Serving Others in Christ

Christians of Sup Forums, I'd like to share something I've been thinking about today, and see what my fellow Christians have to say about it.

As someone who came to Christ only in the past year, there's a lot I'm still learning about. One thing I have to admit I never really connected to is the idea of charity or service -- NOT because I lack empathy, but rather because it seemed almost strange to me to focus on, say, feeding a homeless person, when there are all these other problems that are "closer" to me that need fixing -- helping the people in my own life with their struggles, illnesses, grief, etc., being a better person for my family, and that sort of thing. It almost seemed arbitrary to think of going out and putting my energy toward a problem removed from my own life when there's always so much "at home" that needs that kind of care.

Today, however, it struck me in a new way. As I look at the world around me, I can't help but feel that humanity is an unsolvable problem. I'm sure I don't need to elaborate on what I mean by that. So I'm suddenly seeing this call to service as an answer to that. It's unsolvable at the macro level, but as an individual, I can spread truth, mercy, and grace wherever I go, and there is no place that doesn't need those things, and that is what saves us, in a way, because the world will never be "saved" in the way we want it to be.

I'd be curious to hear what other Christians think. It's been a tricky subject for me, as I don't wish to enable addicts, for example, or to misspend resources.

>inb4 kike on a stick
>inb4 cucktianity is cucked

Other urls found in this thread:

not "unsolvable on a macro level"... you just need to re-imagine Christ as a guerilla war chief directing his Nation/Tribe in a long, pitched memetic battle against sin and death, with all signs pointing to defeat.

And then remember that happened last time, too.

Not a christcuck but heres my 2 cents. Take care of yourself first, even Christ got a job as a handyman/carpenter before he started helping others. Afaik the goal of all christians is to convert other people to christianity so they can be in skydaddy's kingdom. Spread your social values to improve society. Be weary of the jew

Titus 1:10-11

Let God direct you to what He wants from you. Pray, read/consider scripture, pay attention, but don't worry. You belong to Christ.

the goal of Christianity is winning the war. nothing to do with the afterlife. We got the afterlife as we know it from pagan philosophers who tried to dull the revolutionary impact of Jesus' teachings with meaningless philosophical jerkings-off. The real business has everything to do with today, right now. Christ calls for nothing less than the-world-as-God-intended with his people his anointed agents.

I would advise you to forget anything you ever heard in [[[church]]] from a [[[pastor]]].

spoiler alert if you have not read the book:

the jews kill jesus.

>when you claim to spoil and yet do not include the actual spoiler

>We got the afterlife as we know it from pagan philosophers who tried to dull the revolutionary impact of Jesus' teachings with meaningless philosophical jerkings-off. The real business has everything to do with today, right now. Christ calls for nothing less than the-world-as-God-intended with his people his anointed agents.

Is there any sauce and scripture for that? My female baptist preacher told me the opposite

Heavenly father, please stop OP from being a faggot. Do this using your holy electricity. Amen.

Very interesting question indeed. My 2 cents:
- If you do only those things that will benefit you or people you love, wouldn't that be selfish?
- All men are capable of recognizing good and evil. You are going in the footsteps of Christ if they despise you, but can't find any reason to hate you other than your religion.
- Christ and Paul tell us to genuinely love. I can't do it. I feel empathy to some degree but when I help them it always is without commitment and even if it were with commitment I would feel like a hypocrite inside. I do nice things for others based on rationality and I always expect something in return. Really hurts me if I see myself being this way :(

Bring back The Christianity that said, "Gas the kikes, race war now".


>I hilariously believe discussing the most important political event to ever happen is not political discussion

Trump-pence sounds like trumpets

>Is there any sauce and scripture for that?
literally none

That's heresy and you will burn in hell for it.

Great point.

Thanks user, wise counsel.

So far, I don't really feel the love either. Except for old people, actually, for some reason they go right to my heart. So maybe that's where I should be focusing my efforts -- with the elderly.

Don't be too hard on yourself, you're self-aware and you care about being a good person. None of us is morally perfect but we keep striving.

No, you will!

I was like this too for a long while. I would only do the occasional charitable thing because i felt obliged, or out of fear of Hell. After time, however, it began to feel less insincere and more genuine. Sympathy is more of a skill then a innate quality, though its uncomfortable to admit this, it has to be trained.

