Why do Protestants and Catholics fight amongst themselves

When this exists?

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thats a cute panty bow

papists and heretics get along just fine though. the way of the cuck is strong in both.

Leave this thread.

because protestantism itself birth those shit

It is the lazyman's religion

You don't need to live your life morally. Believe in the Jesus insurance and be saved!

"So then, if the mixed cup and the manufactured bread receive the Word of God and become the Eucharist, that is to say, the Blood and Body of Christ, which fortify and build up the substance of our flesh, how can these people claim that the flesh is incapable of receiving God's gift of eternal life, when it is nourished by Christ's Blood and Body and is His member? As the blessed apostle says in his letter to the Ephesians, 'For we are members of His Body, of His flesh and of His bones' (Eph. 5:30). He is not talking about some kind of 'spiritual' and 'invisible' man, 'for a spirit does not have flesh an bones' (Lk. 24:39). No, he is talking of the organism possessed by a real human being, composed of flesh and nerves and bones. It is this which is nourished by the cup which is His Blood, and is fortified by the bread which is His Body. The stem of the vine takes root in the earth and eventually bears fruit, and 'the grain of wheat falls into the earth' (Jn. 12:24), dissolves, rises again, multiplied by the all-containing Spirit of God, and finally after skilled processing, is put to human use. These two then receive the Word of God and become the Eucharist, which is the Body and Blood of Christ."

-"Five Books on the Unmasking and Refutation of the Falsely

Named Gnosis". Book 5:2, 2-3, circa 180 A.D. "For just as the bread which comes from the earth, having received the invocation of God, is no longer ordinary bread, but the Eucharist, consisting of two realities, earthly and heavenly, so our bodies, having received the Eucharist, are no longer corruptible, because they have the hope of the resurrection."

-"Five Books on the Unmasking and Refutation of the Falsely named Gnosis". Book 4:18 4-5, circa 180 A.D.

Let me tell you a story.
We went to the protest in Oklahoma where Satanists were offering a public black mass.
Catholic orders from all over came.
Protestants also came.
Satanists took the field on the side of the public building.
Traditional Catholics held a procession in and began praying the Divine Praises then the rosary.
By the time we began the first mystery, Christ suffering in the garden of Gethsemane, protestants then turned the bullhorn against us and attacked us.
It was a very clear picture which side they truly stood on.

Should I start going to mass? I was raised protestant but really enjoy catholic theology.

once an atheist was mocking christians for denying science

So I said, that is not true

All of a sudden a gang of creationists encircled us and started spewing nonsense about why the Big Bang and Evolution are both bs

This. All the people I know who were raised protestant are sluts/adulterers and push this shit all day long.

I was raised protestant. Son of a pastor.
Study the early church fathers and start going to mass. I urge you to find a traditional chapel, the traditional Latin mass.... because in the vernacular, English mass, you never now wtf you're going to get. It's heavily influenced by Protestantism.

Asian Mothers Pushing their Half-Asian Children into Television, Modeling, and Child Labor; On Modern Family's Half-Asian Aubrey Anderson-Emmons
I’ve seen a couple of these… in Asia there are a ton of mixed race babies on TV and in advertisements. The buck doesn’t stop there, now they’re doing it in America too.

I’ve noticed that this is way more prevalent with white fathers / Asian mother Eurasians, not the other way around. Liu Ye, the actor, has repeatedly said that he doesn’t want to put his gorgeous son into the spotlight despite being actually attractive.

The reason for this is that there is a market for it. Asian mothers know they can “sell” their Eurasian babies’ faces, but we have significantly less value in the west, but in the Orient we are considered “novel” and unique looking.

This is typical of WMAW narcissist helicopter parents, who use their half-Asian “superior” babies as a means to pad their egos, by forcing us into acting roles or TV roles when we’re young. You need to understand Asian culture to get why…. Asian culture is extremely status-bent. Amy Chua’s Tiger Momming is a good example.

My mother (against the will of my father) would constantly drag me to recitals, performances, trying to get me to sign up for virtually every public event where I could be “shown off.” I hated it so much, to the extent that at this point and for the last ten years I’ve been trying to relive my stolen childhood, and at that age you practically have no free will at all, and this is just a way for Asian moms to show off that “they’ve made it” with their white husbands, their upgraded babies.

