American public school teacher on spring break here. Taking a moment away from housework to bitch about teenagers

American public school teacher on spring break here. Taking a moment away from housework to bitch about teenagers.

We're currently undergoing a huge administrative change in our school. Some of the changes are good, some are very bad. But part of the shift is that our scores are terrible. We're in the bottom 1/3 of schools in the state, our literacy scores are abysmal, and many of our sophomores (15-16) still haven't mastered Algebra.

Here's the thing, though. Instead of a radical shift in how we teach, the types of students we accept, or a simple reallocation of funding, the new admin has decided to ramp up the services we provide and hold teachers even more accountable than we already are..

As a teacher of 8 years who doesn't even break $60k, I work like a dog to educate my classes, advise clubs, mentor kids, and perform all the duties or extra duties of my profession. It's my passion project, I suppose.

But consistently and without fail, I receive weaker and weaker students, year after year. I keep my bar set high and rarely alter the level of my content, but I have had to reteach very basic skills students should have by their teen years. Things like writing an essay longer than 1 page, long division, graphing, reading for pleasure, handling money, or even academic discourse are all skills lost on modern American youths.

I sound like a grandpa, I know. "Kids were always this way," you'll say. But this feels so different to me. This can't be the same thing as when I was in school. It just can't. My teachers complained, but it was on a whole different level.

The other week, we had a boy fall from the bleachers and nearly crack his back. He was carried out on a stretcher. And what was his first concern? He had to post the story on Snapchat. He was more scared of his PHONE breaking than him being injured. I watched as he was being carried out. The boy was crying for his friends to toss him his phone so he could take pictures of his accident and "snap" it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Instead of buying us better technology, new textbooks, compensating teachers fairly for labor, or maybe throwing back in programs like music and art.... our school offers the following to families and students, entirely at our own cost:
>free dental care on site
>free healthcare on site
>free therapy on site
>free counseling on site
>free job skills assistance on site (we even make the calls to get interviews for you)
>more Special Ed staff than Math teachers
>multiple ELL/ESL classes offered all times of day
>free daycare
>free financial advising
>cheap (or free if you're that poor) night school f
>free or reduced price meals for kids
>free breakfast for all students
>free homework groups every day after school with 1/3 of our faculty there to "coach your child" (aka do their homework for them or at the very least yell at them because you won't)
>free city bus passes
>school buses that run as early as 6am or as late as 5pm for working families who can't provide transportation themselves
>a full-access automotive shop for families to have their cars worked on by our students
>a full-access restaurant and cafe for families to get cheap meals cooked by our students
>perks and preferences for parent who work for our school as custodians, secretaries, etc.
>free hair styling and makeup for parents done by our students
>several fully funded community events that give off raffle prizes, free dinners, canned goods, clothing, toys, etc.
>a free laptop (to keep) for every student
>dozens of scholarships just waiting and available for any student or family "in need" (basically any student who isn't a white male can get a free or cheap ride to college off our school)
>free Internet or library access to any family member of a student

There's probably more, but these are the ones I could remember.

I also want to add that our new administration has started using the ancient two-way intercoms in every classroom to randomly "buzz" a class and listen in. I wish I was making this up, but twice now I've had somebody come onto my intercom and specifically address my class over something that was said then in the moment. Another teacher reported the same incident. Our phones are also two-way speaker phones, and some teachers have reported having their speaker phones mysteriously "turn on" without any buttons being pressed.

From what I can gather, the administration is taking notes about who is actually "teaching," turning in lesson plans to the main office, walking around their classroom (instead of sitting at a desk), disciplining students correctly, etc. They mentioned at a meeting a few weeks ago that next year they want to install cameras into our classrooms "for our safety."

I swear to god I wish I was making even some of this shit up.

And every day, despite all of these "services" and "protections," my students still can't name one monument found in Washington DC. I shit you not. I asked this question to 14 year olds last year, and not one student out of 90 could say even something as mundane as the White House. The most common answer? The Statue of Liberty.

Fuck this gay Earth, ladies and gentlemen of Sup Forums.

>tl;dr American education is FUUUUCKED
>t. an American teacher


that fucking butter is disgusting clean your self off

Do you ever bring this stuff up with other teachers and administrators?

You should start teaching your class about (((them))). By the way (((they))) are deliberately dumbing down the populace. Soon Americans won't even be able to read.

