Honest thoughts on PJW?


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Who keeps posting this and why?


Honest to god, he's the conservative equivalent to Lacy Green.
But it's still fun to listen to him ramble about the MANSTREEM METEOR


He is a fucking idiot, he sniffed too much washing product when he was a cleaner



>diggin' around at the DOOMP
>Luuk! Anutta watuh filter!
>suddenly it gets dark
>a bright light slowly appears

Use to goto school with this faggot when I lived im the UK as a kid. He use to get the shit beat out of him


poor yurocucks hate him, he must be doing something right

hes a faggot



>mfw only shills respond to shill threads

He lacks social skills, he doesn't realise how unconvincing he is or how much of a terrible speaker he is. Hes far too kooky and working class aswell. Plain unlikeable, i don't get why he's so popular.

Flipflopping loser.

He doesn't look like his twitter picture at all.


PJW started this. why? attention whore







Talks out of his ass about a ton of subjects he doesn't deserve to talk about. He's right like 1/10 times.




PJW is a pretty cool guy, he btfo sjws and doesnt afraid of anything

>he doesn't have a map on his wall

Haha looser


The guy is not very smart and only expresses opinions he thinks will make him the most money.

Reminder, his ability to read political trends is zero. He said that Trump had no possibility to win and that he was a Hillary plant.

Pic Related.


I think he does some good, handing out introductory red pills to normies

I enjoy him, but I hate when he switched into high pitch mode to mock his opponents. Too lol randum. Same thing with Sargon when he fakes amused laughter. Dave on Computing Forever does the laughter thing more genuinely since there are times when he's reading articles in their entirety for the first time on the video. Overall, I like Styx's autist humor moments the best.

He's really annoying and I really want to punch him in the face

Egotistical. He thinks he's some kind of leader of a movement but at the same time won't form his own opinion. Said that Trump had no chance of winning and then started supporting him and immediately backtracked on denouncing Trump after the Syrian missile attack after he lost Twitter followers for expressing his opinion.

He's good at picking low hanging fruit like laughing at SJWs and crazy leftists. But his videos don't have much substance and has stupid editing like how he reads tweets by leftists in a stupid voice to make their point of view sound inherently stupid.

This. No mention of the JQ either. Picks the light, easy to debate topics like feminism over the tough questions.

The_Donald in All Its Pitiful Puerile Varieties:

13-year-old Scandinavian Redditor makes a play for peer approval with arbitrary nominal stab at British accent (probably uses same in pathetic attempts to mock Americans, Germans, Chinese, whateverthefuck)

12-year-old Redditor from Boise, Idaho goes full LARPer with freely-invented tough-guy anecdote.

Countryman (or, much more likely, countryBOY) of PJW's pulls off the triple whammy of substanceless speculation (how the hell would you know what social skills he has or doesn't have?), laughably obvious counter-factuality (try putting yourself in front of a webcam and talking with a quarter of the wit, fluency and eloquence that PJW can talk with, even unscripted, and see what an hilarious fail ensues) and snotty-nosed Southern-get snobbery about a Northern kid who's worked his way to international fame.

11-year-old "muh God Emperor muh Kek muh magic digits muh 'don't take my memes away from me I only learnt how to scare Mommy with them last Tuesday" The_Donald AltRightbabby seeks peer approval by joining in the general infantile Redditor misdescription of "sticking to the principles one supported Donald Trump for when Donald Trump himself has abandoned them" as "flip-flopping".

I'm good looking and well spoken. Me on a webcam would be the opposite of a fail. Anyway French dude i don't see you making an argument. Maybe time to stop?

he is a veryí good start for normies to start somewhere. Few of his post are controversal but he can refer to the world problems very well!

i unironically prefer Benthejew over PJW
someone already said that he lacks social skills and i cant agree more, i couldnt never bring myself to watch him uneditted outside of his channel, he takes himself too seriously
he is also an egomaniac, saw his tweet about Sweden yesterday:

>and immediately backtracked on denouncing Trump after the Syrian missile attack after he lost Twitter followers for expressing his opinion

Well, I won't try to skewer ALL the dumb The-Donald nonsense that is clearly going to show up in this thread but this is a case in point, one of a dozen.

Do you even know what you've written here, kid?

PJW has NEVER "backtracked" on his declaration that he was "off the Trump train" after Syria.

His position has been perfectly consistent because he is a man of principle - not an idol-worshipper, like you.

Yes, he was sceptical about Trump at the beginning.

Then he became cautiously optimistic, as many did.

Then, last week, his initial scepticism was proven all too justified.

He "got off the Trump train" then, as many of us did. And if he has gotten back on it, as you wildly and slanderously claim, show me where.

Or don't, and just go back to blindly worshipping someone who gave you a meme that got you a place at the table with the cool kids.

I'm willing to argue with you all you want on this.

I put several arguments in the post above this one.

Care to try to reply to them?

Didn't think so.

I don't even like Trump, but the moment he expressed his distaste for Trump, he lost twitter followers. Then immediately said he was still on the Trump train.

>ad hominem


Wow, it's your brother or what ?

That is a lie.

Simple as that. It's a lie.

If you are the kid who implied he wanted to "argue" about this, link me to any point where PJW said he was still "on the Trump train".

If you can't - and you can't, because he never did - then just write in your next post: "I'm sorry, I made it up. I will be quiet from now on until I've learnt something"

People like him are what brings people towards many red pills.

Though he is entry level, he opens up possibilities for normies.

Are you familiar with the concept "respect for the truth"?

The_Donald Redditor silence continues....

I posted my opinion i never stated anything i said was a fact. For whatever reason it really bothers you that people don't like PJW. He just doesn't seems like a cool dude. Thats it, i probably agree with him on 80% of his shit i just don't like him.

