Today’s Articles

Today’s Articles

>Listen: Peter Hitchens on Syria

> Brexit vote site may have been hacked, MPs say in report

> Melenchon Crashes Front-Runners' Party as French Vote Risks Rise

> Douglas Carswell 'Very Keen' On Free Movement Of Labour After Brexit Politics&utm_hp_ref=uk-politics

> Boris Johnson insists Russia could still face sanctions as Government colleagues criticise 'total let down' at G7 summit

> The G7 proves too weak to hold Putin to account

> FT: Brexit: why did the ECJ become a UK ‘red line’?

> FT: Theresa May ensures only Brexit key allows entry to No 10

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Big Soup.

this youtube channel is unbelievably comfy. the great outdoors, doggo, friendly bearded man and cheerful american slang

I like the comfy Brit/pol editions recently.

>Ta lads.

This is the new thread, go here.


Shambles. Three britpols


>Now, from one level if you were an extreme leftist now in the Western world, in Western Europe, maybe parts of Southern Europe (yes and no), and North America, you’d look around and you’d think there was a cultural desert, that you’d lost completely, that communism had collapsed, that far left movements have no votes at all, except residually in Italy, to a much smaller extent in France, and a few places elsewhere. You’d think that the socialist dream, that life could be better and more equal and free and so on, had come crashing down completely.

>And yet paradoxically, these people have lost a world and yet gained another, because their values, in a subtle way, in a mediated way, in a transliterated way, are the values that exist largely of the society out there. And when you go down and remove Sky Sport or put something else on and even there residually, you will find, what a Marxist would call, “the reification of triumphant values,” in other words a soft left viewpoint put again and again and again, in every media, at every level.

>tfw you realize that SIr Oswald Mosley was a fucking socialist that believed the state should own the means of production
>He was practically a fucking commie

We need to start greeting the random Americans that usually appear around 01:00 to ruin the comfy with their blubberous gibbering with things like:
>hi Mr Shatner
>tell me about tekwars
>why did you kiss a brown lady

Why do this?
It's funny

>Sky Views: Thin-skinned Millennials need a spanking

Was it severe, debilitating autism?

>The absolute state of (((capitalists))).

Free market Capitalism inevitably leads to mass immigration and demographic displacement.

So if le pen wins, how will the British government respond? Seen as they don't talk to her party, it's gonna be pretty awkward.

Well National Socialism is a very Left wing ideology. It's funny really, Both of the political extremes are in the Left wing

Backtrack, just like everyone did with Trump.

>tfw One Show Alex Jones' tits will never hit me in the face

They didn't talk to Trump either.

Nothing wrong with having state industrys, the orientals do it to protect it from foreign ownership.

Mohammad Azeem, one of the men involved in the latest paki paedo/rape club. He was sentenced to six years in 2012 for being a drug dealer/courier. It's almost as if these people are just bad people in general.

The Orientals are fucking communists, you can have other laws in place to prevent this.


>No tolerance for homosexuality
>No tolerance for race mixing
>Actively surpressed moral degeneracy

Yeah thats totally leftist.

To be fair, it's pretty obvious considering that Fascism is pretty much just thinly-veiled more nationalistic Communism.

Mussolini being a failed Commie and all.

Capitalism is the true religion of the Jewish race.

Capitalism has failed, we need National Socialism.

socialism, and indeed communism, was an attempt at solving the undeniable problems of feudalistic capitalism.

yes, they failed. we could argue over the reasons for teir failure, but at least it was an attempt at some sort of scientific and/or technocratic governance of societies.

Yes, it was incredibly naive and now seems incredibly 19th century, but the need for new models of governance and economics is as urgent as ever.


But they're from such a noble, enlightened and progressive faith.