I blame the Teacher's Union. They have fucked America for the past 40+ years.

>. "Kids were always this way,"
Yea, no they weren't.
In my day we had corporal punishment in my school.
And then you had to deal with your parents when you got home, which meant another spanking.
Yea, it straightened me out for sure.

Well, there is part of the problem.
Too much free shit.

Are your students white?

>Soon Americans won't even be able to read.
Oh we are past that point.
Susan Rice “I leaked nothing to nobody”.

I went to FedEx a few months ago to mail something to Alaska. The worker (female, early 20s, African American) was skeptical that Alaska was part of the United States.

Absolutely. I chat all the time with a teacher across the hall and we bullshit about it. At least, we did until his intercom started "beeping." We had to start walking and talking when we realized the office could listen in on us.

Many other teachers feel the same way, as we regularly chat about it in the faculty lounge, in the parking lot, etc.

We have a union that is fairly strong, but it's currently battling the state government who is refusing to accept our contract. We're currently in arbitration. Basically, I haven't had a raise in two years and likely will not get one for another two -- even if the contract is approved. I started tutoring after hours to make up the difference in wages I should be earning were I to get a raise. Means I don't get home until 6:30 or 7 some weeknights, which is just plain hell especially seeing as I get up at 5am. But at least my wife has dinner ready and waiting...

What kills me is that I actually do love my job. I think a lot of my colleagues do. There's something really endearing and cool about being this sort of gentleman scholar, "molding minds" as they say. I've done some cool shit in my time and have met some really, really good people who I once knew as students. I'm a popular teacher and I tend to get really good results from my kids. I rarely get chewed out or have disciplinary issues. A few kids I even still talk to and get a drink with now and then. I like that I can do that.

But I really know it's in my best interest to quit too. You know? It's just not worth it anymore, to be honest.

None of you have any idea how fucked the educational system is in this country. Imagine what you experienced or have heard, but multiply it by 100.

We are past that point. I have seniors who read 6th grade books because that's the level they are on. Our kids are actually forced to read about 30 minutes a day in the morning. If they don't do it, they don't graduate. No joke.

Okay so you already can't read. I wonder (((why))) that is?

You don't even need to be able to read or write because of (((technology))) and (((auto-correct))). Technology will destroy us all. That's why it's better for civilization to be destroyed in the upcoming WW3 :^)

This school sounds goddamn amazing. It's fantastic that as these kids have all these awesome services yet they fail in so many aspects. What do you think is the main cause for the wave of utter stupidity? Could it be the education of kids while they're still young suck? Or maybe their parents suck? Or possibly that new changes like common core don't work or are too stressful? Or maybe it simply comes back to this new era of technology and the internet? I'd like to hear your input as being a teacher.
t. recent high school graduate

yes, the students have been getting dumber because the teaching bar has been lowered in elementary and middle schools, bringing everyone down to a Mexican level of stupidity.

As a high school teacher, I pity you. You get to see the degeneration of society on the daily basis.

My oldest son,who just turned 7 yrs old is about to finish first grade. In his social studies text books...They started teaching of Sam Houston, a community organizer and Martn Luther King. No founding fathers, and no Presidents!

Teachers complain of these ignorant children, not knowing basic America history, but they don't speak out against the curriculum that is handed to them. Perhaps if most, in Teachers Unions weren't progressive ghouls, they might realize that teaching children properly might make teacher's jobs more easy and smooth.

I feel for you man, while some kids were raised by tv when I was younger, nearly all kids are now face down in smartphones or tablets all day long, I honestly dont think parents give a fuck any more.

Its a societal problem and it falls on teachers (and police). Its nigger culture. Blame the media jews for glorifying nigger culture and brainwashing the youth. Studying, being smart, thats a white thing and ewwww whites they are evil oppressors.

The union has its issues, definitely. I work with teachers making six figures who just hand out worksheets and call it a day. Shit pisses me off to no end. Union couldn't even vouch for me when the district lowballed my offered salary. I made my case for another $10k based on my experience, but they had "some policy" that disbarred it. Union backed them over me, even though I had actually taught in private schools before public and had a lot of quality experience (and, technically, nearly all other districts count years at other schools toward your current salary)

Yeah. I wish. I remember catching a girl changing in my classroom once and I got in trouble. She snuck into my room early because the door was unlocked, and decided to put on her softball uniform in there since it was just before the end of the day. I walked in, shouted, then walked right back out. I had a looooong conversation with the Principal making my case. Luckily they backed me, and the girl apologized profusely, but I still got a notice in my file.

