What if a firefighter DID NOT want to enter the World Trace Center on 9/11 in fear that it would collapse...

What if a firefighter DID NOT want to enter the World Trace Center on 9/11 in fear that it would collapse? Would there be severe consequences for that?

I’ve been researching into 9/11 and was just wondering had a firefighter thought that the buildings might collapse and just say to his team “I’m scared, I can’t do this”, what would happen? Would they fire him for abandoning his team? Would he be imprisoned for this? Or was this normal on 9/11?

Any ideas?

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Little known fact is that pic related turned back soon after pic was taken.

Why? Did he sense it was going down soon? I can imagine that firefighters would probably know whether a building was on the verge of collapse more than anyone else.


They aren't cowardly millennial manchildren.

If you're a firefighter, policeman, soldier or a first responder in general then you know what you're signing up for.

I think you have two choices in a situation like 9/11: either do your job and very likely die with honor or fail out of fear and leave your brothers to their fate, living in internal shame for the rest of your life. That would be a punishment in and of itself.

So no I don't think it was common. Firefighters seem like they have lot of pride.

Family men are cowardly in this situation. Childless adults have less reason to fear death.

Do you think they KNEW it was going down? I mean I bet they figured they had 80-90% chance to survive. Not many people thought building were going down.

Had the firefighters known for CERTAIN that the building would be going down while they were inside, why be inside? Isn't it kamikaze?

They were tripping over one another to get in there to loot the place. There are multiple instances of valubles being found concealed in their bunker gear and boots when they were stripped in the hospitals and ambulances.

Literally the opposite.

Wouldn't have mattered since his chief commander and comrades would all have died in a couple of minutes

Firefighter here

We (in the fire service) learn about how to fight high rise fires from FDNY. Rest assured if they had any inclination that the structure was going to come down on top of them they wouldnt have committed to interior operations like they did trucking up all those stairs

Like what? Copy paper and desktop monitors?

Little know fact. FDNY had also some bad apples that went in there. Not all of the people who died were "heroes".

Want to source me that hot claim, user?

Ask any NYPD Sargent and above who was there after the towers collapsed.

Who fucking cares if they stole some useless shit that was going to get melted by thermite anyway

They risked their fucking lives they deserve whatever they could get

Bullshit. Give me a source

so no source then?

Ask them what?

Who took what? What was there to take on the pile?

I believe he was in the second tower that fell. The evac order was given a few seconds after the first one collapsed.

What if Brazil didn't invent the airplane? 9/11 would have never happened

So why do documentaries say that the firefighters thought that they were going to die that day?

Do they warn you when asbestos is burning?

>Republican national security

>What if a firefighter DID NOT want to enter the World Trace Center on 9/11 in fear that it would collapse?

no, if we ignore 2 of Newton's laws then firefighting is much too dangerous a job for anyone to be willing to do it,

several fire chiefs across the world have stated they will quit if the 9/11 report is not corrected to reflect fundamental physics

You can die in any fire for any reason, it's always in your mind. You just have so little time to think, you react.

Google Duty to Act

He'd be a live coward instead of a dead hero

I don't think anyone knew they were going to go down. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams right?

I'm sure the Titanic was said to be unsinkable and yet, where is it now?

This is the dumbest thing I've seen posted on Sup Forums. I work in a similar building. What the fuck were they looting of value that fits in a boot?

>Brazil invented the airplane


Scene safety would trump duty to act.

THEY pull all the firefighters out of wtc before collapse. The fire men that died were on the first floor

Care to list some reasons beside asphyxiation and floor collapse?

There's videos on youtube of their communications while they were up high on the building trying to rescue people, moments before the collapse.

if you were in the immediate area, you would get fucked anyway because of the shit in the dust (I think asbestos)

that dust is still in around that area today

Asbestos really isnt used in newer construction. You have to pay attention to what youre going to. If you get called to a building built in the 40s youll have that in the back of your head. Even still the shit they use for modern furniture etc is way worse than asbestos when it burns


My friend is a fire fighter. He (and I would assume others) is an adrenaline junkie that lives for the thrill of going into a burning house. I'd assume a burning tower is like a 100 story orgy to him.

