Sup Forums, what exactly did you fags bring into office? Why the hell did you believe anything he said on the campaign?

Sup Forums, what exactly did you fags bring into office? Why the hell did you believe anything he said on the campaign?

>"no longer obsolete because it will now focus on fighting terrorism."

kys OP

wow that sure is convenient

Because NATO was pro-terrorism before?

It's alright, Montenigger will definitely pay their 2%.

Hahaha Drumpf now is for NATO and will use it to fight the man who controls everything he does Putin. Drumpf drumpfed.

Are you pro-terrorism?

This is the effect of the entire Russia conspiracy narrative.

He's pretty consistent for the last ten years on his stance on NATO, why is it changing?

Because the headlines are dominated by nothing but if he goes through with it he's a Russian superspy or Putin controls our government narrative.

That narrative has also marginilized much of the White House, in addition to traditional Republican/Washington figures filling out the Executive Branch. There is a vested interest in maintaining the status quo at all costs.

Wasn't even one of the top 10 reasons I voted for him

the world is a zog. it's too deeply-rooted at this point.
just laugh while it all burns down.

Putin shills and their sock puppet accs actually believed Trump when he said 'nato is obsolete'
and spent millions of 'Mother Russia' tax payer money to shill for him online.


Better tell infowars to turn on Trump, now that we realized he is not pro-Russia.

This. Jesus christ these shill threads are getting stupider by the day.

NATO was focused on Russia/CW previously, and now that its getting focused on Terrorism it no longer is obsolete.

No, he's pro-Islam. Same thing really.

CNN is not going to fall in love with him any time soon and stop spinning this idiotic Russia narrative.
Is he going to base his policies on what the media says? Then it will be the same as if CIA directly running the country.

t. steve bannon

Yeah because now the US is focusing on Russia instead.

Doubtful. They never hit the 2% mark before.

I also voted for drumfp but seriously we cant let this madman get his hands on the nuclear codes.

Then he is a complete cuck for giving in to it without any push back.

There are so many things he could do to push the soros, hillary, mccain, sudai link , but he does nothing.

Acts like a fucking retarded boomer sells our ISP data and sets noe laws or action groups against the media. Pathetic.

Doesn't really matter, the GDP of montenegro is smaller than the trump cabinet net worth.

>british flag
>isp fake news
kewl points! upvoted!

Goodbye, Anglosphere only defense treaty.

They call him flipper, flipper
Faster than lightning
Nobody can change
As fast as can he.
t. Trump supporter

Where is your leaf???