Why didn't the Nazis ever deny the Holocaust during the Nuremberg trials...

Why didn't the Nazis ever deny the Holocaust during the Nuremberg trials? Their defense time and time again was "It happened, but I was told to do it". Why didn't any of them say "It didn't happen, it's all a fabrication"?

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Because it did happen but a lot of it was also fabricated later.

Could have easily been tortured/had their families threatened.

they did. It was falsely translated

Why were steam chambers used during the holocaust?

>Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Volume 3

Late in April 1942 erection was completed of the first chambers in which these general massacres were to be performed by means of steam

"All victims had to strip off their clothes and shoes, which were collected afterwards, whereupon all victims, women and children first, were driven into the death chambers. Those too slow or too weak to move quickly were driven in by rifle butts, by whipping and kicking, often by Saner himself. Many slipped and fell; the next victims pressed forward and stumbled over them. Small children were simply thrown inside. After being filled up to capacity, the chambers were hermetically closed and steam was let in. In a few minutes all was over. The Jewish menial workers had to remove the bodies from the platform and to bury them in mass graves. By and by, as new transports arrived, the cemetery grew, extending in an easterly direction.

They admitted to putting them in camps. Not gassing them. This was invented by the Soviet union.

>Nuremberg trials
>let's disregard established laws and use whatever we want as evidence

kek has spoken!

Trips of truth.

Surely nobody else spoke German at the trials.

Holocoust dindu nothing is not even a shitty 4chang meme its a shitty storm front meme. Literally one of the most documented hapeningZ and pol is still putting the tinfoil hat on. Every city i. Europe had entire jewish neighbourhoods dissappear and pol is still being retarded. Faggots like that is what holds us back

I completely believe that it happened, but I think the numbers are greatly fabricated.

The number of deaths gave at the trial was six million.

Some of the info they got from wiretaps from officer POW barracks, and cracked German codes.
A LOT of "evidence" from the Soviets was rejected because it was completely bullshit, The Soviets did a lot of killing and blamed the Nazis.

>How could someone ever confess something they have not done?
>What are kangaroo courts?

Lol. Where did fucking vilnius jews with population of estimated 100k jews go?! Where are all tge austrian jews? Where are all the german jews? You do know that there is material evidence that jews lived in europe and then largly dissappeared right?

If the numbers are exaggerated, that shouldn't matter, ethically. They meant to do it and they did it. Get your heads on straight, LARPers.

Even in a kangaroo court, wouldn't they at least attempt to profess their innocence? You know the trials were recorded on film, right?

Storefront here, they escaped by underground tunnels into Israel and If you don't believe me you are JEWISH SHILL!

The population of Jews in Europe increased.

This is the ideal Jewish body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>wouldn't they at least attempt to profess their innocence
to what end? they were tortured and told if they didn't confess unconditionally they would be tortured until they did

The real truth of the holocaust is that the allies bombed the supply chain that was feeding the civilians in prison camps. Thus causing mass starvation and disease. Zyklon B was used to kill lice.
So essentially the allies inadvertently killed the jews.

Red Cross reports only show a couple hundred thousand camp internees died, half of whom were Jews. The World Almanac shows an increase in the Jewish population from 1933 to 1948, totally antithetical to the notion of 6 million Jews dying.

>Yes yeeeeesss!!!! More steam!!!!! We will steam these Jews out of existence using our special steam chambers for the glory of the fuhrer! Sieg HEIL!

There were no homicidal gas chambers and there was no systematic attempt to wipe them out. What do you believe "happened" ?

Fuck off with the World Almanac figures.
The 1948 figures are estimates based on 1938 with presumed population growth included.

This. Zero traces of zyklon b in the gas chambers and the gas chamber door can be opened from both ends freely. Also, the German camp authorities never reported gassings to their superiors, even though it reported other deaths and executions.

where are those mass graves?
oh can't find em

fuckin lold


>part of slave labor is farm labor.
>often concentration camps are by farms.
So, Allies bombed the places responsible for producing food, and NONE of the survivors recall this.

>Oy vey, goy, we made a little mistake. Here are the corrected figures.

Population of German Jews was tiny. The great irony was that Hitler created the most culturally diverse region when he annexed all the land. He actually increased massively the number of untermensch

Goering was famously quoted after hearing the 6 million figure: "Maybe if they took a few zeros off the end it would be believable."

It's also mathematically impossible to incinerate the number of Jew corpses claimed to be burned in the amount of time proposed. Don't have the exact figure, but independent research doesn't hurt.

Independent research in those facilities gets you a prison sentence in Eurojail

Allies bombed the shit out of railways and roads and any means of maintaining a supply chain. Where the fuck did I say farms.

>Starved people compared to burning an wel fed American corspe.
>Not mentioning the bone crushers used to make fertilizer.
I'll tell you what was a hoax, The Berlin Raped.
>Soviet Army was under orders NOT to rape, discipline was enforced by Commisar.
>German women spread their legs to invaders, look at Germany today.