Does ANYONE actually think we will pay off the national debt?


Other urls found in this thread: the collapse

If we do, it'll be with deeply devalued dollars.

It's not mathematically possible. All of the dollars loaned into existence by the Federal Reserve are loaned at interest, meaning there aren't enough dollars in existence to repay both the principle and the interest.

In any case, trying to repay the debt would mean no more dollars in existence. That's a deflationary collapse. It's an impossible system from the way you frame it.

Is more realistic. The only way the system survives is through constant devaluation (inflation).

There is no means of avoiding a final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved

yes it will be paid off
with dollars worth a fraction of what they are today

remember to buy your guns, food, water, bullets, silver, land, and gold folks, you're in for a wild ride

Why do we owe so much fucking money.

The taxes keep on going up of that there is no doubt
But still they just can't take it in as fast as they dish it out
Our national debt is monster size and growin' every day
Our children's children, still unborn are gonna have to pay

Our dollar used be the soundest money on this earth
But now two bucks won't even buy a good old dollar's worth
Unless we stop inflation and take care of what we've got
The Communists may win the fight and never fire a shot

ive heard that

10% inflation a year would "help" ive read

Stop asking questions.

we keep voting for politicians who spend money we dont have

The only thing holding this world together is debt. As long as the US can sell bonds for its debt, the status quo will continue. Or if the US raises taxes and lowers spending, then the debt will decline. But the moment the US has to print money to pay its debt, is when the party comes to an end. The US may have to choose between its military and the Great Society. I have no idea which would emerge on top.

Because we allowed our country to once again be taken over by the Rothschild bankers. It's a rigged system.

If you'd like to learn more, please read, "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffen. It should be taught in schools.

>It's not mathematically possible. All of the dollars loaned into existence by the Federal Reserve are loaned at interest, meaning there aren't enough dollars in existence to repay both the principle and the interest.

Glad that the 2nd post already gave the correct answer and not 500 newfags shilling each other.

Of course not. Your entire nation runs on debt and bankruptcy. Why do you think you introduced the credit card?

debt is ok, and it depends what you spend it on

we have way to much debt (% to GDP) and we squandered the money we borrowed

just my opinion

We cut taxes and raise spending, like any other nation in decline.

Bitcoins, once the American people will finally see the light and leave the Rothschild's dollar behind and accept the third coming of Jesus (Bitcoin) there will be no more debt.

its impossible. jews made it so with imaginary debt created literally from nothing - simply change a ledger number and bam free money made for themselves at your expense. canada had a national bank until a certain point on this graph of our debt. you might be able to guess the exact moment we sold our national bank to jews. apparently trudeau, an economic major, believed it was better to have compound interest on all loans for the government going forward and that backing your money by gold and loaning interest free to yourself was a bad thing. it pays for hte trudeau foundation and got his drama teacher faggot son elected, so he got his money's worth i guess.

for reference, canada had no major issues with the great depression since our bank could control the money supply. it was still a depression, but no one jumping out of buildings, no banks shorting other banks and buying them up for pennies on the dollar and profiting from everyones despair. we built highways and the st lawrence seaway during the time we had a national bank too. seaway was a billion dollar venture if you adjust for inflation. yet we paid for it and paid it off with 0 impact on the fucking debt of the country. fuck trudeau. fuck jews. youll never pay back trillions of dollars in debt with compound interest. its impossible. jews designed it that way and made laws to keep it that way.


Because the government spends $20k every year on your behalf just like you vote for but you only pay $3k in taxes

An annual inflation rate of 10% would possibly clear out the debt, but, it would also create a spending bubble and if foreign support for US$'s stops, then hyperinflation followed by hyperdeflation.

Dude, just like, print more money

>muh gov't
It's mainly the American people that built up the debt after everyone could get a credit card and "buy" whatever the fuck they wanted with money that never existed in the first place.

That's not the national debt though. That's the banker debt, which eclipses the national debt by several orders of magnitude.

Even if we were to some how reset the national debt, the international banking debt is off the charts impossible. You could tax everybody at 100% for the next 100 years (i.e. nobody ever has any money ever again) but in that case global GDP would also be zero so it wouldn't even pay off the international debt.

