We are reaching a point where either the jobs are not paying much for your work, or they just no longer exist...

We are reaching a point where either the jobs are not paying much for your work, or they just no longer exist. I went to college for roughly two years, learned a trade, and you would think with my education on top of my experience working in the field I would get better offers, but almost all of them so far have been low ball minimum wage offers with little to no growing room in the company, basically dead end jobs.

This one job offer however was my final straw and I don't know whether to keep looking or what. I go to school with this guy who is in my shop math class, and he works at this machine shop, he also immigrated from Iran maybe less than a year. I would say it's a pretty big company that he works for, and he offered me a position in it, told me to send him my resume and then he forwarded it to HR. So I get a call from their HR, who btw was speaking in broken English and I could barely understand her, she sets up an interview the next day (which was yesterday)

I go there and ask for Maria, she gives me a tour around the place, a lot of people there looked like your average new comer to USA, didn't know English too well,, at this point I already know my decision, 9 times out of 10's if you see new comers from another country, it's time to go. She then tells me that they would start me out at minimum wage like they do everyone, I frankly right then and there told her I will think about it and left, I'm not even going to call her back.

The rumors are fucking true, and this was at a machine shop, if they are hiring cheap labor to run their machines and check out parts, then we're fucked, these parts have tenths of cleanings and they are paying them minimum wage to work there, unbelievable. Why the fuck am I going to work for minimum wage when I can deliver pizzas all day and make virtually the same, because it gives me the opportunity to work in machining with a "chance" one day to move up, when your own current workers aren't? FUCK YOU!

Other urls found in this thread:


Why can't millennials get jobs? Are they lazy?

Now you know why they're pushing for immigration and against minimum wage. Welcome to the western world.

burger flippers and delivery drivers I can maybe understand, but going to school, learning something and still being offered very low to minimum wage is a shocker for me. I initially thought I was just having bad luck, but no it seems like this is the norm for every place now. Working 2 years minimum wage just so I can get a dollar increase, why even continue to go to school. Ill just work at autozone and call it a day.


I remember my first job, there was a guy that had the same engineering degree I had (same school). He had started 2 years prior. The guy was paid something like 1600€/month. When we enrolled in school they told us the average wage out of it was 2600€/month. That was insane. The guy with the highest pay was around something like 2k€, after 5 years and plenty unpaid overtime. It's happening all over the country from what I can tell. They're gonna kill the profession.

I have a decent job right now but worry about universal unemployment in 10 years due to automation.

welcome to the alt-right

>learn a trade

You should use that offer to negotiate at another place.

You should work for tips, OP.

Why is that a bad thing, bong?

What is your trade and what field experience do you have

>A fucking 50 cent over min wage offer

American "minimum wage" is still pretty expensive in world economics. Don't forget that through globalization, there are almost no national markets anymore, so everybody competes with everybody.

I work as a scientist at a university, and I only make slightly more than your $15/hr burger cashiers. This is economically untenable. Either your country goes down and so do your "minimum wages", or you continue to lose jobs to other countries.

Either way, you'll not be number one in ten years time because you can't compete with that chink slave labour.

oh murrica
why you do this

What do you expect? Not baiting, just asking.

I mean, I understand that you'd expect a wage you can live on. Not just exist. But isn't that just how things are over there?

Happens all the time to me OP.

>Plan to work 3 weeks as a temp box thrower in warehouse
>asked after 2 weeks to learn forklift/equipment
>learn every single department's role/how to do their jobs
>become trainer for anything/anyone in warehouse(150 people with huge turnover), while keeping 300% pick rate
>"hey come in and learn supervisor stuff, unpaid, before shifts".

Congrats user, here's your .25 cent raise over minimum wage at 6 months...if you keep up the hard work you can be a lead and make another .50!

The difference is, what you don't get in salary they don't have in social security and various safety nets.

