Some Jewish kid beat me in a debate when talking about communism...

Some Jewish kid beat me in a debate when talking about communism... he kept referencing the success of israels communism before the British took control. Someone please redpill me on the situation and remind me why he's wrong

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>Engaging in debate with the jew over something that Jews themselves have created.

Israel exists solely due to the influence and backing of the US, a capitalist nation.

But what about when they were a communist state?

Proclaim that he's biased because of his background/upbringing and tell him to take another example where comunism have worked out

Ask him about the Ukranian Holocaust that was committed by a Jew.

>Kaganovich (together with Vyacheslav Molotov) participated with the All-Ukrainian Party Conference of 1930 and were given the task of implementation of the collectivization policy that caused a catastrophic 1932–33 famine (known as the Holodomor in Ukraine). Similar policies also inflicted enormous suffering on the Soviet Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan, the Kuban region, Crimea, the lower Volga region, and other parts of the Soviet Union.

What does this have to do with the communist debate? This really holds no topicality

>success of Israel's communism
Point out to him the fact that Israel is a pure ethnostate and don't let him get off that fact

The point of this is to get him to admit that in an ethnostate there is minimal need for social engineering.

>what does the death of people who lived under communism have to do with this guy saying communism is good

>before the British took control

when was this? the british took control after defeating the ottomans. was the ottoman empire a communist society?

wtf. Explain OP

When was that? They were either a back water crazytown (Canaan) or some great country's bitch (Rome, Arabs, Euros, USA).

His argument relies on Israel communism being a separate breed of communism therefore making it not inheriently evil

You should have called him a kike and stuffed him in an oven user.

I'm not aware of israel ever being straight up "communist", but socialist, for sure. anyway, I guess it doesn't matter much, here's the reason for what that dirty jew says to you OP.......

socialism, on a global scale, works for countries receiving endowments from capitalist nations OP. it's not real "working socialism" though because it exists on the back of capitalism.

"look at us, we use a socialist model, we prove socialism works!" yeah but everything coming in and out of your country is because of capitalism + you are receiving legit billions of dollars in aid every year to reinvest in your socialist policies.

in order to prove "socialism works" you need to have socialism in a closed socialist system, that feeds only off of socialist systems. you can't have them using "der evil kapitalists" as a crutch.

basically, this jew jewfucked your brain with his jew-fu mental ninjitsjew.

Israel didn't exist until after WWII ended, and they only grew to power because the US was backing them up. Not to mention Israel is an Ethno-Nationalist country, which is basically everything Communism stands against

This. But here is some other resources

America's Communist Movement Owed a Lot to Jewish Support

>In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.

Bolshevik Propaganda
>Senator Wolcott. Are they in favor of any particular religion?

>Mr. Huntington. Not the leaders of this movement themselves; no, sir. The leaders of the movement, I should say, are about two-thirds Russian Jews and perhaps one-sixth or more of some of the other nationalities, like the Letts or the Armenians. The assistant in the foreign office was an Armenian. Then there are the Georgians; that is, the so-called Gruzinians of the Caucasus, and the remaining number Slavs. The superiority of the Jews is due to their intellectual superiority, because the average Jew is so much better educated than the average Russian; and also, I think, to the fact that the Hebrew people have suffered so in the past in Russia that it has inevitably resulted in their cherishing a grudge which has been worked out by the movement.

Chinese Communism?

Communism and the Jews

Communism was Jewish - Communism is Jewish

Communism's Death Toll, and the Jewish Role in Bolshevism

A Jew in Mao's China

Jews and (((Marxism))) - Socialism - Communism

Can someone explain to me exactly what point he's trying to get across?

>communist state
>before british took control
what the fuck are you talking about? Anyway tell that kike that Israel operates as a ethno state, hardly Marxism, he should have lost the debate by that fact alone.

communism and socialism always works in the beginning

What he meant is probably the kibutz communities, the only time communism ever works, in the small secular communities

>jew-fu mental ninjitsjew.

