You're the Dear Leader of North Korea right now. What do?

You're the Dear Leader of North Korea right now. What do?

Beer, bombs, and broads.


bang my sex slaves

Strap self to missile
Be launched at US fleet

Hiding deep underground in a secret city.
Preparing my troops for invasion of other half of best Korea.
eating pop tarts.

go to

Get out my seat and jump around.
Jump jump
Jump around

Prepare my anus

Kidnap the best starcraft players and force them to coach a elite selective team of slaves forced to play 14 hours a day on adderal so that we can humiliate south korea at their own sport

Dirty bombs obviously.

spend my last moments fucking qt north korean girls as the chinese tanks close in

I would provoke the south to kill some Chinese troops that are on the border. With China and Russia on our side we will conquer the west. Also kill that dumb basketball playing nigger that thinks I like him. Im just so amazed that a monkey can talk

Diet and exercise? Learn a skill?

Fuck some korean qts

Launch everything.

>You're the Dear Leader of North Korea right now. What do?

Question the wisdom of being the CIA's "ISIS of Korea".
China should nuke fat boy, not the US.

The answer is: Gas your own citizens.

Planetary Fortress rush

Kidnap me some south korean twink booty and enjoy the nuclear apocalypse

Swim in that sweet, sweet nork pussy one last time

Get ready to shill out every single nuclear missile I have at once.

And take everyone out with me.

I would be so happy, literally all of my dreams would come true, I could die in peace


people make him out to be the most powerful man there but i question what would happen if he tried to become western and adopt democracy and apologize for starving his people and reunite with south korea...


Fuck my robot ninja assassin waifus, spread joy and kindness to the proud Korean people, fight whitu americun piggu

Shitpost until American mc nukes hit

>am Kim Jong Fatty
Doubles and I kill all of my top military officials. Triplets and I kill myself. Anything higher and I kill myself. Singles and I touch myself to white wimmenz all day.

First reply

Marry Sandra Oh

>open the free market
>help businesses get on their feet
>try to negotiate trade with other countries more properly
>increase my harem

Fuck as much Korean pussy as I can before God Emperor Trump has me killed or nuked

Bomb Austin Texas because that's where I think the WH is.

Get 20 of my decoys out there and hide in my nuclear bunker with a handful of my remaining decoys so that if I'm caught they'll have a hard time figuring out which one of us to kill.

Surrender to cheeseburgers.

im gonna miss seeing this flag.

What the fuck is that flag?


>set up meeting with us, china, japan, worst korea
>send body double
>bomb it

Shit pants

Get a new haircut

He's already in Hong Kong by now.

Trump will find out that North Korea isn't a country you can just launch a few missiles into like some middle eastern shithole

I'd enjoy all the Nork poon I can handle.

hack sony :)

How many gold bricks are you taking with you, fatboy?

Eat Chickren Fly Lye

Have hearty chuckle at starving peasants.

At least someone said it

Keep my finger on the nuke button

Show my nation I'm not full of empty threats like my father was. Throw down these digits and hit the button

Ours is bigger than the coonhouse anyways, hes got his priorities straight

No digits for you, fatboy!


North Korea is an Asian shithole, so you're technically correct.

nuke israel


>Get ready to shill out every single nuclear missile I have at once.
So none then. . .

Nuke Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing, and Honolulu.

eat all the food thats left then press the button

Fly to Tahiti
Meet up with Obama

Order a preemptive missile strike against Seoul, then flee to my secret bunker in Siberia.

He who strikes first, strikes twice.

Probably watch a movie or something. After all, they have the best military in the world and Dear Leader is basically an invincible superhero. He can just call a meteorite to destroy all his enemies. Or that's what I've heard.

Fuck all the hottest north Korea babes and probably terrorize the world..pretty much what fat fuck is doing now

so many leaf shitposters tonight