Why Sup Forums hates Jews like that?

I mean all of this "Jewish supremacy" theory thing is a little bit exaggerated, right?
We should be afraid of Muslim, I mean Jews are part of the West... And look at Israel ! It's the only ME country with gay rights ffs ! Why would people be against it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Plus I mean they went through a war... That's not nothing

why does a country's measurement of civilization is always correlated with whether gays have rights there or not?
on a side note, I'd rather have israelis as neighbors than palestinians as long as they don't try any stupid shit against lebanon.

Why? Palestinians are too savage?

palestinians are backstabbers who should never be trusted. I should know because there are plenty of them here. At least israel is clear on who's its enemy and who's not

A large part of the people that push degenerate agenda onto the west are jewish. Not only that, most globalists are jewish.

Are you a native lebanese?

So who's the most evil? muslims or jews? because if we follow what you say both are lame but jews are more dangerous bc more power

Wht is jwe? :;)

yes I am

Muslims are not organised. They're children compared to the jews.

Every day thousands of abortions are perpetuated in Europa. Who is pushing agenda for this?

Do you think that the rise of Islam hate in the West could help Jews to remain "hidden" ?

>I'd rather have Israelis as neighbors
That's where you went wrong.

I mean wew lad.

>We should be afraid of Muslim, I mean Jews are part of the West... And look at Israel ! It's the only ME country with gay rights ffs ! Why would people be against it?

t. kike shill


But Muslims hate Jews

Also let it be clear, by jews I don't mean your lambda jew who has a jewelry store in your local city. The rabbit hole goes way deeper than that.

If you're going to remember only one thing, this is what you must understand: jews don't just plan things over a period of some years. They plan it over decades or even decennia. Once you understand this, you'll start to worry about the "little" things that changed in our countries over the last decades, but that have a very big impact over time. You'll also start to worry about the "little" things that change while you're alive, and have a rather big impact while the years pass.

Why is Europa in debt? Why are there so many abortions? Why is there so much immigration? Where does this while LGBTQ community come from? Why all the divorces all of a sudden? So much degenerate art/movies? The list goes on.

Continueing about the abortions in Europa; tell your grandparents (if they still live) how many abortions were committed when they were 20, and then tell that right now, around 30 per cent of pregnancies end in abortion.

To answer your question about why Jews do this: they want one unified Eurasian race for more effective control.

And for good reason, your parasitic jewish kind needs to be launched into the sun.


Why hate your largest and most useful group of idiots who you can pin the blame for everything on?

Oh fuck.. I just checked who created the LGBT movement
>Magnus Hirschfeld
"Magnus Hirschfeld (14 May 1868 – 14 May 1935) was a Jewish German physician and sexologist "
You sure they want "one unified Eurasian race"?
But why does the West hates Muslims? If they both hate Jews?

are you fucking retarded?

Manipulated into turning on each other to avoid the (((real problem.))) Think whatever the fuck you want about the wretched practices of Islam, the undeniable fact is that we can stomp (((them))) out together far easier than alone.

Jews are worse, they are the ones forcing Europeans to take them in. Most of the European elite is Jewish

What you shillposter really should be asking yourself is THIS:

Why does jews hate the world?

Is it because the Zionist Jewish Khazarian khabbalah is an ancient death cult hi-jacked as judaism who wants do rule the world or what?

It's 100 times easier to rally support against radical Islam. The only way you'll EVER get bluepillers on your side against Jews is when they're caught in some shady shit like Bernie Madoff, and it's not like their background ever HAS anything to do with their wrongdoings, no sir.

>Oh fuck.. I just checked who created x
>German revolution (November revolution), who were on the communist side?
>What happened when 3 American nationalists died on board of the Titanic?
>Who's behind the finance exploitation in the world?
>Who have the most profited from wars around the world? (80% of profits)
>Who were behind the Bolshevik regime? (and how many Russians were killed?)

The list goes on. If you want to read serious literature about jewish influence in France I suggest you take a look at the writings of Robert Faurisson and Vincent Reynouard. Obviously be careful, it's illegal, and yes, you should be worried as to why it's illegal to read them.

