I was just arguing with a guy in class about race mixing and how it was detrimental to gene health...

I was just arguing with a guy in class about race mixing and how it was detrimental to gene health, and then he goes and shows me this pic, and I was like wuh...

Guys, what do I say to him to counteract this picture?

Other urls found in this thread:


Humans ≠ fucking corn

yes, two retards make an even bigger retard

ask him if he is inbred
such effects as you see here happens only after long term inbreeding in many generations
coiccidentally this is what jews do, and this is why they have their famous noses

there is already a thread like this up

it's just a picture, there is no science here. there is also text at the bottom suggesting it's an advertisement for a hybriding company of some sort.

you could also bring into question what is considered "inbreeding", and whether there is enough genetic variation within a single race to avoid problems associated with inbreeding.

however, it is a fact that having a varied genetic makeup makes you less susceptible to disease among other things. he's not wrong. I'm just telling you how to refute the image.

Inbreeding is scientifically degenerate. Procreation from incest is biologically regressive

If inbred is that good, why not just do good and old incest?
Joke apart this guy is right:

Does breeding a racehorse with a donkey result in superior offspring?

It may have fewer medical problems, but it won't be winning any races any time soon

Inbreeding depression is a thing, but so is outbreeding depression. You only need a total population of a few hundred individuals to avoid inbreeding depression, so applying it to breeding within a human race is completely misguided.

that's the same type of corn... so how is that compatible to different races...

Are you the same sheepfucker who started the other corn thread? If so, go back and look at what I wrote. I breed corn as a hobby.

Hybrid corn is better for people who want to eat the corn, not necessarily for the corn itself. Hybridization often nullifies useful adaptive traits, and in grains it often leads to chromosome replication which often leads to larger 'ears' of grain (and larger grains themselves) which in turn leads to larger harvests.

However, there are drawbacks, the high yeild corn has a much greater water or nutrient requirements, and most importantly for the corn, it is much less successful at reproducing because it's kernels are adhere tightly to the cob. Corn kernels are seeds, their purpose is to make more corn, which they cannot do if they remain stuck on the cob (humans have to help highly domesticated corn reproduce.)

Genetic diversity is good. That is true. That doesn't mean you mate with fucken' niggers. The important thing is you never mate downwards. What matters most is breeding for noble characteristics. For instance, is it noble to breed with white trash just because they are white? Of course not!

Those are inbreds of the same race. Mixing different strains of corn gives you mixed results. That's why hybrids that combine the positive and reject the negative are such a big deal in agronomy: they're the carefully produced result of selective breeding to avoid tons of possible problems.

My cousin is of a mixed background. The amount of allergies she has to certain foods is just tremendous. Literally feel sorry for her and her mixed genes. It's weakened her completely.

There is nothing wrong with "race" mixing, genetic diversity is beneficial for the human race.

But if you want to be an inbred with retarded offspring go ahead, unlike you I don't want to control what you do or not with your genitals

wtf I bet its that cunt in my class

what did they mean by this?

Not too much genetic diversity, not too little. Good breeding is about balance.

This is a selective hybrid, it was done in a lab

>If inbred is that good, why not just do good and old incest?

the inbreds are what is bad.

Isn't inbreeding how new species are formed?

Two population groups isolate. Then inbreed in the new environments. Then diverge.
It seems to me like inbreeding is a necessary step to evolution. If you want to evolve and become better, you need some degree of inbreeding

>Implying that you don't chose who to breed with.

Genetic diversity within the human species is fine. Niggers are a non-human hominin species.

Pic related

It's not detrimental to genes but to society and not to the extent /pol portrays it but yes arabs and niggers are a strict no

New defective species, sure

the hybrid is also less genetically tested for critical failure in it's longevity.

And should it be viable, wouldn't homogenity eventually happen and then everything is inbred again?

>your baby will turn out better if you don't fuck someone who is directly related to you

Corn btfo

You describe it poorly, but you have a point it's cultural diversity what costs more in terms of the social life, it's a burden and it's complex, what religion raise the kid, what school does he goes, etc,,,

But race mixing isn't a bad thing from the genetic stand point.

So he's on the same evolutionary level as an ear of corn?

Or does he only value himself that much?

Or perhaps he does not understand the difference between plants and mammals.

This is literally how 100% of species have been created

Are you seriously arguing that all life on Earth is inbred defectives?

Newton described gravity from a fallen apple.

There is nothing wrong with mongrel dogs but I'd pick a pure breed German Shepard everytime see what I'm sayin?