We're all slaves to whoever controls the imaginary numbers under the current regime.

Hmm, you think maybe an 11 billion dollar wall on the Mexican border would be over spending government money on a project which won't actually have that great of an effect on Mexican immigration? Really activates my almonds...

Turd Sr. and Turd Jr. will be responsible for most of that debt when all is said and done. They put the Papacy and despot in Rome before their own countrymen. The Bank of International Settlements is the central bank of all central banks and is run from Basel in the Papal state of Switzerland.

A sure sign a country has been infected with a terminal case of Papal cancer is a Jew pogrom. Old game is old. The real empire needs a patsy and proxy to hide behind obviously.

That's exactly what the European Central Bank is doing.

Stfu, this is not a thread about Trump

no, whos gonna be the repo man coming to collect from yousa?

Maybe if the United States tapped into new forms of energy we could get our economy booming again, instead Trump wants to invest in outdated fucking coal.


Intrest is slavery.

Jews and the combination of voting + entitlement programs.

This Finn gets it. Now that almost the entire world is in the same position, all the US has to do is be the best of the worst to maintain its global bargaining power for whatever comes next.

Coal makes sense as an easy interim option. You can't drain all the gas out of your tank before you try to drive to the wind mill store or the thorium mine or whatever.

I'm not sure if debt actually means something when you are a superpower with the world's strongest military, but if it does, then Al Qaida and the Taliban won the wars. If you manage to get the US to drop a bomb that costs a crazy amount of money on some dude in slippers with a rusty AK47, over and over again, you're basically winning by waging economic warfare.

Although you're mostly right, the Euro system is quite different in it's design than the US$. The Euro isn't meant to be backed by bonds, and, the ECB is supposed to create inflation when goods prices are falling.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but since most of the debt is owned domestically can't the country theoretically just do a massive debt forgiveness and reduce the debt by like 60%?

How much of it is owed to Americans?

Paying down the debt is literally impossible. There is more debt than there is currency in existence. And debt is being made much faster than currency.

That would erase trillions of dollars in assets instantly and would cause massive banking problems.

Every single american needs to ask themselves, why does the 2nd amendment exist?

Ask the founding fathers. To resist tyrrany. To remove it.

The federal reserve (central bank) is that tyrrany ruining your nation. It's responsible for everything from hollywood degeneracy to 60% white.

The founding fathers were EXPLICIT in how you need to tear down central banks. Go read what they wrote about them.

Who's more american, the founding fathers or the current kike government?

To an extent. The USD is backed by the full faith and credit of the US, and arguably unquestionable according to the 14th amendment. But really what matters is the international faith in the USD. If we compromise that too much then we lose one of the most powerful tools we have.

It would pretty much require having a global crisis so big that nobody would care too much if we effectively defaulted or partially defaulted on the USD. That's why if WW3 comes around or a global pandemic or some other crisis of the dimension, then you'd better grab your ass with both hands and hope you made adequate preparations for a possible currency collapse.

you guys have to thank reagan (star wars), bush (iraq war), obama (stimulus) for all that. millenials enjoy! basically with a 500B surplus every year it would take you guys 40 years or so... not gonna happen, what you can do is make sure not to run massive deficits unless WWIII and slowly get it to 60% of GDP or so.

Hell no. The 'people' only vote for short-term benefits. Any politician that runs on eliminating gibs will never win. That's why prepping is the smart thing to do because eventually inflation will become so bad that the USA will turn into Somalia because niggers won't be able to afford their daily dose of fried foods and cancer drinks.


terrorism wont destroy the West... but spending billions on "defense" and war will bankrupt us

but its so obvious our leaders must be aware of that.......... right?

It exists for if an when the fabric of society breaks down, really.

It's not like during the American Revolution we got in a boat and tried to attack the King. Not really at all. We sent them a strongly worded letter telling them to kindly fuck off, and then when they shot at us we shot back until they kindly fucked off.

The banking revolution will be fought by more sophisticated means as usual unless it comes back down to societal collapse.

Yes. When we got bogged down in Iraq, that was a definitive sign to the world that we could be bled out economically just as we had bled out the USSR.

