The laws of the universe as we know them are propaganda. Your interpretation of reality effects form. The universe can be effected by thought. If we all focus on a shared outcome we can make it happen. Do not let them control the narrative, we need to create our own positive narrative with the available info. Use Meme Magic to stop WW3. We cannot possibly fail. Defeatism is and determinism are tools of dark Occultists, we write the future

The below link outlines the view of the world among the highest degrees of illuminated masonry. This is what the bloodline elites believe, based on texts and research that have kept hidden. They do not want us to know the truth, which is that collective intent can change reality on a molecular level.

The elite do this through blood rituals (wars are blood rituals). We must engage in collective focus activities to counter them. Everyone create more memes, music, infographics and movies that convey our intent.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do not make memes with nuclear explosions. Careful what symbols you use. Make memes that correspond with our intent. This way we can change the timeline for a second time, remember, Trump wasnt actually supposed to be elected. He is still susceptible to pressure from us. Make a new narrative, push the new narrative. Remember, the universe is holographic. The probability that this isnt some kind of computer simulation is very very very low, statistically.

I want to reverse THIS.

kek bless

Why stop it?

Huh. Pretty neat plan you got there. Let me know how it works out for you.


Also, if we all jerk off and visualise our chosen world outcome when we ejaculate it helps. Well, our opponents believe this anyway. Sex rituals are also very important to them (alongside blood rituals). We dont have to replicate the rituals in every aspect, just the main points. The reason they engage in human sacrifice is that the emotional state of every participant becomes thrilled to the point of trance. When this mindset is achieved their intent passes into the ether easier. The same principal is behind sex magic. Your brain goes produces a different frequency of waves at orgasm, making you closer to the astral level.

>Also, if we all jerk off and visualise our chosen world outcome when we ejaculate it helps.
ah, good ol chaos magick
why do all wannabe magicians start of masturbating to sigils?

Spot the leaf
>duurrr let's have a circle jerk guys. it will summon some women via our ejaculation magic


Nukes Thursday night lads

Seriously though.
(((Hitler))) was a Jew. Jews control the world now cause of him. All millennials dress and act like kikes with black thick rimmed glasses and being over emotional.
I don't want to see the future with you losers deciding the laws. Seriously.

WW3 when??


why would we stop ww3?

minute long intro then a horrible documentary voice.
no thx

I don't want to stop WW3 though pussy

Time for the great cleanse

We have two distinct systems in the brain that process information: the classical neuroaxonal network and the quantum-level microtubular network. The neuroaxonal network gives us the "perceptual-cognitive-symbolic" mode of perceiving the world , and the microtubular network offers a "direct-intuituve-nonlocal" mode. The perceptual-cognitive-symbolic mode dominates consciousness in the modern world ; information processed in the direct-intuitive-nonlocal mode is mostly filtered out.

So what are these two parts of the brain interacting with? You may ask. The information that we receive in the dimension of our senses (perceptual-cognitive-symbolic) is in the form of wave propagations in the electromagnetic spectrum and in the air. The information we receive in the underlying dimension (which is more fundamental) are propagations from the quantum level.

Have you ever been standing in a window hidden far above someone watching them as they are walking along the road and they suddenly look up at you after possibly feeling a chill? Or have you been the one looking up? You were interacting with the direct-intuitive-nonlocal dimension at the quantum level.

So what am I? You can say : I, a conscious human being, am not limited to my body. I am a matter-like system in the manifest dimension of the world, and a mind-like system in the deeper dimension. As a matter-like system I am my body, and I am ephemeral. But as a mind-like system I am my consciousness, and am part of the world's deep dimension. I am omnipresent and immortal, a nonlocal part of the infinite wholeness of the cosmos.

Now that you know this you can be more aware of reality, you will be able to explore the world in a new light and unlock 'meme magic' potential. In a sense Kek was indeed awakened as a huge group of people began to tap into this deeper dimension, no longer limiting themselves to the "perceptual-cognitive-symbolic" as if it were a prison of their own creation, for their consciousness.

But I want WW3 to happen

>Your interpretation of reality effects form. The universe can be effected by thought.

So take about 4 hits of acid

How much thought power do i need to start levitating? Being serious.

See here how the Jews manifest when knowledge of how to defeat their trickery is being spread

Oh Jews, do ye not realize that perpetual adherence to the paradigm of domination leads only to rebirth in the lower astral dimensions ?

Why forever enslave yourself to negative Karma ? Do you not see that ascension can only come whence malice is purged from the self ?

Go now ! back your Jew master ! and tell him the Goiym have awakened !

