Daily reminder of how you are being robbed because we don't have a Space Elevator

We can build an Orbital Ring Space Elevator today, using steel and kevlar. The Orbital Ring goes to low earth orbit, so it does not need advanced materials.

Why build the Orbital Ring? It would cut our costs of going to orbit from about $2000/kg to about $1/kg. There are individual asteroids that have tens of trillions of dollars in materials on them that could be mined. One mission could easily pay for the cost of building the Orbital Ring.

We could then deploy solar power satellites in orbit above cloud cover and return the power back to the surface with near zero loss by running power transmission cables down the elevator, and sell the power at a profit.

With increased luminosity in space, enhanced exposure time, and the ability to deliver base loads, solar panels pay for themselves in only 1-2 years while having a 20 year life time.

In other words, if you put $5 trillion of solar panels into space, you get your $5 trillion back by the end of year two and a $5 trillion income stream each year thereafter.

In other words, the US could cut everyone's taxes, both personal and business, income, capital, death, or otherwise, all to 0%, not even cut any benefits or current spending, and pay off the national debt within a decade.

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The ultimate red pill.

How it feels to take the Space Elevator Pill

Six words: Millions of space debris orbiting Earth.



>you are being robbed

Like ejaculating into a vagina.

We have lots of ways of clearing that/destroying it.



Whomst tryna oppress some robot waifus in space?

National Unity through Space Elevators.

The bottom or the top?

Even the Black Israelites are on board.

Physically diverting it with a rocket. Or laser systems we already have on ships.


Shoot that shit bruh

I took the space elevator pill

I heard something about waifus?

Nation of Islam agrees.

And it went everywhere.

Space waifus.

I'm still not buying this
>Implying Sandniggers wouldn't just blow it up

Shove that space elevator right in here baby ;O

What about earthquakes?

Ok, let's talk about this. How often akmed attack places where thousands of people are gathered, like stadiums? Not very often, compared to how easy it is to murder thousands of people.

By having some basic security protocals (Akmed-sniffing dogs, etc.) you can stop any individual terrorists. And parking an aircraft carried should take of anything else.

OP, you are lacking IMMENSELY in the physics education department.
>space elevator
This is already stupid
>steel and kevlar
On top the stupid, this is insufficiently strong
>solar power satellites
Solar is shit on the ground and just slightly less shit in space. Does not cover the cost / benefit at all.
You're better off building them by the square miles in deserted areas for every square feet cost IN FUCKING SPACE, RETARD
>being this fucking dumb it's like you're a concept architect and believed in the suspended inverted asteroid skyscraper

That's a good question. Paul Birch's papers discuss things like wind, and it would be able to survive a categoru 5 hurricane. Haven't looked at earthquakes, though.




Would 200% lick that


>OP, you are lacking IMMENSELY in the physics education department.

It helps if you explain what you disagree with.

>Solar is shit on the ground and just slightly less shit in space.

It's many times better in space. A lot more exposure, and you don't have problems with intermittent generation.

How the fuck do you think the ISS gets literally all of its power?

Uhh... I hope you have a 300km long vagina. Because the Space Elevator is the Biggest, Blackest...

Hmmmm sounds like all of these problems could be fixed if we opted for a hyperloop instead of a space elevator.

The Orbital Ring can act as a hyperloop-style system, too. That's actually how Tesla originally envisioned it. Basically, use the vacuum in space.

Numbers say so, KEK WILLS IT

The jews wouldn't allow this...

Zero g sex.