>as an individual, I can spread truth, mercy, and grace wherever I go
You can do this with or without a religion. If Christianity what caused you to desire this, then great. Im just not sure why you cant be a good person without the mystical stuff.

If you don't "feel the love" realize [[[christianity]]] has been robbed of its most important aspect: it is a fully-orbed operationalized guerilla warfare unit perfectly merged with a high-intimacy high-trust high-commitment "tribe" made up of man and woman, young and old, slave and free, etc. But it does not work if there is no tribe, and it does not work unless everyone is absolutely committed. Think of the energy turned toward something like HWNDU operating instead to bring God's rightful will for Creation to bear. It CAN happen.

It won't, though, unless something important happens.

>Im just not sure why you cant be a good person without the mystical stuff.

Because then where does goodness arise from? What determines it, if not an objective Creator? If you believe that values are inherently relative, goodness in turn is relative. You may not need to believe in God to be a good person, but for an objective good to exist, God is necessary. Biological altruism, in other words, altruism as a sort of mutual beneficial game theory, only works as far as it ensures your own genetic dynasty.

you could just try to do good when the opportunity arises as opposed to just being good all the time.
a bleached butthole still poops

Oh, I was a pretty kind and decent person before I came to Christ. It's not really about that. I feel deeply called to "all the mystical stuff." Even before I came to Christianity, I was always interested in the spiritual/esoteric side of things. It's part of me, it just took me a while to find my home in it.

>Because then where does goodness arise from?
Are you telling me a Shinoist can't do good for a Christian and vice-versa? You HAVE to believe in YOUR Jewish God in order to be able to do good for others? Why?

I hear you, and this is part of why I enjoy discussing these matters here on Sup Forums, where people understand how this spiritual war intersects with our technology, politics, etc. I actually think it's pretty amazing and exciting.

would you like to be redpilled on Christianity? you know... something is "mystical" because its a mystery. and something is only a mystery because you lack understanding of it. are you ready for knowledge or nah?

Only Jesus has unique political resources to really change anything. Only he knows how to deal with Power properly. He deftly defeated them at their own game, and in three hundred years had the emporer of Rome licking dust at the feet of Peter's tomb.

Take your shit to , it doesn't belong here.
(I know you won't, you retaeds never learn but I'll keep telling you anyway)

who was jesus then?

restore the roman empire in it's pagan glory

If you have something to say, user, you should share it.

As far as mystery goes, I'm interested in the incomprehensible. I think the unknowable is inherently valuable and fascinating, and worthy of study.

Doesn't matter. Name one other person whose existence changed more reality. I just think you should do what he says, because he was right and he won.

Why do people always do this? The lack of belief in something does not render in nonexistent. Not believing in germ theory does not make one immune from pathogens. Can people be good without believing in God, of course, because they still exist in a universe where He exists, and thus, as the source of goodness, the ability to be good still remains. Moreover, the fact that people are still able to tap into this source of goodness despite their lack of belief is consistent with a loving God.The issue forever remains, however, that a more perfect understanding is better then an imperfect one. Just like having a better understanding of how germ act can make one healthier, a more perfect knowledge of the actual source of good makes one more likely to be better.

>Jews stole their God and religion from ancient Aryans.
The first truly monotheistic religion was Zoroastrianism, which was created or "received" by an Aryan prophet named Zoroaster. It was formed roughly 500 years before the Jews stopped worshiping clay and bronze idols. While the Jews were in Babylonian captivity they intermingled with Zoroastrians and learned their philosophy. Those who would become the first Jewish priests co-opted or stole the core ideas of Zoroastrianism and began worshiping a single god. The god they chose to worship was YHVH, who prior was a god of war, and just one of the many gods the ancient Hebrews worshiped. The Jews naturally perverted the Zoroastrian religion so it would always benefit the Jew. The Jew became the "Chosen Ones" of God and superior to all other men. Aryans created monotheism and it is nothing like it is today.

>Jesus was born of an Aryan priest and a Jewish woman, so while according to Jewish tradition Jesus was a Jew, he was also an Aryan.
While Scripture claims Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, it is far more likely Jesus was born of a Zoroastrian priest and here's why: he had to learn Zoroastrian philosophy from someone (see next greentext for explanation).