The savior is coming

I came for the pic. Thanks
I leave this behind. Enjoy

Fuck m*slims nuke mecca now

Why would you want to stop WW3?
Meme magic works through kek and kek is a god of chaos you stupid faggot.

3:41:02 AM EDT
Tuesday, April 12, 2017

what will happen??

One should be careful when attempting to make use of ancient tools. Keep your goals selfless and non specific. If you must do something pray for the salvation of mankind, or something to that effect.

When you start to try to achieve specific goals that benefit you personally is when the magic becomes dark and you run into problems.

Nice numbers. Kek confirms. Jerk off to get what you want.

Hermetic Axiom:

All is Mind, the Universe is Mental.

>will s t a r t WW3

OP speaks the truth, check out the global consciousness project, it's compiled by Princeton

You fuckers haven't released that at best this is useless and at worst its numerology and put a demonic kike in control of our military?

occultism is bad, friends.


Its called the collective conscious and it has been at work for ages luigi.

You have my Santeria and old Meme Scrolls fellow Cagliostro.
The only war I want is a war against corruption, hipocrisy and degeneracy.


The left are memeing trump is going to start WW3 into reality


You realize that a major demographic of Sup Forums wants WW3 correct?


No ww3, globalists get purged, the truth about the holocaust comes out and national socialism returns. KEK WILLS IT!

That's my kind of woman!
>digits confirm WW3 soon(ish)

yeah, I don't really understand why people aren't trying to meme the elite's death

Praise kek

If you effect the universe it will effect you too.

What if I told you that there is a group of people doing reverse torah rituals daily and in great numbers that focus on preventing wars and Jewish tricks?

How about we use Meme Magic to start WWIII and win? Preventing it doesn't deal with (((them))), it gives the bastards more time to drain morale before another attempted power grab.

>stopping WW3

Makes me curious.

War is necessary for change and for sure this world really needs a change, specially in the periphery countries, its part of life. We have our own wars on daily basis.
It's part of life. But I have a feeling that if Trump is not using Syria as a scape goat to catch the predators and Soros crew then the world is kind of fucked.
Or maybe I'm still too ignorant about what is he trying to push.
You anons could enlight me about a possible war, redpill me please.


What a faggot

What if I told you that there is a religion based on ancient gentile deities that have a burning hatred towards Jews and the ambrahamic religions?

Fuck this, nuke the world, end humanity, let's end this circus once and for all!

what in the fuck is wrong with you, it's like you don't know the US is controlled by the jews and WWIII will be about crushing jewish opposition

do tell

You fucking idiots


I want see rituals. You lost me.

I agree with you on this, but just as I thought today. A WWIII in which the USA / Israel wins will be more devastating for humanity than death. I just hope it turns into a full apocalypse if it happens

You think you can stop this? No my dudes. WW3 is happening!


's cool!

>I just hope it turns into a full apocalypse if it happens
Yep. EVERYBODY must die. No exceptions.

Me and the boys decided that were actually focusing on me winning the lottery tonight

I like how the immigration from Africa is remarkably constant.

I am sure this post will attract many christcucks and other faggots. But it will still be of interest for people with a head on their shoulders and curiosity.

First, do not mind the edgy-looking theme.
Second, satanism is not about evil baby goat sacrifice.
Third, it does not have its origins as a counter-reaction to christianity.

Satanism is the original religion of our ancestors - paganism.

I'll leave you to look into it for yourself. Take your time, there is much to find there (although I do admit the navigation sucks a bit).

Already on the new narrative focus senpai.

Autistic fusion focus beam



Also, protip: Kek is an Egyptian pagan god :^)

Someone screencap please

if its all such a joke, then ask yourself, why have US military and intel been researching this stuff extensively for decades, along with universities like Princeton. Plenty of declassified CIA documents showing that they have been researching telepathy as far back as the 40s. Theres considerable academic research showing that telepathy, among other tings, are real. You never knew that Princton ran an entire labratory devoted to telepathy did you ? of course not. Check out Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR). Further, most of the surface level studies into this are shady, and undoubtedly being supressed. The official story is that the CIA stopped researching it some time ago, just like they stopped the MK ultra programs. Its common knoweldge that these programs just went dark however, and that they actually expanded. Your own gov spends huge sums of money developing remote viewing, telepathy ect. - creating technology around it. The current scientific consensus on many issues is little more than propaganda. Truth is suppressed to an incredible degree. Where do you think the 9 trillion that went missing from the Pentagon is ? Did you know that vast underground metropolis have been constructed with your tax dollars ? for what ? The world isnt what you think it is. So naturally they stigmatise anything that dont want you to go near, but rest assured..they take this stuff very seriously

Because Kaosmagick is literally Babbies First System. Why spend rigorous hours studying dusty cryptic tomes like the Zohar, the Gnostic Corpus, the writing of Hermes Trismegistus, or the fucking ineffable Calls of the Thirty Aethyrs...

