Can someone red pill me on depression?

Can someone red pill me on depression?

I want to show it is just a normie meme but back it up with stats.
>inb4 chemicals
I'm in med school and I know we over prescribe for depression. We are literally taught not to argue with patients that demand anti-depressants (effectively) and that even for temporary bouts, it is better to give meds.

It's a bunch of BS since I know what true clinical depression looks like and what the physiological differences are between clinical depression and a shorterm bout.

But I was wondering if anyone has collected stats on all this since I'm getting sick of mental awareness and depression memes posted all the time.

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What stats exactly are you looking for? You acknowledge that depression exists, yet argue that it is a meme.

It's perfectly okay to encourage depressive behavior in leftists though. It's also okay to over prescribe to them.

Depression is the hopelessness that comes from living in a Jewish, leftist shithole.

"depression" isnt real. everyone experiences emotions. how can you diagnose that

The stats I am looking for are something along the lines of:
1) rates of actual clinical depression that can be diagnosed through fMRI and other clinical indicators such as neurotransmitter deficiencies
2) rates of people that claim to be depressed. this will show the separation between people who claim to have "depression" and those who actually contain it

I am not saying depression is a meme, rather that true cases of it are much less prevalent that accepted by the general public.

I would also like to know:
1) rates of prescription meds for patients who claim depression
2) average duration of 'depression' as claimed by general public
3) rates reported by sites like Buzzfeed, HuffPo on dep

Something like that, which shows the disparity between clinical, scientific depression and what the public sees as depression that is not actually caused by a permanent imbalance of neurotransmitters

You saying nothing's wrong with me you cunt? I've been diagnosed with depression for 3 years now. I only get out of my bed, to browse Sup Forums, shit, or eat. I go months without talking to people, excluding my mum who I live with. Whenever I do have to leave my house, I'm practically shaking the entire time because im terrified of seeing people I know, because I know it'll remind me of just how much I hate my life.

Honestly I fucking hate people like you that say this is a meme. The chemical imbalances are proven to exist, but apparently because your in medical school we should believe they don't, because you claim it.

>im too lazy to do anything useful with my life so heres a scientific reason i dont have to do any work

All I have is anecdotal evidence but the keys are diet, exercise, and pursuits of self. Body can heal mind and happiness will find you.

you're just a lazy, sad bastard.

Depression is often a complete lack of emotions and feelings.

It's a hard thing to quantify since mental illness isn't a binary state. I think you won't be able to find any conclusive statistics, only estimations.



I literally study neuroscience and understand clinical depression. I am saying what you suffer from and what normies describe as "depression" are different. I want to know the difference between this in stats.

Pubmed papers are not that clear and metastudies do not use the same criteria. I was wondering if anyone on Sup Forums did research on this since it is mental health month and I am getting sick of defend pseudoscience claims of mental health based on buzzfeed posts.

I am not saying depression is not real.

Unironically this. Depression doesn't exist. The world is just a terrible place. The sooner you accept this the sooner you're able to live life on your own terms.

I felt suicidal when I was a cancer patient. When I was finally at my wits end and after much soul-searching it finally dawned on me what I had to do: I was just going to permanently block out all the negative thought patterns. And you know what?

My body still felt horrible for a couple of days, but the mental fog totally cleared. Now I see the world with 20/20 vision. I'm aware that probably sounds condescending to a person who struggles with depression on a daily basis, but this is coming from someone who has hit rock bottom and saw absolutely no way out.

9 times out of 10 depression is the result of a lose-lose mindset. I'm not saying 'just man up' but at the end of the day, that's what it comes down to. Depression is just an unhealthy extension of the grief response. The trick is getting through the denial, anger, bargaining, and 'depression' phases to the acceptance phase. I don't mean to make light of yours or others struggles with depression, but I 100% guarantee its not the ungraspable ''chemical imbalance' that so many people claim. It's just a maladaptive repeating loop of the stress response. The trick to overcoming it is to find out what's triggering the stress response and make conscious decisions to recognise the symptoms and here's the key - consciously accept them instead of trying to block them out. As in "yes this sucks but I'm not going to let it affect me emotionally because I'm not a betacuck"

"Fight your fears and you'll be in a battle forever. Face your fears and you'll be free forever" - Lukas Jonkman

"There is some wisdom in taking a gloomy view, in looking upon the world as a kind of hell, and in confining one's efforts to securing a room that shall not be exposed to the fire" - Arthur Schopenhauer

Or kill yourself you pathetic cuck

I was depressed and just waited for a year and it went away. Also removed the source from my life. Real depression too. Physical pain, insomnia, always tired, etc. It's pretty terrible and I always thought it was fake before that. I don't think medicine is a smart approach.

Not saying you're wrong, but:
>what is undermethylation
>what is damaged gut bacteria
>what is heavy metal poisoning
>what is fucked up HPA axis from hormone disruptors and toxins
>what is fucked up thyroid
>what are nutritional deficiencies

You're accurately describing one side of depression but mistakenly perceiving it as all that there is

Depression is 100% a real thing but usually caused by life circumstances and not a chemical imbalance.

Personally I needed the meds since I was hospitalized quite a few times for suicidal ideation. I don't think they should be prescribed unless the person is a threat to themselves or others around them.