>Jesus taught Aryan theology in an attempt to reform Judaism. He was killed when his teachings became too popular and threatened the Pharisee.
Jesus taught something other than Judaism. Jesus even contradicted Judaism at times. For example, Jesus said: "You have heard it said, 'Eye for an eye, tooth for tooth' but I say to turn your cheek." Eye for an eye is an Old Testament commandment God gave to the Jews, and here he completely goes against it. So what was Jesus teaching? Zoroastrianism. And there's evidence of this in Scripture. When Jesus was on the cross next to the two thieves, he said to the repentant thief: "Today you will be with me in paradise." (Luke 23:43). What's interesting here is that the Jews do not view the afterlife or "Heaven" to be like a paradise. The Jews believe when you die you go to Sheol - a place of darkness that exists literally in the ground. Jesus was revolutionary when he taught about Heaven. So what about "paradise?" The word originates in the Avestan language, which happens to be the holy language Zoroaster used when he wrote the Avesta (basically the Bible of Zoroastrianism). During his final moments, Jesus used an Aryan word to describe a Zoroastrian Heaven.

>Jesus' teachings are only useful to the Jew who seeks reformation and the non-Jewish degenerate who seeks salvation for his/her past ways. Jesus' teachings and the religion based around them are not useful for Aryans, because we do not possess the inherent character flaws the Jew possesses, and of which he needs saving from.
You can argue against this, but Aryans aren't naturally evil, unlike the Jew and others. We created civilization and discovered the Science -- we could have enslaved the entire world how many times over? But we didn't. And yet here the Jew is trying. There is nothing about the Aryan that he/she can't correct through focused effort, but the Jew is flawed by nature. The Jew needs saving, Aryans dont.

I don't think God meant to be obsessed with it, just carry the spirit of charity with you and let it guide you as much as you can. If you were expecting to live up to God's standards, then there would be no point to Christ. The message is, you're going to have to forgive fuck ups, your own and others, but you're human, so you're going to act this way. As long as you try, you'll be good when you ask for Christ to cover for you in the eyes of God.

i never said jesus didnt change society. im asking why you need to worship him in order to be a good person in society.

The Jewish god doesn't exist.

Feed yourself.

>None of us is morally perfect but we keep striving.
Hm I'm just like you and Christian for about a year now. I now see the evil in myself. But with that came a sensation of helplessness. Even if I manage to do good deeds the sensation of being not genuinely good sticks with me and I feel like the worst hypocrite.

But I can't live my life with this constant hypocrisy. I feel like this is a very thing that i have to sort out before moving on. And I can't seem to find anyone who can help me with this problem. All Christians in the Church I was attending seemed to preach water but drink wine in one way or another.

Btw: Recently read some of the works of Martin Luther and can only recommend it.

>The Jewish god doesn't exist.
Then you are conceding that objective value and goodness are illusory.

You experienced a philosophical movement. It's a shame more people don't try to believe in Christianity because it's a mind opening experience trying to reconcile your beliefs to your desires.

tell me something: where did the Jewish god come from?

That is called begging the question. I told you to forget the [[[christian]]] narrative. it is only about life, its protection and flourishing, and the defeat of those who wish to destroy it. Creation is broken. We have no time for clever things.

>Mutant-ass Natsoc/Zeitgeist Stuff


christianity, in its present form, threatens creation. its a religion grounded in fear and rigidity, nor faith or good works. very low energy.

i can back every claim made. just pick one :^)

>worshiping a Jew in 2017
>on Pol

KYS faggot.

Do you not understand the concept of uncreated?]

>Aha! Christianity is merely an extension of older, monotheistic traditions, mixed with greek philosophy

the fact that the ancients had a nebulous understanding of what would ultimately be revealed in full truth later is hardly surprising, considering a God that takes an active interest in human affairs.

>you are being insincere, the the knowledge was clearly based on earlier concepts

as is all of human understanding. in a micro scale this manifests in the maturation of a child's intellect, in the macro scale, with philosophies.


Important reminders, thanks user. You're right.

