She won

She won.

Get that through your thick fucking skulls.

She. Won.

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The PEOPLE wanted Hillary.

(((people))) and """people"""

She won... a ticket to obscurity.

Apart from Russian bots and sister fucking meth-addicted hicks, what kind of "people" voted for Trump?

thanks for your valuable contribution to the political discussion. brilliant.


Give me a quick rundown on the difference.

>sister fucking meth-addicted hick
Fucking intolerant classist bigot. :^)

>United States
>Completely ruled by Commifornia and New York

Yeah that's going to be a succes..

Don't call me a Russian bot.

She's 100x better than Trump.

At least she wouldn't have pulled a 180 on every issue.


This is you and every libtard since November.

(((people))): jews
"""people""": niggers

They voted for Hitler, they don't deserve any civility or respect.

Maybe you should spend less time posting drivel on Mongolian Sock Knitting message boards and more time researching how elections actually work in Burgerland.

Also, saged.

Not a democracy this is a republic. Popular vote means nothing not to mention millions of those votes are dead people, illegals, and fraud.

I would actually suggest that the winner is the one currently sitting in the White House.


no she didnt

So you fall into the latter category?

Oh yeah she wouldn't do what she's done her whole life.

You can't change the rules AFTER playing the game

>what she's done her whole life.
Selflessly serve the community and break glass ceilings?

Keep her promises?

Fags and Mexicans aren't people

its not a popular vote election so no, she didnt win


nice shitpost, bud


Name one country on earth where you can win by popular vote without a majority.

I like how salty you are hmmm..

bait thread is bait

You're going to get raped to death in prison.

Get it through your measly, $0.02 paid brain.

Your bosses did pic related, and if you're lucky, they'll do you too before you become literal jail bait.

Couple .45 slugs in the back of your head won't be as painful as what's waiting for you in federal pen

No she didn't you fucking autist do you have any idea how the electoral college works?

The Electoral College was put in place specifically so she wouldn't win. Saged

>Remember how the electoral college works from social studies, even though I was fucked up the whole time
>it's been a thing for 200 years

I thought liberal cucks paid attention in school?

She got her policies through.

>drumpfkins think drumpfy won
ummm no sweetie, Hillary actually won the popular vote by 3. Million. Votes. since I know you drumpfilstiltskins can't do math all that well, let me tell you how big of a number that is; that's half the Jews who died in the Holocaust. Only suburban and rural retards voted for drumpf, educated city people like myself voted for Hillary, and you racist inbred cishet white male fucks ruined it all

she fucking won

If I see correct, about 63 million people wanted Trump.

So who are these "people" of yours?


It does not matter who you vote for in the USA. Elections are FAKE here. I dunno why people pretend otherwise? Too much TV?

Wait, don't Hillary supporters love Trump now? He's doing exactly what Hillary promised to do. Why does it matter which is in office?

Subtracting the illegal votes and shady shit...She did not win...She won the popular vote through population centers like California and New York.

>an australian complaining about burger politics
Deal with your own chink and emu problem first you fucking descendant of an exiled criminal

This isn't even a shill. This is just a shitty shitpost. -2496/10. Kys.

>shills shilling shills general


>implying this is even a shill and not a drunk shitposting aussie


>implying the blacks and hispanics who voted people.

illegals voting for her and dead people voting for her and voter fraud and soros' voting machines DO NOT FUCKING COUNT...

so she had about half of those votes dumbass.

>Implying the racist white pieces of shit who voted Drumpf are people

Friendly reminder that if you subtract the MILLIONS of illegal Russian votes cast in the election, she would have won the electoral college too.


>implying australians are people
I know there's just an oversized spider tapping on a keyboard behind your flag.


Well obviously. Name one country on earth where you can win by popular vote without a majority.

>what kind of "people" voted for Trump?

anyone who falls prey to reverse psychology

the television told them not to vote for Trump so everybody did, very simply psychology there basically the same sales pitch they used to sell cocaine in the 80s

>implying bloodthirsty Anglos are people

You missed the joke.

cool flag


she won, we get it. lol

>mexico's government
>not an oxymoron

won and still lose, now thats a loser.

shouldn't you be fighting off hordes of angry roos or something?

Mexico is standing up to Trump and his stupid wall. They're not paying a single cent for that fucking wall.

The same counties in PA, WI, MI, OH, and FL that voted for Obama in 12 voted for Trump. So it only took them 4 years to turn into racists? Why weren't black people being racist when 95% of then voted for Obama?

Yep, and it feels great to know we have a female presi-
Oh wait :^)

we wuz winners n sheiiit

The black vote was heavily suppressed in those countries. If the RepubliKKKans hadn't gotten away with their modern Jim Crow voter suppression laws, those counties would have stayed Democrat.

Make no mistake, this election was stolen. The FBI, the GOP and Russia were all in collusion to steal a historic win for Hillary and for women in general.

The cartel isn't a democracy, but okay send Hillary to be President of Mexico then.


>She won at going around the monopoly board the most times but went bankrupt

>She won at racking up the most yardage but didn't get as many touchdowns

She didn't win. She lost.

could someone make a version of these with laugh tracks.

all it takes if for one state to switch to AV, and there would not be any such thing as the popular vote anymore


rural and suburban retards

Mexicans are such lovely people, aren't they?


>She won.


SHitlery won because of California
SHiltery is president of California

Shut the fuck up and let this lady run the country you fucking idiot


She did. ATM Hillary is wearing a Trump's costume and leading US.

>male republics lead to female democracies and they lead to chaos

I no longer have any problem with this.

She can be president for all I care, as long as the orange traitor can't come anywhere near the White house.

Because black people refused to vote for a white person after Obama not because of voter ID laws.

Most of Obama's votes in those States came from white people. And those same racist white people that voted for Obama flipped and voted for Trump. So how exactly are they racist? You haven't even met any of them and you're calling them racist. That's racist.


i am college educated, blue blood rich and I am a Trump Supporter.

Liberals are shit tier

holy shit it's the """serb""" CTR shill
how you doing, buddy

Sorry, but my candidate didn't lose to a racist cartoon frog

The Electoral College thinks differently.

She lost. That's why she is a nobody and Trump is the President.

we need /mlpol/ back

Trust me if I could have voted for HITLER I would have in a hearbeat.

not here she didn't

Normally Australia, you're just funny bunnies. But in this case. I agree with you. You dumb nigger.

You have to go back!!! sage polyp