It's happening. We got the call. Will try to keep updated


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>1 post by this ID

I'm behind enemy lines in WingPing Province. Waiting for orders. Wish me luck Sup Forums


Shit's going down

Better clean the rain droplets of them glasses

We have also been called up by the head honcho

Y u no take picture with red lite. More tacticool in dark.

kek. They sure are blending in!

And that one guy with both eyes closed


Don't let your corporal catch you with that cell phone boot

Fuckkk....all of their eyes are closed???


They pay you for this shilling???

you got the call too?

We just got here and were ordered to get some rest

Grorius reader it their eyes. Have some chinamen in cloud camo

Are you on 12 hour standby?
Has your sergeant seen shit like this before?
Do you have your BOB?
Do you think tomorrow will be a new or old world?

My unit just got called up on 12 hour standby.

Got my BOB packed and ready for this shit. Talked to the Master Sergeant and he says he has never seen it this serious before.

I think we're alI going to wake up to a new reality tomorrow.


Imagine hitting anyone with that pistol in an open firefight


That camo pattern is pretty sexy tho. Variation of 44 Dot. When the foliage is green it could be somewhat effective

Now this. What exactly would this blend in with? Fighting in shallow oceanfront? Fighting from a really high mountaintop on a very clear day?

UK secret agent in the US, ready to deploy.


Explain OP.

Leaving out of the US right now. Should arrive at our base in the pacific in the next 12 hours

>shit posting with American proxy

No way your using Vpnning with your phone rn

Fuck off

how do we know you're not lying?

War with chyna ?

Ok I believe you OP

What's going on man??!!!

>he doesn't know about the Marine Internet Defense Force

come on newfriend

I got the call an hour ago. Army Reserve here. Med Corps. Wife is freaking out. Never been "called out" before like this. Always had warning orders in the past. 15 years service. This is a first.

Don't worry lads, it's just a plant. Nothing to be worried about.


#Corpsman here...stateside. Someone keep us informed #DPRK

Your in the same house why don't you come down here and fucking stop me? I just heard you swear from down stairs, you don't want these people to have a chance? You been on here for years as well, come up the fucking steps and stop me.

I was worried for a moment.

You wouldn't be on your fucking phone if you were getting deployed right now.

inb4 leaf

American in Korea here. Shit is absolutely going down, I'm shitposting on five different boards at furious speed while on lunch.

Just got a call. My rental vacancy has just been filled, guy with funny accent wants to move in within 24 hours, says he's in a hurry.
He also wants me to call him Dear Lodger.

Oh yeah, if you're an American, say something only an American would know

memes aside, my fucking friends got a call from the nearest reserve station asking if he's fit for duty

I haven't updated my info with the DoD so I haven't heard from them yet, if its to go fight the NORKs, I'll willingly reenlist but if its to go back to the sandbox, I'm gonna lay low

I say "Pop" when referring to soft drinks.


what are 4 other common soft drink lingos?

sweet airsoft gear bro

Coke and soda is all I can think of. Southerners are the only ones I can think of that refer to all of it as "coke"

Just got called out.
Wife's boyfriend already moved in.
Packed my rubber ducky for good luck.
Tell Bert I'm sorry for everything.

holy shit he's telling the truth



Not sure

>The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists the U.S., NATO, Dr. Pepe here but only one Korea!


Use a time stamp, fucking hell.


>flying chink soldiers.

Jtf2 here just got a call out. We're part of the strike package on Kim's compound. Flying out tomorrow for training. Ordered to take iodine pills.

You're a damn liar! Everything soda related is called coke. You must be one of those snow niggers!

what a faggot

Proof enough you are an american and a real fagot.
Coke is all, coke is love, coke is life.


I've been on a working party packing up our gear for most of the day now. This is legit.

too many pixels

where are the proofs?

enjoy your salmonella poisoning pencilneck


American stationed in North Korea here, the gooks are losing their minds, tanks in 30 minutes

Holy shit guys they already have us troops stationed in North Korea!!!!!!!!!

Coke and all penny sodas are for degenerate retards who can't water/juice/coffee/tea. Kys

This is now a coke thread. If you call corbonated beverages anything else, you're a goddamn butt bruiser

>Tanks in 30
This brings back memories from summer

Post timestamp faggot

don't let them get the nucular codez!!!!

It's called sodey water you degenerate faggot

I call it soda, pop, or sodapop if I'm making a reference or want to be cute. Coke refers only to the brand.

>penny sodas

>be me
>be in Arizona
>take a walk outside
>see black people everywhere
>go home and pray for nuclear hell fire

Day of the rake! Soon!

Sodawater is what the old niggers of Texas call it.

>be me
>be in Arizona
>take a walk outside
>see white metheads
>go home and pray for nuclear hell fire
me too buddy

move out of south phoenix or west valley, whichever shit hole it is

you have to go back

niggers get out

>be me
>be in Arizona
>take a walk outside
>see happy, wealthy, white Christians and their happy white babies everywhere
>go home and thank God I live in the Northwest Valley


>worship faggot jew no magic loserfuck
>hate on them niggas yall
>prayfor (((whatever)))

idiots like you are the reason we can't have nice things

You're becoming more like your father.

Just got a call from the NSA, they said they have been monitoring my in internet activity and want to use me for a special ops next week, because I am so smart.
I need to go to a secret location and be trained on their cellphones, wristwatches, and learn north Korean and helicopter driving.


camo shit. usage of sites shit.
Literally everyone shooting into the air, not level.
Bonus being too close to each other.
What is this image?

rev up the battle music

>1 post by thise ID