Friendly reminder to all the bigots out there that there is only one race, the human race

Friendly reminder to all the bigots out there that there is only one race, the human race.

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Wow that's really racist, I don't like how you're claiming jews, blacks, mexicans, and muslims aren't humans.

I became racist after George Zimmerman media coverage.

So I have human privilege then?

>Doesn't realize the difference between race and genus


Racism doesn't make much sense, seeing as it has been scientifically proven that human races don't exist. There is only one race, the human race. See this video.

It's proven, race only exists as social constructs, not as scientific concepts. Racism is the mere idea that races exist within human beings, which they evidently do not.

Op, unfortunately believes separate us.

samefag here, beliefs.. wow

Wrong as a baby you know your people, pic related always knew my people.

At least the shills are only on low teir shit b8.
Let us praise kek for the lack of raid spam.

Well, I hate Africans because of their culture and the way they do and handle things that are totally different then the culture present here. Not because they have a different skin color.

I think most people view it like that, thus having nothing to do with race. Racism is a non-issue because it barely never happens.

Yes they are.

You've made a believer out of me OP, how can we get our government, schools, and businesses to scrap the affirmative action programs that continue to promote the now discarded theory that race exists?

Stop changing definitions you cunt. That's not how it works.

You are born as a racial nationalist not as a civic statist.

Wow uhm??? Are you ignoring the years and years of history blacks, hispanics, and asians have??? Your "inclusive" remarks are nothing but erasure shit lord.

Everyone is born racist. It's called in group loyalty.

Even so, 99% of racism is reaction. You can only have your bike stolen so many times before you hold a grudge

This is objectively and scientifically correct, but Sup Forums will ignore it.

Wrong, racism doesn't exist, racial nationalism and racial identity is not reactionary anti racism is reactionary to nature.

when i was in kindergarten the only black kid i knew was a bit messed up in the head (i don't know the exact name of his retardation) being 6, i assumed that all black kids were like this, so i had ideas of being a reverse MLK because i thought if all black kids were like him, then there was no need for them it have equal rights, because they are below us. i guess i was naturally anti-retard, rather than racist

how many dog breeds are there


You are retarded.

>comparing humans to dogs
This is what racism produces. A bunch of psychopaths who wish to lower us to the level of animals.

I agree, except jews, and niggers...

No such thing as lowering anything, never existed human identity.

Piss off leaf

That's right kafir diversity is your strength

>Sort yourself out
I was racist as a kid, and so was every kid i fucking knew, those kids who weren't white wished they were and were quite vocal about it, the "racism" stopped when we grew up as we were "educated" in school and by the adults: "racism is bad, we're all equal"

and then we learn about Islam.

humans and shadows.....

That image
>I must steal his trike
>I must take his binkie
>You give me these

White kid:
>dad can we please leave?


Daily reminder

Not everyone can win gold in a race. Niggers best catch up soon.

but they win all the races. they gotta to survive

>That's not how it works.
Unfortunately, that is how it works. These people are all about changing language to suit their libtard agenda.
Darwin used species and race interchangeably in his evolutionary theory, these cunts are evolution deniers.
Race and ethnicity are the same thing.


Dog breeds are artificially created at the turn of the last century as a cash rainmaker scheme by crossing mutts until something unique birthed.

Yet, all "breeds" are worthy to Uncle Luk, who says "Dog good for liver."

if race is a social construct, then surely humans differentiating themselves from animals is a social construct too.
Was going to make a joke about Canadians fucking dogs, but I've been awake for 2 days with the flu.

Actual tests with babies show otherwise

I never once identified blacks as anything other than "other" and same with Chicanos, my people were always spaniards.

>One race
>Cannot be racist
>Bigots don't exist

Can you see the problem?


How do you train your dogs to beg like that?

Yes, any dog that wants to fuck me doesn't sees the difference, but that doesn't means i will allow it. Dumbass. Interracial ==> interspecies

The state propaganda indoctrinates a sense of belonging to all the victims.

im just gonna leave this here
>get fucked


Yep totally believe you. Bows a good place to stop since we all totally believe you.


Do you think a whote baby sees those creatures as anything other than monsters?
What I hate are brainwashed liars who deny as children that they had no state identity but simply racial identity.

nobody is born being able to use the toilet either
does that mean that indians are the most redpilled people?

Then you got buttugly gingers and dickhardening niggers.

baby dementors

Does the one on the right come with a mini bomb

I bet your the same kind of faggot who says homosexuality should be allowed because it exists in nature.

Please be bait..