Machining trade. I read the blueprints and run parts throughout its operations, making sure everything is in print, I check dimensions using measuring tools such as calipers, micrometers, depth mics, bore gauges, stuff like that. I also have to maintain the machines, check the coolant ratio, change the coolant, change broken tools, watch for broken tools, basically a lot of stuff, move chip barrels to the back, clean out the chips from the machine after finished, the only thing I do not do is setup the machines, which im working on. Still though, offering someone minimum wage for that when I can do something else which is less stressful and more opportunity for growth seems like a huge waste of time for me. I guess this is how some machine shops grow, it's a cut throat business and they have to compete with each other, what better way than to hire cheap labor to do that work for you, you dont really need "Schooling", they become kind of like the property of the company.


>I work as a scientist

Oy vey! I bet you support global warming cuckoldry too.

Globalism my man. Removing the borders for goods and workforce benefits wealthy capitalists and it drives everyone's wages down.

This is a global phenomenon user, but it is more pronounced in the Anglo-Saxon countries. People are finally waking up
to it and the Globalist's don't like it.

just wait till the robots come into play and 100% of that mw workforce is replaced.

the workforce issue is 100% about profit. and not the "we made some profit", but the "we made out projected profit growth compared to this time last year" profit.

profit is slowly being redefined not as "revenue - cost" but as "profit now - profit then".

Come to Australia mate. We need wualified people like yourself who have decent value's instead of Parjeet's who are scum and are here to rip off the system.

So you want machinist wages for doing nigger work?

Unions were the reason why those labor jobs paid so much. Now they pay not much more than Wallyworld.

> learned a trade
> where are muh jobs
What a useless degenerate you are.

It's incredible how Americans have been fooled into campaigning against their own interests. What is to become of the country in a couple of decades? What work will there be when machines and algorithms replace huge parts of the workforce?

Are we to just exterminate 90% of the world population after forcing them into poverty? What the fuck is coming after this? How is society supposed to work?

>Unions were the reason why those labor jobs paid so much.

This too. But the fucking kikes brainwashed a generation of people with this "lazy union worker" stereotype

The hilarious part about it is all of the globalist companies who sell shit to first world countries are going to realize eventually that they can't sell luxury goods to a country full of third world wage slaves...

They won't be able to afford it.

It's like henery ford said when he was asked why he gave his employees raises: "I want Americans to buy my cars"

dude the tolerances are in the tenths, tell me how is that nigger work? tell me how a nigger will know the difference and also how to measure the part correctly, even with + or - .001, forget .0001. You are not just pressing a green button, you have to make sure the parts you make are within print, otherwise you can cost the company thousands of dollars if you dont catch that mistake and you give it off for the next operation, before you know it you have 10,000 parts which are oversize and basically scrap.

BTW, I hardly ever seen niggers in machining environments.

that would be like a dream and have discussed this before.

Here's an idea: We prevent immigration of low skilled workers to prevent mass unemployment when robots take the jobs of low skilled workers.


Elon Musk wife's son will begin colonizing Mars and we will be fine.

The economic woes of the USA, contrary to popular sentiment, don’t have much to do with its trade balance. Imports are only 15% of the US economy. Compare these 15% to Germany’s 40%, Switzerland’s 50%, the Netherlands’ 75%, Hong Kong’s 200%. In comparison to other high-developed economies, the United States import close to nothing. Due to being surrounded by oceans, the US economy is historically isolated. The trade deficit of the US stems from the overvaluation of its (petro-)dollar and contributes little to the overall economic situation.

The general perception that America is declining is false as well. “Make America great again”? It was never greater than today. Between 1980 and 2017, industrial output doubled. Private household wealth grew fivefold. The Dow Jones Index by a factor of 16. Even adjusted for the inflation, which was far lower during the 1980-2017 period than in the 1970s, these numbers are impressive: total US household wealth stands at $90.2 trillion – almost one in every third dollar in the World belongs to an American.

The distribution of this added wealth is another story. And, arguably, the reason why the US middle class feels threatened. Half of the US has close to no wealth. The top 1% own half of it. Even China, Mexico and Indonesia perform better in this regard. And this is what actually worsened between the 1980s and today: while top 1% household incomes tripled, median wages mostly stagnated. The US hasn’t been ripped off by another country: some Americans have been ripping off other Americans since 1980.