I thought the death cult was Islam...
Well Muslims aren't in the Western elite

Dump the redpills, boys.

I don't have as much on this laptop. Anyone have frankfurt school quotes, and the graph showing how Jewish the bolshevik regime was?

Also quotes from contemporary thought leading Jews saying how white people need to be "enriched" and demographically removed.

Sort of like this lovely Jewess.


You're an alright tree. Just get rid of Nasrallah and remove kebab and we'll visit you for holidays.

Follow the ideas. The most poisonous ideas have been formulated by diaspora Jews.
Israel is another matter.

>thought the death cult was Islam...

Gee, I wonder who let these people in. It must certainly not be because of the left r-r-right? Actually, how was the left formed? Oh yes, I remember, the Frankfurt school. Thanks also to them, we now have rights for gays, gender roles and drugs, feminism. Hm, but who's behind the Frankfurt school and left movement that started in the 60-70?

You're an alright 'strayan. Remove kebab.

>You sure they want "one unified Eurasian race"?

Look up the Kalergi plan. Who do you think would be controlling the low IQ masses?

Not all, but an elite sub group of them, in essence want feudalism with masses of dumb laborers whom they lord over. The Jews ran the Bolshevik government. They attempted a communist revolution in Germany too. They have an unending desire to control the goyim, and they know white europeans are their biggest obstacle. So, they must displace them genetically.

>Who do you think would be controlling the low IQ masses?
The high IQ select few, you stupid cunt.

>Look up the Kalergi plan

/based burger. Also, hooton plan is worth looking up.

because people came here larping as nazis, now we have dumbasses who are unironically nazis. Also Behind every horrible event there is a jew.


Fuck off Shlomo. I swear to god you'll hang from lamp posts if your kind don't fuck off and leave us be.


literally israel and saudi arabia

This is highly disturbing.

Now that Trump stands with Israel I'm starting to change my mind on the subject. Maybe jewish dick won't taste that bad if I suck it together with god emperor.

>try to kill Jews
Haven't you learned what happens to countries who go against their Jews?


I actually feel bad for your country which is highly related to Jews and Israel, Trump need to leave Israel to the middle east

>Haven't you learned what happens to countries who go against their Jews?
They live in peace, fortune and are prosperous.

A better question would be: what happens when the jews control another populace that goes against the first?

After eradicating Edom, will you eradicate Muslims too?


that almost certainly wont work. there are high IQ individuals even amongst Arabs and other low IQ races. Mexico has plenty of fairly high IQ whites who form their upper-middle class, yet both Arabs and Latin American countries have many problems. You can't expect low IQ people to form the mass of a complex system, and for that system to still function.

What do you think?

>russian empire had 650 antisemitic laws
(((pure coincidence))), I swear, guyse.

6 million keks.

I'd push the red button myself and boom, no more cube.

No. Jews want to legitimize the state of Israel. They want non whites to kill whites in revenge for the Holocaust to keep from getting their hands dirty.
They want an easily controlled beige population to work dangerous labor jobs while they sit back in a kushy ivory tower corporate hugbox fucking shiksas all day. All their dirtiest handywork is being done by non-Jewish companies being paid anonymously from their accounts.

The chart.

Are you being serious or ironic here? Aren't Ismail's descendants your cousins?

Israel has no need to be "legitimized", stupid goy.

Permanently butthurt bastards with daddy issues. They're not even remotely useful to us.

everyone who can't see the genius & the art that goes into being a jew is a worthless fuck.

they are opponets to be respected, and competed against.

screaming and bawling merely makes them laugh.


>Robert Faurisson
Just read up on the laws in the EU.

He's right you know. When will you learn that the real enemy is not the Jew, but the muslim? That's why I support Trump's strike on Assad 100% I hope he drives every muslim out of the middle east. The region would be much more stable under Israeli influence.

Anyone who doesn't support Trump on this is blue pilled.

Kek why do the only Jew I meet here on Sup Forums have to be evil?
Aren't you afraid of the rise of antisemitism caused by redpills?

>let's be good goys! pave the way for greater Israel, while driving massive amounts of refugees to Europe


That's right most Jews I've met have been red pilled as fuck.

because most of this board unironically idolize hitler who hated jews and had conspiracies

Did you know most jews are clinically insane? Suffer from paranoia and compulsive lying.

