How come white genes are recessive but jewish genes are dominant?

I've read a little bit of Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard, and about the one drop rule. Apparently black genes are dominant over white genes. White genes are recessive to black genes. So if a black and a white breed the offspring is more similar to black. This seems to make sense, because any kind of civilization requires effort to sustain, while it requires no effort, only laziness, to regress to a cruder state.

But I always hear Jews say, and I've read it too, that if the mother is a Jew the offspring is a Jew. So a Jewess can breed with the most savage indigenous tribesman in Papua New Guinea and the offspring will still be a Jew?

Other urls found in this thread:

Interesting, I would also like to know. Pic unrelated.

> t. a middle schooler explaining genetics

holy fuck

They believe that you are a Jew if your mother is a Jew, regardless of what your religion is.

No Jews are anyone that has the answer?

>religious law
Fucking muslims, its because they realized you can't trust a lying whore about who the father is so you can only prove the mother.

Found a long article entitled On Intermarriage The Basis for the Jewish Opposition to Intermarriage. I guess I'll have to read that and maybe there's an answer there, because nobody here seems to know.

Here's another article:


There was a Jew who posted an article on why Jewishness is inherited from the mother. I think I read it. From what I remember it was not the reason you say, it was because the child is closer to the mother and therefore affected more by it, or something like that. I wonder if the same is true for adopted children. I think it was this article, which I'm too tired to read right now:

I know there are Jews on pol. Why aren't any replying?

because whites are an inferior race?

this should be common knowledge by now

Jews made up the Jew mother makes you a Jew, because of their historically heavy involvement in the slave trade going back a very long time. It was so the could get pussy, and still keep themselves pure. Judaism is essentially a race cult. No mamzer {mixed race} shall enter into the assembly of hashem, even to the tenth generation. Dt. 23:3

How does having recessive genes mean you're inferior? As I said, it requires effort to sustain civilization, but no effort to regress to a cruder state. How that statement is relevant might require some elaboration to those who haven't thought about it before. Not sure if I can manage to do that now, because I'm tired. But anyway, you were the one who made an assertion, that whites are an inferior race, and the rule says he who makes an assertion has the burden of proof, so you begin, explain the relevance and reasoning.

Secondly, aren't Ashkenazi Jews closer genetically to white Europeans than to e.g. aboriginals from Papua New Guinea?

Interesting. Is your source for this?

>It was so the could get pussy, and still keep themselves pure.
Maybe I'm too tired but I don't understand this. Elaborate please.

You wouldn't be implying that dominant genes are superior, are you? That's a large misconception.

>It was so the could get pussy, and still keep themselves pure
That makes no fucking sense, since the pussy they would be getting would be from non jewish slaves, meaning their children would not be jewish since the mothers were not jews

>having weak ass genes does not make you inferior
My great grandpa was a full blooded indian from Mexico, his wife was Spanish and they had a mestizo son, my grandpa who then married a woman of Spanish and French descent, and had my dad. My dad has high cheek bones, long jet black hair, strong jawline and mongoloid eye folds (not that strong more hapa looking than anything) all are strong Native American features, even though genetically he is 75% European, he looks like a light skinned Native American. That Native Y chromosome is strong.Meanwhile it only takes one or two generations to completely dilute white genes

The mamzer was not accepted as a Jew. They lived a slave life. The Talmud is a book mostly of loophole to avoid taking responsibility, its the book Jews go by the most.

because of isolation. if a race only mixes by itself, it has no reason to be dominant (whites). but if it is regularly mixing with other races (goys) then their genes would need to be dominant in order to survive.

Intelligence passes through X chromosome. Dumb mothers yield dumb children, smart mothers yield smart children. White women breeding with black men is a net gain, but it hurts everyone's feelings, so we pretend it's a bad thing. Jews have proven otherwise with their jewesses breeding outside of their group and subsequently claiming any child as Jewish. Jew women having kids just works.

They want pussy like everyone else. They deal with slaves that they can fuck, but they didn't want to lose racial cohesion. Knowing that you can't tell people to stop banging your slaves. The Sanhedrin came up with this solution.

yeah buddy, sure.

Look at the IQ distributions. Jews are on top for a reason.

Ok that has nothing to do with my post. OP asked why do Jews have the rule that you can only be a Jew if your mother was a Jew.
Dumbass replied that, Jews created that rule so they could fuck slaves and the kids they had with them would still be considered Jews. If that was the case, then Jewishness would come from the father side, so they could fuck who ever they wanted and the offspring would still be considered Jewish

I know plenty of intelligent women with bad boy fetishes who fucked low iq thugs and ended up with stupid ass kids. I also know intelligent men who ended up with dumb bimbos and their kids ended up pretty smart.

And what does that have anything to do with Jewishness coming from the mother' side, fuckign retard.
This sounds more like, "guise white people were not slave owners, jews were!"

