Blacks in advertising

Why do blacks make up 10% of the population but 50%+ of advertising models?

Thought I was just racist, but this is increasingly the norm. Is this white corporate guilt acting out its remorse?

>shop for 400$ designer glasses
>the models are african males, who neither read nor have the dispensable income to shop for luxury goods

Have they market-tested the black male on consumers and found that he's more effective at persuading them to make the purchase than a white male? Or is there an ulterior motive here?

Other urls found in this thread:épanocytose#D.C3.A9pistage

Because it's better to have blacks everywhere than to be accused of racism.

And blacks are "cool" anyway, so it's not a particularly bad marketing decision.

Another example from one of the whitest clothing labels out there. What the fuck? 50%?

"Wow Jimmy, better put some transfluid POC dude there, you don't want some PR disaster because there is only whites."

Everytime i see a nigger in any piece of propaganda i get discouraged to shop in that place

>A huehue
>thinking he's any better than a nigger

>Everytime i see a nigger in any piece of propaganda i get discouraged to shop in that place
Good, continue.

We're in a capitalist society, our money weigh more than our votes.

This must be especially startling in France, no? When I visited Europe I was totally floored with how common it is to use African children, mixed race families, and African men to advertise products. Sometimes it seemed more common than using whites.

I think most of you have so little contact with blacks that you see every black as Kanye West, so advertising using blacks is like having a celebrity in the ad.

>A huehue
>thinking he's any better than a nigger
I wish you Americans knew how ironic half of the shit you guys type are, south Brazil is 3 times whiter than USA



this shit is kikery

>blacks are cool

Hm, flag checks out.

Advertising rule of 3: If 3 or more people in an advert, one must be black, no matter how contrived

He's not even a white American, he's a butt mad nigger.

>low res pic
can you even afford internet in the favelas?


I was wondering that too. They are literally everywhere.

There are no white Americans.

>This must be especially startling in France, no?
Yup. And it's worse because they have to put blacks and arabs.

>I think most of you have so little contact with blacks that you see every black as Kanye West, so advertising using blacks is like having a celebrity in the ad.
There is 15%+ blacks in France, more than in America, statistically speaking.

The day of the grill will come, burguer

because black organizations bitch and moan, then corporations placate them.

Thanks (((them))) and 90's basketball in the US.

In France our whole football team (kids' n°1 idols) are all non-whites, so they're considered "cool" too.

Reminder that like the US, France is not white anymore.


Because if (((they))) try to push white and asians, they will get a still standing civilisation, and not the niggerkingdom they want.

They know why niggers are the way they are, it's their nature, it's why they promote it. Oriental women, and White male
Oriental male and white female
and especially white male and White female, are big fucking nonos.

They have to dumb down the population, they can't do that with the above.

That's 1 reason, the other is that niggers have massive inferiority complexes, hence the need to always try and seem suprierior we wuz etc..they always want to be the center of attention.

Its because blacks no matter how poor will spend there welfare check on expensive clothes.
It's why you see broke ass niggers with $200 sneakers on but when you see a broke ass white person their wearing shoes from walmart.


That is only true in the major urban centers, like Paris. In the suburban areas it's still 99% white isn't it?

Same as America. You only find blacks + arabs + asians in urban centers like New York, Miami, and Los Angeles.

>Why do blacks make up 10% of the population but 50%+ of advertising models?
Have you been to any major city anywhere in the US at all in the past, say, 20 years?

Just because blacks don't answer the door during census time, doesn't mean they aren't closer to 40% of the population. Remember, they have kids almost 6 to 1 over whites.

>nor have the dispensable income to shop for luxury goods
>implying niggers don't practically riot to buy new 300 dollar nikes ever week


Pick one.

>More hispanics in the US than blacks
>but blacks have 40% of the population

So we're in the minority now or what?

>That is only true in the major urban centers, like Paris. In the suburban areas it's still 99% white isn't it?

Look at the map .

it's even weirder when you see it here because we literally have almost no blacks aside from Sudanese yet there are all these african american looking guys in australian ads

OK, hue monkey, whatever you say.

Just boycott them.

I try to avoid anyone using black people in advertising.

It's very hard to hire niggers for anything that requires cognitive abilities, so they dump everything that doesn't need a brain onto them. Gotta meet those diversity quotas somehow.

>And blacks are "cool" anyway, so it's not a particularly bad marketing decision.
It's quite the opposite. The niggers are very annoying.

Do you have to use sickle cell as a measurement because the government forbids collecting actual stats or something?

>It's quite the opposite. The niggers are very annoying.
Not to the public opinion.

>Do you have to use sickle cell as a measurement because the government forbids collecting actual stats or something?
Statistics with a "racial" content are illegal since the 80's.

Medical statistics are all we have.


I fucking hate when there is a nigger in some nice piece of clothing
like, fuck, did that nigger touch every piece of clothing?
I cannot buy that shit
they always make it look bad too
and the contrast between their skin and the piece is horrible

I want attractive people in my adverts

Please don't remind me of (((affirmative action)))

All the black models tend to be MEN. Black models that are women are never or rarely advertised. Think about that.

I just think its funny how every white guy is a fag or nu-male but the black guy is an actually man. Seems kinda kikey

This needs to become a regular meme. NOW.

>Dépistage de la drépanocytose: évolution du pourcentage de nouveaux-nés A RISQUE DÉPISTÉS en France Métropolitaine.

