The ultimate redpill: Falling for the flossing jew

>A review of 12 randomized controlled trials published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in 2011 found only “very unreliable” evidence that flossing might reduce plaque after one and three months. Researchers could not find any studies on the effectiveness of flossing combined with brushing for cavity prevention.

Yes goy, keep buying our floss, you must keep flossing or your teeth will fall out of your face within a week! You wouldn't want to look British, would you?

pretty sure its supposed to PREVENT plaque and not reduce it when its already there

Humans have survived and evolved without floss or toothpaste for thousands of thousands of years. Unless you eat junkie shit every day, brushing or flossing your teeth is unnecessary.

brush your teeth before bed, or no dessert for you tomorrow

and they have been suffering from early toothe decay since the invention of bread andhad generally a life expectancy less than 35.


>eating a sugar jew

No thanks, mum.

>and they have been suffering from early toothe decay

Not until sugary food came out. Most of +50 years old who never brushed their teeth in Ancient Rome were fucking fine in terms of teeth health.

Take the toothpick pill

Im convinced fluoride coated floss does prevent cavities forming between the teeth

I don't floss to reduce cavities, I do it to reduce smell and to reduce the stress of foor rotting in my mouth.

Anyone who buys this is a fool who has never flossed regularly.

Gums will bleed when you first start then after a few days of flossing they will stop. It clearly strengthens the tissue regardless of the effects on plaque.

I've never flossed before.

Brushing is necessary to remove plaqye build up and remove debris in between teeth. It won't get all of it, but what doesn't get removed with brushing will get broken down by enzymes in our saliva.

Smoking or dipping, drinking acidic beverages excessively and sugar are the biggest threats to tooth health, as well as genetics. If your family has fucked up teeth, you're probably going to have fucked up teeth no matter what you do. Bi-yearly dental visits with flouride treatments go a long way.

>life expectancy less than 35.

t. infant/child mortality rate

Shit, if I cut my arms they bleed too! I guess I better start cutting them so they grow stronger!!! 8 HOUR LONG ARM CUTTING WORK OUT.


I never floss and I haven't had a cavity in over 13 years, or any dental problems. I used to get cavities as a kid, I brush once a day atleast, usually twice, and use mouth wash. If theres food stuck in my teeth I will use a toothpick.

My teeth are getting a tiny bit yellow, especially before I brush, but its normal for my age. People with shiny white teeth get whitening treatments.

Flossing is a waste of time and money. Its as outdated as circumcision.

>Humans have survived and evolved without floss or toothpaste for thousands of thousands of years.
Terrible argument. They also had a way lower life expectancy and terrible teeth.

>linking failing nytimes
>not using the archive

yea thats why they slowly grow pinker and stippled in the long term; a sign of healthy tissue

its totally like cutting off an arm d000uude

yes getting rotting food matter from under your gumline is juus like circumcision BRAHHH

>itt lazy shit justify having nasty gums

What is gingivitis, mother fucker. Enjoy your heart disease and lack of tooths.

I don't need the government to tell me that there is conclusive evidence of health benefits to not having food rotting between my teeth. I floss because I don't want rotting food between my teeth so I will continue to floss.

Pro-tip: Get a water flosser. Easily the best thing to use if you have a permanent retainer or other equipment in your mouth. Been using one for the past 6 months and my dentist lost his shit with how clean my teeth were this time.

>found only “very unreliable” evidence that flossing might reduce plaque
flossing is for preventing gum disease by direct infection, not in a roundabout way by reducing plaque.

Haven't brushed in years. Im fucked aren't I