Pretty much. Nail on the head.

Surprisingly, yes. I teach at what some would call a "magnet" school (it's not one in name, but it is in function). We have about 70% rural, white students. The other 30% are urban black or Hispanic.

None of this surprises me.

The BEST one I heard this week? "Mister, if Trump bombed Syria, does that mean he's coming for [our state]? Oh god, we have a nuclear reactor! Don't let him bomb us, mister!"

>We're in the bottom 1/3 of schools in the state, our literacy scores are abysmal, and many of our sophomores (15-16) still haven't mastered Algebra.

Fuck off, I know many illiterate adults and I feel a small minority of adults can even do algebra.

Spanking in schools, yes or no?

I bet you vote straight Democrat too.
Remember all those Podesta emails? Check out this one.

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 2016-03-13 17:06
Subject: From Bill Ivey
"And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging."

And you are just waking up? Shit fire....
I am this close to fucking cussing you out.
What are the demographics of your classroom?
Answer this!

teach at a private school you fucking faggot, if you put so much effort into teaching and you're such a genuine teacher.

But you didn't make the kids stupid, right? That's on the parents, that's on the government.

What's the racial make up of your school? Our's was actually pretty good (in my opinion) but it was like 95% white in a rich town

>the students have been getting dumber because the teaching bar has been lowered in elementary and middle schools

Your job sucks. You make shit money. I make a lot more than you and I spend 90% of my time at work shit posting on my phone. Let that sink in. Most days I only work 7 hours too. I go in at 9 and I'm home by 6 every single night.

Get a better job let the public school system die. For fucks sake at least get to a white suburban or rural school.

this really is the niggers fault unironically. The way their culture inspires people to fail is disgusting

Teachers should be held to very high standards, but you should also be paid more. Uncaring teachers who just see it as an easy career with good benefits should be kicked the fuck out.

Also niggers and spics should have their own schools. Only English should be taught, and ESL people should also have their own schools(if they're actually legal). Anchor babies need to be kicked out of the country

>govt is able to provide adequate and competitive services to its citizens
when will people stop believing this shit?

and i'd argue that it's almost entirely the parent's fault if their child comes out an uneducated hick. You have to choice to educate your children properly at home, or at private schools where the curriculum is adequate, but instead you pick the lazy way out and your kids suffer.

>"Kids were always this way," you'll say

They really weren't though. It used to be that if a kid was failing in school, the parents would blame the kid. Now the parents (and state) blame the teachers. They have this unearned arrogance now because they are special snowflakes and nothing is ever their fault.

>handling money
That's not your job to teach lol no wonder the school is getting on your ass when you're teaching kids to write one day and the next your teaching them how to save their quarters.

Tbh dawg I've worked in public schooling and this sounds like and absurd fantasy of what public school waste sounds like being spewed from the podium of a charter school owner begging the state for money that belongs in the education of the greater public and not some lucky few lottery winners
Kys shill

Why have you not loosened a few wires in that thing? Can't stand the thought of some jobsworth listening in on everything I do

The first line makes this sound like bait, but I know it isn't.

I'll answer each piece with an honest and open answer. I'm enjoying this thread so far.

>What do you think is the main cause for the stupidity?
The families. Nobody values education anymore. The people who value education send their kids anywhere BUT a public school. For the rest of them, public school is just a necessary evil. Drop your kid off for babysitting, then complain when they get bad reports and blame it on the school. Lather, rinse, repeat.

>Is it the younger education?
A lot of elementary ed is now focused on "feelings" and "teamwork." So, yes. I remember doing math drills in 3rd grade, doing research papers in 4th, and teaching my peers lessons in 5th. Nobody does that anymore. It's become "one size fits all, and that size is an IQ of 70."

>Parents suck?
Already addressed this. But you would not believe how many parents yell at me or the school when their kid fucks up. We had a boy failing EVERYTHING. Literally. And the mom called the teachers, counselors, admin, and then the superintendent to pass the blame. Now we're getting sued by the family for "failing the kid." I wish I could make this up. The boy doesn't complete assignments, turns in half-finished essays and whatnot... But it's OUR fault as a school that he has 40%'s in all of his courses? Even with a documented paper trail that we called home and sent letters? Ridiculous.