As an Anglican priest, many of my parishioners who seek guidance over marriage problems are WMAF couples. It is also well known to be reported in other dioceses across the country and in the Episcopal Church in America

Be careful who you mix with

You are pagans bruh.
This is America, papist. We came here fleeing from your extortionist inquisition squads.

GTFO my country you dirty papist.
Catholics belong in Mexico with the rest of the hesthens.

Yes. Im glad I started going three years ago, and now have officially converted. Its much better user imo. Plus the people are much more down to earth from what Ive found.

Catholics are polytheistic pagans similar to Hindus. Plus they have a secret archive for ffs.

You fled protestants killing protestants. Then you founded the first secular, godless nation in recorded human history. Nice work.

>listen to sermons in Latin goy
You disgust me.
Burn in Hell apostate liar.

Yet the original america of the Founding Fathers were secular and deistic

>He still hasn't discovered our real book

America was founded by Protestans and the United States was later founded by more protestants.

Seriously, you have to go back beaner.

Obviously you're extremely ignorant. The canon of mass is in Latin. You read along, after having read before mass at home, in preparation for mass with your family.
The homily, or sermon, is in your native language.

Is that why they are so accepting of polycarp the pagan?

It wasn't

It was founded by deistic minded people

Many of whom contradictnprotestantism

Sermons aren't in Latin.

I was super apprehensive after stumbling upon this subreddit. But…yall are actually on to something. Especially if its a WMAF.
So anyway I wanted to test this with my own mom. I asked her what kind of man she would want me to marry one day. She responded with, “A white man. You look white anyway.” I pressed on and asked her why not an Asian man. She grew kind of irritated and asked me why it mattered. She eventually said “Asian men don’t like white girls anyway. It is just better to marry a white guy.”
I asked her which she would prefer Id marry: an asian or a black guy. She had to think about her response much longer this time. But eventually said black.
I always loved being mixed. I don’t believe I look completely white passing, although I would say I lean toward looking more white than asian. I never realized it but as a younger girl, especially early teen years, I would purposely try to look more white. At the time I never really thought about WHY I wanted to look more white; it was just something I did as I saw my mother lighten her skin, dyed her hair, got colored contacts etc.
Damn. I’m really not trying to adopt my mom’s self hatred. Where do you go from here?
Her follow up.

They were nominal protestants, deists and Unitarians, but yes, masons.

>The homily, or sermon, is in your native language.
Only since Vatican 2.
The pope never even wanted you plebs to read the Bible. In fact the pope murdered the real Christians for daring to read the Bible and print it in their native tongues.

What matters is that they contradicted protestantism

Literally not true if you actually took the time and visited a church and not one of those meme ones with fags as pastors.

>It was founded by deistic minded people
It was founded by protestants.

You don't know fuckall about my country Mehmet, fuck off.

It is true

Sola fide denies free will and moral action

It tells people you can be lazy as God will move you

You posted this on my other thread. get a life anglo scum.

Who were deistic in nature and often expressed heterodox views

The bigger question is why 90% of them have White fathers and Asian mothers.

Some would say porn stars are sex workers – but doing porn, for millions to see, is a particular form of self destruction. It’s a global losing of face. Nobody really likes being the child of a white-worshipping, depraved fetish couple, so obviously the children suffer.

The short answer: White men + Asian women is a white supremacist, loaded and lopsided relationship. Even the “good” WMAF pairings try to ignore the disparity and write our identity for us and forbid us from talking about how Asian women have an easy time in White countries while Asian men don’t. That’s not even mentioning the bad WMAF, based on a fetish.

The long answer: From what I’ve heard and seen, Eurasian / half-Asian pornstars outnumber full Asian pornstars, which is insane considering our small numbers. My guess as to why this is happening is largely because half Asians feel deep anger at both their parents and themselves; we hate that our fathers are generally racist assholes; we hate that our mothers try to push us as being whiter, superior, eugenic children and use us to fulfill their twisted agendas; we hate that our Asian mothers try to control us with devastating psychological mind games where our race is something they both view as a commodity, and as something they resent (being lowly Asian women, themselves). The situation is duplicitous and disgusting, even if the parents don’t mean it. The relationship itself is so loaded and so self-assuring and smug in itself (“my children will be beautiful Eurasian superhumans”) that oftentimes self-destruction is the only way to get away from such cringey people. Or even, the only way to fight back and reclaim our power and autonomy.