Ah, this looks perfect, I'm ordering it now. Thank you.

>full truth later
Even Jesus taught Zoroastrian concepts. If it was good enough for him why do you choose a Jewish religion instead?

I can understand how you would feel that way... Are you being too much of a perfectionist about it? I know what you mean about having a hard time finding someone who can help with these matters. This is why I post here instead of going to a pastor at one of the many local SJW churches.

You sound like a good person who's being too hard on yourself.

I can only assume you are quite well-read on the subject. It's cool that you are into self-parody though. That's a sharper edge than the one I don't use on my forelocks.

Hart basically destroys Nihilism/thePostmodernCritique/edgelords with horrifying erudition and incisive wit while explaining why early Christians had, on the whole, a vastly more sufficient and cohesive understanding of epistemology as exposure to a revealed, endlessly contoured Surface rather than the endless mining of logic for the sublime. 10/10 will never read again because it is huge.

>Even Jesus taught Zoroastrian concepts
Because He didn't solely teach Zoroastrian concepts, and several of the big ones, notable dualism, is laughable.

This is the kind of thing I used to read about. I've had a longstanding interest in myth, religion, etc. I'm 34 and I've been into these topics since I was maybe 14. The thing is, during all that time, all that intellectualizing, I never FOUND God. So that brings us back to the "mystical stuff," and my experience becoming Christian. It wasn't necessarily a rational process. I had a spiritual experience, or I guess you could call it an awakening, and I feel that I was literally called to Christ. So no amount of explaining away the mystery can really undo my subjective experience of becoming awakened to the truth of Christianity for me as an individual.

>You sound like a good person
No definitely not.
>too hard on yourself
This isn't it either. Its just that i feel like I have no foundation to build on. And I know that if I don't get this foundation of deep love and sympathy my faith won't survive hard times.

Christians of Sup Forums:
come visit
over on 8ch

its a dedicated christian board
God bless

I would suggest if you are serious about Jesus that you really get in there are do the work of reading good peer-reviewed actually serious history from non-affiliated sources on the subjects at hand. It is of inestimable value to get in touch with the cultural milieu of Early Christianity in order to remove the blinders [[[christianity]]] has fitted everyone with.

Here, have a reading list of stuff that might really shake you entire conception of reality. Or maybe it's faggy. You decide.

You need a People around you for support. True community heals the soul and makes for tender hearts and stalwart spirits. We are built for war, but Jesus was the only-ever one-man army. We need each other badly to succeed.

Sincere thanks, senpai. I will absolutely look into each of these.

For so long I was totally repelled by "Churchian" Christianity. It really kept me far, far away from Jesus. I totally abhor that culture and as you know it's hard to tap into the rivulets of actually valuable information when there's such a problem with the signal to noise ratio.

After spending years at a University I can safely say that peer review is a meme. And seeing how they lie and construct reality nowadays I think history in its entirety may be 10% accurate and 90% fabricated bs.

dualism is just the belief that there is a good force which stands against an evil force. god vs satan. right vs wrong. jesus taught zoroastrianism.

>I never FOUND God
>I had a spiritual experience...and I feel that I was literally called to Chris

If you were living 2000 years ago in ancient Greece you'd feel called to Zeus or perhaps another god of that time and that place. What I'm saying is, you had a real experience that is beyond understanding, so your brain relates the experience to the closest thing you can understand, which happens to be whatever the popular religion of your culture is, which is also likely the familiar religion of your family. Dont you get it? The religion is what hides the original experience.

Also, get off the [[[christian]]] teat. Get some meat on them bones!

I agree with user below that you need some kind of support or community, but it sounds like you're not finding in at church. Which I get, totally. I wish I had a solution for you. But I can tell you that I don't want you to give up, and that I'm rooting for you, sincerely.

It's all about how to know things with degrees of certainty. And I for one am not about to swallow the epistemological black pill. That shit's retarded and shows a distinct lack of discipline. Just because some people are incredible some of the time does not mean no people are credible ever. That is an enormous leap of logic. Not trying to be discouraging; the exact opposite in fact. Some people are goobers, but many many people are good actors trying to do the best they can. Especially in this community, everyone will tell you it's a giant chorus of voices all singing the same song with slightly different lyrics. That's okay. Hear what everyone is singing and draw your own conclusions. But definitely don't take the easy way out.

