DAILY REMINDER: The United States of America has never won a war

Here's the deal:
War against yourself and to found your nation do not count, as you were fighting yourself / not yet yourself.

Now who's left?
WW2? C'mon, you have to be kidding me. A 10v2 isn't a war.
You only lost 0.35% of your population. This is what you call a war? Give me a break. It's a joke.

Vietnam war? You lost.
Korea war? You lost. In case you forgot: NK is communist today.

And if you bring up the Gulf wars then the thread is already over because you conceded the argument. A nuclear capable modern state against a WW1-tier trench warfare Iraq is not a war, it's not even a fight.

I hope to God that some day americans will understand that they are posers, straight up.

Other urls found in this thread:


Austria literally never won a war.

Every territorial gain Austria ever made was acquired by their inbred nobility fucking each others cousins and sisters until it somehow resulted in annexing more Slavs.

Also the Poles had to save your asses from the Turks.



Quit LARP'ing.

Lost the War on the U.S.S. Liberty too, be sure to mention that next time.

that deflection haha. Looks like I won this argument already.
Austria was pretty much always shit, I can agree to that.
Do you agree to the same regarding the USA?

Let's stop pretending like the Allies weren't getting their asses handed to them in WWII before the USA came to fight.

Barbary Wars
Mexican-American War
>Inb4 fighting some beaners isn't a war.
Spanish-American War.

Just to name a few.

But I'm willing to guess that those wars aren't "real wars," to you either. Gulf War probably won't count too since the US was part of a coalition.

Wars are never "fair" or "equal." the majority of wars are completely one sided with one side totally dominating the other. Just because a war is a curbstomp doesn't mean it's not a victory for the winning side.

Yes it has, just not on its own.

We have won the most important war: the war for your minds. You speak our language, use our technology, and buy our products. Your governments only act in a manner approved by our government and your citizens are playthings for our government. You serve our interests and the interests of Israel. Deal with it.

Straight from the horse's mouth:


watch and weep

>Poland, Belaruss, Ukraine separately
>Latvia, Lithuania separately,
>USSR together
this is the stupiest graphc I ever seen

I agree that Poland shouldn't be counted as a country, it's more like a cornfield.

>what is the USSR
Don't get me wrong, we're grateful, it's thanks to you we weren't under commie rule after the war, but to be honest, the Russians would have won easily even without your help.

>says Austria
fucking really

>Poland shouldn't be counted as a country
They certainly are more country-material than you ever were, South Germany.

> a mortality rate of 9.5 (out of 1,000) in a population of 1,000 would mean 9.5 deaths per year in that entire population, or 0.95% out of the total.

USA has ~5 mortality rate, which means that WW2 literally LESS people died than from natural causes. Remember: The war is counted over several years.
I repeat: You literally lost more people from natural causes than from WW2.

hmmm let's see
>american revolution
>war against Libyan pirates
>war of 1812
>american indian wars (all of them)
won plus added bonus of genociding the population and creating a white homeland for 200+ years
>civil war
>Mexican American war
>Spanish American war
>WW1 (even though we shouldn't have entered IMO)
won--without US intervention, it would have ended in stalemate
>WW2 (even though we shouldn't have entered IMO)
Won--without US aid, oil, capital, and armaments, Soviets wouldn't have been half as well equipped, not to mention our actual troop involvement
won, even against endless hordes of Chinese commies, we kept South Korea capitalist and its now one of the most advanced countries on earth
>Vietnam (even though we shouldn't have entered IMO)
we won, withdrew, and then didn't keep our promise. S Vietnam would still exist today if it weren't for the US not keeping its promise because of the Democrats. youtu.be/7hqYGHZCJwk
>Gulf War
>Iraq War (even though we shouldn't have entered IMO)
well in a conventional sense we won because we toppled and destroyed Saddam. Obviously the nation building didnt go so well
>Afghan War (even though the American Government was in on 9/11)
lost--then again, it wasn't a conventional war and the Afghans had the advantage of insurgency

>tfw won every single conventional war in your history
Stay butthurt europoors

a sign of success

not exactly, no. The US' aid to the USSR was absolutely necessary for their war efforts, especially the oil.

>china 20 million
Why do Chinese loving dying so much?

do you wanna know WHY?