Not to mention, of course, the tremendous confusion and self-image issues that come with being half Asian, which I’ve described before, and given the very nuanced nature of Asian self hatred

Welp, protties are inherently anti-Catholic and in their 30-40 min sermon of virtue-signalling and praising israel they always have to get a few digs in at Catholics.

Man you're ridiculous. I have recordings of homilies from before the council. The sermon is in your native language.
The scripture read is in Latin, which preserves the meaning of the words and gives it a mysterious, supernatural character besides blurting the holy words out with the language used on the street. It is not profaned with every day language.

Many cases

It’s a textbook case of WMAF. And the Hapa kids are dragged into it, and treated as props in all his insane projects. Obviously the 7 year old didn’t come up with the script of the “Not Pussified” music video. That was the white dad’s own rant against white feminist society, just using his Eurasian sons as toys.

The Asian wife and Eurasian sons, are just tools in the White dad’s war against white women and their Feminism. He was on Wife Swap twice, with white moms, and it was like a science experiment in proving that no white women would ever put up with the antics of White men in WMAF. The stuff he expects of his Asian wife, is like from another planet for white women.

He continues to exploit their Eurasian kids, putting them up to a heavy metal band. Even the magazine that covered it called it

The Heartbreaking Heavy-Metal Ballad of Balloon Boy


I don’t think Falcon just slipped up when he exposed and humiliated his parents on national tv. I think it was either his defiant intentional or passive aggressive



Their classical liberal ideology was begat from Protestantism.
From private interpretation in theology, to private interpretation in philosophy with the renaissance, then coalesced and manifested in the political realm with the overthrow of altar and throne.

Now for empirical evidence on why WMAF is wrong

Half-Asian Girl Schuyler Bailar makes History again as First Transgendered Athlete to Compete on a NCAA Division I men's sport
Link Here. Story from April 10th, 2016.

f36aa857b4eb6fe83e55cccb039f13a9 (1).png
Half-Asian girl Schuyler Bailar is now a man. Extending congratulations to her. I think she’s incredibly brave, but knowing Asian moms / white dads, who dream of that all-American white picket fence, this kind of thing probably makes them nuts. No, WMAW is rarely progressive. As I said, nobody really knows what we go through as half-Asians with white dads / Asian moms… even if they’re “not that bad” (which I’m sure Schuyler’s parents aren’t), we still have a shiiiiiiitload of issues.
This is another interesting case demonstrating what we go through.

I think many of us half-Asian kids internalize the highly sexualized aspect of WMAW and the stereotypes of the Asian china doll belonging to the white male…. As I said, you don’t grow up under a stereotypical “white man and Asian woman” couple, completely ignore its stereotypes (especially when your mom and dad live up to the stereotypes – and even if they don’t, I mean, c’mon, even still…), surrounded by a white society that hates Asian people but loves Asian vagina.

Witnessing that dynamic (the dominant white male / submissive Asian woman image) as a child might so upset the female child as to push her to try to escape her gender, wherein she no longer feels like she falls under the sexual gaze of the white male father.

I’m actually being serious here.

White man / Asian woman couples are straight up weird. I even believed this before I was aware something was wrong with me. For a long time I didn’t even look at my parents’ photographs… and in my mind my mother was White.

So a greedy adulterous warmongering kike puppet?

Catholics are extrabiblical, heretical pagans

Protestants are lazy, fat idiots

Both are cucks

I like the part where protestants got TJEIR ass handed to them when science proved evolution

don’t really pass judgement other than to voice my own mental issues.

My mother was Chinese from Hong Kong and had underwent such extreme body modification (like which Rachel seems to have) in order to “appear white.” I cannot explain the psychology of this well, but my suspicion is that she (my mother) was deeply mentally ill and so traumatized by the fact that she was not white that she altered her entire appearance to the point that my young brain actually did not register that she was Asian – think heavy red lip stick, eyelid surgery, heavy hair dyeing.

My father was also a very, very, very paleoconservative white man who believed in 1950’s era traditionalism, which I have voiced many times. He hates gays, hates liberals, hates Jews, and lives in a fantasy world of HAM radio, Holocaust denial, and old books.

As far as White male / Asian women being progressive – is that really even an issue in this current age?

