How can you chuckle fucks be so against immigration when literally every economist will tell you that immigration is a...

How can you chuckle fucks be so against immigration when literally every economist will tell you that immigration is a good thing?

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I know right! I wanna migrate to America! I have Masters Degree in Computer Systems Engineering.


economy is soft science...
it is like a woman's study professor telling you to
do the dishes more often

It's not.

These are some pretty solid arguments
>don't trust those cucked jewish economists
>no it's not because I said so


Because nations should be about more than just zeros and ones, faggot

What do you even mean by that? You're saying there are more important things than the science that dictates everything around us and the quality of everyone's lives?

There is more to a decision than its economic aspects. No one in Europe is starving and it continent has some of the highest living standards in the world. At this point you begin to make decisions based more than just on what "helps your economy," i.e. preserving your culture, etc.

They are. You're thinking of countries.

Work on making your question seem like it isn't bait next time, you need some work

hans hermman hoppe is against immigration

I hold values beyond the economic

What the fuck is with everyone's obsession with being baited? I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea of why people would think immigration is bad when it's so economically sound and you people can't give me serious replies for christs sake

Good for whom? It's certainly good for the wealthy who will benefit from depressed wages and whose gated communities will allow them to avoid interaction with immigrants.

>letting in millions of parasites
>cost €30.000 a year until they get citizenship
>most will be on welfare for life
>(((economists))) tell you it's good for the economy

>We need immigrants for labor

>we need universal basic income because all our jobs will soon be automated

Pick 1

I think it's in fact much worse than that, but anyway had good kek, thx.

Economists serve corporate and government masters, who care about total GDP, not GDP per capita.

For the population however, GDP per capita is what matters.


immigrants create more jobs for people, so it's good for the layman worker as well

as for the "le immigrants cause crime" meme, I'll just leave this here

>money is the only such science

Because the "good" implicates the subsuquent replacement of the white race with the cheaper race.

Adolf made it work.

The economy is one aspect of a society. Just because it might be good for the economy does not mean it will be good in general.

Jesus Christ get over yourselves with "le white master race." White women are trashy sluts and white men are weak cucks hence why white women prefer black dick anyways, so please tell me where the idea of "white master race" comes from?

Most modern economists are useless neoliberal shills

T. Chaim Bergblatstein

I thought the narrative was that rich people were the job creators? Which is it, hm?

Many immigrants are criminal scum, but desirability goes beyond criminality. Many immigrants are smelly, have poor hygiene, cling to degenerate customs, or are just plain incompatible with western society.

Who the fuck said master race?

I simply care about my culture being replaced.

And your jewish tricks don't affect me

Because short term economic help is not worth our people's destruction.

It is good for economy because it adds cheap labor to the work market.

It is bad for the original inhabitants because then you become Swendenstan and there is Sharia in your neighborhood.

It's a good thing for companies(who pay economists to preditct financial trends) since cheap labour, it's shit for literally everyone else.

I have yet to see any mainstream economist counter this argument. I brought it up in an econ class years ago and the professor said "fair point" and dropped it.

Who the fuck cares about the economy if it means destroying your culture and people?

Just teach people to grow their own food, boom, no more economy needed.

>How can you fucks be against Christianity when literally every bishop tells you it is a good thing?

"hey guys, working all the time is the best thing for the economy! low birthrates? just import people from cultures with no work ethic but who spread like rabbits! all problems solved!"

>an economist said it so it must be true

I'd rather be slightly poorer and be in a safe country with practically no crime than have 1.4% higher GDP and 10k immigrants. Right now I can walk in the darkest, shadiest alleys and nothing will happen.
I was thinking of moving to a better country before the crisis, but now I see that my country is better overall.

Because it comes at a price. If all you receive is low skilled workers, then there becomes an abundance of low skilled workers. And the result is that more companies can pay their workers minimum wage since everyone is so desperate to just get a job. Low skilled workers will also struggle to find work competing against more and more people.

There is also the damage to culture. And with mass immigration it creates gated communities because of white flight and certain places being more common for immigration.

Price houses rise if the government fails to meet the demand.
Some nationalities commit way more crime.
It allows a gateway for terrorists to enter the nation.

Good explanation of why whites arent master race...
Niggers are strong retards because they still live like animals

>we don't IQ into account, but trust us anyway, goy. it's good to flood your countries with low wage workers

Obviously, but that's actually an argument for less taxes.
>be a rich western country
>immigrants come
>give them welfare
>immigrants buy shit
>GDP grows
>meanwhile, state budget is drained
Illegal immigrants are also poor and dumb. And what do poor and dumb people do? Get loans. That's why it's so good for ((them)).


hahaha get a load of this nigger!

>You have to tell me how something is bad based on my own pre-defined criteria
>Can't do it? Heh looks like I win again kiddo

I want my race to survive.

Because its about more than money you dirty fucking jew

>yay the GDP went up 5%
>your individual pay dropped 10% but we economists don't give a shit about that!

The German economy took off like no economy ever had before, once the Jews were removed from their positions of control and influence during WWII. Therefore, by your logic, we should gas the Jews as an objectively good thing.

Look I'm gonna be honest, no - whites aren't the master race, but the rest of the world does owe "us" a lot. I just care about my country not turning into a shithole of a place. In here for example, you can clearly see the change of attitude when you're talking with a portuguese nigger and an african nigger. I mean the portuguese one adopted our culture and so he's just so much more pleasant to talk, while the true nigger can only go "ooh ooh ahh ahh slavery is bad ooh ooh"

An economist will tell you that slavery is a net benefit to a country, too.