Hardly. God and satan are not co-equal. Evil, at its core, has always been a corruption and mockery of a preexisting good, which in turn, finds it source in an eternal. uncreated Good. Evil is merely a jumbling around of the proper order. Its an act of free will against the ultimate Will. Its the same reason why satan an lies are so synonymous, because lies are a corruption of truth.

Yes, I understand perfectly what you're saying and why you see it that way -- I simply disagree. I believe there's an objective spiritual reality informing my subjective spiritual experience. You can't logic me out of it -- like I said, it isn't rational, and I'm entirely comfortable with that fact.

because you possess humility. Good for you (but don't be proud if it)

Yes. But be careful. Following Jesus, seeing the world on his terms (which is to say the world as a war between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdoms of the World) will break you. You cannot unsee. I pray you are ready. And when you learn what you need to know, don't forget to name the [[[christian]]].

>I am the LORD.
>I create make good and I create evil.
>I alone do these things.
Isaiah 45:7

There are two kinds of evil, either of which you could be talking about:

Evil according to the Zoroastrian tradition which actually coined the very concept of "evil" or
Evil according to Judaism/Christianity


As a society we don't create laws for the good people. I don't need to consequences to scare me away from raping or murdering someone. Religion works the same way: it's a set of mental laws which the adherent avoids breaking in fear of the consequence (Hell) and hope for reward (Heaven).

If Christianity is maintaining you as a good person, great -- hope its all you ever wanted

It was very nice discussing with you all. I now will attend to more pressing matters (sleeping) but I really appreciated this thread and hope to have more of this kind in the future.

I think I understand what you're getting at. I have children... that's contributed to my transformation greatly. Their souls. It's also made me more aware of how absolutely horrifyingly real evil is, and how rampant. It was a combination of witnessing the political happenings of the past couple years plus becoming a mother (there, I'm outed) that sparked something in me. But those things alone didn't create the change, they just kind of prepared the fertile ground, and then Christ appeared in my life. It was pretty surprising actually.

Godspeed user.

Like I said upthread, I was almost as "good" a person before I became a Christian as I am today. I do understand the practical application of religion in terms of maintaining order in a society. It's just that I don't think that's all there is to it. I believe there is more going on behind the curtain, and I believe that good people are enriched by religion as well -- that it's not JUST a tool for keeping bad people in check. Otherwise there would be no beautiful works of art and music and literature in God's name, no ecstatic devotion, etc.


I came in via being crushed by disappointment after the 2008 election. I was a Ron Paul guy. After that, I asked a serious question: "What would it mean if Jesus was a real world leader, with a real people, a real law, a real Kingdom, and a real agenda."

The answer to that question has taken me deep into unimproved forestland to plan intentional communities and on continent-crossing road-trips to attend to matters of the faith, and even more wonder than I can imagine. I have met REAL HUMANS, do you understand? REAL HUMANS. REAL people, like we were before. We can become PEOPLE again! It's true! It's real! Your children can grow up to be the kinds of Creations God had in mind when he devised us in the furnace of Creation. It's all true! IT'S ALL TRUE!

Jews stole monotheism from Aryans.
Jesus taught Aryan spirituality to Jews.
And yet here you are clinging to Jewish traditions.

Explain yourself.

Dat's sum heresy, right dere. "Death, whereis thy victory? O grave, where is thy sting?"
Also, Romans 6: "Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.
For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the sinful body might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin. For he who has died is freed from sin. But if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. For we know that Christ being raised from the dead will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. The death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God. So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus."

I think you're on to something, OP. It is too deep a mystery for me, but I'm reminded of the way a theology professor once explained it. Being a part of the Body of Christ means sharing in His life, like all the parts of my body live by my one life. Christ's divine life consists in God's knowledge and love of Himself. Therefore being part of Christ's body is a sharing in that love. God's love for Himself is also the reason He created anything, out of a pure desire that His Goodness be good for more and more beings. By that very same love, which we share in, God also sustains in being all He has made. So in sharing Christ's life, we share in His life-giving, creative love for everything in the whole universe.

Have a good Holy Week and a happy Easter, bro.

