Why are drugs illegal? It's MY body and I can do what I want with it

Why are drugs illegal? It's MY body and I can do what I want with it.

>It's MY body

Wrong, your ass belongs to Uncle Sam

By taking drugs, you're essentially damaging government property

Druggies commit crime to finance their addiction. They are also a drain on the health care system.

Not to mention what they can do with their families. It's no longer just your body if you take your parents' money or sell their car for crack.

because the government makes money off the illegal drug trade and it is better for them this way because it is off the books. Also we have a prison industrial complex so we have to fill the prisons and employ all the people who make money off drugs being illegal (cops, lawyers, judges, guards). Also, this isn't a free country so your appeal to freedom falls on deaf ears.

I have never commited a crime to finance my recreational drug use, and neither has anyone I know (to my knowledge anyway). Yes, some people steal to finance their addiction, but that's a separate issue - people also steal to finance their addictions to legal things (alcohol, cigarettes etc) or even out of pure greed. If you think stealing to finance addiction is grounds for prohibiting some drugs, it would be logically inconsistent for you not to propose prohibiting everything else that motivates people to steal.

I paid sales tax on on AL-LAD (close enough to LSD while not being LSD). I take it maybe once a month. I am fully capable of holding my job and being a gud boi who doesn't do nuffin.

All that said illegality for personal possession and use are understandable because the world is full of retards. If you fuck up and break the law while on drugs you should get charged for the drug use too.

Where that picture was taken?


The world is bigger than your individual wants. Public policy is against the population becoming unproductive drains on wider society. Go live in central detroit and smoke all the crack you want to. Bye.

you must be 18 years or older to decide what to do with your body

What is that

>the world is full of retards goy, surrender your personal liberties so we can protect you.

The same public policy that provides benefits for the lazy and irresponsible. Yeah, solid argument there bud.

You get high on drugs and go do something stupid/psychopathic that puts those near you in danger. Then we get to help pay to clean up after your fuck ups.

Fuck off, degenerate.


Drugs are for niggers

>I live in a completely isolated environment, when my choices have no repercussions on others, physically, culturally, or morally.

If that was true, I wouldn't care.

>They commit crime
Make them pay the punishment for the crime then. #NotAllDruggies. This also doesn't apply to things that just screw up your biology, like horomones, steroids, etc. Mostly liver damage there.

As for the medical side, just make people pay for their own insurance, FFS.

Who is she and where picture is from


to save you from yourself