Don't you have a law against that anyway?

Those are two really good reasons.

Heart attack...burns...drowning


>huge-ass fire in a massive skyscraper
>possibility of other planes flying into the building

It was a frightening situation even if they didn't know the towers were going to fall.



The number one cause of firefighter deaths (51%) is heart attacks.

>falling debris
>gunshot wounds


you're always going to get fucked over for being sensible in society OP

Its nice that the feds recognize some of the shit that kills us now. Heart attack within 24 hours of the end of your last call can be called a lodd and certain cancers which makes it easier to get the public safety officers benefit for your family

Not really "huge ass"

>two isolated pockets of fire...
>should be able to knock it down with another handline

Those guys that actually made it up to the gaping holes called it out over the radio the fires werent bad

I think this is the first time I see a pic of a wtc stairway, and I've seen a lot of stuff about that day in these 15 years.
That's a really cramped stairway.

I don't think anyone thought they would actually collapse since they didn't know the buildings were rigged with explosives until after they heard the explosions while climbing the stairs. Before that, the chief firefighters probably assured their men it's just a fire that needs to be put out and people to be rescued. I don't think there would be any severe punishment for refusing to go in aside from disciplinary action, suspension or loss of employment.

>Those are two really good reasons.
I was asking because why would firefighters assume they were going to die that day more than any other day if they didnt think the building would collapse.

Nobody thought the whole thing would collapse. At most a few floors which would mean those above would need to be rescued after the fires went out.
Now, fire departments (At least good ones) are extremely aware of what lightweight construction can mean. 9/11 was a huge wakeup call about how to plan, position, and respond to huge incidents.

He was ordered to.
After the first collapse, FDNY ordered everyone to evacuate the remaining tower. It came down to who had what radio, some got the message and others did not.
He was probably one of the lucky ones that heard the message or was told by another crew to get out.

NYPD and Port Authority officers were a little bit luckier in that they got a few minutes warning from a Police helicopter before the first collapse. They were working on delivering the message to the FDNY command post when the first collapse happened.

I know you're referencing Chief Orio Palmer. He made it to the fringes of the impact zone but not the actually hit floors. Those would be inaccessible and some calls from those inside the buildings mention hearing possible floor collapses.
The view from the outside is clearly more than just a few isolated pockets. On each building about four floors were heavily burning.

Because they were walking into an obvious terrorist attack, so there was an added element of danger that's not present in a typical fire.

For all they knew, more planes could have been coming toward them.

>What if a firefighter DID NOT want to enter the World Trace Center

Cheers user! Makes more sense now.

I don't think anyone imagined it would collapse.

>Would they fire him for abandoning his team?
God I can just imagine it
>"captain, im scared, i can't"
>"I cant sir, we didnt sign up for this"
>team proceeds to march in
>you wait in the truck
>the entire fucking thing collapses
>you're the only survivor in your unit
>you're praised as a hero when deep inside you know you live a lie

They said on the radio to be careful coming up because the outside walls were gone around the stairwells...they made it to the impact areas

Two did. Palmer and Bucca.
They were just reaching it but gave no reports after. Maybe they started trying to get things ready for Engine crews that would come up with hoses. We'll never know what they did in the time between their last transmission and the collapse.
Point is, what Palmer saw and reported was a very small picture. Seeing it from the outside was clear things were a lot worse higher up.
Though even if crews did get to the impact zone there was not much they could do.

>in fear that it would collapse
Why would he be afraid of that? A steel skyscraper has NEVER collapsed before or since because of a fire or a plane crash.

I know a woman that went into the police force. Went through and passed the academy, got a decent job etc. She got called in to a situation where a guy was in a building with a gun and she was supposed to watch an entrance. She freaked out and said "I don't want to do that, I might get shot!" It just dawned on her she was in a dangerous profession where she might need to do something besides write tickets. She was of course fired.

>What if Brazil had to invent the airplane? 9/11 would have never happened

You're absolutely right. Damn white people s m h