>Common Core?
I don't really see it much yet. Still teaching 2000's babies. BUT I actually like some of the new standards, to be honest. Streamlines shit much easier for me. Plus they're a lot broader, so it's simpler to go "off tangent" and teach things that I haven't taught before.

THIS. THIS is the biggest fuck up (besides parents). If you take a teenagers phone, it's like cutting off their arm and slapping them with it. A lot of my students don't even know how to use emails they're such phone addicts.

Teach in a private school. I saw first hand how fucking retarded my fellow students were. My school bussed in illiterate mexicans. Meanwhile the private school next to us shit out chads.

RIP the future generations.

The whole "young people getting dumber every year" thing is happening in most parts of Europe aswell but its ~10-30 years until european edu gets as bad as the US education.

>all this free shit

What fucking state do you teach in? The only things on this list that South Florida had were free lunches for the poor, free school buses, ESL for the anchor babies, and free tard handlers.

I feel for you, OP. And it's sad that you're held accountable for everything. My mother retired several years ago after 40 years of teaching 6-8th graders. She was happy to get out. The normal kids, the bright kids who actually want to learn? They're fucked. The retards are now integrated into the normal classroom setting. In any given class she would have between 1-5 special needs kids. Occasionally they had a wrangler with them but more often than not the onus was on my Mom to deal with them and help them. And you can guess where that leaves the regular students- while the teacher is dealing with a fist-chewing retard on basic skills, the rest of the class is practically self-taught. Sad as fuck.

You're kidding right?

I took a government class senior year of high school (09-10) and I had to attend a school board meeting. I was appalled with what they were saying. They were showing statistics that students were performing worse and worse but their solution was just to lower the bar and lower the standards and they cited outraged parents to justify the choice.

My class was the first year to not have to do a "senior project" that involved something like 20 volunteer hours, proof of the time, a 20 page essay, and a presentation in front of a panel (usually randomly selected teachers you never had a class with). Senior project went away completely during my senior year and the school admins specifically said at the meeting I attended that it was because the failure rate was high.

So yeah, you can thank big government for that. Instead of working to fix a problem all they care about is receiving a paycheck from the treasury.

After all, you can't have underperforming students if you just keep lowering the bar.

I can't totally disagree with this, honestly.

It's awful. Seriously. I bump into students all the time who are staring at screens. We actually had to remove the ban on electronic devices at our school because parents (and teachers) complained that it was unfair. Now we have to find "appropriate academic uses" of the phones so that kids have an excuse to have them out. Ugh...

I don't disagree with this either. The curriculum has radically shifted.

I actually have little captions in my teacher's editions that are called "Cultural Relations" or something similar. I teach Science. So when I teach something like, say, Newtonian physics, there will be a little blurb about how "Afrocarribean students may struggle with this topic. But tell them the story of how the Egyptians built the pyramids using large levers and pulleys!"

That's not an exact example since I don't have the book in front of me, but that's the gist of it.

Each chapter also gets a "women in science" page where they profile a female scientist. I know the book mentions Tesla, Einstein, etc., but you'd think they were nobodies with the amount of attention other figures get.

>work like a dog
Meaning like 25 hours a week with 3 months of paid vacation?

using his rubber grading stamp is tiring work


This. Fucking teachers BTFO

>>free financial advising
>>free homework groups every day after school with 1/3 of our faculty there to "coach your child" (aka do their homework for them or at the very least yell at them because you won't)
>>free city bus passes
>>school buses that run as early as 6am or as late as 5pm for working families who can't provide transportation themselves
>>a full-access automotive shop for families to have their cars worked on by our students
>>a full-access restaurant and cafe for families to get cheap meals cooked by our students
>>perks and preferences for parent who work for our school as custodians, secretaries, etc.
>>free hair styling and makeup for parents done by our students

out of all the things you listed, these are the only things you listed that actually sound educational and/or count as learning a trade. the rest is literally a waste of tax payers money. (wealth redistribution)

In fact, I think a lot of the 'free' stuff like food, healtcare, a laptop, etc is actually negative, it teaches h the kids they don't have to work hard, they can get all their 'needs' met for free by the government if they are lazy or stupid. It conditions them to just accept and rely on handouts.

