Tell me one thing that dear supreme leader Kim Jong-un has done wrong without referring to fake news from Western...

Tell me one thing that dear supreme leader Kim Jong-un has done wrong without referring to fake news from Western imperialist media

Pro tip: You can't

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not letting kikes in

sucks at making his country not shitty, but that's it, certainly not deserving of intimidation from the largest militaries in the world. #standwithkim

he didn't nuke Israel

>5 grains of rice have been added to your communal bowl

Imperial lies. North Korea perfect.

yeah all those people starving to death aren't worth mentioning

not a single jewish bank

>caring about random people starving in a random country

since when Sup Forums is humanist? i swear there is a huge cia/establishment psy op is running here on this matter

I watched a video of North Koreans who escaped it was about them eating things for the first time in a reaction video.
They talked about how if anyone tried to leave they would kill them. How people would disapear, how they didn't dare speak their minds, and how they lived in poverty. They were just regular people. Who all said basically the same thing. The Jong-Un are extremist dictators. And North Korea sucks as a result.

Despite the fact that Western media lies and exaggerates, it's a country full of misery and forced capitulation. You can be killed or sent off to a camp for speaking your mind...that's not some fairy tale made up by the West.

Honestly though, the only thing DPRK has done to deserve military intervention is be retarded with regards to rhetoric. You can't be a blowhard talking about nuking/striking nations like SK, Japan and the US and then expect everything to be fine when you get the point you can develop ICBMs and nuclear weapons.

DPRK apologists are fucking pathetic though. You guys think just because the West says the place is terrible means it's great. I say you should catch a plane to China and make your way into NK to find out how wonderful it is for yourselves.

>your son will be allowed to keep his foreskin for 5 seconds longer

We know Turkey and North Korea aren't humanists, or human for that matter.

Norks have sold a lot of meth and heroin in Australia.

I'd still prefer Trump nuked Israel and Saudi Arabia tho

Why would I give a single fuck about that?

Your response to them starving is to blow them up?


You might be legitmately gay.

usa is the greatest evil on planet. bunch of calorie ridden fatshits eating kike shit 3 times a day with xxl whopper.

I'm so glad your vote has no impact on world affairs.

I know that Turkey hates the US. We hate you too.


hearty chuckle m8

He's a saint. Honestly though, the girls are hot.

Didn't they start adding in the free market because they've been starving for so long?

Most Red Pilled woman on the planet.