And continues....

This. These redditors are butt mad.

You stated several things that are, or would be, matters of fact : that he "lacks social skills", for example, or that he is objectively "not a good speaker".

But these things are either unknowable - by you - or are painfully obviously false.

And now you can't argue for either and just retreat into the lazy hippy nihilism of "that's just, like, my opinion, man".

Kill yourself.

>The_Donald Redditor silence continues....
Who do you think PJW audience are if not the_donald?

He's my spirit animal.

Well it is my opinion, for whatever reason this makes you mad. I don't think your of sound mind if someone not liking your favourite conspiracy theorist causes you to be ao dramatic. Yet again you are French.

I think these things and if that bothers you you will have to deal with it. Oh just to add your entire is fucked and le pen probably won't win.

*Entire country


Seriously, my child, try lurking a little moar before you spew bullshit that not only isn't true but MATERIALLY SIMPLY CANNOT POSSIBLY be true.

I'm sure some of the little The_Donald memers started watching PJW videos, just as they started watching Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern videos, when they discovered "Pepe" and "Kek" and found out being pro-Trump was "cool" and "edgy".

And I'm sure that these puerile little fashion-victim idiots are now all reviling Molyneux and Southern and Jones now that they don't want to play their little God-Emperor games with them any more.

But PJW was doing what he is doing for YEARS before The_Donald even existed - not to mention Jones and Molyneux, who were doing it for DECADES. The support of little pricks like you and your buddies comes and goes like MySpace, Tumblr and Instagram. The cause and the principles behind it remain - something you will never understand.

Wasn't it you who wrote

>Anyway French dude i don't see you making an argument

a few posts back?

I argued. You slunk pathetically away into "is only muh opinion", "u mad bro" "lol u baguette".

Finish the job and slink the fuck back to The_Donald where you can snuggle up to your little twelve-year-old memelord friends and snigger about how much you love the God Emperor and how it's YOU who are "really Sup Forums".

You fucking child.

All those youtube commentators are shit and belong in the trash.

Will you faggots ever stop advertising your youtube channels on here?

I've been off the Trump Train since his disastrous press conference two weeks into his presidency. So who's making baseless speculation now? Also wtf is wrong with hippies what you got against us?

Dude you're super fucking cringey

He's French, be patient.

You sure know a lot about me it seems. All fake news btw.


Seriously, kid, you are just showing up The_Donald for what it is now.

Nobody of any principle turned on Trump when he refused to kiss Don Lemon's lying ass.

But EVERYONE of any principle - including PJW - turned on him when he pretended to buy the very fake news he'd been calling out as fake and use it as a pretext to carry out a foreign policy that he'd specifically said he wouldn't carry out and that was identical with Clinton's and Obama's.

You are just randomly choosing points in Trump's presidency where you can say you stopped supporting him - and you are showing yourself to be the fool you obviously are.

This is what passes for "counter-argument" at The_Donald.
Pity you can't downvote me, isn't it?
Just stick to the dumb monosyllabic attempts at sarcasm, then.

Man lol, there is something wrong with you dude. Like i never liked PJW nothing to do with his poltics he has an unlikeable personality. I literally never go on reddit i kinda hate reddit but that's besides the point. Your now engaging in substanceless speculation, so much for your higher mindset.. kek

I think its time to stop dude, i don't like PJW and you will have to live with that.

Anyone who doesn't call out Zionism is a shill, remember that

Pls leave Alex we know it's you trying to do some market research

Aaaah.....You mean you don't want to kissy-wissy with him?
Yeah, well, it may be news to you, you little shitstain, but this is a POLITICS board.
If you want to discuss who you want and don't want to snuggle and cuddle with maybe you should go and look for a board for IGNORANT LITTLE QUEERS.

Lol my mom loves his videos

Personally, I'm not a fan.
But, why the fuck is this "honest thoughts on PJW" thread ALWAYS up?
Every fucking day.
Multiple times every fucking day.

Who wouldn't wanna kissy-wissy with this adorable face? I sure do

Are you mentally ok? Do you have a carer or something, you might want to call them.

It's Alex jones doing market research

Not kidding

this fucking thread

makes sense. Its the only explaination.


*audience laughs nervously*

the left to legitimize online personalities that the right watches or listens to



This thread is pure gold

his head looks like a balloon

How does that even make sense?

weak-willed, flip-flopping e-eleb shill who cares more about losing twitter followers than the truth. a decent entry point for normiefaggots but after that into the trash it goes.

I like him a lot, he's very sharp. But in his videos I think he's just a little too close to the camera.

IMAGIENE MY COCK when a drag queen passed me by.

>potion seller, i need your strongest potion


The_Donald again.


The_Donald-ese for someone who was true to his principles and withdrew his support for a politician who broke a key campaign promise, as opposed to continuing to lick his ass "because once my Daddy always my Daddy...I do SO need a Daddy"

>the truth

What, you mean like the serin gas attack by Assad that rilly rilly seriously did happen but that no one wants to investigate because CNN - who a month ago were lying shills - said it did?

>into the trash it goes

Let's post lots of memes and Sup Forums catchphrases cos that'll prove that "this is a Trump board" and "only shills and nufags criticize Trump" and "we are the real Sup Forums".

>14 posts by this ID



An example of how The_Donald argues:

Someone wrote 14 posts.

Wow, he can use the English language for something other than constantly dribbling "God Emperor.....Kek....muh digits....muh meme magic....shills btfo"

Must be a Jew!

Actually, maybe Trump's disgusting treachery has been a good thing. At least it is bringing these fucking abysmally stupid spineless idiots to show themselves for what they are.

I saw Paul Joseph Watson at my local Tesco yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.