I am currently studying at a super liberal american state college. Even in the computer science program we had to write essays and peer review them. Some of the papers I read made me laugh out loud, they were literally elementary school tier, repeating the same statements over and over, but with different, incorrect grammar, giant single page long paragraphs, no formatting(not even the simple intro>body>conclusion), misspelled words on documents typed in word processors with spell check, etc....

Have fun with your big-kids daycare job.

Hint: Government-forced racial integration is a disaster and a tremendous human rights violation.

>it teaches h the kids they don't have to work hard, they can get all their 'needs' met for free by the government if they are lazy or stupid. It conditions them to just accept and rely on handouts

I'm sure that's completely intentional.

>American public school teacher on spring break here.

and my dad is CIA

fuck off jew

I hope you Yankee bastards are pleased with turning the Kneegar loose on our children. You've loaded this country with kneegars, Mexicans, and, now, muzzlims. You promote these Minorities over your own people and then you blame teachers for not being able to teach a chimp algebra.

Just admit the South was right and you fucks are the countries problem. Everytime we fought for YOUR children you called us racist, rightly so and proud of the fact, and released your National Guard on us. We know how to fight these animals after 60 years of practice. Remove the brown from our schools and white children will conquer space travel with light speed propulsion systems. Continue your suicide social plan and this country is FUBAR.


>says I'll complain about kids
>so management

Look the kids aren't expected to do anything. If you out water in a glass it'll raft and take its shape. Pour it out and it has no form and makes a mess.

Kids aren't responsible enough to make their own decisions so please make it a point to say the issue is the lack of expectations from parents and administrators.

Oh and yeah you're right we're soft.

Pretty sure he would get fired when the office actually needs to use the intercom to contact him and they find out he's disconnected it. Eavesdropping over the intercom actually happens fairly often here. I know someone who was fired in this exact scenario because they weren't aware enough to realize the intercom was on.

>name a monument in washington dc

>couldn't even say washington monument

8^) WEW american education TM

>I am this close to fucking cussing you out.

Fucking piece of shit, as an individual OP has no fault in this. Fuck off.

I don't vote Democrat, actually. I'm a registered Independent and usually hold conservative views. This job has made me even more right wing if anything. But I'm also a reasonable person and can see either side of an issue. But fuck no am I a libshit. Our governor is a Dem and he fucked this entire state to hell.

My one thread on Sup Forums also is not an indication of "just waking up." I've been awake for a while. This isn't even my first thread or post complaining about this shit, and by no means is it my first time saying anything to anybody about what I see as the decay of American society.

As I said earlier, my school is 70% rural white students. The other 30% is made up of urban blacks and Hispanics. It is very strongly a blue collar school, through and through. Our PFO very much supported Trump while our faculty (and administration) were split down the middle (Trump vs. Clinton).

Our last Principal was a HUGE Clinton supporter and took advantage of any program they could. They also were very anti discipline, because it was "too sensitive to touch."

Our new Principal is also a HUGE Clinton supporter, wants to expand our programs, but also likes to work "in the shadows" and disciplines both staff and student often without warning or explanation.

Our two conservative administrators, one of whom is a vet, hate the bullshit but really can't do anything about it.

I think it's funny how many people assume that all teachers are Democrats and that all schools who receive services are non-white.

I've really only ever worked at white public schools, and they paint the same pictures as the non-white ones.

And most teachers I've worked with are either airheaded bleeding heart liberals or bitter-as-fuck conversatives. They usually start as the former and become the latter. Almost always. Go to a teacher's union meeting once and you will hear nothing but disgruntled old people telling the union to go fuck itself for getting in bed with the superintendent.

The "goal" of the elite is to make sure the next generation of kids growing up are either completely socially inept or gay. Both options are completely useless to society and will make a good case for decreasing the minimum wage in 10 years, because of how skill-less the average worker will be.
Today's welders/fabricators and machinists will be like kings in 10 years, walking around in a sea of idiots.

Solder wears out, wires get loose. It's easy to make it look natural

>work like a dog
>get every holiday, weekend and the summer off
>sit in AC at a desk and go home at 4pm

yeah stfu faggot. easiest job ever.

>20 page essay
Holy shit imagine having to grade the most stretched bullshit ever written.