>using 1700s logic

Our plan of sustaining households isnt having 20 kids to help a farm anymore. No place literally needs every person they can get anymore. We have non field nigger tier jobs now. Life is not fucking plymouth anymore

>Good for the economy
i think you mean good for our corporate masters. the more scarce labor is the higher the value of what you earn

True, even with corruption in the German military industrial complex, the benefits that the national socialist economic plan gave to the common man in such a short amount of time tellingly show just how fucking greedy the kikes are.

Yes, immigrants can potentially create jobs, for other cheap labor immigrants.

gonna be fun watching europe burst into ethnic and religious flames when all the labor jobs get automated and everybody is unemployed and forced to compete with each other

gonna be a continent wide balkan-type war with kebab removal

Bix nood muh fug!

Because money won't help when my people are a minority.
Besides, even while they are not elderly, the immigrants in europe cost more in social assistance to the state than they contribute with

Because economy deals with economics, it doesn't deal with other stuff.
So yes, in absolute terms immigration is good for a country, but this kind of immigration you see today, where immigrants aren't even asked to assimilate properly, that kind of immigration is just awful and will have awful social and political consequences in future.
They aren't dealing with problems, they're pushing them under the carpet and focusing on few parameters like GDP.
Yet economics have an impact on social conditions.
GDP might grow, but what good does it do you that ultra-rich get even more rich, while average guy doesn't follow, or even earns less?
Inequality is inevitable but HUGE inequality also has incredibly shitty effects on society, and you will see that in future.
tl;dr life is more complex than economics and simplistic social models many economists imagine, and then modify in order to fit their own theory

Holy shit I didn't understand any of this

There was a pizzagate shill that used the word chuckle fuck a lot.

>pic related

..Watch yourself bud.

>literally every economist
One even wrote Das Kapital.

Because most of them are parasites in every sense of the word. Look at the main countries that are getting refugees.

>hey goyim forget about race,culture and religion

Immigrants are not economically beneficial to any first world nation in any way. To believe that they are is to believe that quantity is better than quality.
Its like making 10 shitty guns out of fake plastic that fail after the first couple shots and occasionally backfire vs 5 well made gun.

These are the same economist that think Shipping all of our manufacturing jobs to China is a good idea because it makes things cheaper.

Nice appeal to authority though faggot.

>You have two choices
>Ruin your country in the long-term and destroy your race and culture whilst endangering your children and we give you some shekles
>Keep your national identity, culture and children safe but you have much less shekels
Nice argument you whore

>money is the most important thing in the world
Money is a tool to be used by the people of a nation. People are not a tool used by the nation for money.

First of all, it's mostly healthy for the richest and nobody else. Secondly, the entire West is a welfare state so immigrants aren't coming to work. They're coming to live for free off YOUR work. Thirdly, they're not assimilating. They're bringing their shit cultures with them.

Since mass immigration started in the UK our productivity has decreased, because instead of using/making technology to do labour, people are just hiring cheap immigrants to do the work. But at least our 'economy is growing' - despite the fact actual wages have decreased, so our population is poorer.

Based south korean bros are always good posters and very based

Immigration just makes the economy bigger, not better.

I'm for immigration for people that aren't coming here from countries destroyed by their own savage religion (Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs are bros)

I'm for immigration from countries that companies don't exploit for cheap labor, because if we do that then in 50 years we'll be hearing about how illegal immigrant labor was the same as slavery and their 9 children per parent deserve reparations (Mexico/South America)

I'm for immigration where the people aren't from an area of the world that never achieved anything, whose descendants will never achieve anything, and who will do nothing but bitch about mistreatment, fuck our women, and siphon welfare benefits, all while committing more crime than anyone in the world (African immigrants.)

What kind of immigrants are you talking about, hard working intelligent people who share our cultural values or third world shit heads who feel it's their right to rape & kill & steal from the natives ?

Because there's a very distinct difference on the outcome depending on which type we invite in.


Doing first year economics now, being taught immigration is bad. Lowers the incomes of natives by adding more supply of labour into the economy and since most of them stay on benefits its another burden.

Deport Kebab

not for poorfags and when they rape kids

>Implying we care more about money than we do about peace of mind.

Mass immigration makes wages lower and real estate prices higher which fucks over normal people while giving a few bonuses to the upper echelon of parasitic bankers

You wrong, because in fact - black woman are trashy sluts and black man are weak cucks hence why black woman prefer white dick anyways, also many of blacks. On my side, to your regret, is reality, and on yours - only your own sick imagination.


I don't understand why whites being a minority should be a big deal

>nation of 10 has GDP of 400k
>nation of 100 has 4000k

>per capita remains unchanged at 40k

It's an illusion of growth. It's not a direct reflection of national prosperity.


you know that if you have more people you have to pay more for healthcare and housing right? and that costs money
also not every immigrant works they leech from our welfare

>literally every economist will tell you that immigration is a good thing

>Pizzagate was debunked
Are there modern economic models we can rely on due to the ever increasing technological advances (doubling every 18 months or so)? Anyone we can trust not controlled by (((them)))

ALL the circlejerk people embrace both mutually exclusive arguments. People have to understand that economics, like every other academic discipline, is steered by interests. There are individual outliers in the academic world but university chairpersons and departments hire like minded people with aligning political interests to themselves.


>These are some pretty solid arguments