An ethno state is inherently exclusive, and defies the principles of classless, atheistic, Marxism. Tell him he they are the same as the Amish; a closed community, centered around a common religion, and race. Then tell him Hitler forwarded this societal paradigm also. Then turn your back on him and say "I think we're finished here", grab your books and walk out of the room.

they just pulled up a pseudo-fact that you knew nothing about.

Please explain the real facts

>israels communism before the British took control
u wot
Israel didn't exist for almost 2000 years before being re-established in the early 1900s. Before the British took over it was ruled by the Ottomans.

That's like pointing out that the Amish and Mennonites work in communal living. All of the above are small and ethno-religious exclusive communities.

never debate. Destroy your ego and prey upon your opponents. Smoothly discuss different points while subtly dropping red pills.

Tell him the Holocaust is a prove that NatSoc is better than socialism

>Soviet Union

> before the British took control

There's your answer. Capitalist countries have always dominated socialist countries implying greater progress. Plenty of socialist countries have spent a lot of percent gdp on defense but it's just not as good


The point he is probably trying to get across, is of course Israel was able to be sustainable due to Marxism being inherently Jewish. Since its Jewish, they have no need for subversion. No real reasons for morales. Due to Jews staying close to the (((tribe))) they got all the (((international))) support they needed. That's why it was successful without bloodshed for (((them))). It went hand in hand with the Talmud.

>he kept referencing the success of israels communism before the British took control
What success? Kibbutz are not communist, they are communisalist theocratic enclaves, with much more in common with a traditional extended family structure of tribes, based upon gift economics rather than any marxist one. This is fifth grade history level shit.

If you actually read Marx, he says communism requires post-scarcity.

Explain how it communism wouldn't work in a post-scarcity society. You can't.

>in the small secular communities
>I sucked so much dog cock all the lead I got so retarded I thought kibbutz were secular
>still no legal weed, though

Post-scarcity soceities are an oxymoron, because there's always some commodity that is at a prime. The whole notion of the attention economy, the identity economy, and the knowledge economy demonstrate any talk of post-scarcity is based on a fundamentaly flawed understanding of the nature of scarcity and economics.

Honestly, kibbutzim did work.

What you should mention is that kibbutzim naturally migrated to capitalism.

Do you know how much foreign aid is required to keep Israel afloat. The whole country is practically run on Holocaust bux. Judaism and by extension it's political form IE communism are parasitic and require any healthy prosperous host to feed off of.

There were only tiny scatterings of Jews in Palestine before the British League of Nations mandate. They were mostly Jew merchants in the coastal cities, so no communism there. During the mandate more moved in, but the migration didn't really start until 1945. One big problem was that none of the kikes knew how to farm so they all piled into the coastal cities and tried to become merchants. Kibbutzim were formed because the cities were full of kike merchants and they had to get the newly arrived helpless fucks out of the cities and take control of the countryside from the goatfucking Arab savages. The kibbutzim were never self-sustaining and in the 1970s, after the initial need for them was over, the Israeli government stopped subsidizing them and they all succumbed to bankruptcy. They are pretty much just regular towns now.

Never met someone who openly supports socialism/communism, but for those of you who have, have you ever asked them what they think their role would be in this type of society?

socialism can work if its only one high iq tribe involved

Did you forget the golden rule of debating? As long as you follow it there's no way you can lose. Here's a situation that happened to me a few days ago.

>Browsing the chins on my phone before class starts
>Hear some fuckin jew talking to his friend
>"Dude theres no reason Trump should have shot missles at Syria."
>Really activates my almonds
>Turn around
>Everyone's looking at me
>Jew looks confused
>"meme arrow: amerifat trying to discuss politics"
>Jew probably doesn't even know what a meme arrow is
>Time to end this
>I reach into my backpack
>Pull out the red folder
>Hundreds of printed out pictures of smug anime girls
>Carefully select the right one
>pic related
>Show it to him
>Shuts him up

My teacher was such a fucking jew she told me to leave, she openly discriminates against right-wingers like me.

Shlomo'd haha faggot