Researchers asked young women (ages 15 to 29) to choose potential dates from a series of photographs and descriptions...

>Researchers asked young women (ages 15 to 29) to choose potential dates from a series of photographs and descriptions, while the women’s mothers (ages 37 to 61) were asked to select possible boyfriends for their daughters using the same information. Results showed that a man’s looks influenced both groups of women more strongly than his personality profile. This held true even if a man’s profile was filled with highly desirable personal qualities, such as being respectful, honest and trustworthy.

Why are western women so superficial?

Honestly if you take some shitty sociological study that's probably riddled with methodological issues being pushed by huffpost by someone called (((Nierenberg))) as evidence then you don't really deserve to live.

The same can be said about men
>what is natural selection

This roast is really giving it her all. I applaud that.

Certainly doesnt deserve to reproduce

No shit ever notice facial composites of people are attractive? Objective beauty exists and people are preprogrammed to seek it out.

>Why are western women so superficial?
The same reason why they search for the best mate.

yeah, that'll happen.

I like this roastie meme. Am enjoying it thoroughly and will use it in the future IRL for hearty keks.

Obviously looks matter to a degree, but women are far more attracted to confidence/dominance. As long as you aren't some mutant freak you will generally be ok

Did you not have a father to teach you this stuff, user? If you present yourself like a bum, people are going to assume that you're a bum regardless of how much you have in your bank account.

Most upper class people tend to take better care of themselves physically and never leave the house unless they are looking good. That includes wearing fashionable and expensive clothing and styling their hair. The better you take care of your physical self the better people will think of you. Your looks are the biggest indicators of whether you're a bum or a big shot.

Israel is wrong its more along the lines of my pic

>Huffle Puffle

The article is probably true, but seriously:

>Huffle Puffle

>Water isn't wet, new study shows - t. Huffpo

>women are superficial whores who only go after Chad

In other news, bears shit in the woods!




-beta brazilian cuck on an anime forum

What did the male profiles say about money? Now that I'm a grown up I can attest that every woman who is over 25 sees money as a major turn on.


Try taping a $100 bill to the pictures of the uglier men and a $5 bill to the pictures of the more attractive men and run the study again.

I'll wait.

What are white people so popular?
Is it the rarity?
Is it the exotic colourations?
Is it media?

Because of ((them)), stupid faggot. Are you new here?

Because white is literally the master race

in other news water is wet

>will use it in the future IRL for hearty keks.
Literal autist detected.


Of course they're going to choose mostly based on looks on a test that uses photographs.

Real life is different. The biggest pussyhound I know is a 30 year old short guy with a 4/10 face who can get a random girl to come to his place any day of the week.

>tfw I look like an even more gypsyfied version of Romania

Just fuck my shit up.

I dont get that pic, obvious lack of ambition is a decent reason to break up with someone

How will they ever recover???

Not an argument


this. women over 25 want doctors with money and will settle for less looks if it means they can go shopping every weekend

That never happened.

Superiority. Natural selection

How do they account for the fact that women don't care if a man is respectful, honest or trustworthy?

done in a western country

Whites are extremely popular in Asia and South America

It's absolutely true. He's like 5'8 so not shorter than most women, but still a manlet.

Of course they do who doesn't. Appearance is literally the first thing everyone notices about you, be it job interviews, new people, coworkers, and yes, women.

Which is why any self-respecting person will put a lot of work into their appearance, because unless you got extremely fucking unlucky when you were born, you can always do something to look really good. Very very few people are born very attractive, most attractive people you see are the result of taking good care of themselves.

Good personality or whatever is a meme. Chances are if someone is ugly on the outside, they will be ugly on the inside.

No SHIT! This is why I roll my eyes everytime some /r9k/tier dude is like "why can't i get a gf?" I'm like go to the gym and lift weights, at least try and look attractive and they're like "but I want someone who wants me for ME~~" and I'm like well you're fucking hopeless then because you sure aren't hitting on the ugly or super fat girls because you 'love them for them'

Argentina, Iran, White American, and Serbia are so fucking hot

>T. 10/10 who never gets pussy
The only way you couldn't get pussy is if you were a 'sperg or an autist. And even then, there has to be a malfunction.

is there a woman version of this chart


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that a 10/10 girl would have exactly the same experience.

the biggest difference is probably that there are more extremely hot girls than extremely hot guys. The great majority of guys are not particularly hot physically, whereas almost all girls who aren't fat are attractive.

