What is causing this Mental Illness ?

Seriously ?
WTF is causing this wide spread pandemic of mental illness

This guy is a beautiful woman now,
If you don't believe me you are a fascist

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Women have it easier and as you can see no amount of lifting or surgeries can save you from being pussy without a pussy.


With glutes like these

Side effects of steroids. All that test...some gets aromatized into estrogen.

hormones in milk and red meat and chicken that they pump the female animals up with to increase cow milk production and size/weight and calving, in chickens they pump them full of female hormones for larger breast size and bigger eggs. Imagine how much protein that guy was eating. All your chicken most of your cow and almost all your pork is female and pumped full of hormones and antibiotics.

Jews, just look at this degeneracy


how does that hulk pass better than 90% of the slack-jawed, scrawny androgynous, feminine leaning slav-looking transitioners?

She's cute :3

It's nothing. Don't worry about it.


He got sick of fighting the gyno and just embraced it.

> how can I be buff and have tits?

David Rockefeller's wife sure was pretty in his old age.

Kroc rows turn you into a sissyboi. FUG I have to stop doing them

Bullshit. I really doubt this.

>All your chicken most of your cow and almost all your pork is female

KEK confirmed for autism



Yea, also I happen to be an expert on the subject.

No it isn't you crazy conspiracy theorist!


Kek soros cuntfirmed for trap lover

a malevolent elite who take any tiny insecurity a guy has in his manhood and brainwash him into thinking that that insecurity thus means he is a woman on the inside.

i had a friend once tell me that because he likes art he is not like other guys and must be trans. i called him an idiot, and today he is still normal.

Social media attention. That is the whole explanation.



he didn't buy water filters

Hombrew celltech

>loves handling wood
>still loves handling wood

i dont see what changed

>She came out to her friends and relatives (including 3 sons, aged 2/4/6 at the time

Seems like an attention seeking bodybuilder needed a new level.

are we opposite

>This guy is a beautiful woman now,

What do you mean?

Bingo bango tranny tango


Even by the already low standards for gay music that song is fucking terrible.


Will he be allowed to compete against women now?


I'm seeing a trend

>This guy is a beautiful woman now

The answer to why sodomites become sodomites has been in the last half of Romans 1 for 2000 years. Why dont you actually read your king james bible that God has provided to the english speaking world.

They become sodomites because they hated the knowledge of God when it was in their mind. Basically they rejected God too many times and God gave them over to a reprobate mind. Meaning they cannot be saved by believing on Jesus Christ anymore because God had it with them.

what the fuck that is a man. Man chin, man jaw, man eye brow ridge!, man forehead, man cranial size, large man neck

well because they are trapped in the infinite spiraling void of their horrible actions. I know, I've been there before. Basically they never snap out of it, they never stop being a fag or sodomite or drinking or drugging or anything they just never stop again.

I think we all get chances to turn it around, I know God's given me chances and I'm thankful for those chances because being trapped in a black void of sin and vice is a dark dark place and literally you feel the NEED to destroy yourself

Waht da fugggg :DDDD

It's good that you think we all get chances to turn around because thats what Romans 1 says. No one is without excuse to believe on God and only after hating the knowledge of God does God put you under a reprobate mind so you can never be saved. Good thing you turned around and feared the Lord before it was too late.

Shhhh it's nothing I promise. Just go about your daily life and stop asking questions. Mrs. Kissinger has bigger hands than I do though which is pretty crazy.

the feminization of males in our culture and lack of male role models. boys being boys isn't PC anymore.


Plastic bottles.

These juiced up meatheads are typically pretty mentally unstable to begin with. Not a surprise that this is the next step in their degeneracy.

increasing your testosterone also increases your oestrogen. Often people take estrogen limiters but at some point when you have to go off your cycle your body tries to compensate. often by over producing estrogen.

even with all the pills and shots, your hormones are going wacky. the same kind of thing with hyper-estrogenized young boys think they're women.

You can always be saved by Christ. It is never too late.

In history they called it folie a deux. Because isolated people really couldn't function in groups larger than two or three.

That changed. Isolated people across the world can share, reinforce their delusions, chastise members of the group who backslide, etc. This has never happened before. Millions of people can echo their insanity back and forth.

The only thing that can stop it is catastrophe.

They have always been super manly.
They never had all the sex they wanted.
They thought to themselves "I wanna be gay but not gay" because of their super masculine and viril ways of thinking.
So how do you get fucked without being judged for it ?

Be a woman. Pretty easy.