I wrote this years ago for someone just like you.:
So were the Nazis Left wing or Right wing?
The way to answer this question is to first understand what the terms “Right Wing” and “Left Wing actually mean. The In economic terms, the "left" is defined as the desire for the economy to be run by a cooperative collective agency (which can mean the state, but can also mean a network of communes), while "right" is defined as the desire for the economy to be left to the devices of competing individuals and organizations. So in simple terms, The Right is pro-privatisation and the left is pro-nationalisation.
So let’s delve deeper into this and look at the original policies of the National Socialist party. Namely their 25 point plan which they followed for many of the election they fought in in-between 1920 and 1933.
Point 6 of this plan states that; “The right to determine matters concerning administration and law belongs only to the citizen. Therefore, we demand that every public office, of any sort whatsoever, whether in the Reich, the county or municipality, be filled only by citizens!”
Point 11 states that “Abolition of unearned incomes. Breaking of debt (interest)-slavery.”
Point 13: “We demand the nationalisation of all associated industries” Now do not try to tell me that nationalisation is not a left wing policy. You and I both know that it is and would be idiotic to ignore.

>not being a stalinist
Dum fuking drumflet

Fucking seriously? Ignorance of the law does not equal not committing a crime. Why was she left off?

Everycunt owns their own energy sector mate- even the likes of French, who also own most of ours.

Somecunt passed us the shitty end of the stick and told us it was the same all over. I think it was Thatcher.

Maybe so. Either way, 100 years of Communism is enough for that particular experiment.

If she was a fit bird I'd let her off

Hello Mr Shatner
What intrigues me is how strong the inertia in our society is now. If we were to reform our economy or government on a massive scale there would be huge butthurt. I mean even Brexit has caused constant lefty screaming since June last year.

Capitalism is having problems because dumbasses keep injecting socialism into it.

>Defining the left/right political spectrum purely in terms of economics and totally ignoring the social and moral aspects of politics.

>tfw too smart to join a gang

17: “We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.” Isn’t that funny? The Nazis stood for taking land off from private ownership and into state ownership for the alleged good of the people. Something, Which I will add, Is what exactly the communist party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics did, North Korea did, Cuba and so forth.

When the Nazi party got into power they set up a national organisation named “Kraft durch Freude” Or in English, Strength through joy. Set up as a tool to promote the advantages of National Socialism to the people, it soon became the world's largest tourism operator of the 1930s. KdF was supposed to bridge the class divide by making middle-class leisure activities available to the masses. This was underscored by having cruises with passengers of mixed classes and having them, regardless of social status, draw lots for allocation of cabins.

I saw the wombles live at Glastonbury 2011.

It was so fucking hot that day.

Calm down Tony

Regret it yet?

>The wonders of capitalism everybody!

new rhodesia when?!

At least they caught them eventually.

Ted Heath was disguised as a Care Home for young Boys.
He got away with it for years.

Spared jail doesn't necessarily imply not sentenced user. There are alternatives to prison. The wording implies she was convicted and sentenced just not to a custodial sentence.

If she was a fit bird she wouldn't be relying on dogs for sex now would she?

What is really so different between Commies and Nazis there though?

Seems to me, just that the Nazis were more honest about racism/nationalism. Meanwhile the USSR starved millions of Ukrainians, but that wasn't as bad because it "wasn't racist". They totally fucked over Ukraine by accident.

Hell, the USSR was even very nationalistic during WWII.

daily reminder that this is are tims wife

you need to return to your sources, and refine your argument. I'm not even going to bother pointing out your many errors.

How about...

The 11th of November!

tfw an independent state.



Because you are utterly incapable of doing so.

Yes Tim, I do regret not inventing a time-machine, going back and causing you to never be born


If I tried to render it down to a pithy soundbite (likely wrong)
In communism the nation is the people, in Nazism the people are the nation.


Well there's no need for that...


Ran out of fags lads.

Precisely; If only the populous would realize that they are poor because they make bad decisions, they make bad decisions because they have low IQs (Not all, but most who take benefits or live in council houses probably aren't that bright), and they have low IQs because they are inferiors and them dying off would be a good thing. A eugenic society is a capitalist society.

Are we going to join the yanks in the second Korean war? I hope not.

If you go with Authoritarian = Right Wing and Liberalism = Left wing you are, quite frankly, An idiot. Going by that is completely missing the point that Communists, Clear left wingers, are the most authoritarian types of government out there.