How this became possible? Which phenomena transformed the United States from a broad middle-class society to an oligarchy with African dictatorship-tier inequality? Why are negative economic indicators, such as social mobility, debt deflation, credit defaults, actual unemployment, inequality, wage-to-capital ratio as alarming as right before the Great Depression?

Popular left-wing arguments blame the following: the decline of unionization (from 35% to below 10% today), NAFTA and the WTO membership of China, skyrocketing CEO compensation, the financialization of the housing and education markets, H-1B visa abuse, changed management culture, a minimum wage that doesn’t keep up with inflation, irregular employment schemes, reduced top income tax and capital tax brackets, capital market globalization, the increasing role of lobbies and big money in politics, be it Democrats or Republicans. These trends may be summarized as “neoliberalism”, the Reagan-Thatcher free market, state rollback revolution that happened in the 1980s, displacing the egalitarian “New Deal” and “Great Society” programs in the US. Similar market-liberal trends occurred in Germany (Agenda 2010), the United Kingdom (New Labour), France (tournant de la rigueur), Japan (Abenomics) and, obviously, on the whole Post-Soviet territory.

More sophisticated explanations, demanding economic knowledge to comprehend, include: automation, which, for the first time ever, is proven to lead to technical unemployment in certain sectors – while industrial output in the US keeps growing, factories employ less actual people. Finance drowned private households, banks and governments in debt, leading to a decline in real investment. Finally, the abandonment of the post-war Keynesianism (1949-1979) might provide “the hint of the century” to why 1979 was such a breaking point for wage growth. Wage stagnation, in turn, led to “secular stagnation” of the whole economy.


Or maybe we will be living in virtual reality, so automatisation won't really hurt us. Or maybe big corporations will drive small businesses out of market and will create useless jobs, because they need to sell their product to someone. Or anything else.

Anyway, stop this fucking hysteric, humanity will be fine.

>BTW, I hardly ever seen niggers in machining environments.

I did it for 10 years and never saw one. Now, for the rest of what you said. Inwas a real tool and die maker. Did a state sponsored apprenticeship of OTJ and night classes for 4 years. I started at minimum wage. And yes, you are doing nigger work. It's called learning.

Sounds like you got a shitty two year program, probably from CC or unaccredited certificate program. Jokes on you for being a dumbass

What the fuck are you whining about?

Obviously, there are plenty of jobs its just that you are unwilling to take them. '

Its no one's fault but your own that you chose a crappy field.

Fuck off and quit your bitching and get to work you fucking special snowflake.

>when robots take the jobs of low skilled workers

At the moment, immigrants are taking those jobs. So what is your solution? To deport them when that happens?

And we both live in countries run by globalists. What the fuck can we do but vote? Nobody seems interested in action, the one's who have jobs are complacent and those without are disenfranchised from society, their voices aren't heard and they stew until they break.

And just not taking in immigrants isn't enough, because other countries will and their industries will undersell our industries.

That will not be for us.

Escapism is your answer? Is that what we live for? Is that a life?

> Is that what we live for?
I dunno what do you live for, I believe in afterlife.

That's OPs problem. There are definitely jobs out there but not ones that he's willing to take. Pride is a bitch isn't it?

I had a couple jobs like that when I was 19 with no experience for minimum wage. That (((school))) conned you boy. You are unskilled labor and just can't see it.

Economic disparity will only lead to massive war

Look at how broke Germany and the U.S were before WW2. They both went into war because they had no other options left
In other words were gonna have to endure some bloodshed in order to plant seeds of prosperity for the next generation

> It's called learning.

Learning to make them more money while they pay us less and lies, I guess im over this by now. Rumor was that this company in particular started letting go their inspection guys because they were already making too much and replacing them with lower pay workers, so I should have known beforehand not to even waste my time with this company.

Also the term "Hard worker" comes to mind, to me it is nothing more than a meme that employers have created to make you work your ass off while paying you shit, "Look at Manuel, he's such a hard worker", not knowing that Manuel is on an expired visa and scared to death to lose his job. I mean how do you compete with that? You cant, none of us can, and although I live in the West Coast, I cannot wait until this phenomenon grows in numbers in the east cost, because I have been to places like Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, they don't have a friggin clue to what's coming, you see these white boy hicks wearing their duluth trading pants going around cutting trees and construction work, wew lad they are in for a rude awakening. There will be a time, sooner than later where it will become that bad.