Corn X misses some features it lost due to inbreeding
Corn Y misses other features it lost due to inbreeding
You mix these two and some offspring will recover the original balance it had.

Now that you understand 'hybrid vigor' and how it works under a very specific set of circumstances, let's reason together and raise a couple points.

1. different races are not inbred, as long as you're not fucking your close family your offspring won't experience any of these woes. To assume a homogeneous ethnic group is, in principle, inbred is categorically wrong.

2. If you keep mixing different corn you won't get super smart corn that'll do your taxes for you. The corn didn't develop new and better features, it recovered them from an existing homogenous population, because it was deficient and not the other way around. You cannot keep replicating this process as a form of eugenics.

Those two points should suffice, now get the fuck out.

But they only took the good genes that make it longer. don't you see that the first inbird are missing grains? and the hybrid isn't.

Where is the untampered strain? All pic related represents is Inbred and Hybrid, what about normal breeding? Or are you implying there is no such thing, which would be ludicrous.

>Implying pure bread german Shepards are natural

This. I'm an evolutionary biologist and agree. You aim for diversity but you choose traits that favor your offspring.

Genetics doesn't change just because we're human.

If you want to replicate that result with humans, first, you're going to have to start a human breeding program.

This is where the human != corn factor comes in, but that has to do with ethics, not genetics.

Pic a trait or three from one line that you want to be emphasized. These had better be traits that are more genetic than environmental. Epigenetics may or may not fuck with that, but that's a difficult thing to understand. Find a family that has those traits. Then pick another trait or three, and find another family that has those traits and is unlikely to share the same recessive traits as the first family.

Then have siblings breed with siblings, while selecting for the desired traits in each respective line. Do this for generations, until you have some retardo inbred motherfuckers. But, the traits you're looking for will be emphasized.

Then take your two lines of retardo inbred humans and cross them.

That is a simplistic version of what they do with corn, since one corn plant can have thousands of biological children, and they might start with four or more lines with specific traits that they want.

When you get hybrid seed from a big seed supplier, the process that they use to get that seed generally falls along those lines. Take a few traits that can be amplified via inbreeding like a motherfucker, then cross everything and get hybrids.

It is literal eugenics. Just with corn.

Also, even without going the inbreeding route, you can get a thing called outbreeding depression. That "superior" corn ain't going to breed true if saved as seed and planted, and crosses can combine biological strategies that are incompatible. It can be very cruel and produce some full retard shit, but it can also produce ubermensch. You don't always know what you're going to get, and you also don't always know what you're going to need.

>Implying dogs are natural to begin with.

Corn as a plant won't exist without human intervention

Farmer here

That hybrid corn is sterile

I didn't imply anything other than preference you steet shitting packi cunt

Doesn't work the same fucking way
You can't put a tall retard and a short genius together and get a tall genius

So corn is the benchmark by which we weigh the merits of human genetics? LOL

I don't see how cultural imposed behaviors relate to genetics or "race", I have yet to see that. I agree the more countries believe their bullshit religions, or socially acceptable manners, the more colorful the world will seem, but nothing stops a nigger from joining Shintoism, or an Asian from cutting his daughter's genitalia to please a God, or community.

Yes you can, you just have to kill the other 20 defective babies that didn't quite make it.

Human husbandry, nigger

I don't think people are pushing for inbreeding. I also don't think people are against Armenians and Russians and Germans mixing.

The problem is mixing inferior stock with superior.

Mix to dogs together, and you might have hybrid vigor helping out, where purebreds would have health issues. Mix a dog with a wolf, and you'll get something with a violent temper, that might kill your child if you aren't careful and a skilled trainer.

It's basically breeds food corn with other good corn, while keeping traits that those corn have developed over centuries. Some of your class is just bad corn, that's all.

Yeah, well, you have a more detailed answer.

That's retarded too I was just making point
t. Sore looser

>Shitlords, I want to confront you with a bit of propaganda without sounding like I'm being confrontational

That's not race mixing

Dude that meme, and every meme involving corn, is flat out nigger WE WUZ KANGZ bullshit

Does it taste like candy?

Yes, it works the exact same fucking way. Breed one group for something simplistic, like being tall, and breed another for being strong. Breeding for being adapted for an unpredictable environment is a completely different story. Now, - in the case of humans - you are breeding for intelligence as one component, and that is adversely affected by inbreeding. It's not simple, even when we pick simple traits with plants. Corn does one generation per year if you want to breed it that way. Humans can do a generation every 12 or so if we have a fucked up society. 20+ is what we do today. This kind of change is measured in generations, and it applies to lowly yeast as much as it does us. Swallow that fucking pill. It's bitter.