That's why it's important to reform military alliances in such a way that we don't bleed unless everybody bleeds.

I'm no expert, but wouldn't any problems in banking be easily survivable as a nation simply by having a good infrastructure, highly educated population and some natural resources? I don't really see how a developed country could be so dependant on banking, stock trading, etc. if you have a well developed country. What would happen if you just sort of pushed a "reset" button and erase all debt? Surely some people would be pissed off because they were owed money, but farms can still run their advanced machines, roads are still in place to transport goods, people in Silicon valley are still smart as fuck, people still have housing, etc. Wrong?

If americans truly listened to the founding fathers, it would have been used in 1913.

The founding fathers warned you all about central banks.
Alas, you are right. Society itself will collapse before americans figure out the central bank is to blame for what's going on.

Currency panic. Think about what happened to Argentina after a mere 3:1 currency devaluation. Read this from somebody who lived through it: the collapse

We pulled IIRC a 2:1 devaluation in 1933, and that was only internationally, and we got a Great Depression out of it.

What happens is the economy literally grinds to a halt and people starve, the lights go out, death and destruction. It's theoretically possible to ride it out easily given the infrastructure and other things like that, but without the mutual pact of trust in the value of the currency there's no way to keep everything organized.

Don't worry, a 103 year old Marxist Propagandist is on the case for us. He's totally gonna get us out from under the thumb of the usurious International Banks. This is totally NOT an obstructionist move. Things are moving along quickly!!!!

>wait till US currency becomes equivalent of weimar republic currency
>people upset at weak nation
New hitler?

>If americans truly listened to the founding fathers
I wish, mate. Those guys had it together. Sadly, it's pretty much only the people who care enough to undertake independent study who wind up listening to a fraction of it.

>audit the fed
>expose all the cooked shit the kikes are doing
>cancel the debt because fuck kikes

The book seems interesting, I might buy that. It's a concept that seems silly at first sight, that everything is dependant on faith in the currency, but of course money has no intrinsic value. The thing is, don't you think faith in the Dollar could be restored quickly, simply because of the existing infrastructure? Maybe go commie for a while to make sure people are still producing, and then when ready introduce a new currency? I remember when we switched from the guilder to the euro, everything got more expensive, but there was no death and destruction. Probably because people had faith in the general development of the eurozone, and therefore in any currency it chooses to use.


>"I was equally stunned to learn that he, in conjunction with
COMER, had launched a lawsuit against
the Bank of Canada in an all-out effort
to insist that the Bank serve Canadians in
the way it was intended to do when it was
charted, and as it subsequently did from
1939 to 1974, when it was seduced by the
Bank for International Settlements in Basel,
Switzerland and started playing mother
hen to private banks rather than serving its
shareholders. Even a setback in the courts
hasn’t weakened Bill’s resolve as the case goes
on to appeal. Bill has the tiger by the tail and
will never, ever give up!

If we did a real Wiemar style stimulus it could abate the situation substantially. It's a nasty emergency measure, but, hey, if we think we can keep the existing system going without a collapse, then it needs to be juiced and juiced very bigly, and we sure need infrastructure rebuilding anyway. Maybe a rad space program, too, since technological and intellectual capital is one of our most valuable natural resources vs. the rest of the world.

It would take a number of trillions of dollars for starters, though, and people of principle would turn obstructionist and wreck it in a heartbeat, and then it would most likely all get pork barreled and siphoned off anyway. It really does take something of a Hitler to make that sort of thing work in practice.


lol fuck no buy gold and silver, the jew buck is going away.

Such a thing is possible, but difficult to get right. Also the US has pretty much the entire world looking to take advantage of any weakness.

I don't mean this as an insult, but there aren't a lot of drooling wolves waiting patiently for when they can finally sink their teeth into your country.

No. That's why we have the rapidly increasing race for global hegemony. To see who gets establish themselves as the world government first and then enact global scale communism. To wipe out all world debt, currency, and our current way of life as we know it.

Because your country is run by a Jewish elite who expensive wage wars on savages for the benefit of Israel, whilst at home you spend an enormous amount of money on pleasing niggers and corporations. This is all while your pacified population cheers and waves Chinese made American flags.

yes it will.