It makes no difference if I was working there 5 years or 7 years, these guys are gonna drag their feet all the way until they pay you a .quarter increase in your hourly wages.

Will they realize it? I think they already have and this is part of the plan, exploit us for as long as they can to ensure their own survival in luxury and gluttony.

They will dispose of us with time, our purpose to them is short-lived.

I live for life. Afterlife or not. You believe in it, sure. But you don't know if it's a thing. You may think it is, with all your heart and soul. But that don't change the fact that this life is all you've ever known.

To waste that in a virtual environment when we live on a planet with such beautiful and enticing environments as we do is nothing short of a death sin. If you really believe in an afterlife you should recognize that and know what punishment follows.

I am sick of fucking temp work. I'm not gonna enlist and die in the sandbox for the jews. Time to learn how to be a merc.

$15/hr is not our minimum wage, it's 7.25.

>It makes no difference if I was working there 5 years or 7 years,

Quit being a little bitch- take the job, get some experience and leverage it to get another job...its how it works. Its how I did it, its how most people do it.

You like and entitled cunt expecting your first job out of school to be your dream job. You are only making excuses for your own BS.

get the fuck of /pol and get to work.


You don't have to stay there, but a year or two in a machine shop looks better on a resume than delivering pizza. It's not a really great trade anymore, which is why I left 11 years ago. I have said for many years that hard work gets you nothing but more work. Figure out how to fuck the shit out of the system and don't be afraid to lie, a lot.

OK. That's a bit higher than ours, but pretty close if you discount exchange rate fluctuations.

>be delivery driver for local pizza place
>earn 35k+ a year
>full Healthcare, dental and vision
>paid time off
>work 35 hours a week
>also have my own microbrewery startup

Sucks for you, OP.

Kek $15 an hour is double what the minimum wage actually is.


>burger flippers and delivery drivers I can maybe understand,

And as you pointed out, the pay is the same. And you can't go hang drywall or do roofing or landscaping work because those all pay under the table in cash. And YOU, since you are a citizen, have to report what you make to the IRS, which if you did, would put you way under the minimum.

I'm currently working a job in a nice cushy office where I get paid $18/hr just for being an aboriginal youth lol its a government job of course which means it's piss easy and super comfy.



Dude if a nigger can do it, it's gonna pay minimum wage. Try to get hired as a mechanical designer or some kind of engineer. It's all about demand and offer.

>Do regular job
>In comes the mass immigration and automation
>Wages in a lot of regular fields decrease drastically to the point where the pay is not enough to even exist from especially considering increasing taxes and costs for products and housing
>Immigrants do them and they will gladly accept the incredibly low pay
>Stop doing that job because the pay is simply not enough to live from
>Try to get a job that doesn't pay like shit
>"you are lazy and entitled, you are simply unwilling to take jobs you fucking lazy cunt''


Oh I'm definitely not going there, id rather continue my job search for a better job before I settle working with 3rd worlders making peanuts. I already have 3 years experience on the job machining parts, so I might as well just start doing easy jobs now, something part time even, less headache, same money, really there is never an oppurtunity to grow with these jobs because the higher up positions are almost always gotten through nepotism, especially in machining, it has been at all the places I have worked out, cousins, family members, extended family members.

Weirdly though the company I worked prior went under lol. They had been around since the 1960's and they just closed down. Everyone who worked there knows why it closed down, he (the co-owner)tried to make more money and started firing those who knew their shit, neglecting maintnence, every year it would seem as if he was trying to cut us more and more and more, until the day came where he only had 60K in the bank and told us at a meeting. Now a days having a business make profit and pay for itself is not enough, they gotta make more, sometimes even out of thin air.

Just sick of it all, somethings got to give. Hopefully the country does collapse eventually, sometimes fast pain int he best pain instead of years and years of manipulations and lies trying to fuck your workers.

I have now left this thread, time to go outside. bye

>pay is not enough to even exist

>>Immigrants do them and they will gladly accept the incredibly low pay

yet somehow the immigrants "exist".