I do however wish the medical community would try to push alternatives instead of automatically resorting to giving them out like candy. Been off of the meds for about 2 years now and holy shit it was absolutely agonizing to get off my primary meds (google "effexor brain zaps" and "benzo withdrawal to get a hint of what I mean). Exercise and a healthy diet REALLY helped with my depression. Going out if even for a small walk helped too - getting out of the house is extremely important.

jewish tricks, grow up

>what is undermethylation
>what is damaged gut bacteria
>what is heavy metal poisoning

I don't for a second deny that those symptoms works haywire with the chemicals in your body (including your immune system) but you would be mistaken for assuming 2 things: 1) direction of causality (many people assume depression is causing the negative thought patterns when its exactly the opposite), and 2) that they have no control over their emotions.

As long as you have a roof over your head, food on the table, and clothes on your back (and your sanity) you have the ability to choose how the psychological discomfort you feel (even if caused by a chemical imbalance - difficult to measure scientifically by the way) will affect you emotionally. A big part of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is distinguishing the physical symptoms of depression from the cognitive ones.

Remember: Our ancestors fought in the bloodiest wars, faced starvation and the most extreme conditions - and somehow they managed. Isn't it interesting how the concept of depression is strictly a modern-age phenomenon? Again, not to make light of people's struggles but I think a healthy dose of skepticism and a firm grip on reality is required.

you, an idiot: be depressed, forever alone, on SSRIs
me, an intellectual: smoking, drinking, banging hookers, on IBR for student loans

pick your ass up and fix it

life is more stressful these days.

humans are weaker these days

>1) direction of causality (many people assume depression is causing the negative thought patterns when its exactly the opposite), and 2) that they have no control over their emotions.

Is it so straightforward though? The physical state of your brain directly determines the nature and quality of thoughts that are going to pop into your zone of awareness. A healthy mind has tremendously easier time jumping out of negative thought loops or avoiding generating them at all.

Negative thoughts and depression do reinforce each other, with that I agree. But it's not always as simple as thinking your way out of it when your physiology is actively working against you. If you're physically incapable of feeling satisfaction and fulfillment from the things you do, no amount of thinking or change in mindset is going to help.

>Remember: Our ancestors fought in the bloodiest wars, faced starvation and the most extreme conditions - and somehow they managed. Isn't it interesting how the concept of depression is strictly a modern-age phenomenon?

Oppression and hardship is way less damaging to mental wellbeing than individualism and the loss of a sense of belonging and meaning it comes with. On the contrary, I'd argue that extreme conditions are beneficial to mental health, precisely for the reason you mention: such is the environment we evolved to live in.

We have drifted so far away from the basic non-essential human needs that it is a miracle not more people are mentally ill.

Depression and suicide are unheard in even modern uncivilized tribes mostly because they're living the way humans evolved to live. They're not weaker or stronger than us. All their needs are simply being met. They are living close to the way nature intended them to, whereas our civilization is working against us

As a wise man once said: "Permanence is the illusion of every age"

When you're ever feeling down just ask yourself "What would Hitler do?" and I guarantee you'll feel 100% better

stop eating like shit, drink water and work out. everything wrong in your life is the direct result of your shitty decisions.


>Is it so straightforward though?
Yes, why wouldn't it be? The strong survive, the weak die. Accept it and move on.

>Negative thoughts and depression do reinforce each other, with that I agree. But it's not always as simple as thinking your way out of it when your physiology is actively working against you.
Agreed. If you have a chronic pain inducing terminal illness or migraine headaches that cause insufferable pain then I would be the first to advocate suicide. Feeling a bit down because you've eaten one too many candy bars and haven't gotten laid in a month isn't an excuse

>Oppression and hardship is way less damaging to mental wellbeing than individualism and the loss of a sense of belonging and meaning it comes with
If living in a congolese tribe is so great why not get on a flight over there and join them? Ignorance is bliss, that's true, but ignorance doesn't make for a very fulfilling life.

this is a better way to put it

we are weaker because we don't fit the current mold
we aren't made to function like this

>If living in a congolese tribe is so great why not get on a flight over there and join them? Ignorance is bliss, that's true, but ignorance doesn't make for a very fulfilling life.
Why not indeed, nothing is stopping you from doing that if you so wish. Knowledge is not particularly relevant when talking about the biological needs that support mental wellbeing and the sense of fullfillment.


Antidepressants are overprescribed but depression is underdiagnosed for many groups. I think part of what makes everything here hard to quantify is the fact that there's still a stigma in many cases, and people try to "hold it in." Medications are probably overprescribed because people are coming to view them as a panacea, not just for actual illnesses but for normal human traits and reactions that have been pathologized rather than seen as normal behavior or responses to the conditions of society.

>t. Leonid Brezhnev on vacation at a ski lodge

>Why not indeed
Because eating maggots and earthworms in your underwear and making necklaces out of your neighbour's skull fragments are every bit as wonderful as they sound

I know that suicide occurs in some tribes but for different reasons.

niggers of course do nigger things. That's far from the kind of life native americans or ancient europeans lived

Fucking retards. My good friend works her ass off as a nurse has seen hell and back, has been emotionally and physically abused. So her depression is just a fake?

Hope people like you get what you deserve in the upcoming wars. Faggot normies, bringing nothing to the table.



Hit the nail on the head.

I had a "Genomind Genecept Assay" or something done and it said I have multiple genetic mutations that cause my brain to not process serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters properly... but everyone tells me i'm just "not trying hard enough" to enjoy things

This is Irving Kirsch in a lecture about his skeptical view toward Depression medications. Note I am not saying anyone should just stop seeing their psychologist and drop their medications. Does anyone have any objections to Kirsch's claims?