For anglofags >Sickle-cell desease checking: evolution of AT-RISK population CHECKED in continental France.

Do you really believe 40% of the population has sickle cell disease?


To be considered "at risk" you need to have your parents being from a "population at risk".

Aka, having arab or black parents.

So yeah, 40% of births in France are non-white births.

And it does not even count the Asians.

Fuck me. I thought the only economically literate Frenchmen was Bastiat

>Statistics with a "racial" content are illegal since the 80's.

Jesus wept. That's disgusting.

>All the black models tend to be MEN. Black models that are women are never or rarely advertised. Think about that.

>I just think its funny how every white guy is a fag or nu-male but the black guy is an actually man. Seems kinda kikey

It's meant to work on women, on their subconcious, all marekting is. Put up a ugly white man next to a 'tolerable' nigger, and watch the single mother figures and mixed race babies stats spike. It's why some women tend to have a fat friend to make themselves look better. Put a smiling happy attractive mixed race couple, and show a miserable ugly same race couple, and up go the mixed race stats again. It's a long term plan, a strategic one. Now you see why the Nazis took control of the media, to prevent this shit.

They are fucking with peoples minds. It makes no sense to appeal to a demographic that isn't really there, what they are doing is political ideology, programming. Encouraging even.

You seem to be slightly retarded.
Let's try again:
>Dépistage de la drépanocytose: évolution du pourcentage de nouveaux-nés A RISQUE DÉPISTÉS en France Métropolitaine.
Participe passé de dépister.
Past tense.
Meaning that countrywide, there is 60% of at-risk newborn who hasn't been tested user.

Do you even French?

C'est bizarre comment dans les prophéties concernant la France, toute la France brulera sauf la Bretagne qui sera toujour Catholique. Je me suis toujours dit que c'etait des conneries, mais vu les pourcentages....

It's been going on for years, just part of the progress in Western Europe. Women are easily affected from subliminal indoctrination as they look for approval primarily in all parts of life. Men are harder to crack so why bother

No, the wording made by the journalist in the map is really stupid.

Here, read the medical statistical report :

And the wikipedia article about how we test people in France:épanocytose#D.C3.A9pistage

I understand that you do not want to see the reality, but it's exactly like I said it.
And the journalist who published the map of France may have (((on purpose))) use doubtful words to avoid people connecting the dots.

Bretagne is also one of the few region that is voting HEAVILY for Macron.

It's because they don't have enough non-whites to know how bad things really are.

You could have called me a cunt faggot for that.
Thanks for being merciful.

Seems right though. L'ile de France is infested.

>brb, changing will to disinherit daughter

Heh, I can't blame you, it's a pretty hard pill to swallow.

I hope we'll be able to count on you when the times come.

>>brb, changing will to disinherit daughter
Can you actually disinherit people in the US?
It's illegal in France, you have to give a good chunk to your kids whether you want it or not.

White male models cost more.

because nigger are more likely to fall for le shopping jew

Because blacks are racist you nigger. White normies don't care about skin color so corporations push it more. It's not an agenda it's just that they know blacks care about representation moreso.


It's the Jews
It's always the Jews

My dad works pretty high up in BBDO, one of the largest advertising companies in the US. When they do casting, it's usually in NYC, LA, and SF. That alone would explain the overrepresentation. Furthermore, the company has requirements to take in a certain amount of each race and gender. They push (((diversity))) very very hard. From there, it becomes an arm's race with other ad campaigns for who can be the most SJW and diverse - aka racist preference of POC as accessories. It's a modern slave trade. The amount of melanin in your skin is a highly determinant attribute in landing you the spot.

LOL @ niggers.

They suck in every single nation they are in.

It absolutely is an agenda, it's pretty plain to see. 2 main reasons is to dumb down or change the racial makeup (not in israel mind) and another is as you said, because niggers bitch about not being the center of attention.

Meanwhile smart whites are wondering why this shit is pushed so hard.

Yes of course

>I did not evolve

Okay, the ad business is heavily (((infested))) granted.

But at the end of the fucking day they also have to make money?

If they advertise a cis-white-male favored product by using a black trans-furry otherkin shemale, I don't think this will work out too good for them?

been seeing a lot of niggers in ads too. Makes no sense, why would make your product look worse??

Because I don't give a fuck what you monkeys say
>see globe
>is monkey

Peel the onion back another layer. Lefty (((they))) media and entertainment are successfully conditioning all races and classes into seeing this overrepresentation, racemixing, and liberalism as not only the norm, but as the right side of history. It's a system that, if you so bravely choose to question, will pummel you to the ground. I mean Christ's sake Joseph McCarthy basically said "hey everybody communism is dangerous" and he ended up drinking himself to death after getting his asshole gaped open in public but the (((tolerant))) world.

> watch the single mother figures and mixed race babies stats spike

Its half term and my town is full of young halfbreed negro boys using the local sports facilities, they come here from London and the weird thing is they all look so surly.
What is that all about?

I know this answer! It's because blacks shell out money WAY WAY FASTER than whites and other ethnic groups. Something like 3 hours from paycheck compared to whites of around 12-48 hours. But yeah, also because of white guilt and kikery.

white men in the USA are pale, male, and failed the women Jew marketers are doing everything they can to convey that message to Yong white women to promote breeding with blacks.

Don't forget cuckold spice.

Because black people still pay for cable.

Well if you guys weren't so racist then, we wouldn't have to over compensate for putting black people in everything to numb your mind of being racist.