It's not all Jews. It's similar to the Italian mafia. Not all Italians are gangsters, and not all gangsters are Italian, but the mafia is an Italian organization.

I grew up around many Jews and an ethnically half Jewish myself, so taking the redpill on the JQ was very difficult. It's an elite subset of Jews who have had undue influence in modern history, but most people are complicit by not stopping it

Much like Islam, their religion is a plague on our planet and our species. They are Jewish supremacists. They believe that their common belief in a magic pixie man in the sky entitles them to do whatever they want.

first answer this: why is "the donald" full of zionists?

Shill thread

Sage and move on

muslims hate west because of israel. they definitely hate israel.
guess which country is the greatest ally of israel...

Why does Sup Forums think Israelis Jews and European/American Jews are the same?

Because most of the founders of Israel were European Jews

How do you redpill well behaved little goyim faggots on this? Saw it come up as the Syria bombings were happening but of course it's tinfoil hatred so SHUT IT DOWN

Count the Wiesel words

Mostly posers who seem to miss that being upfront is not (((their))) style at all, unless it's Soros.

not all jews are bad, not all people are bad.
but are some of them involved in top circles? sure yes

So how is it dealt with? I don't see how killing all jews could be the answer if it isn't all of them.

Spread the red pills.

I don't. Israelis are infinitely better and would earn my undying respect if they took down the vile diaspora, (People, that is. Not the government which is still a step above the diaspora)

We can not know what jews are what. so to be safe, rather than sorry. we gas all of them?

-Planet earth approves this message


Make it law that acting against the interests of the nation and the people of the nation counts as Treason. Try traitors in a court of law and execute them.

Refuse to cow to Jewish and Israeli lobbying.

George Lincoln Rockwell spoke about this in the 1960's. Leader of the American Nazi Party. He said he didn't want to "gas the Jews", but traitors would be tried and executed.

Mostly Eastern Europeans

True but those Jews have nothing today o with Israel, many here hate them too and call them Yudonazim

There is a big rift between Israelis and Jews aboard, many of them would be considered hard core leftists if they moved here.

That's strange, I started hearing hava nagila while reading this

Are Muslims welcomed in Israel?

ashkenazi jews still descend from ancient israel

I think you mean Khazaria

I think the Khazar theory has some merit. Ashkenazis look more like Armenians, who are from a similar area

We have about one million Muslims here but we keep them in check, if someone tries to stir shit up the we track him down and make sure he doesn't do anything.

Almost all Jews are

Fuck off kike.

Sup Forums hate hebrews, arabs and their fellow sub-saharan people
So don't worry about that

Do most Jews and Muslims coexist peacefully? Or do they tend to avoid each other?

arab = hebrew = semite

Those semites, they are as bad as each other

no, israel. ashkenaz means germany, so they could have interbred with khazars near germany, or interbred with germans. it's why lots of german last names like goldberg, shekelstein, etc etc.

i know, but Sup Forumsacks have a theory that israel is just a european thing

Even Marvel comics hates the Jews.


Nice proxy Lucifer

Yeah I have heard that more and more Jews are unhappy with the regime in Israel.
Like everywhere there are many people who are jews in Israel just living their normal life who wants nothing to do with all this terrorism and wars politics and shit, and just wanna feed their family.

We can only pray to God for his mercy in the end.

Wise. Sometimes I wish I was bluepilled to be still able to dream about a world where everyone coexist peacefully

Well the biggest problem with living in a nation filled with Jews is that it's governed by Jews so really they mostly Jew only themselves. Ancient Jews knew this and that's why the Torah says they aren't even supposed to have a Jewish state and just be leeches on everybody else forever.

The point of the theory is that it was Khazars who had converted to Rabbinic Judaism that migrated to Germany.

My German Jewish father did a DNA test, about 80% came up as just "Ashkenazi", had about 10% pure western European, 5% eastern European, and 5% asia minor, which is the western asia area where the Khazars were.

Zero middle eastern genetics.

....PLEASE fucking tell me it wasn't (((23&Me))) PLEASE

asia minor is middle eastern