Let it be know – Asian women and white men literally dream of having white babies. Asian women are replacement white women for racist white men fed up with white women’s “behavior;” Asian women are so self hating at a core level that they will even take up a White Nationalist identity in order to “fit in.”
What’s truly scary to me is that I am so familiar with mental illness that I’m very afraid for the Hapa children of couples like these – especially when they come up against real racism – i.e., every day racism, where some random redneck says “you look Asian” to her son or daughter – and that will cause an implosion.

Former Presbyterian here. Catholicism, even in cucked new mass form, is 100x better than the made up novelty churches of protestantism.
>sermon 15 mins or less
>real wine
>priest doesnt shout
>always a male saying mass
I cringe at the thought of all the Protestant churches I went to before I knewbetter

This kind of talk is endemic both to:

Asian women, who constantly talk about how inferior Asian men are – in real time, for half Asian sons who aren’t even theirs to hear. So even the “so called” good couples still have children who are exposed to millions of these women. The question is – why would any half Asian be proud to be Asian as a result, or even worse, look ANYTHING like an Asian male? And many, many half Asians look TOTALLY Asian.
White men, especially the ones who are into Asian women. They just love to bash Asian men to make themselves feel bigger with Asian women. (Remember, it’s uniquely white men that are raising half Asian sons, so the children will try to live up to the father’s ethnicity).
So the question is why do half Asian sons try to play down their Asian heritage? I did this for ten years, and went practically insane as I looked more and more Asian. Again, I bullied full Asians, never grew my hair out longer than a couple weeks to avoid it being too dark, and when seeing my black hair fall on the barber’s smock I became almost instantly depressed.

I’ve listed dozens of cases, but I think this sums it up.

End wmaf

Regardless, I have an early meeting tomorrow. That really did happen at the Satanist protest.
Protestants turned on Catholics, we were between Satanists that looked like clowns and protestants that were to our left and right with bullhorns.
It was surreal. Satan knows what side the protestant rebels are on.

Keanu Reeves is not half-Asian. White men and Asian women can't name any successful Half-Asians / Hapas, and they know it
MAY 15, 201620 COMMENTS
Keanu Reeves is not half-Asian, but 1/4 Asian with a father who is 1/2 Asian, with a white father and an Asian mother, and a tremendously screwed up drug addict like most of us are. So now, Asian women who think they own Hapa sons actually have to cite the sons of Asian men – in order to justify their fetishes.
White men and Asian women know this website is 100% correct – but they have absolutely no reason to admit it, and now pretty much just have resorted to saying that I have too much influence and that they’re afraid their kids will realize it too (check out the recent comments). So while it’s funny now to engage in a race-based, hateful relationship, in ten years I expect a lot more people telling me to please take this website down, when they look into their son’s small eyes and Asian features.

Asian women and white men, being the absolutely corrupt, manipulative and narcissistic people that they are, absolutely do not care that if their races were changed – they wouldn’t be together. So now they’re saying shit like “my kids will be proud of who they are,” even though anyone who has ever known a half-Asian guy knows that most half-Asian guys don’t even like being seen in public with their mothers. Would you be proud to admit your Asian mother was a white worshipper – when you look Asian and get treated by society as an Asian man? Let’s be real here – put yourselves in our shoes.

This post is for reference purposes. Keanu Reeves is not Half-Asian. He is 1/4 Asian, through his father, who is half-Chinese, half white, with a white father. His father is also a drug addict.

end wmaf

Catholics are idol worshipping heretics.

Half-Asian Girl Schuyler Bailar makes History again as First Transgendered Athlete to Compete on a NCAA Division I men's sport
Link Here. Story from April 10th, 2016.

f36aa857b4eb6fe83e55cccb039f13a9 (1).png
Half-Asian girl Schuyler Bailar is now a man. Extending congratulations to her. I think she’s incredibly brave, but knowing Asian moms / white dads, who dream of that all-American white picket fence, this kind of thing probably makes them nuts. No, WMAW is rarely progressive. As I said, nobody really knows what we go through as half-Asians with white dads / Asian moms… even if they’re “not that bad” (which I’m sure Schuyler’s parents aren’t), we still have a shiiiiiiitload of issues.
This is another interesting case demonstrating what we go through.