>I create make good and I create evil.

it is clear from the context, that the reference is too calamity, (which it sometimes is translated as) i.e. plague, earthquakes, what not, not moral evil.

Evil according to the Zoroastrian tradition which actually coined the very concept of "evil" or
Evil according to Judaism/Christianity

i contrasted both.

>muh context

like debating a Muslim...

Resurrection =/= Disembodied Platonic Soul Magic Harp Party

Christians aren't utilitarians.
Avoid sin and seek to be as good as you're able in your own life.
There is no principle of "good maximization" in Christianity. People who maintain there is haven't read the Bible.

I am not a Christian, nor do I adhere to any set religious beliefs. However (and perhaps because I was raised in various Christian religions in my youth) I did develop a strong belief in the power of service.
By sacrificing your own time that could be spent enriching your own life to perform service for those in need, you not only help the individual meet the need, but you also set an example to others, while broadening your own perspectives. This often occurs through the conversations and experiences witnessed while performing your service.
Everyone should serve, any way they can. Your personal beliefs regarding your existence do not have to be a part of this at all.

I adopted three African orphans and brought them into my home today. We aren't rich and don't have the largest home, but we made space in our daughters' room for them. What we lack in space, we will make up in love.

Praise Rabbi Jesus, king of Israel and moshiach of the Jewish people!

I agree, the resurrection is a bodily one. Like Christ's. That's why it's called a resurrection like his.

>Implying there isn't a difference between moral evil and incidental misfortunes.

>muh context
inevitable consequence of dealing with language, friend. Have you not realized this in all your years of speaking?

See that is both heartbreaking and wonderful to hear, because I worry a lot about my kids in terms of the culture surrounding them, and I feel constantly displaced, like I don't fit in anywhere. I yearn deeply for community but everywhere I look it's all fucked up and crazy. My husband and I are going in circles trying to figure out where to raise our kids so they'll have a shot at being real people with a support system comprised of other real people. When I go to events at my son's preschool I get so disheartened upon meeting the other parents. I want so badly for people to be sane again so we can all just live decent, healthy lives together.

>Pretense that compassion is pathetic
>Singing a different tune on the twink chain gang when Bad Possible Future happens

the ancient and even modern Judaism there was no difference between moral evil and physical "evil" as in calamity. every mental or "spiritual" action has a physical action and vice versa. Muh context is God created good and evil, light and darkness. How come?

Happy Easter, and thanks for that! I love what you said there. Those are great points your professor made, and apply perfectly here.

Adopting orphans is all well and good, but doesn't charity start at the home? Why not adopt American orphans? Or better yet you could use the money that your spending on them to help your daughter better her future.

>defending literal cuckoldry

I gotta go user. I would suggest looking into the group who posted that video I embedded above. Stellar people, especially if you want your family to grow in the context of other totally committed believers. Not [[[christian]]] at all.

Thanks, I will! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Be well!

On what grounds would you say there's anything morally wrong with King Ooga Booga slowly torturing you to death?
Or is the most substantive objection you can muster "I don't like this", as the life slowly drains from your body?

> Judaism

Like I give a shit what judaism thinks. No shit, jews now (and then) believed this material existence was the end all be all. An incomplete truth, like I had said. Christ firmly rejected this, the beatitudes, among counties other examples, speak to this. Truth became complete in Christ. The notion that God's Kingdom is were individuals find justice puts to bed that a moral God needs to pay everyones dues in this life. Its the very reason why christianity was founded on the backs of death martyrs.

Have fun with your natsoc manstrength in the Cannibal Wars, my man. I hope they don't eat your dozen beautiful Aryan children. I'll be over here with the King of the Universe defeating evil. If you need a hand during the Bad Possible Future, just give us a call. We'll help you out!

so why do you honor jewish traditions? why do you believe in jewish history, like the story of moses and abraham, despite them being debunked even by jews? why do you maintain ANY connection with the jews at all?

It's an issue, because obsession with the [[[afterlife]]] makes people complacent here and now. Don't get me wrong. Everyone comes back to life. Not everyone stays that way. Anyhow have a good night!

>worshiping a god who can do anything but doesnt and lets people starve on the streets

what a fucking joke