this subject matter, before you can contribute with a greater chance for accolades.

>implying I'm a Pagan

You are far worse than the Pagans ever were.

Well said, and that is exactly the problem, this "tolerance and acceptance" is baked into many western political structures now, and it will ultimately be the source of our downfall.

Depends on how far west you go I guess.

I am a Christian and certainly willing to forgive and forget, but I am human, so if for instance some breaks in my home and puts my or my loved ones lives at risk, I'd rather kill them first and forgive them later.

lol fuck off pagancuck

Well said. In actuality, Nordic Paganism most likely is a simple outgrowth of the Hellenistic World's classic pantheon of Gods. Basically, everything comes from the Greeks...

>You are far worse than the Pagans ever were.
merely pretending
Patheism cuckery needs to die.

As long as you keep using the term "pagan" and "paganism" you show you don't understand. Your usage of that word is the first red flag of ignorance.

>believing in ghosts
>praising pedophiles
lol 2k17

Ah yes you caught me, I'm definitely a Pagan for calling Christians out for their culturally enriched cuckery. Definitely not an Atheist.

You co-opted the date of Christmas to turn Pagans over to Christianity, and you are naive enough to think it wasn't already done to Christians millenia ago.

I didn't say any of that.

Prove to me how your "pagan" religion helped Wales develop. Yes Celtic mythology is rich, deep and beautiful. But the "Pagan" Druids were it's biggest rivals.

They despised the written word, because fuck wits like you learned to read. You can kiss St.Patricks cock if you love " Pagan" relgion so much.

He taught many Welshman how to read and write and saved centuries of celtic mythology through the written word.

Fuck you and the druids.

You won't believe how right you are

Fuck off scum.
John 8:44
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
-Jesus talking about Jews
Literally kill yourself LARPING SCUM

By kikes, of course. I also like to lul at the fact that the followers of the Kaballah are having a field day earning your trust and infiltrating your religion even more.



Nice work!

Pagans and similar can't argue though, so they latch on to "Christianity is not European!!!".

>Definitely not an Atheist.
Most """"pagans"""" ARE atheists.
>You co-opted the date of Christmas to turn Pagans over to Christianity, and you are naive enough to think it wasn't already done to Christians millenia ago.
What? It wasn't to turn pagans over to Christianity. It was because in ROMAN paganism (important distinction which you haven't known or cared enough to make) the birthday of the Sun. Christ has been referred to before his birth as the Messiah as a type of Sun. The linguistic relation of "sun" and "son" you can blame the Danes. "Light of the world" ring a bell? It was simply poetry, though you don't seem to grasp that, or maybe you just didn't know.

Nice digits.
Again you refuse to define the terms or explain what you mean, instead you've opted to use paganism as a buzzword and harp on it. Why don't you explain why it sends up red flags? In reference to the thread theme I thought it meant practitioners of Pre-Christian religions in Europe/Pre-Christian religions of Europe.
Does it mean something else?

To those who may be confused ---

That segment, from that movie, shows the very last remnants of one aspect of pre-christian Europe (what the woman is doing), and depicts a small fragment of the role which women played in society.

>>Don't be Jew, Christian, or Muslim

What do you mean by this? When you talk of pre-Christian Europe do you mean to denigrate post-Christian Europe, to say that for instance modern medicine or complex administrative systems are bad or should be abolished? Or do you mean to say only Christianity be abolished in Europe? If so why? Why is the point of pre-Christian and post-Christian so important to you? Is it because of Christianity itself? Then surely you'd be defending the pre-Christian religions. But why them? They are so today less relevant than they were many years ago. They were not even the focus of the European peoples. You also seem to be mistaking rituals of superstition for the broader category of religion. What exactly is lost by switching out Odin for God and Baldr for Christ? What do you lose? not your culture, not your festivals, not your symbols, not their significance, you don't lose your land, your blood, your lives. So do tell, what exactly is lost?
>muh heritage
You still have that, or do you deny that heritage is not malleable? If so then you are stupid because you are malleable and are actively changing your heritage everyday with your own thoughts and actions. Not heritage in its absolute sense but rather lineage.

inb4 that christchan shit shows up in this thread

hail satan, niggers

>is not malleable
is malleable.

To further explain. If everything was static and unchanging then you wouldn't even have a heritage or a culture.
Life today is fast that you want something which is more steadfast. I can assure you, nothing will satisfy you but truth. Pre-Christian Europe does not hold it.

yes don't be that just be a Norwegian refugee cock juggler instead

wow this dirty murderous heathen is right, I should totally take advice from him

shut the fuck off kiddo

Luke 20


"Guys Varg is so right xtianity is jewish"

Pagans are just halfbreeds.


Hitler hated Pagans

"Varg is so cool guys"

Pagans are the kangz of yoorup

No, it isn't, you mook.

Not enough people know this or are to brainwashed to believe it

No it wasn't lad

yeah man if only more whites were pagan

Have you read Luke 20

This pretty much gives an example of the Christian view of Judaism