I think many of us half-Asian kids internalize the highly sexualized aspect of WMAW and the stereotypes of the Asian china doll belonging to the white male…. As I said, you don’t grow up under a stereotypical “white man and Asian woman” couple, completely ignore its stereotypes (especially when your mom and dad live up to the stereotypes – and even if they don’t, I mean, c’mon, even still…), surrounded by a white society that hates Asian people but loves Asian vagina.

Witnessing that dynamic (the dominant white male / submissive Asian woman image) as a child might so upset the female child as to push her to try to escape her gender, wherein she no longer feels like she falls under the sexual gaze of the white male father.

I’m actually being serious here.

White man / Asian woman couples are straight up weird. I even believed this before I was aware something was wrong with me. For a long time I didn’t even look at my parents’ photographs… and in my mind my mother was White.


White men that only date AF are messed up.

Still whiter than Finns

Idolatry from Ignatous martyrdom
Chapter 3. Ignatius sails to Smyrna

Wherefore, with great alacrity and joy, through his desire to suffer, he came down from Antioch to Seleucia, from which place he set sail. And after a great deal of suffering he came to Smyrna, where he disembarked with great joy, and hastened to see the holy Polycarp, [formerly] his fellow disciple, and [now] bishop of Smyrna. For they had both, in old times, been disciples of St. John the Apostle. Being then brought to him, and having communicated to him some spiritual gifts, and glorying in his bonds, he entreated of him to labour along with him for the fulfilment of his desire; earnestly indeed asking this of the whole Church (for the cities and Churches of Asia had welcomed the holy man through their bishops, and presbyters, and deacons, all hastening to meet him, if by any means they might receive from him some spiritual gift), but above all, the holy Polycarp, that, by means of the wild beasts, he soon disappearing from this world, might be manifested before the face of Christ.

I met Catholics who are sluts and adulterers as well, but yeah: of the two, Protestantism is way worse in this regard.

I hope you are French Canadian, good sir.

My mother (against the will of my father) would constantly drag me to recitals, performances, trying to get me to sign up for virtually every public event where I could be “shown off.” I hated it so much, to the extent that at this point and for the last ten years I’ve been trying to relive my stolen childhood, and at that age you practically have no free will at all, and this is just a way for Asian moms to show off that “they’ve made it” with their white husbands, their upgraded babies. You have to remember that Asian women are extremely status conscious – it’s almost at a genetic level – so having a “successful” child is the only way that they can feel validated, and what better way to validate yourself than to helicopter your kid and force them to succeed to prove to the world that you’re better.

In this case, the Asian woman wants to not only prove that she’s better than other Asians (with her multiracial baby) but better than monoracial whites (after all, she “stole” a white man), but ultimately her son is going to just face the harsh reality that most of the Eurasians he knows have white fathers. So essentially your half-Asian little boy grows up to just be a gook or a “chink with a small penis”… despite having a white father.

Being “Eurasian” is code word for “my mother, like most Asian women, believed white men superior.” Taeho’s hair coloration is identical to mine when I was his age. Light brown hair, light colored eyes. As you can see in my current photos my coloration is totally dark.


degenerate protestant detected

I no longer have to even try to prove Asian women are white supremacists. They do it for me in their comments.

I have to disagree with you saying that most hapas look Asian. They look completely caucasian to me just look at chloe wang daniel henney and shannon williams etc.

Chelsea S / Pho (In all likelihood the same person)

The actual reality is that most half Asians with Asian moms look very Asian and are uglier on average than those with Asian fathers, and even if Asian women like her – who have every reason to hope that their children will be white – the real world (outside of the deranged, knife swinging world of my mother), treats me as Asian.

Again, Asian women are adamant that their children will not be Asian, and they truly want to believe it – my guess is that this isn’t because of ignorance, but actual willful desire that they enforce upon themselves in order to psychologically console themselves and justify their “white preference.”

The more they believe that all half Asians look white, the less guilty they feel about exploiting their high desirability in the Western world while leaving Asian men to die. The problem is that at least half the time, we look Asian.

Remember, white men and Asian women have aligned goals: to have white kids, without having to put in the effort for the real thing, and to minimize stress in their relationship by going for their easiest / best option. It’s not a surprise that my father is so fundamentally weak, low confidence and obsessed with conspiracy theories – and my mother dyed her hair and wore colored contacts.


Fat smelly brown manlet detected

Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with (((where))) your (((religion)))(((comes from))).