>such as being respectful, honest and trustworthy.

women don't give a fuck about morality

I wouldn't know anything about that but this particular study was done on westernised people so its skewed.


>the potato
I swear this is the shit fucking 9fag does

>almostball girls you aren't fat are attractive
t. leaf

Breaking news researchers found WOMEN WANT CHAD

Yea no shit faggots
Roasties wanna succ the hot guy
Who gives a fuck about ((((personality profile)))

Women aren't much different from us , virgin
We see a pretty face we want fuggg
They are not different

shouldve copied ethiopia over to germany

>People like attractive people
Wow how evil
Isn't this the same board that shills the importance of physical beauty?

>ages 15 to 29
While women ages 30 and up get vagina tucks in order to land that security.

You take an 18 year old and put her in front of a 40-year old guy with money, and she'll suck his dick dry and swallow. People are forgetting about hypergamy.

>Women lie

Wow. Really?

Isn't this evolutionary natural selection to a tee. Why would anyone besides beta males be upset about competition

Guys are superficial too. But the majority of guys have realistic standards. And also like a wide variety of body types.
Girls just like CHAD.

Girls in general have delusional standards.
I'm not going to not be attracted to a chick just because she doesn't look like Candice Swanepoel.

Guys are flexible. You can be a 6/10, 8/10, 10/10. Different degrees of hotness in our eyes.
But girls only think in black and white. You're either a 10/10 or a 0/10. There is no middle ground in their eyes.

Are you sure?
Chinese people would see all the ugliest chinese people and see white people on the media / travelling businessmen
Wouldn't that also skew results?

>highly desirable personal qualities, such as being respectful, honest and trustworthy
hahaha no


Why are middle eastern women such big fans of us, bros?

spoilers: it 100% depends on the girl. all the girls who've been in love with me but I was too dumb to ask out, and the one who I didn't ask out but pumped and dumped because she was a fat SJW piece of shit but I was desperate lol, always ended up with guys that kinda looked like me, and had more or less my exact body type: slightly pudgy white guy with reasonably attractive face that looks alright with a beard, brown-to-dirty-blonde hair, and tall but not too tall (right around 6'). if I wasn't a retardedly clueless anime protagonist irl, I could've dated/boned:
- childhood friend, nerdy but very cute, stick-thin and athletic
- short second-generation Japanese girl a couple years younger than me
- big-titted blonde a couple years younger than me
- big-titted blonde a couple years older than me, now a mobile game developer
- cute second-generation Indonesian girl a couple years older than me
- aforementioned fat SJW

all of these women were attracted to me at one point, and I was too cowardly/socially retarded to ask them out (except the SJW, she was crazy and dumb af). they have since all gone on to either be dating or married to men who pretty much look just like me. the SJW *claims* to be "queer", always bragging about how she hangs out with one cute girl/transperson or another, but in reality she's only ever dated guys who look just like me.

what I'm saying is, I think there's something to the idea of how you form your opinion of what is attractive at a very young, impressionable age, and that's what you look for forever. it's probably more complex than that, but there is definitely a pattern here. not all girls want big burly muscled men or whatever; I'm still very close friends with the Indonesian (we're basically bros), we've talked about it, and she agrees, she just likes slightly-pudgy white dudes who're into video games.

some girls really are like that, anons. just throwing it out there.

Possible, but I doubt it would be that large. From my experiences people tend to stick with the races they grew up with.
We won't really know unless someone does a study in those countries.

>there are more extremely hot girls than extremely hot guys

A pound of makeup and fake tits does not make someone extremely hot

It's true. The same goes for okcupid. Like... they can't even reply, yet IRL it's not too hard for me to get a number... god damn I can't wait to leave this fucked up nation.

Lol poor manlets

I think the problem is she says or at least implies she wouldn't have broken up with him due to his lack of ambition if she knew he was rich. She says she isn't a good digger but she would've only stayed with him for his money AND feels like she got cheated for not knowing she could just leech off him

This is actually brilliant. Tons of bitches will go out of their way to prove they are "different"

Its genuinely surprising how much more attractive men are than women. Consider that 99% of men do not wear makeup. Ever.