I can only talk about MA but:

The reason teachers don't make any money is because there are not really any other options when you send your kid to school. This means there's very few teaching jobs, and no competition.

Basically you have to either LOVE teaching to become a teacher, and earn shit money... Or you're fucking retarded and don't realize the system is set up to pay you shit money.

tl;dr don't be a teacher if you're going to complain about salary, EVERYONE knows they make garbage money

ALSO the lack of options for places to send your kid to learn means the quality of education is down... again, they have ZERO competition.

Great thread. Do you read Education Realist?

The situation sounds dire, though I have mixed thoughts about admin spying. It's a quick way to observe and know what is going on in the classrooms, but it is invasive and they should have never tipped off the teachers that they were doing this. I also wouldn't think an 8 year teacher would need all that much feedback or be spied on.

George Wallace tried to save us

Correcting the record here: some teachers do phone it in, but my roommate is a high school teacher, and I spend some time with their coworkers who are English, math, and history teachers. They all spend about 10 hours a day at school, plus 8-10 hours a week grading or planning at home. I've seen it first hand with roommate, plus I've seen the coworkers come over on weekends and they plan lessons together. The quality of the education is great, but get this- school system says they're not allowed to make homework more than 10% of a student's grade. So they have time in class to do all of their assignments, and kids still fail to turn anything in. This is a 90% white, 8% Asian, district.

But, I'm no longer falling for the "work 25hrs a week and take 3mos off" meme.

Unrelated: most of them seem to understand how to properly annualize their salary so they can say they make what a comparable professional would make if they worked year round. Maybe this is just the smart crew.

Our countries are pretty different when it comes to teaching but is it something you would recommend?

I really want to teach law in high school on the side once I got enough experience in my current job.

That's true user but in American schools the intercoms in classrooms are used multiple times a day. They would just fix it. Or maybe not actually. It's a public school so they might not get around to fixing it until a few months later.

I work as a tutor/lecturer @ a university in Australia, (Clinical Psych) and I have been there for about 6 years and this is my first year I have gotten to give lectures.

I have got to say I feel the same. I think the issue has come across from now institutions meeting the standards of students rather than the inverse, which is how it should be. I have to bend over backwards to find reasons to pass students in 3rd year courses that should not have past the 3rd grade in primary school. Basic skills have been tried to be taught to these kids, because they are just 20 year old children, again and again but they are not refusing to learn, they don't have to.

Meanwhile the administration spends millions on useless crap on campus to give an 'image' to the public of what admin thinks the public want us to be.

The library is expanded with more areas for people to just do fucking nothing --- literally empty rooms were added --- instead of refurbishing labs. We had a new 'medical' building built about 3 years ago and do you wanna know what is in it?

FUCK. ALL. It is mostly offices for faculty, lecture theaters and a book store. Useless. Meanwhile the old science building is crumbling, but hey, the new medical building is on a road and has a cool catch phrase on it.

And ofc there is the plague of social justice.

We have areas for indigenous only students on campus, literally whites/yellows not allowed rooms, with their own special tutors and support.

We expand our core science degrees to stretch ever more into bullshit. There are 3 courses on professionalism that can be used as credit for a clinical psych degree, you can get a degree in bio doing exactly 8 core science courses out of 24.

>After all, you can't have underperforming students if you just keep lowering the bar.

Colleges are the same. I just finished by BS.CS and holy shit the upper level classes let you breeze by.

I know a lot of people who attend top-tier/ivy colleges(I live near Boston) and it's even worse there. Like the average grade will be an A-, and NOT because of the excellence of the students work, it's because parents won't pay $60,000/year for their kid to get bad grades.

I believe everything you are saying front to back and am deeply concerned

how do you propose we clean up this mess?

I know teachers are in a tough spot. It's enough to make one question if these predicaments are to disincentive good teachers from sticking to this career choices.

Do you have an opinion on Devos, and do you think she will make changes for the better, or will make a bigger mess in education?

Private wasn't much better. Been there, done that.

Pretty accurate.

70% white, 30% anything else

Painful truth here, I know. My wife makes nearly as much as me and just dicks around on her phone all day at a desk. She didn't even go to college. What sucks is that getting a job after teaching is really tough. You're sort of like "tainted good." I'm looking though.

All pretty accurate.