Dutch/ Welsh

Despite there being millions upon millions of half Asians with white fathers and Asian mothers these people cannot name more than a handful of successful ones – yet for some reason these guys are all experts on raising half Asian kids.

This is a recent comment on my blog.

I am a white guy currently dating a vietnamese girl.
We’re both 30.
I am a liberal, humanist atheist socialist minded kind and empathic person.
I would never hurt a fly intentionally.
My father would also “never hurt a fly intentionally” either because he has no backbone – hence Asian women. My dad actually faints at the sight of his own blood, stepped off the sidewalk when two menacing men walked down it – leaving 15 year old me alone.

I do not date as asian woman because she is “submisdive” or “conservative”, but because european women are money hungry and i sm poor.
So a poor white man (like my father) marries an Asian woman because she’s easier – as long as you’re white and are able to provide what she wants – upgraded Asian babies. Except my mother – ten years after getting married, realized that her Asian siblings were rich, and she was married to a poor white man, and boy, that didn’t end so well… her white fantasy prince, my 6’3″ white father, was just a loser who couldn’t provide. Why do you think the WMAW divorce rate is so high and these couples look miserable in public?

>Why do Protestants and Catholics fight amongst themselves.
coz that's what inculcated tribalism's for, dipshit

Nice roots!

The eternal aussie, pokes out his clown face.

yes, but find a good mass.

my first mass was a Novus Ordo mess. I almost gave up right there. but I found a very good Anglican use ordinariate (Catholic) with great old hymns and appropriate solemnity in the mass.

not all parishes celebrate the mass adequately. find one that does, and attend regularly.

wait, i am missing the point of
>>my mother dyed her hair and wore colored contacts
please clarify

>le Jews run everything I don't like

"This food we call the Eucharist, of which no one is allowed to partake except one who believes that the things we teach are true, and has received the washing for forgiveness of sins and for rebirth, and who lives as Christ handed down to us. For we do not receive these things as common bread or common drink; but as Jesus Christ our Savior being incarnate by God's Word took flesh and blood for our salvation, so also we have been taught that the food consecrated by the Word of prayer which comes from him, from which our flesh and blood are nourished by transformation, is the flesh and blood of that incarnate Jesus."

"First Apology", Ch. 66, inter A.D. 148-155.

"God has therefore announced in advance that all the sacrifices offered in His name, which Jesus Christ offered, that is, in the Eucharist of the Bread and of the Chalice, which are offered by us Christians in every part of the world, are pleasing to Him."

"Dialogue with Trypho", Ch. 117, circa 130-160 A.D.

Moreover, as I said before, concerning the sacrifices which you at that time offered, God speaks through Malachias, one of the twelve, as follows: 'I have no pleasure in you, says the Lord; and I will not accept your sacrifices from your hands; for from the rising of the sun until its setting, my name has been glorified among the gentiles; and in every place incense is offered to my name, and a clean offering: for great is my name among the gentiles, says the Lord; but you profane it.' It is of the sacrifices offered to Him in every place by us, the gentiles, that is, of the Bread of the Eucharist and likewise of the cup of the Eucharist, that He speaks at that time; and He says that we glorify His name, while you profane it."

-"Dialogue with Trypho", [41: 8-10]

This happen

It's like sunni shia but for white folks.

Christianity comes only through obedience to God's word, did you honestly believe the Kikes when they claimed to worship the God of the Bible?

>Why are two relatively like minded groups unable to get along and deal with more serious issues to society?
Gee I dunno OP. As far as melonscratchers go that's a real humdinger.

Well, I would say it works for both races actually.

The geeky white guys think they've hit the jackpot when they meet these Asian girls, but spend a long enough time in Asia and you'll begin to realize they're not as hot as you first thought. I regularly see ugly white guys walking around proudly with below average Asian girls... as well as good looking white guys with ugly Asian.

To most, all Asian people look the same.... but live here long enough and you'll see the difference.

There's a cold war on in the Catholic Church, and the US is a major battleground - between those who call themselves traditionalists and those who call themselves reformers/modernists. If you go for it, go for traditionalism - why bother otherwise. Latin Masses are hard to find though.

Why is "fuck" on all three of their chests but "fucking" is censored

and why was it bs?

Because its a batle going on for a real long time , catholics would deus vult the protestants when they would get the chance , most dont follow jesus but like the jews they follow the devil

>Be careful who you mix with

>implying 3d is not pd
>mixing with pd

that's like mixing a ripe fruit with a rotten fruit. a complete bs.