I dont know about your shitstain of a country but there are plenty of jobs in the US, plenty of opportunities to make a living wage in the US. The OP is just an entitled fuck who is unwilling to accept that he chose a shitty field.

Bootstraps mutherfucker. Whining like a bitch is never the answer.

Before I go, saw this post before I could get the alt+f4 off. it's not pride at all, I just dont want to work somewhere I would end up hating to work, the retards who accept every job are the ones who get taken advantage of with dead end jobs. I should know I have been through this shit before, and got lucky after a while.

You are the reason why Employers got the powers they do, because they have an endless amount of cheap labor sheep willing to work for peanut, I know my fucking worth and it ain't $11 ill tell you, if you wanna do that, hey go right ahead. But I refuse to take on impossible tasks for peanuts.

bye alt+ft

If you call barely being able to survive, forever having to watch your step as you don't want to be deported and having to leech from the government existing then yeah.

You sound like the jackoff whod love to live with a dozen people in a 2 bedroom. You forgot how those beaners can afford to work for shit wages

>Will they realize it?

Well, honestly I was just assuming they would when all of their profits dried up, when they started paying slave labor wages to make shit that slave labor wages couldn't buy, and their sales dropped through the floor....

But I guess they never really were that bright in the first place, so it's anyones call.

>the only thing I do not do is setup the machines, which im working on.

so you're not entirely trained, and setting up the machine for production is a huge level of experience. anyone can fucking clean the shit. you're not as skilled as you think you are.

Boomer here, get the fuck out of the basement and get a job you lazy cunt.

No seriousely, as we boomers die off, it will be the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever experienced.

Find out what services are needed by old people in your area. Then figure out a way to capitalise on it.

We have all the wealth. You have to figure out how to EARN it from us.

Nursing, for example.

nope. I just know I started out making minumum wage at a job I hated- worked my ass off got promoted, got a better job again and again and now make six figures with a killer job...

I hate bitches who just whine and blame everyone else for their problems.

>If you call barely being able to survive

...and yet "barely being able to survive" is clealry better than the circumstances in their own country...its all relative.

There is no excuse for not finding a job in the US....unless you are an entitled snowflake.

>I dont know about your shitstain of a country but there are plenty of jobs in the US, plenty of opportunities to make a living wage in the US. The OP is just an entitled fuck who is unwilling to accept that he chose a shitty field.

That's why everyone is so poor?


That was a good run, one of the few benefits, not many, of living in Southern California.

That hard work meme is really starting to get old user, nobody buys that shit anymore, and i'm not saying that just to sound cool, REALLY, nobody buys that shit anymore, stop.

You make six figures, well congratulations, but for the vast majority, that does not happen, now a days you have to rip it out of the hands of the retards (such as yourself maybe)who have that job and don't deserve it, maybe for not doing a good job, maybe because he got his position through nepotism(family,friends), but to say "work hard and you'll eventually make six figures as I did" which is the gist of your message, that is as lame and pie in the sky as it comes.

I can shit on a fucking ice cream cone and put some whipped cream with ice on top and technically it would still be fucking ice cream.

Yeah below minimum wage dead end work is still technically a job. Still doesn't mean it's not practically slave work and you can barely survive on it though you fucking smartass.

>hurrr durrrr if you don't want a minimum wage, dead end, non self sustainable job you are an entitled snowflake

How fucking delusional can you be.

He is very delusional. The only people who act that way over here in my neck of the woods are friends or families of illegals, they believe in the open border cuckery, and continual lowering of wages just so we can subsidize cheap labor and their families who work, that's why you see so many lobbyists who fight for these illegals, they love that cheap labor, not to mention their last names are like garcia and hernandez. These people are the scum of the world, I mean we americans sometimes laugh at the french, but go see how the french protect their jobs and compare it to what USA does to their workers here, pretty fucking sad.

Good thing is, more and more people are not buying their bullshit anymore, I mean they still use that hard worker meme, get some new fucking material ffs. Soon there will not even be six figure positions because of automation, we'll see how big their mouths are there when they cannot afford it anymore.

Suck a cock get a job, it's not that hard dumb boys.