I think you read too far into this. I don't actually sit down and count money with the students. But I do advise clubs, which has treasurers, where I end up having to go through how to manage the club's funds with the kids because they don't know how to break a $20 or keep track of spending.

What kind of school do you work for? I don't doubt you, but I'm not a shill. The first school I worked as actually functioned really, really well. But the town had money and took care of its schools too.

Yeah, I wanted to fuck with it but best to be left alone. I unplugged my phone for a week and got shit for it, so I imagine the intercom would be a similar situation.

Depends on the private school. I worked for one that was dealing with "at risk" teens and it was 90 hour weeks of pure hell. But I dated a girl who worked at a pretty esteemed one and it was like college-like. Pretty nice, honestly. I wouldn't mind working at a school like that one.

Northeastern state. Rather not say which because I know students who surf Sup Forums. But we're a state funded school and have to provide a lot of these social services. Very liberal state that went for Hillary and basically laughed Bernie out of our borders. Our major city is almost nothing but social welfare monkeys. Nobody really lives there who has an income.

So much this. I get so many headcases that I spend more time dealing with behaviors than I do instructing.

This will be my last response in the thread.

Devos seems to have the right idea in some areas. She mentioned that a major issue is that kids don't have appropriate mentors or role models anymore. I 100% agree.

I'm just not sure where it should come from. Or if kicking money away from public schools is a good idea.

We basically need to nuke the entire Educational Department and start from scratch. I really admire the European model for education. It might work really well over here. There are just some students that are not meant to be educated past like... 6th grade. High school is really only meant for people who actually plan on taking their content knowledge further in life. And I think Devos sort of can agree with that.

Free college is definitely not the answer to all our problems either.

Former teacher.
Jumped ship in 2011.
Wife wants me to go back because it's a steady income.
I told her I'd only be back long enough to save for a gun to shoot myself.
But hey, we've all got ambitions.

>The retards are now integrated into the normal classroom setting.

Literally true. Research found that retards did better in regular classrooms, but they conveniently left out that everyone else is worse off.

>High school is really only meant for people who actually plan on taking their content knowledge further in life.
Not really, in my opinion. At 13 it is too early to tell a kid he is doomed to be an uneducated mouthbreather. High school is the first time that most kids are exposed to TRUE academics, that is to say, people actually enjoying learning for the sake of pursuing knowledge.

Yes a lot of kids are hopeless, but many turned their life around in high school. I was an asshole in middle school but I straightened out. 13/middle school is too young to give up on kids.

I have seen kids/parents in elementary school that I knew would be in jail before they were 18. Trying to integrate them into a normal classroom was pointless..

It's indicative of the greater systemic problem. I went through and aced algebra in 7th fucking grade. If you were an idiot in our county you did algebra in 8th. 9th if you were actually retarded.

As, what I assume was, some sort of experiment, myself and 47 other 7th graders(out of around 120 at our public school) were asked to take the ACT alongside highschool juniors and seniors. ALL BUT 5 of us scored over 20.

Consider that for a moment.. 43 fucking 12 year olds, demonstrating in the 90s, the understanding and comprehension it would take for a 19 year old black student to get into an ivy league school today..

Fuck this gay earth.

The most important thing here is that last sentence. He isn't dumb for wanting his phone, his phone has literally made him dumb. Its a non-stop cycle of instant gratification and addiction that is on us 24/7. Nothing else is worth focusing on, especially anything that takes longer than a single text/snap/whatever. I've tutored a few younger kids (middleschool age-ish) and you have to physically remove the phones from the room or else the kids can't function. Most of the parents just let the kids do homework in front of the TV. One math problem takes an hour because its TV, phone, math, phone, TV, phone, math... and nothing gets done. I'm shocked at how these parents think is acceptable to do homework and never separate their kids from their smart devices.

Just my luck. I really have a question I need answered. My son attends public schools. Were rural retards so it's the only option. They've recently started this direct learning. Or student directed learning. I think the goal is to target children of all abilities. It sounds good in theory, but why not just have standards that all kids meet?

>where I end up having to go through how to manage the club's funds with the kids because they don't know how to break a $20 or keep track of spending.

