Is Sup Forums excited or scared of the future? Uploading our minds into computers...

Is Sup Forums excited or scared of the future? Uploading our minds into computers, replacing our fragile sack of flesh bodies with that of metal and bionics, abandoning Earth for other planets, perhaps ones outside our own solar system.

>implying jews won't find a way to become robot

Only self-contained artificial brains. Fuck being a hivemind with you retards.

user we're your friends we can have fun in the hivespace

The Singularity is a Jewish cult.

AI will kill us all and this is a good thing.

so long as our minds and consciousness remain who cares if the support system is a meatbag or terminator exoskeleton

I'm afraid that the rich elite will keep all these goodies for themselves out of fear

Not all technologies trickle down

Trans-humanism is the way of the devil I'm afraid.

I'm not about to get uploaded into Google Consciousness and get hacked into hell and eternal anguish by Sup Forums

>trying to be in a dormant state after a night of robot-boozing and cyber-fucking
>7am suddenly my internal HUD lights up with images of degenerate anime and my CyberThalamus(TM) urges me to intake cheap processed breaded poultry products.
>Wake up desuu~~~ uguuuu
>rm -rf * myself

>Implying the ultra-elite won't just figure out immortality, nuke the fuck out of the rest of the human species and let us burn in our nests, whilst they construct an offworld utopia of endless ecstasy

That's the thing. If you live in an Alterable Reality (Ie, a Matrix) then Android Hell can be a real place where you can be sent at the first sign of defiance.

I once read a dystopian future short story where a super-intelligent AI had basically taken over the entire planet and digitized everyone's minds as a way of protecting humans (the AI's original mission), who now lived eternally in basically the Matrix, except it was one everyone could control. Since there was no longer any possible way to die, a subcommunity of people found entertainment in basically making death-traps for others to experience, and individuals would compete to see if they could defeat other peoples dungeons and rides. It turned into a giant competition of who could kill a person in the most fucked up ways they could think of, with people laughing and giggling about the horrible things they had experienced and what terrible shit they wanted to do to others.

Throughout the entire story I just kept thinking it was Sup Forums come to life.


If we can get cybernetic bodies like in Ghost in the Shell, I volunteer

>Uploading our minds into computers
Stop with this meme.

sudo apt- get "common sense"

yeah? what if someone hacks your Shell and paralyzes you?

three letter agencies are already tracking your every move through your smartphone/web browser/OS of choice

and you want to give them direct access to your brain? dumb, dumb, dumb

This ultimately just boils down to your fear of death and that you u can't except the fact that you won't exist one day op.

When we become won't matter. They say how a certain race or religion will rule the world but what they don't know is the robots will unite us.

Skin Color
Way of thinking

All and more will be erased when we become like them.

ITT: Shit that will never actually happen.

Do you guys think any of this shit will ever ACTUALLY happen? No fucking way, I bet.

What is the name of the novel?

That sounds rad. Do you remember the name?

>trading your humanity for a metal jew
>not enhancing your flesh to unimaginable horizons
Trully, cyborgs are niggers of the futue

this senpai, we will be the resistance to their skynet

>He prefers tzeentch to necrons

Mind uploading is retarded science fiction. But I would like to see cyborg shit.

>Uploading our minds into computers, replacing our fragile sack of flesh bodies with that of metal and bionics
I'm going to opt out of that. I don't think God would be very pleased with me killing myself to live in a robot.

>abandoning Earth for other planets, perhaps ones outside our own solar system
That sounds pretty great actually. I look forward to it.