Pretty much every single woman will at some point wear makeup, and often quite a bit of it.

Compare male and female celebrities.

Cuz Middle eastern is categorized under white in this study, i.e. it's complete shit.

To be honest, from reading this one, the man seems like a genuine fucking autistic layabout.

If I met a woman who was feeding me potato fucking soup and doing literally nothing with her life while living in a shithole, while she acted incredibly apathetic about literally everything, i'd dump her.

And then I would be very annoyed if it then turned out she was rich.

>t. Angry Butthurt Uggo


You've just described a significant portion of the single female population. Except the rich part. Well done.

Damn wtf America is a Chad


No OP, the journal that huffington post article is referencing is attempting to study if there is a 'minimum' level of attractiveness: i.e. does being a nice guy matter as far as getting laid if a man looks unattractive? Her study says yes, however doesn't attempt to qualify what the 'minimum' might be. Also this study loses credibility because the researchers never show the men performing acts of kindness and rather ask participants to rank qualities, as if in a survey, while showing face shots of potential mates.

>Fugère, al. The Importance of Physical Attractiveness to the Mate Choices of Women and Their Mothers. Evolutionary Psychological Science( 2017)

Furthermore, other research shows that the most important factor in the success of a relationship is altruism, even more so than attractiveness. Which makes sense - attractive looking guys who are jerks are unattractive and men who put others before themselves are. This study shows men of equal attractiveness performing altruistic acts and the "nicer" guys were always more attractive.

>Farrelly et al.
Are Women’s Mate Preferences for Altruism Also Influenced by Physical Attractiveness?
Evolutionary Psychology

Ya'll are missing his point, the threshold is a fuckton lower for women in terms of attractiveness because dudes aren't looking to bang the hottest bitch in the world, they're just looking to bang


Literally justifying the economic equivalent of being a thirsty beta orbiter.

Because their very best is our meh.

>they're just looking to bang
Might as well fuck obese spics and niggers then.

>highly desirable personal qualities, such as being respectful, honest and trustworthy.
surely you jest

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

Wrong. Read it again
>american education

>Compare male and female celebrities.

Or don't, because celebrities are not representative of normal people at all.

This has been borne out in studies. OKCupid did a study that proved that the majority of women rate the majority of men as "below average". You have to be more attractive than 70% of men to be considered "average".

This is because what people consider "average" isn't actually a mathematical average of attractiveness, they just mean "attractive enough but not especially hot".

Meaning well over 50% of men aren't even "attractive enough but not especially hot".

The same study found that men, oppositely, rank women accurately, according to an actual statistical curve of attractiveness... meaning that a woman who is actually an objectively statistically average 5/10 is still "attractive enough but not especially hot", whereas every woman above her is attractive proper.

I mean come on, go into any university classroom with a large number of young men and women. Out of a hundred students there's likely to be at least five women who make you say "fuck she's hot" and probably ten or twenty more who are still cute. Meanwhile there's probably no more than one or two guys who are actually noticeably attractive and the rest of them don't even register.

Fuck Italy
Kill Israel
Marry South India

Damn, Aish put on a few pounds. I still wouldn't call her meh. She was stunning in her day.

she blamed it all on him and pretended he was at fault not her

>even if a man’s profile was filled with highly desirable personal qualities, such as being respectful, honest and trustworthy.

That isn't how you spell wealthy.

>objective beauty
high school tier philosophy education

>Women care about attractiveness
Then explain coalburners and ugly rich people

How things work for wild animals is not the same as how they work for civilization

Found a mistake but don't worry I fixed it.

Kikening. They want them braindead and slutty, like Miley. Mission Success.

>that happened

wow what a shocker

>What are white people so popular?

In other words: Water is wet.

mfw get chased by women and mothers try to hook me up with their daughters but im too smart to be trapped by some skank

>women lie and say they aren't shallow
>are actually as shallow as anyone else

No one is surprised by this.
/fit has it right.

Your looks matter, take care of them.


>tfw bean
>tfw look a lot like spaniard

hehe th-thanks?..


That wasn't a followup to But I would be interested in what preceded this.