There are people who think this is wrong


That is wrong. This (pic related) is, however, right.

The Jew blood in me is in turmoil over the building materials. Concrete is just so expensive for a project that large.

There ought to be some way to build it out of stone or something from the surrounding landscape, there has to be a cheaper alternative than concrete, metal and wood.

Chinks built wall to keep out the mongols.
Jews built wall to keep out the muslims.
Why shouldn't we build a wall to keep out muslims and niggers?

Even ethymologically, a fortification is what makes a town out of a settlement.

Why not instead of building a wall, dig a super deep and wide trench.

drainage presumably

>there are people who think this will happen

>border wall
Clearly has a passageway in it
>American engineering

but the wall is never going to be build lol

That's where we let the avocado trucks through and American vacationers out and back through

Here's another idea: Why don't you charge illegal Mexicans the costs of deporting them? Just take away everything they've earned, and open a tab for the rest and for the next time they are arrested.

We should do the same thing with fake refugees.

Because they are illegals, who is going to enforce their payment? What are they going to pay with with their jobless asses? Smuggled pinto beans? Should we take their fingers if they start raping little kids?

Erosion and flooding would be a constant problem, the upkeep would be significantly more difficult than a wall and it would be nowhere near as effective.

Exampled: Deportation costs $2000. Miguel has $142. You take it and Miguel owes $1858. Next time, Miguel has managed to earn $10000 with a little shop. You deport again and take $2000 plus the $1858 he owes from last time.

What a believable and honest article title, I hate Trump now! Thank you for opening my eyes.The Soros CuckBux are a nice addition too, hehe!



and what about the illegals who never come back? what if he stays perpetually poor and never saves more than 50 bucks a month? robbing them is fine by me but this is a poor way to keep ICE funded.

Wtf do Mexicans even do to you? At least with muslims you have an actual fear, but what's so bad about Mexican immigrants? Why is it such a huge problem for you?

Try to keep the obvious racism to a minimum

Eric did make that statement though

It's precast panels, which are often made with excess concrete, so it should be a little cheaper than a solid concrete wall.

I don't know what else would hold up well enough to do the job.

Drugs and crime.

captcha: Select all images with a helicopter

Mexican Drug Cartels :/ they keep fleeing their own country instead of trying to fix the problem infact if they'd be a pressure cooker right now if there wasn't this flow coming in right now. i mean yea mexico has its problems but they are unwilling to fix their own country so they come here simple.

Yeah, this wall is shit. It looks like a prison wall. I was promised a big, beautiful wall that will stand for a long time.