When you can just draw a sigil you came up with and jerk off.

rolling for WW3 TONIGHT

The nazi shit needs to be expunged. FUCK SOCIALIST SCUM

Wars are actually fought to make massive amounts of money, read war is a racket

I like everything you said OP.
However your choice of pic is off putting.
I looked into sacred geometry a while back.
I do not recommend it to user in the same way you should not use letter boards.
Literally shit will manifest in the lines, it is a dark connection. I saw the freemason symbol and a pentagram with goats head, but it was like 3d.

>not knowing yahweh is satan

you are so so stupid


Screw this, we're not meming for some horned fairy tale. That's degenerate. Kek's the only entity we shill for.

Has there ever been an incidence of a person crossing into a different timeline?

To everyone wishing WWIII upon the world:

Do you really belive that it will end ZOG? Do you really think it will fix the problems of the world?
Do you really think it will bring back the nation state, traditional values and a better way of life?
Do you know that world wars are how (((they))) rape you for money?
All wars are banker wars.

The only redeeming answer is a global holocaust, but even that is a weak copout of a defeated person.

Our energies are better focused on memeing a better life for our peoples, ending the Fed, removing globalists, etc, etc.

I'll also add a bit more.

I don't think I need to show anyone on Sup Forums the ways the Jews have manipulated the way we view history (forging and destroying it as they please), and society in general. Causing wars for their own gain, to advance their personal agenda of ruling the world.

Christianity and Islam are tools of the eternal Jew as well, to suppress the human soul, and it has worked very well. The greatest Jewish trick of all time, I'd say.
Remember your European roots. Remember the deities your ancestors respected and looked up to.
Acknowledge them and they shall guide you.

Meh you cannot change the earth's fate.

Satan is not an entity, it is a title.
But yes, you are correct. The Deceiver of Man is YHWH - the Elohym.

Humanity was conned via the Abrahamic religions and turned away from the Knowledge and Wisdom offered by Prometheus; reducing itself to nothing more than a Slave Race.

Lies, Meme magik can change anything.

See this

But i dont want to stop WW3.
Hell, id pay for the oportunity of entering battle.
Im really, REALLY fucking bored.
I want to take some lives away while knowing perfectly my own could be taken at any moment.
At least its not the boredom of our everyday lives.
Stop fearing death you faggots.
Stop thinking about yourselves and think of the greater good.
Id happily fight and die for my people.
But for my government. NEVER

yes, you did, along with the rest of us

is this what the irish are up too?

You cannot win. That fight has already been lost, and it was lost a very very long time ago. Long before any of us or our parents, or our parents grandparents were even born.

The only solution, the only way to freedom. Is the absolute and utter annihilation of humanity and the reduction of life to it's primordial state. There is no other path, there is no other option. Everything else will merely lead to the eventual Culling; the only difference is (((They))) will remain and only everyone else will die.

Better that we take them down with us.

Even your frog god was a prophecy. You cannot change fate. Why would you want to prevent ww3? To keep Muslims around for longer?
Y'all should meme the 4th Reich

How about you learn to read?
I told the person to read and explore the website and what satanism actually is.

YHWH is an energy sucking cube that feeds on the dumb masses of Muslims and Christians.

Satan predates YHWH.

I guess I'll also state the fact that Satan is not a hebrew word. They've taken it into their own language and given it the meaning of "adversary".
Just like they corrupted the name of Balzebub, whose original name means "lord over everything that flies". They have changed the meaning to "lord of the flies".

Watch for Jewish trickery on every step.

Ready for a head trip ? fasten your seatbelts

See, the people in power use rituals against us


The Frog will kill the ZOG.

We must pray to the Colors of our God that our digits will carry on through.

>Emerald, heavy and viscous as tar, enveloping canopy, invulnerable shield, arbiter of scales, bestow thy power to this venerable warrior.
>To me, who raises the vengeful hammer, listen.
>Fiendish plot of the heretic, who dares resist, twist.
>His treacherous soul, chaotic and insane, banish.

Praise Kek.

Why should we stop WW3?
I want it to happen, not gonna lie.

Source on that? I'm pretty curious about ancient religions.