> mfw americans literally dont read more than the headline
> mfw all the memes about americans are true

>didn't actually refute any of my points
welp guess you concede the argument then that we won all of the conventional wars we've ever fought? Thx

oh im sorry, you dont read my post but you want me to read yours?
doesnt quite work that way bud

420 blaze it

I read your post and refuted it--you could argue that the Korean War ended in a stalemate, but it was defensive at first so I would consider it a victory.

In any case, we still have quite an impressive track record: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States

They won wars against Spain and Mexico. And redskins.

our main fight was with the japs though, we only fought the nazis because they defended them. Look at the casualties for the japs then look at ours. We fucking decimated them on their home turf thousand of miles from home. The U.S will always be a fucking force to be reckoned with, a "sleeping giant" if you will. I fear its about time it awakened you flies have been buzzing a little to loudly desu.

US lend lease won WW2, not US fighting.

…Boт ceйчac гoвopят, чтo coюзники никoгдa нaм нe пoмoгaли... Ho вeдь нeльзя oтpицaть, чтo aмepикaнцы нaм гнaли cтoлькo мaтepиaлoв, бeз кoтopых мы бы нe мoгли фopмиpoвaть cвoи peзepвы и нe мoгли бы пpoдoлжaть вoйнy... Пoлyчили 350 тыcяч aвтoмaшин, дa кaких мaшин!.. У нac нe былo взpывчaтки, пopoхa. He былo чeм cнapяжaть винтoвoчныe пaтpoны. Aмepикaнцы пo-нacтoящeмy выpyчили нac c пopoхoм, взpывчaткoй. A cкoлькo oни нaм гнaли лиcтoвoй cтaли. Paзвe мы мoгли быcтpo нaлaдить пpoизвoдcтвo тaнкoв, ecли бы нe aмepикaнcкaя пoмoщь cтaлью. A ceйчac пpeдcтaвляют дeлo тaк, чтo y нac вce этo былo cвoe в изoбилии
— Кapпoв B. B. Mapшaл Жyкoв: Oпaлa. — M.: Beчe, 1994.

…Bce этo пpивeлo к ocлaблeнию нaшeй oбopoнocпocoбнocти и пocтaвилo Coвeтcкий Coюз пepeд cмepтeльнoй yгpoзoй. Здecь yмecтeн вoпpoc: кaким oбpaзoм выйти из этoгo бoлee чeм нeблaгoпpиятнoгo пoлoжeния? Я дyмaю, чтo cyщecтвyeт лишь oдин пyть выхoдa из тaкoгo пoлoжeния: coздaть yжe в этoм гoдy втopoй фpoнт гдe-либo нa Бaлкaнaх или вo Фpaнции, мoгyщий oттянyть c вocтoчнoгo фpoнтa 30—40 нeмeцких дивизий, и oднoвpeмeннo oбecпeчить Coвeтcкoмy Coюзy 30 тыcяч тoнн aлюминия к нaчaлy oктябpя c. г. и eжeмecячнyю минимaльнyю пoмoщь в кoличecтвe 400 caмoлeтoв и 500 тaнкoв (мaлых или cpeдних). Бeз этих двyх видoв пoмoщи Coвeтcкий Coюз либo пoтepпит пopaжeниe, либo бyдeт ocлaблeн дo тoгo, чтo пoтepяeт нaдoлгo cпocoбнocть oкaзывaть пoмoщь cвoим coюзникaм cвoими aктивными дeйcтвиями нa фpoнтe бopьбы c гитлepизмoм.
— Пepeпиcкa Пpeдceдaтeля Coвeтa Mиниcтpoв CCCP c Пpeзидeнтaми CШA и Пpeмьep-Mиниcтpaми Beликoбpитaнии вo вpeмя Beликoй Oтeчecтвeннoй вoйны 1941-1945 гг. B 2 - х тoмaх 1958: M. Гocпoлитиздaт

translate pls

>Let's stop pretending like the Allies weren't getting their asses handed to them in WWII before the USA came to fight.
American education at its best.

... Now they say that the Allies never helped us ... But it can not be denied that the Americans drove so many materials without which we could not form our reserves and could not continue the war ... We got 350 thousand cars, yes What kind of machines! .. We did not have explosives, gunpowder. There was nothing to equip rifle cartridges. Americans really helped us with gunpowder, explosives. And how much they drove the sheet steel to us. Could we quickly establish the production of tanks, if not for US steel assistance. And now they represent the matter in such a way that we all had it in abundance
- V.V. Karpov. Marshal Zhukov: Opal. - M .: Veche, 1994.

