Are women capable of being redpilled?

Are women capable of being redpilled?

If it's more beneficial to them than the blue-pill

But the redpill is all burdens and suffering, so why would they take it?

No. They just follow the trend and take all they can get. No moral, no remorse.


they will follow anyone that gives them pleasure or a materialistic life style.

OP said women, not men.

If men are strong yes
If men are weak no

not Sup Forums related

The redpill is taking the good with the bad, it is sometimes blackish and sometimes whitish. Black because our countries are being flooded, white because she is important and beautiful.

Redpilling is important for women. They will stay pure for husband, not race mix or make herself retarded with drugs alcohol partying etc, want to raise a good family, etc.

Keep it white and alright up in leafland, brother.

The red pill is Islam, I cant imagine my life if I had not been born Muslim. Islam will liberate all women soon.

Women are mostly apolitical and just do and say what they think is socially acceptable.
This means they will not take the red pill out of their own volition most of the time.
But women are certainly capable of taking the red pill they just need someone (preferably a strong man) to guide them there.
Women are rather easily swayed because they don't hold strong opinions (see above).
Also don't forget that a lot of women get "redpilled"/become conservative once they marry and have children and stuff.

if they lose their virginity to a red-pilled man

only if the man that own them is redpilled and the society/culture supports patriarchy

Gryffix is shrimp pilled.


it is one of earth's rarest phenomenas

only the hot, smart ones

There are very few true female intellectuals. Most woman are a political, or spout whatever is socially encouraged. It's neither good nor bad, many men bitch and moan about it and project their own agency and drive on females. Hating a woman for not being an intellectual is like hating a dog for pooping in the grass. The reasons females suck now is because we suck, we should be focusing on getting rid of the Jewish subversion and leftist university power rather then complaining about an incidental by product.

They are incapable of the political process

i redpilled my gf about race and the holocaust

they only listen to you if they love you

Of course they are.

Yes, my ex girlfriend is 100% redpilled.

Smart, successful, hard working, libertarian, racist, and anti-feminist.

No, they are not political animals.



and you believe it xD
Man, you are a fag