I regret voting for him

I regret voting for him.


day of the rake can't come fast enough


Buck Up user, your vote didn't count anyways

lol shariablue is strong tonight.

There op is super effective.

damn your a pussy

should've been with her

>file name
low quality bait

He lied to us we've been conned

fucking shariablue bot...lol

You know we can see your flag right?

He betrayed us.

I couldn't believe we supported him

drumpf is totally done for this time lol! bernie 4 prez! i believe that he will win xd

Its been nothing but a big psyop the last week or so.

Post shit shareblue can't.


funny thing it's not working. KEK

There's hope though lads

thanks i needed this img


Does shareblue think nicely drawn maymays (stark lines and professional detailing) are what make memes "good"

Why did I think he would ever be who we needed? He ended up causing World War III.
We should've voted for Hillary. We were wrong about the Republicans.

Yeah he's a failure

Nope, you can see right through it. It's nice to see the enemy waste their manpower.

>tfw voted for trump to watch the world burn
>sparks are currently flying

So far, the Trump presidency is admittedly a non-stop torrent of failure. No wall yet, travel ban shot down, Syrian intervention, the list goes on.

However I will forever be glad Trump won in 2016 because it changed the American attitude towards jobs. I got a well paying tech job recently because that job was in-sourced back to the states from India. Companies no longer want to staff all Indians and Asians because the general attitude has changed. Discover's latest ad campaign specifically mentions that when you call their customer service, the representative will be American. This is a totally new attitude that our economy desperately needed. So I will be forever grateful to Trump even if he comes into my home and shits on my chest. He brought back American Exceptionalism. Fuck yea 'murica.

Well sucks for you cause hes kicking ass and taking names, literally like he promised.

OMG this is hilarious!

>regret voting TRUMP
>posting from Canada

Does Sharia Blue not know POL displays your country flag? Or did they just forget to turn on the VPN?

for nearly 2 months these shitty threads, just get lazier and lazier, by the day, its fucking spam by now.

the shills are not even trying now.

Their memes are the worst part. So fucking cringe.

>funny thing it's not working. KEK

Much like his travel ban or Obamacare repeal. KEK


guys i think it's working
trump BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
trumpfies on suicide watch

I voted for him... and now he is going to get the nuclear codes

aren't you getting sleepy? sleep tight

if shareblue ever turned on canada
soccer mom tier

For real we can't let him get the nuclear codes

You can tell it's a retarded Sharia Blue bot based on making a thread and not replying. Don't they have actually shitposters...KEK

what's working?

Confirmed that over 3 million illegal Canadians voted for Trump.

Notice how the rust belt is right on the Canadian border?

Proof that Trump is an illegitimate president.

I don't think Bernie's gonna last 'till 2020

Gorsuch was sworn in. Trump could be the biggest failure of a President this nation has ever seen for the next 7 years and whatever months. I got what I wanted.

See /r/the_Donald, this is what an actual share blue shill looks like, not the people angry at Trump for Syria that you've been calling shills

>implying Bernie doesn't unironically have jedi powers

>taking the bait this easily
fellow burger, do not play into the leafs hands

Yeah, fuck dr- .....er.... TRUMP and fuck WH- I mean NEOCONS!!!11!

And based on the fact that the same old shills like the OP have reappeared in great number after being pretty much absent for a couple of days makes me think that none of the people angry at Trump (initially) were shills, they seem to disappear and wait out happenings until they get their orders on how to approach it

Gorsuch is a plutocrat defender.

I think it's time to face reality.

Out, out, out!
We don't need any shareblue infiltrators here.


You mean Jew powers


soon slaves will be legal

There was no alternative. Hillay would have been worse.

What they mean by this?
No seriously
What the fuck is this even saying

sharia blue kill yourelf

youre just as bad as rledonald

WW3 will be here soon

It literally didn't (cuz u weren't russian)

hahahaha faggot

this is the best presidency ever

When it's this lazy, it isn't shilling, it's obvious shitposting

How does it feel when your fat feminist criminal got her ass kicked so bad she had to literally hide in the woods out of shame and embarrassment?
Hillary Clinton, The biggest loser in American Political HISTORY

darkness before the light

You're fucking Canadian retard, you can't vote in the US elections.

friends and loved ones killed in front of you

I think I hear your girlfriend getting raped Hans

What a pussy. take some responsibility for once in your life. Wow what a colossal faggot. Way to disappoint your parents yet again.


massacres will be more frequent


This will never, ever work.

it will be relevant after drumpf starts ww3

That is what happens when you listen to Reddit


cults will torture the blacks and put order mislead country soon..

lets just give everyone a free house
and unlimtied handjobs

Hah another altright retards duped. How the fuck did you fall for trump. Him being a zionist cuck was never a secret . Just look at his kids they're married off to kikes. Also he openly supports israel and jews. You idiots deserve this shit.

I can't believe this is happening, drumpf said he was going to be bros with putin, wtf I didnt vote for this!

Shareblue has to pol shows the filename right? This is just people fucking around. right?

*has to know

>using a sharia blue sample

>i didnt vote for this

>I regret voting for him.

Life is hard as an afterberner

>I regret voting for him

Fuck off, ShareBlue shill. We're not retarded.

Again: I've noticed a lot of posts like this one tonight.
How do I get paid to post anti-Trump stuff here too? I can make stuff that looks a lot more legit than what I've seen so far.

>1 post by this ID

I regret letting your ancestors create your familial line, ShareBlue shill. Fuck back off to reddit where you'll be appreciated.

Are you new or just trolling?
Shareblue Sample filenames has been a meme for months
