I'm sick of you fucking nazis

The inside story on you young fascists is a lot of you ended up in shock humour/lonely dude forums that nazi recruiters joined. It’s not a fucking puzzle, all the history is on the sites. There you crossed ur nerdy hobbies with ur nerdy resentment. Bunch of fucking nerds with your dipshit teenage beefs probably started with a resentment of woman who won’t speak to you and now you think you have become POI radicalized.
So how did it happen? How did you become a fucking nazi? A bunch of real Nazis whispered poison in your ears while becoming your only community, your only “friends”. And they used multiple levels to make irony and bigotry and fascism more acceptable by drowning it in “oh we’re just joking” So you combine all this with capitalizing on isolated nerd dude resentment and even deeper isolation, BAM nazi.
You can talk to any former “chan” boy and they can tell you how it went from “shotty shock humor” to “white supremacist recruitment”. The “lol only normies care about hurting others attitude” + the general nerd male resentment of these communities. Its prime fertile ground for actual Nazis to grow. People talk about pol, but you need to see the various communities converge. R9K’s “who wont woman fuck me” bs “anything goes and anyone who gets mad is just a normie” vs endless outbursts of anger at everything. Pol here becomes less of an isolated phenomenon and more of a natural end point for all these circles crashing into one another. And pol, also being its own thing, emans it is rolled back into those communities amplifying your worst aspect then roll it back into pol.
So essentially you have an online pressure cooker to turn your typical teenage nerdy bullshit into honest to god fascism. The surrounding of hateful idedas, the detachment from the harm you do? Turning them into “just jokes” becoming your only friends and that just your community you can see it in many others but again your not a fucking mystery.

Other urls found in this thread:


this isnt copypasta

OP wrote this

all of it

and i didnt even read it

nice try

>And they used multiple levels to make irony and bigotry and fascism more acceptable by drowning it in “oh we’re just joking”

>You can talk to any former “chan” boy and they can tell you how it went from “shotty shock humor” to “white supremacist recruitment”. The “lol only normies care about hurting others attitude” + the general nerd male resentment of these communities. Its prime fertile ground for actual Nazis to grow.

lol OP's got a point



shia, will u ever learn?

haha dia Shia publish this somewhere??
Requesting original source, plz

4/10 bad b8

accurate desu

Nice blog post, nerd.

Maybe you'll get to use it to get ahead in getting your Social Science degree.


Fuck you're self important to write so much. Bet that you wrote some shit about how you're better than everyone. How everyone else is a SJW or whatever stick you have up your ass.
>get over yourself
>we come here to talk shit and argue, not read self important arse holes rants


I just come here for the laughs hahahah.

I remember my first week

You post like a redditor.

Hope you read what I'll say cause I won't actually attack you or anything.

It is true that now that I stand at the dawn of my adult life, my past few years have been filled with sh!t, I'm a small, rejected loner, the girl I fell in love with (Pretty dense sh!t) broke my heart and now I spend my days wallowing in my misery and pain, alone; unable to enjoy anything, and yes - sometimes, angry and full of resentment. I have friends online and I talk to them to alleviate the pain. They're my only true friends, really. None of them are even alt-right (And I tend to stay away from websites where people know you).

My political allegiances are many. I have leftist, centrist, and yes right and some far-right ideas. I won't explain it all here, but it's complicated, even for me, and it's not the topic at hand.

I frequently go on /pol & reddit, crap even YouTube and I talk with the altright and the neonazis sometimes. I have some of their ideas (The altèright), but in less extreme shades and certainly not all of them. I like joking about kek, Trumpwave, fashwave, etc...Because I like memes and I like vaporwave. I don't take any of that too seriously. I also somewhat approv of Trump and Le Pen, though mostly out of love for their "disturbance factor" and the fact that nobody likes them in the mainstream. I'm not what you could call a real fan.

I do have fits of rage, where I lash out at the system. I'm pretty conservative for my age, but again, nothing I consider like ardent nao-nazism.

Hope that enlightens you at who I am and while I know this is just one story, each of our life stories are manifold.

Please feel free to ask any questions.

At this very moment, I am literally pre-heating my oven. All your Francis Fukuyama and Noam Chomsky books will be incinerated. The only thing remaining will be Mein Kampf and lampshades.


Don't forget ash.

tfw that guy in the image visited Sup Forums a couple years back just to prove OP wrong

Nice VPN Brian. Might I suggest that the best response to doxxing yourself on Sup Forums is to leave Sup Forums altogether? Furthermore, if you wish to go undercover to out closet Nazi's, you'd be better off registering on Stormfag D E S U.
In truth, Sup Forums is a nihilist board and, while many of us truly wish we could regurgitate the black pill, there is no going back once you've swallowed it. Any attempt to blue pill Sup Forumsacks is, frankly, futile. Simply take solace in the knowledge that our hate for you is nothing personal, but speaks to a wider hate of existence itself. As autists, we were born with the inate ability to cut through all bullshit and see the world as it really is, utterly devoid of true purpose or meaning. Unfortunately, as human beings, we retain an instinctual reluctance to top ourselves, and so the only satisfaction we glean life is in triggering normie retards who still believe there are things actually worth fighting for.
You're post didn't make me reconsider my views. It gave me pleasure, knowing that our efforts have caused you to lose at least some of your faith in humanity. It encouraged me to continue to shitpost, in the hope that others will follow the path we've set you on.
Only joking Brian. Keep fighting the good fight, you ridiculous faggot!