Trump is all American. He is the deformed product of free enterprise and his country’s freakish love of fame. Because he had a TV show, he has name recognition. Because he’s wealthy, he has a platform. Because he’s an American narcissist whose lust for himself will never be satisfied even as his role as President of the United States.

Put another way, he is a derivative of Allen Ginsberg’s Moloch. In his 1956 poem “Howl,” which quite rightly caused a ruckus, Ginsberg graphically and lengthily describes all the suffering souls of his generation. He then asks a very pertinent question, “What sphinx of cement and aluminum bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination?”

His answer is, in part:

Moloch! Solitude! Filth! Ugliness! Ashcans and unobtainable dollars! Children screaming under the stairways! Boys sobbing in armies! Old men weeping in the parks!
Moloch! Moloch! Nightmare of Moloch! Moloch the loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch the heavy judger of men!
Moloch the incomprehensible prison! Moloch the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! Moloch whose buildings are judgment! Moloch the vast stone of war! Moloch the stunned governments!
Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers are ten armies! Moloch whose breast is a cannibal dynamo! Moloch whose ear is a smoking tomb!

And so on. The name Moloch first shows up in the Old Testament as a pagan god to whom children are sacrificed. Moloch becomes a projection of all that is coldly, crudely, viciously American. It is a horrifying vision.

It is highly likely that Trump now praises him. He has cast off the idiots who praised KEK and is now working with the very people who he claimed to be fighting against. In short - Trump owns MOLOCH.

The USSR was nationalistic ever since it adopted its policy of "Communism in one country" under Stalin.

In fact, they tried to promote multiculturalism and feminism in the West so as to cause its downfall. It appears they succeeded, though many years too late to have helped them.

The absolute STATE OF THAT.

No, because there's no need. I want some proof that NK is threatening people, I don't care for the words of journalists and politicians. I want solid undeniable proof and until I get that Kim Jong is alright by me,

We don't give a fuck, this is Brit/pol/ not /PTG/.

There's no need for you either, you soft and slimy husk of a man. Get some morals and coherent policies.

See "The Horseshoe Theory"

Was it autism?

>What intrigues me is how strong the inertia in our society is now

very true. there is little appetite for anything other than the status quo, even though everybody is in agreement that the status quo is appalling.

I suspect it's the English disease, and the prognosis is not good.

take all the butts from your ashtray, rip them, take out the small bit of baccy you don't smoke at the end of each one by the filter, scrounge enough to roll one new one.

>coherent policies.

Got one. It involves rejoining the EU... or never leaving it, I forget which.

This is why I get them in cartons. I'm still going to smoke them why not get 200 instead?

May I please have a source on your assertion? I do not doubt your word but it tallies with a hypothesis I've been working with.

>Lol just kill the poor rofl

I just did mate, only had enough for one.

If I get that many I'd smoke them really quickly. By buying them only when I really need them I smoke less.

>The one thing you notice about Marxism is it’s a seething vortex of ideas; it’s always restless; it’s always counter-propositional. Marx will make a statement, then he’ll qualify it, then he’ll withdraw it, then he’ll make another statement which is more radical. And this is part of again what they call “dialectic.”

>Now the idea of dialectic is based on Hegelian theory, and it’s based on an ancient Greek thinker called Heraclitus, who believed that everything is in flux, and everything changes, and everything works on itself. The fury with which Marxists fall on each other in intellectual dispute, often about arcane matters which are of no relevance, which in a regime context is a choice between life and death! You advocate the dialecticism of a particular crop cycle and you get it wrong, and the party sides with another, you are shot! And your family’s shot! And those that are related to them are shot as well, because ideas are important.

Sadly this is true. The nation is desperate for stability and her creaks at the seams all while London screams for more migrants to be brought in.

Former KGB agent discusses it here:

Mosley fascism is the only way.

