This is your daily reminder that our enemies are Zionists and bankers, not (((muh Jews)))...

This is your daily reminder that our enemies are Zionists and bankers, not (((muh Jews))). Collective Jewish guilt is just as ignorant and wrongheaded as collective white guilt. It diminishes our movement in the eyes of the public as a hateful lunatic fringe, and this allows them to more willfully close their eyes to the evils of the Jewish elites. There are millions of Reformed Jews who find Zionism and racist Jewish supremacists to be repulsive and against the core message of the Torah. There are millions more secular Jews who couldn't give two shits about Greater Israel or any other Zionist bullshit, and just want to live their lives in peace like any other human being.

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What's wrong with that though? Why can't they have their own country?

they can, they just did it by kicking out the people who were there first and then set off the chain that brought them into our countries

I don't know, man. There are a lot of secular Jews who are corrupt elites. Their supremacist religion permeates the Jewish culture to the point that even secular Jews have a superiority complex. There are very few Jews who completely distance themselves from their Judaism. Stephen Miller would be an example of a Jew who has completely distanced himself from his Jewishness. He doesn't identify as a Jew like most secular Jews do.

Let me guess, you're Jewish.

but user, most reformed Jews are self-identified zionists. every poll I've seen, as well personal experience confirms this.

"zionism" is a varied ideology. only a minority of jewish zionists push for greater Israel, and jewish supremacism fringe as well, much like white supremacism.

for most Jews "zionism" just means "israeli patriotism" for better or worse.

> inb4 someone accuses me of being a joo
> they're right

Zionism means people who have lived in Palestine for many generations being displace from their homes and villages, segregated and ghettoized and treated as second-class citizens. It means political destabilization on a mass planetary scale through a global network of political and economic control. It means, in the eyes of many ultra-Orthodox as well as many of the secular Israeli elite, a Jew-dominated world where the Goyim become slaves to the wellbeing of all Jews.

When God promised Abraham that he would gift him with descendants and make of them a great nation, He said that it was so "through your offspring, all the nations of the Earth shall be blessed" (Gen. 22:18). Zionism is a godless movement aimed at seizing Jewish domination by cursing all the nations of the Earth through warfare and usury. It is a Satanic corruption of God's true path for the Jewish people.

To be fair, America started by us invading this land and kicking the natives off of it. It's called conquest, and while the kikes did it in a different way, they DID do it successfully.

I don't like Israel, but the fact of the matter is they exist. Hitler wanted to give the kikes Madagascar, because he knew what they lacked was a national identity. The Jew has no loyalty except to himself, and thats why Hitler was kicking them out. I may not agree with the location of Israel, but if they would stop being such sneaky kikes and poking their massive noses where it didn't belong, I wouldn't give two shits about Israel. Less kikes in my country if they have their own.

nah. My great-grandmother was. There are just a lot of things about Jewish religion, culture, humor, intellect, etc. that I admire. Even though I fucking hate Israel and the banks.


> American patriotism means people who have lived in America for many generations being displace from their homes and villages, segregated and ghettoized and treated as second-class citizens. It means political destabilization on a mass planetary scale through a global network of political and economic control. It means, in the eyes of many evangelicals as well as many of the secular American elite, a American-dominated world where the non-Americans become slaves to the wellbeing of all Americans.

Edited for accuracy.

>And also not all blacks are bad!
>And muslims are actually peaceful!
>And we should live in a beautiful globalist peaceful Utopia where everyone is one gender!

Fuck off

>Zionists and bankers
>Not jews

Good point, fair enough. But it doesn't mean two wrongs make a right.

Actually, now that I look at it, the similarities are uncanny - a complete disregard for the equal humanity of other races, a financially rapacious national ethos, all propped up by a sanctimonious hypocritical belief in the "holiness" of some pretty words written on paper (muh Constitution/muh Torah)

Dont like the kikes but seriously where the fuck do you want them to go? Yall would be crying a whole lot more if they were given a chunk of Europe instead

Well, to a certain extent, "Israeli patriotism" makes sense for a Jew. It would be hypocritical for so many of us here on Sup Forums to wring our hands at the possibility of the white race diluting itself and disappearing, but not extend that same right of self-preservation to other races. Yes, the history of modern Israel is brutal and forceful seizure and domination of the land - but white Americans also share the exact same history.

I don't think having a generic "israeli patriotism" is the same as siding with those who are seeking global Jewish domination. In my ideal world, many more Jews would be red-pilled at how anti-Torah the modern state of Israel is, but in the meantime, why can't we try to unite more moderate Jews against the worst evils of the worst among their people?

You're still genetically Jewish, you don't get to magically stop being Jewish. Sorry mate, but you should stop disillusioning yourself.

There are definitely similarities between American nationalism and and zionism e.g. manifest destiny. This topic is covered in a number of well regarded academic books. Zionism, like American Nationalism, has historically often been violently racist.

A key difference between Israel and America is in the scale of the violence they've perpetrated, and in their degree of global domination.

The totality of the Israeli Arab conflict has killed approximately 100-200k Arabs over the course of the last 70 years. This is less than the number of Arabs killed by American forces in the last ten years, and a fraction of the total number of indigenous North Americans who died from European contact (approx. 10 million).

The truth is that post WW2 America has dominated the world, prior to which the world was dominated by the British, prior to which the world was dominated by the French, then the Spanish/Portuguese etc.

As for American Israeli relations, Israeli policy is affected by American influence much more than the reverse, as is to be expected given America's position as the world's preeminent super power.

According to the Jews I don't get to be in the club. I may be part Jewish, but I'm equal parts German, English, Swedish, French and Italian.

>As for American Israeli relations, Israeli policy is affected by American influence much more than the reverse, as is to be expected given America's position as the world's preeminent super power.

America wasn't colonized. It was filled with many nomadic tribes. Many settlers actually mixed with indians, and many Indians joined settlements. The idea of US vs THEM is a fabrication of the (((Marxists))) to destroy our culture. Look up the real story behind Andrew Jackson. (((Historians))) hate him because he shut down their second central bank and painted him as a racist.

zionism isn't bad the orthodox jews say,
> the State of Israel is illegitimate, they are still in exile till the messiah arrives (returns), till then, those in Israel are going against God.

>our enemies are Zionists and bankers, not (((muh Jews)))

>implying there is a difference

Only ignorant people really think just (((jews))) are the problem. Yes there are a bunch of jews who have high positions but that's because they don't raise their kids to be coal burners and heroin addicts.

The video you posted is a defense of John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt's thesis that the US foreign policy is captured by Israeli interests. They don't dispute that Israeli policy is influenced by American interests to a greater degree than the reverse.

i have jewish blood, and im neither a zionist (since i won't get any of that land because jewishness is from the mother, and my blood is from my dad) nor am i a banker.

i'm but a simple scholar, studying the word of God, and trying to figure out how to live according to the bible (by faith)

life is hard for an outcast.
oddly enough i don't have bad jew genes.
i'm about an 8-9/10 but i'm a manlet (5'8")

You scared, Shlomo?

I am 1/8th Jewish, I am white and was raised evangelical. Stop looking for sneaky merchants on an anime imageboard and focus on the actual scumbags and criminals who run shit, that's the whole point of this thread.

Jewish tribalism is extreme. Jew in a position of power will always push interests of all his nation, nation backs him, and should you remove him, another will try as hard as possible to take his place, with support of all other jews. Even if you strip them all from power, they will always invent new ways to subvert civilization, they used to do it through all human history, it is in their blood. The only way to solve kike question is to destroy them all regardless of what each one did, or else you will be plagued by this vile breed forever.

You scared, Shlomo.