Past the fighting, besides we can both agree that the Pope needs to be overthrown. He's a disgrace to our church.

>really enjoy catholic theology
>Really enjoy their understanding of God

seems like the most important determining factor to me user. Be Catholic. Heaven wants it.

huh? is that walt disney?

As a Protestant, I don't mind Catholics. Protestants have a tendency towards heresy that comes from wacky individual interpretation of scripture. Conversely Catholics tend towards the abuse of authority and taking advantage of the laity, which is what prompted the Reformation inthe first place. Personally, I find the idea of having to intercede through a priest to be creative a false partition between you and the Lord. That's not to say you shouldn't confess sins and seek guidance and advice from your spiritual elders but you must also exercise your own faculties and God-given talents.

The greatest strength and weakness of the Catholic church is it's hierarchical structure to enforce doctrine. This theoretically minimizes deviance but as we see under the current "Pope", you can end up with a guy in high authority advancing very anti-Christian notions and handing Christendom over to Islam.

>B-but dem Protestant deathbed conversions.
>Muh no works Protestants

Sincere belief will inspire the true believer to pursue God's will and seek to better themselves by seeking out God's will in the Bible and living a more Christian life. You don't earn Salvation through working it off. You accept it as a free gift, of forgiveness you did not deserve thanks to the suffering and crucifixion of Christ and in turn, your genuine attempts to grow in Christ will prompt.you towards good works until others.

Ultimately, I may disagree with some points of Catholics but they're infinitely preferable to Muslims.


Catholics have great theology and clergy but a lousy laity.

Protestants have a decent laity but poor clergy and theology.

We agree with each other more than we usually admit, but we always get butthurt that the other side doesn't think we'll get to Heaven.

IDK, ask Catholics why the felt the need to massacre us and then admit Luther was right and make reforms?

yeah my problem is Catholic is the Easter and Christmas only crowd. Not that those Protestants don't exist, but there are less of them. Catholics priests can be bring bad ass. I went to a Jesuit school. One of the fathers was an army chaplain for South Vietnam. He some some shit in his day

Give back all the land and wealth you have stolen from the Catholic church then.

Yeah, Protestants really only have CK Lewis and maybe a couple other obscure guys, but Catholics get the cream of the crop when it comes theologians, debaters, and leaders. They've also got great organization that allows them to easily answer theological questions and get charity done efficiently.

That being said, like 90% of their followers just ignore the church, assuming they even consider themselves Catholic at all considering how the Catholic church counts anyone who's been baptized at birth as a Catholic regardless of current beliefs. As a Pentecostal I may not see a whole lot of GK Chesterton tier intellectuals, but at least I can go to church knowing that the people surrounding me genuinely and devotedly serve God.

>Sola fide denies free will and moral action
>It tells people you can be lazy as God will move you
Literally not true at all but okay

Catholics no longer think you even need to be Christian to go to heaven. You have no clue how fucked up and degenerate they've become. I can say this confidently as an ex-Catholic who's now apathetic towards religion. Vatican II was the end but the cancer appeared sometime before. Protestants are better but have no potential to replace Catholicism due to the lack of organization and the many fragmented doctrines. Orthodox Christianity seems best, but has no foothold in Western Europe or the US.

They don't.

CS Lewis is practically a high church Anglican

It is

The reformers deny works in salvation. They were very clear even faith comes from God and salvation is God making the sinner turn to him

>CS Lewis is practically a high church Anglican
Still a protestant

>The reformers deny works in salvation
They deny salvation BY works. Salvation is gained through faith, but faith without works is dead, so is the person has true faith and thus is saved they will also be doing works.

>stronk europe

Christian europe was the most divided place on earth and a constant fucking warzone, duchys hated each other, states hated each other, everyone was tearing at the giant carcass of Rome, the fuck Holy Roman Empire was

1. Not holy, corrupt church, infamous for editing the bible multiple times for thier own good

2. Not Roman, tried to be, the culture and the system it was governed it was not Roman, they never became as big as Rome, they didnt even have Rome

3.Barely an Empire, the whole tiny states serving under one emperor divided it, they were wither best friends or hated each other and frequently waged war in their own country, also it was confusing,stupid and unorganized

All they had is numbers and good military equipment