... All this led to a weakening of our defenses and put the Soviet Union before a mortal threat. Here the question is pertinent: how to get out of this more than unfavorable situation? I think that there is only one way out of this situation: to create this year a second front somewhere in the Balkans or in France, which can draw 30-40 German divisions from the eastern front, and simultaneously provide the Soviet Union with 30,000 tons of aluminum to Early October with. And a monthly minimum aid of 400 aircraft and 500 tanks (small or medium). Without these two types of assistance, the Soviet Union will either fail or be weakened to the point that it will lose the ability to help its allies for a long time with its active operations on the front of the struggle against Hitlerism.
- Correspondence of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR with the US Presidents and Prime Ministers of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In 2 volumes of 1958: M. State Publishing House

thx bb

Europoors and Soviet shills BTFO

Drove the British out of our territory. Utterly defeated the Indian savages. Burned Toronto to the ground. Burned Mexico City to the ground. Took Manilla. Took Havana. Invaded Western and Southern Europe. Invaded North Africa. Defeated and occupied Imperial Japan. Captured Pyongyang. Took Panama City. Took Kabul. Took Baghdad. I don't know I feel okay with our accomplishments compared to Austria, whose last big win was in 1683 defeating someone whom you now happily allow into your country to fuck your wife.

I didn't lose the war against your mom, hence why you exist today.
she should have taken the money for the abortion

They beat Mexico once. And Spain.

I suppose that's something.

>Drove the British out of our territory.

The French, Spanish and Dutch did that for you.

>Utterly defeated the Indian savages.

Pic related.

>Burned Toronto to the ground.

And then had your capital burnt, your army wiped out, your navy obliterated, your country bankrupted and the New England states attempting to secede. Big success.

didn't you get BTFO by Spain over an island?

Our wars matter. Nobody gets the places we invade wrong.

Your shitty little wars are irrelevant.

950,765 Communists killed in Vietnam
1.3 Million in Iraq, Afghan, and Paki

Don't be upset you can't be great like us britbong

>The French, Spanish and Dutch did that for you.
Damage control.
>Some obscure battle
Meanwhile we obliterated their entire race.
Your army torched DC, credit where it's due. I am fine conceding that victory to you, just not to Canadians when they try to claim it since those ice niggers had nothing to do with it. You still got your ass kicked at New Orleans and we remain independent.

we didn't lose vietnam the commies took it after we left thanks to pussyfooted democrats releasing our hold, same thing is happening again in the middle east, people will say we lost and it was a disaster even though we kicked the living shit outta you roaches

Oh if only we didn't lose that damn revolutionary war, we'd be an independent country by now!

>(*in bias*)

>mfw OP is a total bait posting queer

Hurr durrr what is the war for independence.

We beat the most powerful empire in the world
with muskets faggot

>the french and dutch did that for you
only help from the French was their Navy. Most of the feet on the ground on our side (80%+) were American

>a single battle of 1k casualties
kek you sure won that argument huh? (despite the fact that the US genocided indians and took ALL of their land)

>muh 1812
yeah it was more of a stalemate than a win, but hey, remember the battle of New Orleans?

>navy obliderated
not really no

>post War of 1812 was so comfy that it's literally called the Era of Good Feelings
Fuck, I don't know how we recovered from such a devastating and decisive defeat so quickly.

Nice proxy.

>tfw nobody knows about the Philippine war because so many war crimes were committed it isn't taught in history how bad a country got BTFO


why would i proxy with a country that's almost as shitty asthe UK?

Superior Finland not even on the list. Feels good being literally a god tier race

>lost the Afghan War
Last I checked our sock puppet government is still in charge over there

Las time I checked Netanyahus sock uppet government is still in charge over there

>civil war won
Are you serious? How can a country lose a civil war ?
Definitely lost : not militarly but politically. A complete disaster.
But other arguments are ok

not really. I can't find an updated map, but the government we set up is barely functional, the taliban insurgents control large sections of the country, and ISIS too.

Last time I checked yo--... who are you again?

In that case we still won if you consider the fact that Vietnam is very capitalist today. Politically and ideologically, we won.

get the fuck out of my country you delusional fat piece of shit

neither did Austria

Oh man did you just call me irrelevant? How on earth can I ever recover? At least I dont live in a cuckold kangdom like you. I got that going for me at least

did you watch the video?

I would argue that we did win--but then stopped caring and withdrew support for the South Vietnamese because of the dems.