It's called eugenics. You don't have to kill them, TBQH, but you do have to stop them from reproducing.

Race mixing only works if you actively select people based on certain qualities through eugenics.

The way it is actually being done is degenerate because it's usually some ugly beta male going with the first monkey looking jungle asian that will have him or the lowest class of white trash woman from a trailer park fucking a low iq drug addicted nigger from the hood.

The vast majority of race mixing that is going on is creating genetic failures that end up on talk shows for teen pregnancy or the news for a violent rampage.

Same ethics breach, dead babies can't sue you though

No, nigger. I have colors that I didn't start with. Corn has a triploid endosperm and a biploid embryo. I won't pretend to understand all of the implications beyond the father has more color over the color of its seed/offspring than just that, because that shit's complicated, but you can see new things appear when you allow new combinations.

Is he an advocate for eugenics? Most liberals hate that concept but that is what the picture is describing.

Otherwise, how does he know he won't get a short cob without much corn on it?

same kiwinigger made this fucking thread twice goddamnit.

a horse and a horse make a horse
a horse and a donkey make a mule
horses are better than mules
except for basketball I guess

WTF is this recent trend of corn on the cob in race mixing threads, which frankly aren't political at all. They are social.

white nigger > white

What these posts always leave out is what these hybrids look like one generation later. They collapse genetically.

It's another slide thread.

Here is the shitty thing about outbreeding depression, or maybe it's the good thing: There will be a lot of mal-adapted individuals when two radically different populations come together and breed. But a few will win the genetic lottery.

>Liquor store being robbed is called Top/Less Liquor
>kids running around naked
>screams in the distance

Top kek, Robert

There's a group of females threatening to fight each other

Translation: A gang of sheboons is chimping out

Hope this helps.

Show him this picture and call him a mongrelized crime against evolution.

the purpose of the final corn is to be eaten, bred by the jew farmers trained by yahweh himself. The other two corns stand resolute in their true objective, which is to survive in and out of time by their aesthetic grandeur.

big brain here. you paid attention in bio.

Did he realize he's advocating for eugenics? Animal husbandry and selective breeding is eugenics. If that's what he means than I'm inclined to agree. Mashing people who look different together willy-nilly is worse than our instinctual methods of selecting a mate. Also modern crops are a terrible argument for diversity, considering we have so few types of the most popular foods. There's some fruit that's getting fucked over right now because of a disease and the fact there are like one or two variations of it.

While hybrid vigour is not a new phenomenon, only Muslims currently are at risk of the levels of retardation described in your picture because of repeated systematic generational marriage and offspring. These corns are probably self fertilised for a few generations, open pollination does produce such a mutant like this naturally. infact its the opposite but then again you could always argue that consistently choosing the plants similar characteristics you desire to breed with has produced such a noble corn from the various poaceae of the world. I hope your guy was a Muslim with cousin parents for maximum butthurt


it really makes you think

>Genetics doesn't change just because we're human.
top zoz there Shequan.
Humans have infinitely larger DNA strands.
The more complex something is, the more chance there is for something to go wrong.
You can't just willy nilly add random genes to the structure, as you have more chance to see a negative than you do to see a positive.
Humans are not corn.

Look at black people, hundreds of years of systematic breeding for bigger tougher niggers equalled diabetes being the genetic norm for them.

Put a glass of wine in front of him, and a glass of mud, side by side.

Put a small bit of the mud into the wine and ask him if he would like to drink it.

You can not improve something pure by adding to it, you can only improve something impure by diluting it in something better. This is the idea behind race mixing, they know they can not improve themselves, so instead seek to remove those of higher ability by breeding them out of existence, similar to slowly pouring mud into wine until it too is mud.

>picture with words under it
>proves anything

Are you retarded OP

Generally speaking, actual hybrids between two purebred breeds (note the distinction between the terms inbred and purebred) tend to grow quickly and larger than the base average.

They also tend to be less fertile, and breeding populations born from hybridization have the risk of transferring DRAs (deleterious recessive alleles) from both parent populations into the new population, and there is also a possibility that the allele-pairs in the hybrids may not work as efficiently as the allele-pairs in the parent-breeds.

Also some hybrid combinations are infertile. Take a wild guess about seedless fruits.

Also a higher than normal load of psychological or neurological disorders, I forget which term was used in the study.

The picture is espousing eugenics
call him a fucking nazi