The current young generation receiving less benefits (no social security) and paying higher taxes will be the forced solution to the problem in the long run due to inaction by bush/obama/trump etc. now

I'm sure someone must have thought of this, but couldn't we

Elect a leader on the mandate that they will - in the span of one day - inflate the money supply massivey. Then pay off the debt. Then contract the money supply at the end of the day.

It would be the debt version of high frequency trading.

I know it sounds stupid but it could work. Those holding the debt would'nt be left out in the cold - they'd have their money back. But then they would be told to fuck off. No more indebtedness. Go fucking live your life on a beach somewhere you parasite. And there'd be nothing they could do about it.

Just inflate - pay off - deflate. At HYPERSPEED.

why did bush increase the debt by so much? bush was really a shitty president. honestly, all your past presidents since nixon have been garbage

1. Kill off US shareholders
2. Charge 55% Death Tax

Boom, there's a third or more cut right there.

3. Wipe out China

Boom, there's another 7-10%

4 Wash, Rinse, Repeat
5 ???

bush tax cuts (massive cut for billionaires and he got rid of the inheritance tax) and the iraq war.

sad part is that after clinton, the US was actually on track to a balanced budget in 10-15 years. right about now.

Don't ask about the president but rather the folks running and owning the Federal Reserve. It's the New American Century, and money is no object.

Obama increased it more than any other president

You could combine pretty much 1 and 2.

About 80% of the US debt is held by the wealthies americans in the form of bonds. When they die instead of passing these bonds onto their children you taxed their inheritance at 100%, no more debt.

but repubs will never go along with an inheritance tax

Yes, paying off the debt is easy. Trump just needs to instruct the US Treasury to print $20 Trillion of United States Notes.

>United States Notes were issued directly by the US Treasury to pay for stuff.
>United States Notes were dollars that circulated along side Federal Reserve Notes.
>United States Notes exchanged 1-for-1 with Federal Reserve Notes by law.
>Federal Reserve Notes are issued by a private corporation: The Federal Reserve.
>The Federal Reserve lends Federal Reserve Notes to the Treasury/US Government.
>The Treasury/US Gov must pay back Federal Reserve Notes with interest to the private bankers/Fed.
>Borrowing Federal Reserve Notes creates enormous debts for the Treasury/US Government.
>Printing/spending United States Notes creates NO debt for the Treasury/US Government.
>The last president to try to print United States Notes was JFK. He was assassinated.
>Trump can have $1 Trillion of new spending on infrastructure with no debt!
>Yes, United States Notes are inflationary if you print too many.
>However, anything is better than being in perpetual debt to the private bank/Fed/hyenas.

>be the US
>take trillioins upon trillions in debt
>spends all money on the military
>invade middle east
>invade europe
>invade asia
>build mcdonaldturmpos everywhere

That's true. We're considered to be a friendly country by most of the world. However, we are one of the main players in the EU, and the EU as a whole (as well as NATO, which Holland is also deep in) has enemies. Also our image of being a tolerant country is eroding. Not just the image of it, but actual tolerance is eroding here. As soon as I have decent savings, I'm gonna invest a lot (maybe even half) of it in gold, and hope nobody finds a way to artificially create gold. I'll keep my eyes on developments on this though, because I honestly would't be surprised if this happens in my lifetime. I know gold is created in extreme environments inside stars, but humans are capable of doing things with technology that seemed impossible a few decades before they're achieved. I think small amounts of gold are already found on the inside of nuclear reactors.

That's an interesting idea (and there would be an effective inheritance tax, at least on imaginary assets, by dint of the inevitable inflation).

But what I would suggest to you is to ask the question: who should pay for the debt? Should the average person pay it off? Or should the bankers who created the debt pay it off?

We could perhaps round them up according to the law, seize their assets, and use that to pay the debt off instead. Or perhaps something less severe.

Stupid leaf. We have a Constitution.

Congress spends money in the U.S., not the executive branch.

>It's not mathematically possible. All of the dollars loaned into existence by the Federal Reserve are loaned at interest, meaning there aren't enough dollars in existence to repay both the principle and the interest.