If you're an actual Boomer then please die in a fire.

Do not underestimate them. They aren't stupid. There is a way out and they will use it. That is to eliminate us. Population control experiments are happening as we speak. They will not allow us to go on living in a society where there is no need for us.

Must be nice knowing you are by far, the biggest piece of shit generation ever to exist, you hurt your own children, think about that for a second. You saw all the evil shit your parents had to go through and now you're dragging your kids and others along for the ride, fuck you.

I swear if I ever have a kid I promise I will never be like you to them, never. You didn't even give a fraction of the help to your mother or father but expect us to sacrifice ourselves to you now.

All you fags in this thread probably sit in some cushy office doing fuck all and get paid decently because your daddy sucked off the CEO a few years ago.

The wages in this country are absolutely fucked and nothing is ever going to change. OP will be poor and eventually everyone else will be poor as well besides a small group of elite.


I dont think you know what that word means....

£10k a day trader & early entrepreneur here

git gud

A lot Bubba...look at that shithole


>nobody buys that shit anymore,

you need to get out of your mothers basement and stop being a little bitch.

If all you do is whine and bitch then you are just a cuck who doesnt deserve a decent job. Go pick strawberries....leave the better paying jobs to those who deserve them.

Majority here see that, but like always, there are a few who still latch onto hard worker memes and other silly beliefs that were maybe true back in the 60s ffs. Soon there will be hard workers but no money.

And what you said will probably end up being true one day, maybe like in the next couple of years. I mean people talk like this crisis is 50 to 70 years away, I think it's much less, maybe a decade.

>take low wage dead end job to start
>seek better opportunities after gaining that experience
really makes you think

>technically it would still be fucking ice cream.

no. no it wouldnt. technically it would be a shit-cone with whip cream and ice on top.

You are a cunt- face it...man-up and get a better job- move if you have to...quit blaming your inadequacies on others.

>Soon there will not even be six figure positions because of automation

I dont think robots can make sales calls.

Why do you have to be so lame? You aren't being realistic in a realistic conversation, fuck off and come back when you have an argument instead of that tired "work hard" line. Go repeat that to your spic friends.

I was but a simple liberal arts major up until a few months ago when I started a robotics program. Trying to hedge my bets. I make minimum wage assembling. Circuit boards.

you are just a lazy fuck who is looking for a cop-out for your own failures...

All those start-ups in the last 20 years that made billions for millions had nothing to do with your lazy, entitled attitude. People like you deserve your circumstances cuz all you do is blame others.

Yes they can. Within a decade it will be indistinguishable from a human voice.

NO. You fuck off and come back when you realize there is no one to help you but yourself. You are a lazy, entitled cunt who has noone to blame but yourself.

Fuck off first then KYS

Clearly you have never tried to sell anything.

hes just calling it nigger work to fit in.

Similar situation over here.

It's about "who you know", not "what you know". Education counts for shit these days. Which doesn't really effect me since I never went to college, went for the NEET route instead.

But I hear loads of people who have went to college/uni, got a degree, and still ended up working in a supermarket.

evolution of society

London is an example of the most evolved economy, and they're practically all financial.

Fuck the shills that say we're a service economy. A service economy is a euphemism for an enslaved people... slavery isn't an economy. There is always an upper layer in a slave economy that is competing in a real economy.

What are these poor people doing? Don't they know that they could pay 15-20% less on taxes if they use offshore bank accounts, business deductions and lobbying? And don't they know that it's easy to make money by investing and day trading within the commodity/stock markets.

White people invented speculative markets, so that the market will always be a slave to white people... it's the white man's natural habitat and stereotype... and with computers you don't even need to be in the city to trade anymore. So, white man, why are you not investing and capitalizing on what came natural to you?

>He STILL believes in the "contributing to society" meme

>you are lazy

Try harder, I already said I go to school and am working part time while looking for a better job, so that "lazy fuck" and "work harder" excuse will not work anymore, so why do you come back with it? I even called you out on it, and what did you do? You came back with the same bullshit.

Come back to me when you have a descent response. Not to mention you believe in illegal immigration, kys my man.

Got something to say? Too bad I have left this thread.

bye miho.