Much like the delimitation between species is often indistinct, so to is it with race. That does not mean that race does not exist, any more than it means species does not exist.

I wonder who is more right?

Sup Forums's racialist ideological perspective, or the unanimous opinions of highly educated scientists across the world whose theories are based on hard facts.

Geez, such a hard question.

Babies are stupid and can't survive without 24/7 support of course liberals would use them as an ideal.

The truth, I can debate any pseudo scientist.


And if you can't argue then appealing to authority won't mean anything because in Germany in the 30s scientist concencus was very different.

But why do I bother, these are the same people who believe in the ludicrous "master race" theory.

>'''''''''''''''highly educated''''''''''''''' scientists who have probably never dealt with niggers on a daily basis or even seen one in their lives
>People who are forced to directly interact with nignogs every day

Yes you're right! Believe the (((scientists))) goy!

Except all biologists will dance around the fact whether race exists and/or use weasel words to get around giving a real answer.

>welll uhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhh PURE homogenous races don't exist
>therefor RACE DON'T REAL

They argue over the delimination of species as well. Do they then claim species don't exist? Get the fuck out of here brainlet, you have no idea what you're talking about.


You do know that skull shape difference produce no brain differences whatsoever, right? This has been a known fact for decades.

try telling that to orthodox israeli kikes, or afrocentrist niggers.
try telling it to any non-white person. they're the real racists, because if we're all one race, that removes their special status as a minority and as someone who can blame the white boogeyman for everything

good read mate

No one is born racist? HAHHAA
Oh my dear leaf, how wrong you are.
Did you know that babies and small children who are white show preferences to white children?
Oh what im saying is a lie?
Hm, funny, its a lie that even mainstream psychologists support.
Do some fucking research before posting cringy shit.
But then again, you are a leaf. I dont expect much from you.

Good, good goyim

you best be being ironic fucking hell

You do know people don't see you as white, right? These white nationalist ethno-centrists you support would throw you in the gas chambers the minute they had the chance.

You can't possibly believe such lies


Except skull shapes also correlate to morphological and volumetric differences in the brain. Once again you expose your patent ignorance of the subject you speak.

>95% of scientists believe X
Okay bro, alright.

i recall a professor got barred for actually wanting to look into this. Sounds to me like its only a "fact" because of shit like that.

They all look like wax sculptures.

Everything that we identity and draw limits around is a social construct. Species are a social construct as is the taxonomic schema we use to classify organisms into more broad groups.

Niggers are human, they are just the worst humanity has to offer and more lefties like you should have to live in high concentration black environments and then make these evaluations.

They're both like "lol wtf is this shit"

Wow, will you look at that. That retarded white baby cant even lift its arms or show tangible emotions while that black baby is acting wise beyond her years. The black baby is showing true compassion and love while the white baby is incapable of doing anything at the same age.

Not to mention the black baby is wearing religious garb suggesting it is intelligent enough to bear the burden of religious conviction.

Wow, I guess this picture contains truths we don't want to admit.

>covering up an infant's head
Just wow

Is it allowed to think anything else?
If they don't want to be homeless they have to say what society expects them to say all races the same no difference, when the very difinition of science observes the different races producing very different societies.,

Post articles/studies then

>These white nationalist ethno-centrists you support would throw you in the gas chambers the minute they had the chance

>Has never once happened not even once.
>Jerks off to Jewish holocaust porn and cries

They have to believe it and if they challenge your idea of "all races are the same" then they will no longer have a career, there's not many in the field who would sacrifice their livelihood for the ultimate truth.

He speaks to several leading scientists in their respective fields and they all seem to believe race is grounded in biology. But I'm sure random leaf poster #420 which has no sources for his claims knows better than the scientists he's touted in his posts repeatedly! :^)


>95% of scientists
No you cunt, your fake appeal to authority isn't an answer.

Go ask an anthropologist how we ID skeletons.

No such thing as human, megroid is a seperate humanoid race.

>that image
No one is born knowing a lion will eat your face. My baby is going to befriend all the lions.

yeah i bet bill nye did a lot of research on skull shape during his mechanical engineering program. This is like when the coast guard was one of the 17 departments to "confirm" russia hacked the dnc.

Give me a fucking break you faggot

Of what specie is this human race?

"You do know that skull shape difference produce no brain differences whatsoever, right? This has been a known fact for decades."

Prove it. Link me studies/articles on this

No one is born an engineer either. It's something learned through experience

We id them by social constructs.

I went to a school with 75% immigrants and non westerners. It was basically a race war. I was bullied hard. I'm positive that that's where my racism come from.