>civil war
well the US government DID win against the CSA (although I wish it didn't), through sheer manpower and luck (the invasion of Maryland really should have been successful but for a stupid mistake that led to Gettysburg).

>You lost every war
>Except all these wars you did win which I won't count because I don't want to

Also we won Korean war

The borders returned to pre invasion borders.

To my knowledge they don't control any major cities but yeah the insurgency is ongoing. I would say though that "ongoing" =/= a loss.

I just googled your country and it's showing me a picture of Short Round from Temple of Doom... ??

kek. I'm probably less fat than you, pic related

Hmm... We can debate, but I don't think Vietnam is now capitalist BECAUSE of the Vietnam war... In this case, the French have won the Indochina war too (which is faaaaar from true ahah)

I dont know what either of those things are but I just googled your country and all that showed up was interracial cuck porn

we lost politically and ideologically after we stopped caring (after we won militarily and politically), but after the Nams were reunited, capitalism won

I think that's your search history Genghis

it's true that Google biases your search results based on your history

I must admit I had not. Very interesting video. But I still think the fact it was higly impopular in the US population is an aspect of the war, and that if you withdraw because of the politics, it's as if the war was lost (like Germany during WW1 which was not militarly defeated)

the fucking facepalm is strong

No its actually the history of america. They even fought a war to make cuckoldry legal

>boasts about burger "victories"
>an amerilard in Paris
All is revealed.

the US popular opinion doesn't mean shit. It's the military actions that decide the result of the war.

what is revealed? That I'm rich and intelligent enough to live independently in a foreign country (Paris no less)?

you sure burned me, huh, I'm so rich

The history of America is interracial cuck porn? We occupy like half the planet, idk I feel like we've probably done more cucking than we've had done to us. Maybe even you... aren't you near Germany or something? You're that Asian country in Europe right?


Yes the history of america is a bunch of "white* cucks who got BLACKED by slaves and jews and now their on the verge of collapse. That is the history of Cuckmerica. Beoynd that you have no history nor culture tbqh fämäläm

On a more serious note, it's not that much of an achievement. I'll be moving to Germany in October. All depends what you do and how you manage your money.


Yeah it's not saying much if you already have enough capital


in* Paris, no less

You think? We have 197,000,000 non-Hispanic whites here. Also we made $18 trillion dollars last year. I'm really not getting the BLACKED AND COLLAPSING sensation.

Now I remember! You're the ones famous for grandfather clocks, that's it



Why did you leave out the 6 trillion jews and niggers you have over there? "white" americucks absolutely love black men. They watch them in sports and they watch their wifes and daughters fuck them. Interracial cuckery is accepted in cuckmerica

wow did you color it yourself? good boy now get back in the cuckshed

Slight hyperbole, but basically true. In addition to fighting yourself and 10v1, you should also exclude our Indian Wars. What you are left with is this.

>Barbary Wars
More of a pirate culling operation so this one is arguable
>Spanish-American War
Legit victory but the Spanish barely showed up

Other than that, yeah, we've never really actually fought a war.

Actually we have 37 million blacks, not quite as many as 197 million or 6 trillion but they probably don't have math wherever you're from.

Also I'm now confident that it was in fact your search history.

wait... didn't Shia Lebeouf go to Finland to stay in one of your world-renouned cucksheds?


37 million bulls your wife can choose from. KEK a true cuckmerican. Do you prep your wifes bull or no? you just watch or no?

idiot. Read the thread

What? Is everyone in Norway this perverted??

>Reading some lengthy autistic argument by some tripfag attention whore on an user website

Yeah no.

No reason to hide it. We can tell by the flag that you live the gay cuck lifestyle Billy Bob. I was just asking simple questions.

>37 million blacks

The African American population in the United States is closer to 50 million.

The white population sits at about 63.5% of the US.
The black is about 14%

The entire US population as of 2016 is 324,000,000
That makes 45,000,000 mostly-black, dominant-allele Americans.


>lost the war of 1812
>lost the civil war
>lost in korea
>lost in vietnam
>lost in afghanistan
>lost in iraq
>lost the cold war

Sir I can see that you're very upset right now but I can't help you with your sexual fetishes. You should reconsider this sort of boorish behavior as it reflects very poorly on yourself and the people of Latvia.

Fake news.

I cant help but cringe at your posts americuck. Did you come here from /r/ the donald?