>I saw this thing happen one time! This totally invalidates the rest of the data!
You sound like someone saying black people can be smart just because a few of them have 125+ IQ.
Regression to the norm, pal.

yes, i have noticed that as well, but it is not because of the reason you provided. it is because historically, they lived by scamming people, not by fighting or by forming big societies like us. this would also explain their ability to come up with good economists but not so great artists or scientists. they lived by piggybacking off other people, not really creating anything by themselves.

Because the reality is whites are genetically inferior to just about every other race on earth except maybe a few asians.

The men didn't want their illegitimate kids accepted as Jews, they consider Goyim to be inferior. Only the mother child is considered part of the assembly of hashem, because they could just keep their wives under control and maintain Jewish identity for ever without being washed away. It worked for them.

I am just saying there is no proof to your bullshit claim that intelligence is only inherented from the mother's side. This fucking myth needs to die already

Ok I get what you were trying to say now

White people didn't give there black slave children acknowledgement or inheritances either. Its the same thing except the Jews actually bothered to write it down and make it part of their religion.
>mom has XX
>dad has XY
Dad can only offer what his mom gave him if he and his wife have a daughter. Any son a couple has is doomed to inherit from the mother.
A dumb mother means a dumb child, unless you are having a daughter, and by your lucky stars your own mother was smart, but even then you may have conflicting genes between your X and the wife's X that can result in a dumb daughter. On top of that, it's a daughter, so bye bye to your family name.

The Jews are on top, and persist to stay on top because they claim their ethnicity/race through the mother, and the kids will test higher as a result of having persistent jew X intelligence genes. Likewise, the same would apply for any other mixed kids most likely.

I have a feeling if we dug deeper into IQ distributions of mixed race people and segregated scores by parental races, we'd find bmwf kids test closer to white IQs while wmbf kids test closer to black IQs.

Cool. The Jews do what makes sense for them. It works very well. Their success just often comes at the expense of others. Sometimes it gets them into trouble.

>Implying that recessive genes are inherently inferior
>What is genetics
>What are autosomal dominant diseases

Check this out. They are not the only creatures to do this.

>but not so great artists or scientists
I hate to break it to you but there's lots of great jewish artists & scientists.

I always thought I was just an 8th Jew but then I remembered It was on my mom's side and both mom's before her and after that I'm that side it's all Jewish

Can I join IDF and other Israeli shit?

Do you recommend those books by those guys?


You'll need a blood test for Israeli citizenship. Even a goy can be a sayanim though. They work for Israel without citizenship.

I hate to break it to you but this isn't art. Its crap.
Einstein was a plagiarist and a buffoon with media support.

>You wouldn't be implying that dominant genes are superior, are you? That's a large misconception.
no, I'm not implying that

>Implying that recessive genes are inherently inferior
no I didn't do that

>Do you recommend those books by those guys?
The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy and Revolt against Civilization by Lothrop Stoddard and The Passing of The Great Race by Madison Grant. I've read like a fourth or something of each of them. Having read only that I guess I still recommend them.

I don't see having recessive genes means a race is inferior. I have some vague ideas about why I don't think it does but I'll have to think it through a bit more, then I might also be able to present the arguments even when being as tired as I am right now, just got home from night shift.

What's your source/-es for the ideas you're posting?

Interesting idea. Will have to look into it more, and it's relevance to Jews. I'll also see if the books by Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard mention it. And I'll read those articles I posted about why Jews are against intermarriage. Also, one of the reasons I started thinking about the topic of this thread is that recently I read that Jewish men are abandoning Jewish women because of feminism and going for Asian women and Jewish women are going for Arab men.

>So a Jewess can breed with the most savage indigenous tribesman in Papua New Guinea and the offspring will still be a Jew?

When the Jews came up with this rule in the Talmud men had complete control over their women. The authors never thought of the possibility that a women could decide who breeds her.

The Bible, most of its in Deuteronomy. Leviticus also has some interesting info on how Jews are instructed to deal with goyim. The Talmud is the best source though. Its got the juicy stuff the goyim aren't supposed to know.

This idea that Jewish men wanted to be able to have sex with non-Jewish women and then regard the offspring as unworthy and that's why they created the rule that Jewishness is passed on from the mother, that's in the Bible? Have you read all of the Talmud, or did you find specific passages referenced somewhere?

There are penalties for fucking up.

Ok, I just read one of the articles I posted. This one:

The article is total bs. The author is supposed to be a rabbi but doesn't seem to know anything. He basically says nobody knows why Jews shouldn't intermarry and it's a question they need to find the answer to. And he speculates the reason is you'll feel half of you isn't Jewish. I call bs.

what do you mean?




Karaite jews believe it's through the father.

If intelligence is always inherited from the mother, then I guess it follows that the genes for intelligence are neither recessive nor dominant? Because there are never two women breeding with each other.

what does that have to do with actual genetic science?

thats religious law

are you fucking 12

>jewish genes are dominant?
inbred genes are as destructive as nigger genes so of course they are dominant

Mitochondrial DNA is also directly and only inherited by the mother. You can trace back maternal lineage for generations thanks to that.

*from the mother