>The man who thumbs through the Guardian on the tube who thinks “ideas? . . . who cares?” To a Marxist ideas are life, and you write them in blood because they’re important. They suppress artistic forms because they believe they are important enough to merit that. And that’s the difference between why they almost conquered a world and did it in various ways.

>Now Marxists on the whole form two camps in my mind, politically and ideologically. In all Marxist groups you get the rather weak, pacifistic, loving, humanistic people. The vicar’s daughter who believes human nature isn’t . . . right. If only we could be nicer to each other, if only we could spread more love. You get these people always in ultra left and communist groups, and next to them on the podium, next to them in the auditorium, [are] your utterly nihilistic, ruthless, virtually criminal types who want to use the structure of power when they get it to crush those underneath them, don’t give a damn about ideology, and are actually amongst the most misanthropic people you could ever meet. And you have these extremes of the innocent lovey and the sort of sadistic amoralist in the same group.

>That’s why when a Communist regime comes in they have enormous purges because they have to start by purging their own, to get rid of all the idiots! To get rid of all of those who believed it was “love, love, love” and they’re led off by the men in leather jackets, because you’ve got to get rid of those fools early!

What an absolute load of horseshite.

Just to follow on from this. Any hope of political discourse or change other than violent is going to get drowned in a wash of identity politics and me me me, and quintessentially British people.

tis a tragic feeling, are there no 24 hours near you?

One about a 15 minute walk from me, but I really cannot be arsed moving. I'm pretty tired now, so hopefully I'll be asleep before I need another one.

Thank you user. If you know of any other sources especially written works of be grateful.

In short my thinking is this.
>Everything is a Russian plot! Russian did Brexit!
>feminism was also a Russian plot.

Sorry son, you're out of order. The economy and our society are out of kilter, and very many talented people with above average IQs are forced into undignified circumstances by the disparity in life opportunities on the basis of the British Class system

One simple way to make Britain Great Again, would be to abolish the Class System (somehow) and unchain the potential and ingenuity of the common Englishman.

Ever read Charles Murray's 'bell curve'?

This is entirely true.

The capitalists are scum who wish to oppress the bedrock of society: the working class.

The communists wish to enslave their people, promote absolute equality, and create an enormous bureaucracy. This system leads to corruption, greed, and government overreach.

Fascism bridges this divide. Ensuring all who work to ensure the betterment of the state will receive a basic, good standard of living, as all Britons deserve. However, equality will be achieved organically, with redistribution not too harsh on the rich, but not too soft on them, either. After all, they too have a responsibility to the state and its people above all else.

This is a very good read

I hate you

>>Everything is a Russian plot! Russian did Brexit!
>>feminism was also a Russian plot.

neither of those statements are worth tuppence.

i cant eve be arsed.

Even if you agree with the conclusions of the book, none of your post follows.

No, I haven't actually. Will try to get it soon and read it. It's still a bullshit assertion though, because it implies that the North is full of people who are just thick as pig shit and the South is full of smarty pants. We know this isn't true, we know it good and well. Yet the average person in the North is far less wealthy that their Southern counterpart and are way more likely to fall in to poverty as a result.

I have no doubt that intelligence plays a role, but it is not the sole reason as you make it out to be.

I don't think about you at all.

>Lenin was taught his Marxism by Plekhanov who was a Menshevik who didn’t like the Bolshevik Revolution. Quite few Marxists who were purely sort of, almost gentle professors of cultural destruction, they didn’t actually like the Bolshevik Revolution because in actual fact it’s contrary to some Marxist theory.

>The idea of the Plekhanov school is that if, in a totally undeveloped society, you have a militarist coup by a left-wing armed group (which is what the Bolshevik Revolution really was) you will end up in an extremely nasty, what we would call today Third World dictatorship which is exactly what happens because in their theory you have to allow capitalism and the bourgeois class–which is loathed and yet admired strangely, simultaneously–to reach fruition to create the proletariat industrially, then there must be leaders from the Bourgeoisie who split off, form the communist vanguard, link with the proletariat, revolutionize the world, and create defective communism, create socialism — the first step. So it’s a progressive cycle.
