Did Hitler do ANYTHING to classify him as a dictator?

Did Hitler do ANYTHING to classify him as a dictator?

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He opposed jews

No not dictator but a leader he was the loser of the war! The victor doesn't have to tell the truth!

>became a cult of personality
>outlawed other political parties

Get red pilled on Hitler you would have such a disgust for the communist s and jews !

Shut the fuck up Shitaly. It's your fault he lost.

Calm down Mario, I already consider Adolf a good man

Hitler combined the functions of head of state and head of government in his office, pursued a totalitarian order, and, relatively late in the war, had a special vote to be recognized as a temporary emergency leader. Other than that everything he did was pretty standard.
When non-scholars talk about dictatorship and democracy, they are describing the character of government rather than its mechanism.

I'm Irish you twat ....fucking kek

Well that explains the poor grammar

The same thing Assad is trying to do
Make his country prosperous - but the jeWSA won't have it.
If you ask me I hate USA for life already. They are the biggest retards you could ever find.

(Most European governments separate head of state and head of government as an obstacle to easily declaring war. Head of government gets changed potentially every election and is normally more tied to party politics; head of state might be symbolic, like the Queen of England. Hitler's express motivation for combining these functions was to more easily declare war and to undo democratic governmental structures imposed or introduced after Versailles. That's the cleanest answer. The American presidency is both at the same time.)


Poor grammar?? Try studying a fucking map

>outlawed every political party except his own
>was leader of this one and only party

He was elected democratically. This is considered a dictatorship in the west. Just look at all the comparisons of Trump to a dictator for having the audacity to be elected despite every attempt to fraudently secure the election for the banking cartels.

>seized power in the wake of an attack he staged
>had his term office extended by "emergency" measures
>later had legislature vote to make him absolute ruler
>effectively disbanded legislature once he was done with them
>used law enforcement as a tool of political terror
>killed personal opponents on numerous occasions
>crafted a cult of personality surrounding himself and his lieutenants
>created a security apparatus for the purpose of rooting out and quashing all dissent, regardless of the grievance, or whether it was violent or not
>remold the previously apolitical military into a heavily politicized one that answered to him and him alone

Need I go on?

How many of these things are different from "democracies"?

>elected by an overwhelming majority
>enacts "executive orders" to further his agenda (which can be read about entirely in Mein Kampf)
>makes Germany beyond Great Again


yes, explain to me where the giant statues and posters of Hitler were if it was that much of a "cult of personality"

>remold the previously apolitical military into a heavily politicized one that answered to him and him alone
>previous military

you're fucking retarded

Killing poles and other slavs

In fact, did Hitler do ANYTHING to classify him as Hitler?

that's called taking out the trash

>elected by an overwhelming majority


>people largely vote for one party over the others