I feel like there's more to it then you're letting on. even if a kid can't count money they can pull out their phone and use a calculator. I've known teachers that will over exaggerate the "kids are stupid" meme and you seem like one of them. A good teacher is able to change the way the student thinks and inspire them to do more but if this is the way you think then I can guarantee the kids are getting the vibe that you look down on them. Once they know that you don't care they stop caring too.

I'm right there with you. I'm an eduation graduate student right now and almost everything they're trying to implement has the underlying mindset of "teachers can solve all the problems if we train them properly".

I'm in a "Diversity and Special Needs Education" class right now and all the reading is basically saying "we can put as many retards into normal classes for social justice and just train the teachers to be able to deal with them".

The other students are too fucking braindead and idealistic to realize how insanely misguided this thinking is. I had one dumb nigger in class the other day get hot under the collar after I said "a year isn't enough time to implement an IEP and get a 7th grader up to grade level". This 7th grader was reading at a 2nd grade reading level.... and this faggot was like "I believe in students and I think it can happen, so I don'
t think being negative will help in this case". They're just continuing to burden teachers because students need to be made to feel good and feel cared for and loved. Basically you're a care giver now and their classroom is a home, which is fucking retarded.

Kids weren't always that way schools don't challenge the smart because nclb

The left ruined this country fuck the teachers union you've failed the kids.

Devos devos devos

Deconstruct the Federal dept of ed

>the 'free' stuff like food, healtcare, a laptop, etc is actually negative
it's just to get them to attend school i think
in some shitty african countries schools that offer deworming pills had higher attendance

>I had one dumb nigger

wow Op you sound like you're going to be a great teacher. Everyone knows that racial insults are the best way to motivate people

>hold teachers even more accountable than we already are..
>As a teacher of 8 years who doesn't even break $60
thats more than the median income for an entire family in america. fuck you lazy bitch, you dont even work a forth of the fucking year so you are being paid 60 a 3/4 year. thats 80 thousand a year bra


>the left

let me guess: your whole class consists of niggers

people need to sort themselves out

advice for millennials-

Dunno about american teachers but polish teacher's job is not a cake walk.
I still wouldn't give them 60k cause that's just ridiculous, but the job aint easy

Thank you for your service. Your position is the most important position.

>makes almost 60k a year
>gets break in spring, winter, and a few months off in summer. anytime the weather acts up gets to stay home cause "muh children saftey". basically only works 2/3rds of the year
>didnt realize that teaching is daycare; or doesnt know enough about his own subject to apply it to a way a teenager would be interested in
>doesnt know that middleschool teens are self absorbed and are more interested in each other than learning
>doesnt understand that the biggest travesty against children in schools was committed by only selecting teachers who are mostly underachievers that didnt want to join the real world after highschool and choose to stick with what they knew after going to college instead of learning a trait or skill. now school workforce is full of people who dont care to teach, about their subject, or the kids. its people who wanted an easy job that payed well; get a third of the year off; and has almost 0 accountability. literally dont molest the students or say nigger is the only requirement.
>dont feel like teaching today? play a movie!

>Once they know that you don't care they stop caring too.
Probably true. Bad vibes usually don't make for a good learning environment.

OP is dealing with teens, as in almost-adults. Much of their abilities and path has already been decided. There's no quick fixing that especially on a large scale. They need to be removed from the healthy body and be placed in a different program.

>oy vey these filthy goyim can still get educated and move into the middle class
>look goyim our new (((common core))) will help us eliminate all your nasty white privilege (note we jews are not white, at the moment, as that would not be convenient)

Literally kill yourself, faggot.

10/10 post

I was secondary ed major for a year before I switched majors and all of the students/teachers were the biggest underachieving betas and leftist cucks that cared more about >muh diversity and white privilege than teaching kids math and science.

sitting through lectures in 90% female classes where they all take turns talking about their daddy issues. watching a college female tell an elementary schooler that god wasn't real etc... I don't know how anyone has the desire to be a teacher and can't see that it is just a glorified babysitting service for the state.


The European model though is interesting because it streams students towards (1) university, (2) technical college and engineering/computers, and (3) trades. The streaming happens at grade 5 in some countries and students go along one of these 3 paths, and like user was saying: not everyone should go to university.

Also, free university tuition is not sustainable, unless you have something like the German model where only a limited number of students go to university. Even in Canada, part of our tuition is paid by the student and the other part 2/3's is subsidized by the govt, but this gets pricey, because who pays for this?