How much net worth / income do you need to be considered "upper class"...

How much net worth / income do you need to be considered "upper class"? What is the hard line cutoff between middle and upper class and is it related to age in any way?

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It's more about how much you're willing to spend

upper class is over 1.5 million a year

upper middle class is 200k - 1.5mil

middle class 60k-200k

lower class: you

I'd say middle class starts at 150k or 200k.

Is that net worth excluding primary residence, or just annual pay?

Where do you live?


$0 - $200k: lower class

$200k - $1.5 million: middle class

$1.5mil - $infinity: upper-middle class

$infinity times a billion - upper class

updated you stupid sack of shit

just simplifying into annual income - no assets

Shit. Me and my wife make 160k a year and own a house that cost 850k about a hundred yards from the beach. Are we really lower class?

>How much to buy your way into "upper class"
That's not how it works, Pleb.

Perhaps for family income.

I earn 80k and I'm certainly middle class, perhaps reaching into upper middle class for my age

according to that warped user's misunderstanding of the massive lifestyle gap between someone like you and a Starbucks barrista, yes you are lower class and you're poor i guess

NEET life is Royal
y'all're wasting your time for pittance

yeah, I suppose your expendable income is quite a bit greater without a spouse and children.

i have a wife and two kids, household income currently 140k - definitely middle class lifestyle

"To be in the richest 1% nationally, a household needs to have the annual income of at least $389,436, according to the Economic Policy Institute."

>You are pulling those numbers out of your ass


the cut-off between upper-middle and upper is $8 million

wtf are you smoking
$0 - $20k welfare/poor class
$20k - $40k: lower-middle class
$40k - $80k: middle class
$80k - $100k: upper-middle class
$100k - $250k: upper class
$250k+: 1%

being in the top 1% certainly makes you upper middle class, but your still just 1 out of every 100 people

to be truly upper class you need to be in the top .1% of the one percent. you need to be 1 out of every 1000 people

wow, no. as if there isnt a MASSIVE difference between a family making 250k a year and one making 2 million.

I know it seems like a lot, but at 250k a year a person still needs to manage their money well and plan for goals in life like secure retirement. the uber wealthy can hardly spend faster than their money earns more money

>"The main distinguishing feature of this class, which is estimated to constitute roughly 1% of the population, is the source of income. While the vast majority of people and households derive their income from wages or salaries, those in the upper class derive their income from investments and capital gains.[5] Estimates for the size of this group commonly vary from 1% to 2%"

straight from wikipedia

upper class IS considered the top 1%

you have absolutely no credibility or sources for any of your claims

sage, again.

also your mention of the top .1% is not upper class, its upper echelon elite of the wealthy. They are STILL upper class but the cut off of what is considered upper class does not start at """".1%""""

stratification within the 1% is far greater than in the rest of the 99%

this is bullshit, in reality these figures vary dramatically from state to state, and city vs suburban vs rural etc.

in commiefornia, median income is ~$64k and ~9% of households make >$200k.

you're probably right, most people are poor and would easily think anyone in the top 1% is automatically upper class. These are just my opinions based on my life experiences

1% starts at 450k

the rest of your numbers look ok for national average, but depending on where you live they can be wildly off.

Compare Manhattan, LA or San Francisco to Clinton Mississippi

These are from an American index of income.

Canadians are different due to our GDP per capita being completely different. Please look at

>Pic related

Hope that helps, you have any other questions compatriot?

>as if there isnt a MASSIVE difference between a family making 250k a year and one making 2 million.
No shit sherlock. However, once you get past $250k the all the rules change.
see You are talking about an increasingly smaller number of people as you get higher.
No longer are wages even measured. You start measuring by other means because income no longer tells you jack shit about their value.

250k is not upper class - you'd have to be poor as fuck to think it is

>house near, but not actually on, the beach

I'm a burger on vacation. My house was 850k when I bought it in 2005. I just got it appraised at 1.3m. I could buy a house on the beach, but after renting a condo on the beach, I realized how infrequently I go to the beach anyway. I opted for a larger, brand new house, instead the "luxury" of living on the water.

you are dumb as fuck to think 200k is lower class
Once you get past $250k you enter another realm. Rules change and the things are measured change. In this realm, if you make less than $250k you are scum that does not even get looked at.
Judgement isn't really even passed based on the money you make at $250k+ either. Connections are what matter. Who you know and who you hang with matter more. Your behavior, looks, and ect.

500K Upper Class

AFTER taxes


nigger, i grew up in a 250k household, so did my wife. And in another 10 years, my wife and I will likely make over 250k a year. I think i have a better grasp on this than you do

You can't buy your way into the actual upper class
Idk why burgers think this

It depends on where you live and your family status.

80k a year for a single person in the mid west is nearly upper class while 80k for a single person in the San Francisco by is a joke.

>i grew up in a 250k household
why you being redundant? anyone with half a brain knows which bracket you come from based on your behavior
> I think i have a better grasp on this than you do
Clearly, you don't.
There is a reason the meme that rich people are disconnected from reality exists.
Next thing you are going to tell me people can't be happy normal people and live on less than 20k a year. You probably can't even understand why anyone would ever NOT want to make so much money. Get your ignorant head out of your ass and learn how things ACTUALLY work and not just how you see them working.

Going over this thread, it seems it depends mainly on where you're located. I.e., a middle-class family living in LA county in California is most likely going to have different standards for middle-class compared to a middle-class family living in a county in Texas, Oregon, Montana, etc.

At this point the dividing line between upper-middle and upper class is having political/social connections that let you start up important projects without being screwed over by assholes.

I probably can't even understand why anyone would ever NOT just about anything, desu.

reasons will vary greatly between individuals
most reasons boil down into either ignorance or superstition