Doesn't fractional reserve banking create new (((money)))? Wouldn't that new money in circulation go to pay off the intrest on the debt?

and become like star trek.

In 1987 (thanks to the S&L crisis) we got the "President's Working Group on Financial Markets" aka Plunge Protection Team, which evolved into a workaround where the president and his gaggle of banker buddies can rig the market on a whim in the interests of national security.

Also, under the War Powers Act, the president can arbitrarily nationalize any industry he wants for as long as we're still at war. Perhaps he might like to nationalize the Federal Reserve?

>Not adjusting for inflation
How can you be this retarded

>All of the dollars loaned into existence by the Federal Reserve are loaned at interest, meaning there aren't enough dollars in existence to repay both the principle and the interest.

No. Every man, woman, and child would have to pay ~60,000 dollars PLUS the interest.

>Wouldn't that new money in circulation go to pay off the intrest on the debt?

Yes, using new loans to pay the interest on old loans is the precise definition of a Ponzi Scheme. It will eventually run into trouble when the principal has been blown on stupid projects and banks don't want to lend to the people in trouble. It becomes increasingly unstable.

It's not meant to ever be paid off

I'm more annoyed that we've gone beyond what's sustainable

Adding the equivalence of around 5% of yearly tax income to the debt each year could have go on into perpetuity
Another internal or external factor would have to bring us down

We've far outpaced that though

That's going to be the reason we end up collapsing as a sole superpower

world total debt is estimated to be roughly 70 trillion




a googol(100^100) is a number scientists estimate to be the upper limit of possible atoms in the universe

I am not sure what the current rate of growth for world debt total is.

but I would really like it if some math person could estimate how long until we would run out of individual atoms in the known universe to use as currency.

>collapsing as a sole superpower

If that happens won't that send the entire world into a tailspin?

LOL awesome. They'll just use connections between neurons so they can monetize our thoughts

Hmmmm and you think spending 18 trillion a year on "free college" and "free healthcare" would make anything better? FUCK NO. It costs the tax payers 100 billion a year to take care of illegal immigrants. So 11 billion is a good investment.

When the homosexual child molester John Maynard Keynes was asked about this, his response was something to the effect of
>we'll all be dead by then

Money is fake anyway.

what the fuck is going on here? Why does nobody talk about this?

>If that happens won't that send the entire world into a tailspin?
Yes. That's why the collapse of the USD and some sort of global regime change are synonymous.

Every single dollar bill is on loan (yes they collect interest) from the federal reserve. It's literally impossible to pay off any debt.

You'd think so

I just wonder what would follow
We have such a strong military that in the case of a central government/monetary collapse, they'd swoop in and take control
But what does that mean exactly?
Who the hell knows

This is usually a normies first true redpill

Your reminder that the federal reserve is considered a private entity and not part of the government

well if you look at that chart you most probably will get even more into debt more than anything else but that makes sense since the gov doesn't issue the currency and has to borrow it from a private bank, the whole USA is a banker scam

The military doesn't really have the capacity to occupy the entire country by a long shot. That's why one of the critically important shifts of the past several years was to get the people, the military, the law enforcement, the emergency responders, and the various other groups into some rough alignment under the aegis of the Trump movement.

If things go sideways, stability would only be realized through a sufficiency of the populace being sufficiently on the same page. This is what makes the subversive divide and conquer social agitation so acutely dangerous. If destabilization wins the day then, well, a lot of people are going to die.

US is one of the few countries in the world which could be fully autark. From natural resources to human resources to technology, you basically have it all.

If foreign support for the US stops, you can go it alone.

It's almost too simple to be a conspiracy.

People have to reach a level of humility where they admit to themselves they were blind/gullible for most of their lives... that they fell for the Big Lie In Their Face as long as they did. It takes a certain moral strength to even think about it.

To paraphrase Twain, it's easier to deceive someone than to convince them they've already been deceived.

Jesus Christ that is the most depressing thing I've ever read.

There isn't an inheritance tax in the US, but there is still the "Estate" or "Death" Tax. So it wouldn't be 100%, but it would be 50-55% (IIRC).

They would just have to make a law that you can't hide Government Debt like you can a lot of other things to avoid paying the estate tax.