You forgot the most important point in your otherwise accurate post, namely that the Nazis were right.

>background to Brian


Its Shia.

No excuses.

>Bunch of fucking nerds with your dipshit teenage beefs probably started with a resentment of woman who won’t speak to you

This beautiful woman:


Ain't she beautiful though? Inside & out.

>you think you have become POI radicalized?
> go join isis
> angry lesbian plebbit
> sage

Treat her better boys... free speech and all that (even for feminists)


Then go to fuck off

We're the same as every other group of human beings on this planet. We fight for resources and use whatever leverage we have available to do so. That drug addled fool feels guilty because the white man came out on top, despite being the minority race of the planet. He seems to think the chinks, the arabs, the south asians, sub-Saharan africans, and every other group of people would not gladly take our place and are always working to that end.
Self-hating whitey's are fucking cancer, utterly subservient to Marxist ideology...

go to sleep Shia

im not a nazi, im personally a anarcho-capitalist until a better governmental system comes along, or we purge the jews from our govt.

Seems fair to me desu

nice guess but im pretty sure 90% of people here were always right wingers who like hierarchy discipline personal responsibility and do not like liberalism

unless you actually think literal nazis still exist in which case KEK

From a psychological point your attampt is very interesting. You frame this place to be full of losers and adolescent, which seems to be partly to reduce your cognitive dissonance and partly projection. You can't understand, why people could arrive at such radicaly different conclusions about the world, maybe it's just because you aren't intellegent enough to develop a serious theory, maybe it's just because you are not brave and intellectualy courius enough to entertain our ideas. Maybe you even suspect us to be right.

I think many of us are like that.
I don't really have any emotional problems and in general feel pretty good about myself,
but I do share some of your political leanings, OP.

I actually first realized something's not well in the world in my high school sociology class,
and I started applying marxist theory to shit that bothered me,
which I don't believe was the intention of teacher's exercise, since she wanted us to use it
when talking about right-wing parties, and muh vagina,
but I did it for her, for entire school system, later for welfare state etc.

What really helped me on my path to conservatism was the fact that I was a bad student and constantly disciplined and punished for it, so I developed hate towards people that try to control me, as well as contrarian mindset.
I come from an environment where right-wingers get violently attacked for their views, and where auto-genocide is a legitimate form of political power, so I was forced to learn to keep quiet about any conservative views I had, and since schools only teach you Marxist theory, I had to discover other theories through my own research, so I eventually stumbled upon Adam Smith, Ayn Rand, Hayek etc.
As a teenager I also discovered Ron Paul, and soon after, Sup Forums, so here we are now 7 years later lol.

It's funny how I applied what I've heard from Sup Forums to situations in daily life, and people just thought I'm hateful smartass,
now they keep telling me how right I was about society, meanwhile I'm now on a whole other level than them.
I always hated collectivism, so I de facto thought Nazis were stupid, and I do even now, but just knowing how much I could piss off people by saying the opposite, made me "radicalized", aka completely oblivious to MUH FEELINGS in regards to political movements of the past.

pic related, all my high school and college professors looked like that, including females

If you're gonna bait, you have to make your post more like a headline, less like a book. I didn't read all that shit

>Projection: The Post.

Sieg Heil and shit

Nerd Rage, Chan Culture, Anonymity. these were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little Nazis, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingrrdient to the conconction: a lifetime of liberal identity politics. young male whites especially who believe in the current liberal social justice narrative are literally 1 infograph away from becoming natsoc. once they realize they can say shift the blame theyve been getting their whole lives to the jews it really comforts them because it is a weight being lifted off their backs.

the worst part is their case follows the logic that BLM follows. "blacks are disproportionately in jail therefore theres a plot" becomes "jews are disproportionately in power therefore theres a plot"

...and finally the worst part of it all is that Sup Forums is always right

Now with their ultra turbo nazi powers. Pepe, DoomPaul, and based user have dedicated their lives to fighting multiculturalism and the forces of Jewry!

>All these people don't know the fresh meme
It's 12.4.2017, wake up from 11.4.2017

If you're sick of nazis, go back to plebbit/r/shill.

Oy vey

It's a meme from Shia's new stream, couple Finns went to troll him and Shia copy pasted OP's text from some tranny furry twitter user

OP is butthurt and says we can't ever get laid

If your kiked thought-policed websites like reddit actually allowed free speech, you'd see us in a lot of other places than here. Also your theory is shit